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185P -3466
Publisher : Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

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Penelitian pembakaran briket batubara untuk mempersingkat waktu penyalaan telah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan briket promotor bentuk bola yang mengandung oksigenat etil asetat sebanyak 15% berat briket yang berfungsi sebagai penyedia oksigen secara internal dalam material briket karena ketidakcukupan oksigen saat briket promotor mengalami devolatalisasi (fungsi kinetika kimia) dan sebagai penguat terjadinya perpindahan panas konveksi dari bara api pada briket promotor ke briket pemasakan yang diletakkan di sekitarnya karena menambahkan cekukan (dimples) pada permukaan briket promotor berbentuk bola (fungsi perpindahan panas).  Penelitian dilakukan dengan menempatkan briket promotor di lapis pertama (atas) di atas dua lapis briket pemasakan dalam kompor briket. Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti efek penambahan, loading dan bentuk briket promotor (bentuk bola, bola dengan dimples) terhadap waktu penyalaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan udara dengan kecepatan superfisial yang diukur pada kondisi dingin sebesar 1,1 m/s. Penelitian juga dilakukan dengan menempatkan briket promotor berbentuk bola dengan dimples di lapis kedua dengan loading 25% dari 3 lapis briket yang digunakan dengan lapis pertama, sisa lapis kedua dan lapis ketiga diisi briket pemasakan. Parameter kecepatan superfisial udara yang diukur pada kondisi dingin divariasikan pada harga-harga 0,6, 1,2 dan 1,8 m/s untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap waktu penyalaan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya briket promotor mempercepat waktu penyalaan briket pemasakan hingga 35 menit. Semakin besar loading briket promotor dalam kompor, waktu penyalaannya akan semakin cepat pula. Untuk loading 100%, 75%, 50% dan 25% waktu penyalaan masing-masing adalah 18, 22, 23 dan 25 menit. Dalam hal efek bentuk briket promotor, bentuk bola dengan dimples memiliki waktu penyalaan lebih cepat daripada bentuk bola dengan waktu penyalaan masing-masing 11 menit dan 18 menit. Jadi, waktu penyalaan semakin singkat dengan loading briket promotor semakin besar dan dengan menggunakan briket promotor berbentuk bola dengan cekukan daripada tanpa cekukan.  Hasil penelitian dengan menempatkan briket promotor berbentuk bola dengan dimples menunjukkan bahwa waktu penyalaan pada kompor dengan kecepatan superfisial udara 0,6 dan 1,2 m/s hampir sama sebesar 8 menit, sedang dengan kecepatan superfisial 1,8 m/s sebesar 13 menit. Variasi kecepatan superfisial memberi 2 efek yang berlawanan yang bekerja bersamaan terhadap perpindahan panas konveksi yaitu efek turbulensi dan efek quenching. Efek turbulensi mempercepat penyalaan, sedang efek quenching memperlambat penyalaan. Diperkirakan bahwa kecepatan superfisial 1,8 m/s memberi efek quenching lebih besar dibanding efek turbulensi sehingga waktu penyalaan lebih lama.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 11 No 2 Februari 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (653.771 KB) | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v11i2.805


Indonesia has potential sources for development of renewable fuels from agricultural wastes, one of which is corn cobs. Many researches have tried to convert corn cobs into a liquid fuel by pyrolysis, but the resulting bio-oil has a high oxygenate content, resulting in a low heating value. On the other hand, plastic waste has become a major problem for Indonesia, amounting to 5,4 million tons of waste per year. Around 16% of the total plastic waste is polypropylene, in which its high hydrogen/carbon ratio is an attractive hydrogen source for co-feeding with corn cobs in co-pyrolysis. Synergetic effect has been formed between the two, which has been proven to increase the yield and quality of the resulting bio-oil. Most co-pyrolysis process has been conducted with nitrogen as carrier gas. Its high price creates an economic barrier for commercial production of bio-fuel using co-pyrolysis method. It is proposed to substitute nitrogen with carbon dioxide. Beside of its low cost, carbon dioxide is known to have a heat-trapping effect, thus increasing the heat flux to particle feed during co-pyrolysis process. Three feed compositions during the process has been investigated to observe the effect of feed composition to the yield and quality of the non-polar (non-oxygenated) fraction of resulting bio-oil, which will be compared to commercial gasoline. Co-pyrolysis process was conducted in a stirred tank reactor with low heating rate of 5oC/min, maximum temperature of 500oC. Non-polar fraction of the resulting bio-oil has been characterized using GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy) and H-NMR (hydrogen-nuclear magnetic resonance). Bio-oil yield is lower compared to its counterpart when nitrogen is used as carrier gas, but H-NMR results shows that the non-polar fraction have a high branching index, low alkene and aromatic contents, which is potential to be used as a bio-fuel.
Pengaruh konfigurasi liquid jet flow kolom gelembung terhadap kemampuan absorpsi gas karbondioksida Setiadi, S; Supramono, Dijan; Istiqomah, Nur
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2010)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2010.9.2.1


Efforts to improve the performance of CO2 absorption using bubbling columns and liquid jet flow have consistently been developed. The advantage of the present column is the presence of gas entrainment by suction of nozzle and the gas dispersed throughout the bulk of liquid by the formation of bubble clouds. The selection of liquid jet flow configuration used parameters of nozzle position and liquid jet inclination. The configurations have been examined by hydrodynamic test by measuring the ratio of volumetric rate of gas to that of liquid exiting nozzle (QG/QL) and gas holdup. Absorption test to the best configuration used NaOH solution with flowrate of 5 litres/min at atmospheric pressure and CO2 gas feed of 96.6%. The results showed that the configurations of liquid jet flow gave significant effect on hydrodynamics and that the best configurations had gas hold-up in the range of 0.55-0.6 and QG/QL 1.3-1.8. Absorption tests showed that CO2 concentration can be reduced into 0.01%-0.07% in less than five minutes and the absorption should proceed with the chemical reaction up to 10 minutes with no indication of CO2 desorption. The bubbles were generated in the column predominantly in the diameter range of 0.00097-0.00184 mm.Keywords: Configurations of liquid jet, bubble column, gas entrainment, CO2 gas absorption AbstrakUpaya meningkatkan kinerja absorpsi gas CO2 yang memanfaatkan kolom gelembung dan liquid jet flow telah banyak dilakukan. Keunggulan kolom gelembung dalam riset ini adalah kolom menyebabkan gas entrainment (pengisapan gas) dan dispersi gas ke dalam cairan yang membentuk awan gelembung. Pemilihan konfigurasi liquid jet flow terbaik berdasarkan posisi nosel dan arah sudut tembakannya dan dengan mengukur rasio laju volumetrik aliran gas entrainment terhadap laju volumetrik aliran cairan (QG/QL) serta gas hold-up untuk setiap konfigurasi. Konfigurasi terbaik digunakan untuk menentukan kinerja kolom gelembung untuk mendapatkan kinerja kemampuan absorpsi yang setinggi-tingginya. Uji absorpsi dilakukan terhadap konfigurasi terbaik dengan menggunakan absorben larutan NaOH dengan laju alir 5 L/min pada tekanan atmosferik dan umpan gas CO2 dengan kadar 96,6%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konfigurasi memberikan pengaruh cukup signifikan dan bahwa konfigurasi terbaik memberikan gas hold-up kisaran 0,55-0,65 dan rasio QG/QL bernilai 1,3-1,8. Uji absorpsi menunjukkan berkurangnya kadar CO2 menjadi 0,01% hingga 0,07% setelah absorpsi kurang dari 5 menit dan tetap tidak berubah sampai 10 menit. Hal ini menandakan bahwa absorpsi terjadi secara kimiawi antara gas CO2 dan NaOH and tidak terjadi desorpsi walaupun kolom gelembung tetap resirkulasi. Populasi gelembung menunjukkan distribusi ukuran gelembung lebih dominan pada rentang diameter antara 0,00097-0,00184 mm.Kata Kunci: Konfigurasi liquid jet, kolom gelembung, gas entrainment, absorpsi gas CO2
The Use of a Jet Column with Different Nozzles as a Reactor for Biodiesel Reaction with Crude Palm Oil as Feedstock Dijan Supramono
Sriwijaya International Seminar on Energy-Environmental Science and Technology Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Sriwijaya International Seminar on Energy-Environmental Science and Technology

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Biodiesel may be produced by trans-esterification reaction of vegetable oil, which transforms triglycerides into alkyl esters as biodiesel and glycerol as a byproduct, in the presence of an alcohol reactant and a acid or base catalyst. The major obstacle of preventing biodiesel commercialisation is low mass transfer rates from methanol into oil phase to achieve high yield due to large difference in fluid viscosities, i.e. low viscosity methanol and high viscosity oil. Many techniques have been proposed to overcome this obstacle, most of which involve high mole ratio of methanol to triglycerides exceeding 6, but none of them utilised fluid mechanic techniques to fix up the obstacle. The present research adopts a finding in fluid mechanic field that notched and tabbed nozzles are capable of intensifying shear stress between 2 different flows, which consequently increases the contact areas of the flows considerably. For this purpose, in the present research, a jet column was utilised as a reactor where the mixture of reactants, i.e. crude palm oil (CPO) and methanol with catalyst NaOH were recirculated and injected downward vertically into the reactor column from a nozzle at the top of reactor. The type of nozzles and the mole ratio of methanol to CPO were varied (3.75:1; 4.5:1; 5.25:1 and 6:1) to investigate their effects on yield and conversion of the reaction conducted for 60 minutes at temperatures 53-58oC. Nozzles used were notched, tabbed and conventional circular nozzles for comparison. The highest conversion and yield of biodiesel were achieved at mole ratio 6:1 attaining respectively 87.2% and 96.8% using notched nozzle, 87.8% and 96.6% using tabbed nozzle and 71.2% and 75.1 % using circular nozzle for comparison. Therefore, using notched and tabbed nozzles can reduce the excess of methanol reactant thus saving its separation cost while producing high yield of biodiesel.
Overview of BTX (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene) Production from Polyethylene Pyrolysis over Ga and Zn Modified HZSM-5 Catalyst Yanewati, Shafira Hakim; Supramono, Dijan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2023: PROSIDING SNTKK 2023
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan"

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The increase in Indonesia's BTX chemical production was carried out to keep pace with global demand trends. The raw material for alternative production is household waste in Indonesia, of which 36% is plastic. Polyolefins make up 76% of the composition of household plastic waste. The rapidly developed BTX production process is the depolymerization of polyolefin plastics by pyrolysis and catalyst modification for catalysis. Polyolefin plastic in the form of polyethylene produces the highest aromatic yield and selectivity among other types of plastic in plastic waste. This study compared two scenarios with the highest yield of aromatics using different catalysts as base literature with an additional overview regarding the topic related. The process scenarios being compared are polyethylene pyrolysis over CaO with Ga/ZSM-5 catalyst and Zn-ZSM-5 catalyst. Literature overview obtained the overall BTX production progress over time and the potential of polyethylene catalytic pyrolysis for further study