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BEDAH BUKU : Land Reform & Peasant Livelihoods. The Social Dynamics of Rural Poverty & Agrarian Reform in Developing Countries Sunito, Satyawan
SODALITY: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol 2, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : SODALITY: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (13.556 KB)


Abstraksi :Identitas Buku Krishna B. Ghimire, 2001. Land Reform & Peasant Livelihoods. The Social Dynamics of Rural Poverty & Agrarian Reform in Developing Countries.ITDG Publishing. London, UK. 1.      Pengantar Ghimire mempersembahkan buku ini kepada Gerrit Huizer, seorang sosiolog Belanda yang banyak menulis mengenai petani/peasant dan gerakan petani. Thesisnya tahun 1972 – The Revolutionary Potential of Peasants in Latin America - mengawali tulisan-tulisan mengenai perjuangan petani di bagian dunia lain. Tahun 1980 muncul bukunya Peasant Movements and their counter-forces in South-East Asia (Marwah Public. New Delhi), dan tahun 1991 mengenai Afrika, Folk Spirituality and Liberation in Southern Africa (Centre d’Etude d’Afrique Noire, Bordeaux). Gerrit Huizer termasuk sosiolog yang tidak pernah menyembunyikan solidaritasnya pada kaum tani yang berjuangannya merebut hak-hak mereka  sebagai warga negara penuh. Buku Ghimire merupakan kumpulan dari delapan artikel yang ditulis oleh tujuh penulis, termasuk dua artikel yang ditulis sendiri oleh Ghimire. Kedelapan artikel tersebut membahas land reform dari berbagai aspek. Diawali oleh pembahasan mengenai relevansi dari Land Reform pada penutup abat ke 20 (Ghimire, researcher pada UN Research Institute for Social Development di Geneva), artikel 2 membahas peranan negara dan aktor-aktor lain didalam land reform (Solon L. Barraclough, senior consultant UN Research Institute for Social Development), artikel 4 mengenai pengaruh globalisasi dan perkembangan sistem pertanian dan urbanisasi terhadap Land Reform (Peter Dorner, Prof. Emeritus dari Agricultureal Economics at the Land Tenure Center, Univ. Of Wisconsin-Medison),  artikel 5 membahas kecendrungan pergeseran pendekatan Land Reform dengan intervensi negara yang kuat ke arah pendekatan pasar/market-based land reform (M. Riad El-Ghonemy, senior Research Associate pada International Development Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, Univ. Of Oxford). Empat artikel lainnya membahas dinamika petani di dalam mendorong dan mensiasati perkembangan-perkembangan yang menyertai proses land reform. Artikel ke 3 membahas inisiatif petani untuk land reform di Amerika Tengah (Eduardo Baumeister, Research Associate pada Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Rural in San Jose dan pada Eentro de Estudios para la Participacion Deocratica y el Desarrollo di Managua). Artikel ke 6 mengenai peranan jejaring dan aliansi yang dibangun petani dengan kekuatan pendukung luar dalam rangka land reform (Krishna B. Ghimire). Artikel 7 merupakan kasus-kasus gerakan petani di berbagai negara sedang berkembang (Gerrit Huizer, pernah menjabat sebagai profesor pada Third World Centre di Catholic University of Nijmegen), dan artikel 8 mengenai peran organisasi petani dalam mengelola konflik agraria (Jose Noel D. Olano, Executive directoer of Philippine Development Assistance Programme dan bekas senior fofficial pada Department of Agrarian Reform di Philippina).   Penulis-penulis di dalam buku ini sama sefaham mengenai dua asumsi pokok, yaitu  (Ghimire, ibid.11): ...there is a need to revisit the discourse on land and tenure issues and re-examine the current land reform approaches and probable outcomes....all chapters achieve a clear consensus that for any effective and socially just land reform, the active participation of peasants and their representative organizations is vital in addition to a supportive atmosphere at national and international levels.   Pembahasan buku Ghimire akan dilakukan sesuai tema-tema yang dibahas: relevansi land reform sebagai strategi menanggulangi ketimpangan pemilikan tanah dan kemiskinan di pedesaan; peran pemerintah dalam memberi bentuk reformasi pertanian; pengaruh globalisasi dan teknologi pertanian terhadap inisiatif petani; market-based land reform; peran organisasi tani dalam memperjuangkan land reform dan respons petani terhadap perkembangan pasca redistribusi tanah
SEJARAH SOSIOLOGIS BUDAYA BERNAFKAH KOMUNITAS ADAT SUKU DUANO Amrifo, Viktor; Dharmawan, Arya H.; Sunito, Satyawan; Soetarto, Endriatmo
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 24, No 2 (2014): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v24i2.3122


The milestones of Duano Tribe’s livelihood culture can be grouping into 4 periodes. The periodization based on the adaptation of Duano Tribe community to  bio-physic environment change or livelihood place change that used observation, interview, and document study to collect the data.  The first is year before 1722 where they was a sea nomads in Malaka Strait. In this period, Duano Tribe developed their livelihood culture based on schooling fish hunting activity. The second is year since 1722 to 1932 where the  Duano’s livelihood place moved to caostal zone and small island of Malaka Strait. In this period,  They developed livelihood culture based on sea nomads and fishing  technology, but natural culture that used in livelihood activity changed to pelagic fish and small fish. The third is year since 1932 to 1960, where the livelihood culture of Duano Tribe was in transition phase. In this period, livelihood activity of Duano Tribe changed to fishing activity at estuarin ecosystem in Berhala Strait. And the last is year after 1960, where the livelihood culture of Duano Tribe based on “menongkah” activity. Interaction between Duano community and state effect on their livelihood culture change. The adaptation of Duano Tribe community to bio-physic environment that was being effected by state power or another external power can be called as semi-natural adaptation.Keywords: Duano Tribe, Livelihood culture, Semi-natural adaptation, Sea nomads, FishermenTonggak-tonggak sejarah bernafkah Suku Duano yang dilihat dari adaptasi mereka terhadap lingkungan biofisik dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 4 periode. Pengelompokkan ini diperoleh melalui serangkaian proses pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Periode pertama adalah masa sebelum tahun 1722 dengan budaya bernafkah sebagai pengembara laut yang berburu ikan-ikan ruaya, periode kedua diantara tahun 1722 sampai 1932 sebagai pengembara laut yang berburu ikan-ikan perairan dangkal, periode ketiga dari tahun 1932 sampai 1960 sebagai peralihan dari pengembara laut ke nelayan menetap yang memanfaatkan sumberdaya perikanan muara-pantai, dan periode keempat setelah tahun 1960 sebagai nelayan menetap yang menangkap/menungumpulkan sumberdaya perikanan muara-pantai atau aktivitas menongkah. Interaksi Suku Duano dan negara mempengaruhi perubahan budaya bernafkah budaya bernafkah mereka. Perubahan budaya bernafkah yang dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan negara atau kekuatan lain diluar komunitas dapat disebut semi-natural adaptasi.Kata Kunci: Suku Duano, Budaya Bernafkah, Adaptasi Semi-natural, pengembara laut, nelayan  
Desa Pesantren Dan reProDuksi kiai kamPung Syamsul, Hadi; Soetarto, Endriatmo; Sunito, Satyawan; Pandjaitan, Nurmala K.
Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 16, No 1 (2016): Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : IAIN Raden Intan Lampung

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Pesantren serves as an educational institution (Islamic) as well as social institutions are generally based in the rural. Even the pattern in rural Javanese life was also much influenced by the culture and values of the pesantren. Not only student from the local village, but the students from various regions are also many who come to study in the pesantren. After graduating from the pesantren they go home, and among them there is a role in their communities. They learn Islamic knowledge covering: the Qur’an and Tafseer, Hadith, theology, ethics, Islamic jurisprudence, gramer and morphology (nahwu- shorof). In a rural environment, he is moving the activities of  religious  education,  mental-spiritual  and  socio-civic. When pesantren has developed with its own correlated to the progress of the village. The village of pesantren are a model of rural development that progress is largely supported by his values and traditions of Islam. Santri of pesantren graduates who have returned to the village and have a strong will devote themselves to the interests of society become essential factor for the preservation of social development in the rural. So, in this context the strategic value of the role of the village kiai in community development in rural areas.
Traditional Institution for Forest Conservation within a Changing Community: Insight from the Case of Upland South Sumatra Martin, Edwin; Suharjito, Didik; Darusman, Dudung; Sunito, Satyawan; Winarno, Bondan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v8i2.5439


Referring to the studies on the success of community forestry, the proponents suggest reducing the influence of the state to the people who maintain traditional institutions in forest management. However, knowledge about the interaction of formal and informal institutions in the context of changing smallholder farmers is still not fully understood. Through a phenomenological approach assessing the differences of forest conserving institutions’ performance across villages in Semende, South Sumatra, we analyze the process of how traditional institutions can survive or collapse. The main finding shows that traditional institutions gained support and legitimacy from government’s formal institutions, to enforce the rules, are able to survive until now. The key factor determining the success or failure of traditional institutions is the structure of community’s authority; whether it is based on to inherited knowledge or not. We propose a new hypothesis for the concept of local institutions that successfully manage natural resources.
Identification of the Characteristics of Citizens in the Development of Village Tourism Irfipta, Irfipta; Sihaloho, Martua; Sunito, Satyawan
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol 1, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (479.202 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.1.4.551-562


Tourist village is a rural area which has the uniqueness and attraction as well as the potential that could be developed as a component of tourism. The success of the development of tourism requires cooperation with various parties in particular the villagers, so that it can foster an attitude of having and a sense of responsibility as perpetrators of the determinant of the development of tourism. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of the citizens involved in the development of tourist villages through employment opportunities and business. This research is quantitative research using survey method supported qualitative data. The results of this research indicate that some charactersitics citizens such as age, education level, and gender showed a fairly strong relationship with business and employment opportunities, while marital status indicates a weak relationship and no significant employment and business in tourist Kandri Villages.Keywords: Business and employment opportunities, Characteristics of the citizens, Tourism Village=================================================ABSTRAKDesa wisata merupakan sebuah kawasan pedesaan yang mempunyai keunikan dan ketertarikan serta potensi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai komponen kepariwisataan. Keberhasilan pengembangan pariwisata memerlukan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak khususnya warga desa, sehingga dapat menumbuhkan sikap memiliki dan rasa tanggung jawab sebagai pelaku penentu pembangunan kepariwisataan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik warga yang terlibat dalam pengembangan desa wisata melalui kesempatan kerja dan usaha. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei yang didukung data kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa karakeristik warga seperti usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan jenis kelamin menunjukkan hubungan yang cukup kuat dengan kesempatan kerja dan usaha, sedangkan pada status pernikahan menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah dan tidak signifikan dengan kesempatan kerja dan usaha di Desa Wisata Kandri.Kata kunci: Desa Wisata, Karakteristik Warga, Kesempatan Kerja dan Usaha
Traditional Institution for Forest Conservation within a Changing Community: Insight from the Case of Upland South Sumatra Martin, Edwin; Suharjito, Didik; Darusman, Dudung; Sunito, Satyawan; Winarno, Bondan
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 8, No 2 (2016): Komunitas, September 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v8i2.5439


Referring to the studies on the success of community forestry, the proponents suggest reducing the influence of the state to the people who maintain traditional institutions in forest management. However, knowledge about the interaction of formal and informal institutions in the context of changing smallholder farmers is still not fully understood. Through a phenomenological approach assessing the differences of forest conserving institutions’ performance across villages in Semende, South Sumatra, we analyze the process of how traditional institutions can survive or collapse. The main finding shows that traditional institutions gained support and legitimacy from government’s formal institutions, to enforce the rules, are able to survive until now. The key factor determining the success or failure of traditional institutions is the structure of community’s authority; whether it is based on to inherited knowledge or not. We propose a new hypothesis for the concept of local institutions that successfully manage natural resources.
SEJARAH SOSIOLOGIS BUDAYA BERNAFKAH KOMUNITAS ADAT SUKU DUANO Amrifo, Viktor; Dharmawan, Arya H.; Sunito, Satyawan; Soetarto, Endriatmo
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 24, No 2 (2014): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v24i2.3122


The milestones of Duano Tribe’s livelihood culture can be grouping into 4 periodes. The periodization based on the adaptation of Duano Tribe community to  bio-physic environment change or livelihood place change that used observation, interview, and document study to collect the data.  The first is year before 1722 where they was a sea nomads in Malaka Strait. In this period, Duano Tribe developed their livelihood culture based on schooling fish hunting activity. The second is year since 1722 to 1932 where the  Duano’s livelihood place moved to caostal zone and small island of Malaka Strait. In this period,  They developed livelihood culture based on sea nomads and fishing  technology, but natural culture that used in livelihood activity changed to pelagic fish and small fish. The third is year since 1932 to 1960, where the livelihood culture of Duano Tribe was in transition phase. In this period, livelihood activity of Duano Tribe changed to fishing activity at estuarin ecosystem in Berhala Strait. And the last is year after 1960, where the livelihood culture of Duano Tribe based on “menongkah” activity. Interaction between Duano community and state effect on their livelihood culture change. The adaptation of Duano Tribe community to bio-physic environment that was being effected by state power or another external power can be called as semi-natural adaptation.Keywords: Duano Tribe, Livelihood culture, Semi-natural adaptation, Sea nomads, FishermenTonggak-tonggak sejarah bernafkah Suku Duano yang dilihat dari adaptasi mereka terhadap lingkungan biofisik dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 4 periode. Pengelompokkan ini diperoleh melalui serangkaian proses pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Periode pertama adalah masa sebelum tahun 1722 dengan budaya bernafkah sebagai pengembara laut yang berburu ikan-ikan ruaya, periode kedua diantara tahun 1722 sampai 1932 sebagai pengembara laut yang berburu ikan-ikan perairan dangkal, periode ketiga dari tahun 1932 sampai 1960 sebagai peralihan dari pengembara laut ke nelayan menetap yang memanfaatkan sumberdaya perikanan muara-pantai, dan periode keempat setelah tahun 1960 sebagai nelayan menetap yang menangkap/menungumpulkan sumberdaya perikanan muara-pantai atau aktivitas menongkah. Interaksi Suku Duano dan negara mempengaruhi perubahan budaya bernafkah budaya bernafkah mereka. Perubahan budaya bernafkah yang dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan negara atau kekuatan lain diluar komunitas dapat disebut semi-natural adaptasi.Kata Kunci: Suku Duano, Budaya Bernafkah, Adaptasi Semi-natural, pengembara laut, nelayan  
STRATEGI NAFKAH PENDUDUK DESA SEKITAR HUTAN Hizbullah, Abdul Wafa; Sihaloho, Martua; Sunito, Satyawan
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.3.1.%p


Forests become a resource that has more meaning to the forest villagers living in the vicinity. Provision of livelihoods by forest areas becomes an option for the population to meet the needs of life and make a living strategy for their households. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the role of forests as a source of livelihood and livelihood strategies used by Sukawangi villagers. This research uses quantitative approach supported by qualitative data by taking 45 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of households that use the livelihoods of forest areas are the population with the characteristics of middle age, low education level, and land control. People who use livelihoods in forest areas are more dominant in livelihood strategies in livelihood engineering compared to livelihoods and migration strategies. Characteristics of households that use non-forest area livelihoods are those with middle-age characteristics, low education level, and no land ownership. People who use non-forest area livelihoods are more dominant in livelihood strategies in multiple livelihood strategies.Keywords: forest, livelihood strategy, villagersABSTRAKHutan menjadi sebuah sumber daya yang memiliki arti lebih pada penduduk desa hutan yang tinggal di sekitarnya. Penyediaan akan sumber nafkah oleh kawasan hutan menjadi pilihan bagi penduduk untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan melakukan strategi nafkah bagi rumahtangganya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis peran hutan sebagai sumber nafkah dan strategi nafkah yang digunakan oleh penduduk Desa Sukawangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif didukung dengan data kualitatif dengan mengambil 45 orang responden. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa karakteristik rumahtangga yang menggunakan sumber nafkah kawasan hutan adalah penduduk dengan karakteristik usia menengah, tingkat pendidikan rendah, dan menguasai lahan. Penduduk yang menggunakan sumber nafkah kawasan hutan lebih dominan melakukan strategi nafkah pada rekayasa sumber nafkah dibandingkan dengan strategi pola nafkah dan migrasi. Karakteristik rumahtangga yang menggunakan sumber nafkah kawasan non-hutan adalah penduduk dengan karakteristik usia menengah, tingkat pendidikan rendah, dan tidak menguasai lahan. Penduduk yang menggunakan sumber nafkah kawasan non-hutan lebih dominan melakukan strategi nafkah pada strategi pola nafkah ganda.Kata kunci: hutan, penduduk desa, strategi nafkah
Education Hybridization of Pesantren and its Challenges in Rural Industrialization Hadi, Syamsul; Soetarto, Endriatmo; Sunito, Satyawan; Pandjaitan, Nurmala K.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2016): PESANTREN EDUCATION
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpi.2016.52.261-285


This research aims to explain the existence, institutional environment and the sustainability of pesantren institutions in the village that experienced urbanization because of industrialization and the culture of modernity. The study used a constructivism paradigm for qualitative method. Data mining is done through in-depth interview techniques and field observations with the support of document studies. The results showed that, in responding to the instrumentation (the interests) of the state and the pragmatic market demands Pesantren Manbail Futuh pursuing a strategy of hybridization and the commodification of education. It is to adopt a policy of state education as well as to accommodate the community's preference based on the general education schools that is based in Pesantren. Hybridization of education is a diversification of education units (religious and general) in Pesantren. While commodification is intended as fundraising efforts to support the operational needs of the institution so that the implementation of formal education units shall meet national education standards (NES) in addition to meeting society's expectations (market). This strategy means a form of guarantee for the existence and sustainability of pesantren institutions in rural communities.
EKSPANSI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT DAN PERLUNYA PERBAIKAN KEBIJAKAN PENATAAN RUANG/ Palm Oil Expansion and Requirement Spatial Planning Policy Improvement Ishak, Andi; Kinseng, Rilus A.; Sunito, Satyawan; Damanhuri, Didin S
Perspektif Vol 16, No 1 (2017): Juni, 2017
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/psp.v16n1.2017.%p


ABSTRAK Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) merupakan komoditas penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia karena menjadi sumber pendapatan negara dan penyedia lapangan kerja yang cukup signifikan. Indonesia menjadi pengekspor minyak sawit terbesar dunia saat ini dengan luas perkebunan lebih dari 10 juta hektar dan melibatkan sekitar 16 juta tenaga kerja. Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit disebabkan oleh kesesuaian agroklimat, permintaan global, dan dukungan kebijakan pemerintah. Kelapa sawit berpotensi dikembangkan pada lahan seluas 51,4 juta hektar dan telah dibudidayakan pada 22 provinsi di Indonesia, terutama di Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Kelapa sawit mampu menghasilkan minyak nabati 4-23 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan tanaman penghasil minyak nabati lainnya serta dimanfaatkan secara luas untuk bahan baku industri pangan dan non pangan di seluruh dunia. Dukungan kebijakan pemerintah telah mendorong investasi swasta masuk dalam industri kelapa sawit dan melakukan ekspansi perkebunan secara besar-besaran dalam tiga dekade terakhir. Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit berdampak positif pada kondisi sosio-ekonomi masyarakat pedesaan. Pembangunan perkebunan swasta mendorong konversi lahan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat, perubahan pola nafkah petani, dan migrasi tenaga kerja ke daerah-daerah perkebunan sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan mempercepat pembangunan wilayah. Namun ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit yang tidak terkendali telah berdampak negatif karena menyebabkan konflik agraria, deforestasi, dan kebakaran hutan yang memicu kabut asap. Kebijakan pemerintah terkait moratorium sawit yang dilakukan secara simultan dengan penataan ruang menjadi relevan untuk mencegah semakin luasnya dampak negatif akibat ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit.Kata kunci: Kelapa sawit, dampak, moratorium, kebijakan spasial. ABSTRACTPalm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is an important commodity for the Indonesian economy as it becomes a significant source of state income and employment providers. Indonesia is the world's largest palm oil exporter today with a plantation area of more than 10 million hectares and involves about 16 million workers. The expansion of oil palm plantations is due to the suitability of agro-climate, global demand, and government policy support. Oil palm has the potential to be developed on an area of 51.4 million hectares and has been cultivated in 22 provinces in Indonesia, mainly on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Palm oil is able to produce vegetable oil 4-23 times more than other vegetable-producing crops and widely used for food and non-food industry raw materials worldwide. Government policy support has encouraged private investment into the palm oil industry and expanded large-scale plantations in the past three decades. The expansion of oil palm plantations has a positive impact on the socio-economic conditions of rural communities. The development of private plantations encourages land conversion to smallholder oil palm plantations, changes in farmers' livelihood patterns, and labor migration to plantation areas that increase community incomes and accelerate regional development. But the uncontrolled expansion of oil palm plantations has had a negative impact as it causes agrarian conflicts, deforestation, and forest fires that trigger haze. Government policies related to the palm oil moratorium simultaneously conducted with spatial arrangement become relevant to prevent the increasing extent of the negative impact due to the expansion of oil palm plantations.Keywords: Palm oil, impact, moratorium, spatial policy.