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Journal : Jurnal INFOTEL

Development of higher education final judgment management information system using user-centered design method Didi Supriyadi; Khairun Nisa Meiah Ngafidin; Jerry Lasama; Rafian Ramadhani
JURNAL INFOTEL Vol 14 No 2 (2022): May 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20895/infotel.v14i2.776


Final Judgment is a process of consideration to declare a student has met the academic and administrative requirements to hold a scholarship academic degree from the college. The Final Judgment management process business in universities involves many processes and stakeholders. Based on the result of observations and interviews, it is known that Final Judgment Management at the Informatics Faculty of ITTP is currently done manually by filling out the registration form and takes a long time for its processing. This study aims to develop Information Systems using User-Centered Design (UCD) methods that can meet the users' needs in implementing and managing Final Judgment processes. The developed system was tested for usability using a questionnaire to users with the Nielsen Attribute Usability (NAU) method. The method consists of five criteria, they are Learnability, Memorability, Efficiency, Errors, and Satisfaction. Usability test results showed: Learnability rate of 3.60, Memorability of 3.35, Efficiency of 3.90, Errors of 3.12, and Satisfaction of 3.63. Therefore, the average usability level of the Final Judgment system is 3.52. The user agrees that the developed Final Judgment information system has met the expected functional needs and is considered more effective and efficient.
Indonesian news classification application with named entity recognition approach Nurchim Nurchim; Nurmalitasari Nurmalitasari; Zalizah Awang Long
JURNAL INFOTEL Vol 15 No 2 (2023): May 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20895/infotel.v15i2.909


Nowadays, many netizens search for news via search engines with countless amounts of information, so it is increasingly difficult to determine when the number of news articles that appear changes very quickly and dynamically. Thus, it is necessary to process the extraction of news information to display the core information of the news. Problems arise, especially in Indonesian, which has a structure of various noun phrase entities with shallow parsing or grammatical induction. Named Entity Recognition (NER) has the opportunity to overcome this because it can extract news entities in depth, starting from proper nouns in text documents containing information search, machine translation, answering questions, and automatic summarization. This study aims to apply NER in Indonesian language news classification. This study uses Design-Based Research whose process includes (1) pre-implementation, (2) design, (3) implementation and revision, and finally, (4) reflection and evaluation. This application was developed on the platform python, streamlit, BeautifulSoup, gnews, and spacy library. The results of application accuracy testing have an F1-score value of 89.69% for all entities consisting of place, figure, day, date, and organization.