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Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Kota Ternate Barmawi, Wahyudi; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 1: February 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Education is very effective to build nation and country with dynamic civilization. Government Regulation number 47 of2008 on compulsory education is intended to realize acceleration and even distribution of education to all directionwith central and local government commitment. This research discusses implementation of 9 year compulsory educationpolicy in Ternate and factors affecting the implementation. The research was intended (1) to identify implementationof 9 year compulsory education policy in improving educational quality in state primary school and state juniorhigh school in Ternate and (2) to identify factors affecting implementation of 9 year compulsory education policy inimproving educational quality in state primary school and state junior high school in Ternate. Theory used in thisresearch is policy implementation refereeing to Grindle and Edward III views. This research used descriptive qualitativeapproach. The results show that implementation of compulsory education program in Ternate has not been optimalyet. It is indicated with attitude of policy executor in education office of Ternate in responding problems occurring inschools. There are many non-permanent employees in some school, one building for two school and library in SMPN12 in Moti Island that was hit by abrasion have not been fixed. Conclusion of the research indicated that implementationof compulsory education program in Ternate has not been optimal yet. Factor affecting compulsory educationpolicy is disposition. The disposition factor determines 9 year compulsory education policy in Ternate.
Implementasi Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Kesehatan Di RSUD Kota Baubau Saputra, Dedi Rahmat; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The hospital has a strategic role in the effort to accelerate the improvement of  public health degree. The new para-digm of  health care requires hospitals provide quality services according to the needs and wishes of  the patient withreference to the code of  professional conduct and medical. Performance of health care organizations typically use aminimum standard criteria of  service in accordance with the Regulation of  the Minister of Health No. 741 / Menkes /Per / VII / 2008. These regulations outline covers; a) basic health services, b) health care referrals, c) epidemiologicalinvestigation and prevention of  outbreaks and d) health promotion and community development. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the implementation of  the minimum service standards in the field of  health referral at RSUDBaubau and to determine the factors that affect the minimum service standard reference in the field of  health at RSUDBaubau. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques in this research isinterview and documentation. Meanwhile, the techniques used to analyze the data in this study is a descriptive analysistechniques. This analysis includes data checking, data grouping, data checking, data analysis and conclusion. Theresults of  this experiment showed that the implementation of the minimum service standards in the field of  healthreferral at RSUD Baubau has been good. A slight lack of implementation of  the health sector MSS reference in RSUDBaubau is the amount of  human resources required. The factors that affect the implementation of  minimum servicestandard reference in the field of  health, namely RSUD Baubau; Communication, disposition and bureaucratic struc-ture. As for the factor of  resources because there is still a shortage of  only 80% to meet the needs of  humanresources at RSUD Baubau.
Evaluasi Program Penataan Kawasan Pesisir Kota Ternate (Studi Kasus Program Reklamasi Pantai Halmahera 2014) Hi Garuan, Ismar; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 1: February 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Reclamation is an activity held for the sake of increasing the benefits of land resources in terms of environment andsocial economic by the methods of reclamation and drainage. Coastal reclamation in Indonesia has been done sincethe year of 1979 and is continuously implemented until present time. The purpose of this research is to evaluate thecoastal reclamation program and to recognize the impact of reclamation program at Halmahera beach in Ternate. Theresearch methodology used is qualitative research, whilst the research itself is conducted in Halmahera beach in Soa-Sio village, Ternate city. Data gathering techniques used in this research are observation, interview, and documentation.The analysis of this research is done by describing the coastal reclamation program using qualitative descriptiveanalysis. The results of this research are, 1) in terms of context; regulations, the impact of reclamation needs to bereviewed, the coastal reclamation planning has been appropriate but the purpose of reclamation program is yet to beachieved and longer process is necessary in achieving the intended purpose. 2) In terms of input; human resources,facilities and infrastructure, and funding have been in accordance with the provisions. However improvement is necessaryfor a better result in the future. 3) In terms of Halmahera coastal reclamation process; an issue concerning landlicense by Legal Aid Institution (LBH) of Ternate occurs, and the application period on the year of 2013 was notutilized. Therefore, evaluation toward future reclamation program is necessary. 4) In terms of product; based on thefield observation, spatial planning in Ternate has been managed in a good manner. 5) The impacts of Halmaheracoastal reclamation program; impaired quality of seawater occurs due to ground work activities and public facilitiesconstruction during the construction process based on the indicator of Ministerial Decree LH No. 51 year 2004 aboutwater quality standard. The arousal of coastal aquatic biota disruption and coastal aquatic bio-diversity reduction,indicated by the abundance of planktons and benthos. Social jealousy due to the use of outside workers instead oflocal workers during the construction. The aesthetic improvement of the environment (safe, comfortable, beautiful)emerges for the implementation of ground care. The increase of local economic activities, signified by the economicactivities of the local area and the increase of merchants’ income. The increase of job opportunities due to theopening job field for land manager and mini market employees. From several impacts above, preventive measures andutilization of the reclamation program need to be done by government in order to increase job opportunity andsociety’s welfare.
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Daerah Terhadap Kinerja Pegawaidi Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Maluku Utara Hi. Laha, Samaun; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The regional administration is directed to accelerate the realization of public welfare through the improvement ofservice, empowerment, and community participation, as well as increased competitiveness of the region by observingthe principles of democracy, equality, justice, and the peculiarities of an area in the Unitary State of the Republic ofIndonesia. To the head area in demand to improve the quality and not merely rely on institutions and is supported byintellectual ability, sharpness of vision, and the ability of ethical and moral civilized. The issues raised in this study isAre there any significant effect of Transformational Leadership Regional Head Against Employee Performance in theRegional Secretariat of the Government of North Maluku province. This study aims to determine the significant influenceof regional leadership to employee performance in the Regional Secretariat of the Government of North Malukuprovince. In this study, the type of study is a survey research type. The method used is explanatory, as it explains thecausal relationship between the variables through hypothesis testing. This was done to demonstrate a wide range ofdata and theories that have been obtained to then be in the know the level of significance between the discussion ofissues were raised with the reality that has been found, the closer to the type of Quantitative Research. These resultsindicate that the Regional Head of Transformational Leadership, influence the variable (Y) Performance Officer at theSecretariat of the Regional Government of North Maluku province with the number of correlation of 0.25 in the lowcategory but has particularly certainty. This study uses the sample, based on the test of the hypothesis that thesample is proven to represent the population as a whole. In a matter of determination as well as the contribution ofvariable (X) of the variable (Y) is low at 6.25% above the value interpretation. From the test results, the reality in thefield, the hypothesis of this study is: “the influence of Transformational Leadership Regional Head on EmployeePerformance in the Regional Secretariat of the Government of North Maluku province.” Has been proven and testedempirically in the field can thus be said that the leadership Gebernur North Maluku, including the leadership styletrasformasional with low category.Recommendations from this study are: (1) In order to leadership which is run by thegovernor can be run with both the need for a courageous stand to think and act in accordance with the applicableprovisions, (2) be more active to transform attitudes in the form of policy making and policy should based on theability to mengaplikasinya, (3) To the employees to work in accordance with scientific qualification in order to improveperformance by improving the quality, quantity and integrity. In addition to realizing the public service is always openand not favoritism.
Optimalisasi Kinerja Lembaga Ombudsman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Dalam Penyadaran Hak Masyarakat Atas Pelayanan Publik Wicaksono, Arif; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 1: February 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The Ombudsman Institution is an independent institution which functions to supervise the public seissues. The existence of  this institution is considered important to increase the public service especservice performance by the government or local government and its existence is guaranteed by law.progress reaches the provincial level and the This research uses the qualitative research method. Tincluding the primary and secondary data. The primary data covers interview and observation datondary data covers literature data and documentation. The analysis unit of  this research is the Ombof  Yogyakarta Special Region with the interviewed research subjects such as the Head, InstitutioSocialization, Cooperation, and Networking Unit, and Socialization Executive Assistant. The findingshows that the establishment of  The Governor Regulation Number 69 Year 2014 about the OrganizProcedure of  the Ombudsman Institution of  Yogyakarta Special Region causes the incorporation of Regional Ombudsman Institution (LOD) and the Private Ombudsman Institution (LOS), to be a singlas the Ombudsman Institution of  Yogyakarta Special Region and it was started in 2015. The OmbudYogyakarta Special Region performance optimization has been seen in its achievements which are ithe applicable regulations. The optimization of  socialization  task on public right awareness toward pby the Ombudsman Institution of  Yogyakarta Special Region is considered good and optimum. It canprograms done in the socialization intensity, socialization quality, and socialization portion comparties. The factors influencing the Ombudsman Institution of  Yogyakarta Special Region performancecovering the executive human resources factor, facilities and infrastructure and public participation
Peran Partai Politik dalam Formulasi Kebijakan Publik: Studi Kasus PDIP Kabupaten Kulonprogo Periode 2010-2012 Istana, Istana; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The purpose of  this study was to describe the role of the  PDI-P in the formulation of  public policy in Kulon Progo2010-2012. This research method is qualitative research. Data collection techniques used were interviews and docu-mentation. Retrieval of  data from these sources is snowball, which is derived from selected informants that in theperspective of  researchers mengetahuiproses public policy formulation. Data analysis technique used is the tech-nique of  triangulation. The results of  this study of the PDI-P, Kulon Progo Regency has a strategic role for the welfareof  the people through various programs and building articulation of  community interests. Factors that affect the roleof  the PDI-P Kulon Progo is a factor in the formulation of a strong party leadership as well as the solidity of  the partyorganization. as the three pillars is a key player in the process of the emergence of public policy formulation. Each ofthese pillars has aspirations and authority, but in the unity of  responsibility.
Pola Relasi Eksekutif Dan Legislatif Pada Penyusunan Legislasi Daerah Wance, Marno; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 4, No 1: February 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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This study is shown to measure the impact of the rising of many South Buru district budget is problematic(mistimed), namely from the year 2010 to 2015 discussions always happen tug of interests that result in a delayof APBD. therefore be important to do a study on (1), the Executive and Legislative Relationship Patterns inSouth Buru budget discussion. (2) Factors relations executive and legislative In the discussion of the budget.based on the findings of this study concluded that the first, found three patterns of interaction (accommodation,domination, compromise), but between the three patterns of interaction of the budget policy discussion found anymore process dominate. Second, the interaction patterns decisional is a pattern of disagreement that took placein the formulation (KUA) and (PPAS) resulting keterlamabatan determination of the budget, the interactionpatterns of power that occurred bargaining (barganing) to exchange the interest of the legislature to theexecutive are not accommodated On (RKA) SKPD These three, namely the interaction patterns AnticipatedReaction South Buru District Government receives the benefit of parliament who form the recess recommendationto maintain the stability of the Year 2015.Keempat discussion of budget, non-decisional interaction pattern thatthe legislature refuses to KUA and PPAS discussion because of the executive did not submit documents PlansWork Budget (RKA) from each SKPD. While facto factors influencing ang Relationship Patterns executive andlegislative discussion of budget 2015 ie Personal Bachground, political Bachground
Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Pada Komunitas Adat: Studi Kasus Komunitas Orang Lom di Kabupaten Bangka Tahun 2012-2013 Ristian, Andre; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The purpose of  this study was to describe the quality of  public services in the Air Abik dan Pejam, Gunung Muda in2012-2013. While the service quality measurement instrument in this study using Zeithaml thinking that; direct evi-dence / keterwujudan (tangible), responsiveness (responsiveness), reliability (Reliability), assurance (assurance)and empathy (empathy). Accompanied programs, practices and factors of quality of health care in the hamlet Air Abikand closed. The method used is the method mix (mix method). The results of  the study indicate that the quality ofhealth services provided by Polindes and Pustu to Komunitas Adar Terpencil (KAT) People in Dusun Air Abik dan Pejam,Desa Gunung Muda and closed is good with 3:50 cumulative index value of a maximum value of  5. The dimensions ofempathy into the dimension with the highest value ie 4:10 and indicators assurance to a low of  2:30. tangible scored3.73, responsiveness got 3.78 and reliability with a value of  3.62. The service practices are in accordance SOP, andthe health care program is still equated with the program in the  district. Is a factor that affects the law of  customary/local knowledge, infrastructure, location and quality of the resource geogerafis aparatur. Conclusion of this researchis that the quality of  health services provided by Polindes and Pustu on KAT People Lom in Hamlet Air Abik and closedeither with the index value 3.50 of  the maximum value. The practice of health care provided was appropriate SOPexisting health services. The recommendation is that the government should pay more attention Bangka khsusunyahealth care quality improvement and  infrastructure  facilities.
Evaluasi Mutu Pelayanan Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi dengan Focused Quality (Kasus di Perguruan Tinggi "X" Surakarta) Suranto, Suranto
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 3, No. 1, Agustus 2004
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jiti.v3i1.3364


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja perguruan tinggi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dalam hal kualitas pelayanan. Metode yang  digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Fosuced Quality, yaitu metode untuk  mencari pengembangan kualitas mengacu pada proses kunci dan Critical Success  Faktor (CSF) pada Perguruan Tinggi "X" Surakarta. Dari penelitian yang   dilakukan, kinerja proses kunci pada prioritas utama adalah proses pendidikan     (5,6) dan prioritas terendah adalah kenyamanan ruang kuliah (2,62). Dampak    tertinggi adalah pengembangan fasilitas penunjang akademik (14,3) dan terendah   adalah kenyamanan ruang kuliah (11,1). Proses kunci yang mendapat prioritas   untuk diperbaiki berdasarkan nilai kesenjangan terbobot adalah  sistem  pendidikan   dengan skor 77,6 dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dengan skor 55,4   sedangkan kenyamanan ruang kuliah (29). Berdasarkan matrik prioritasi proses    dapat diketahui bahwa kinerja di Perguruan Tinggi "X" Surakarta belum  sesuai  keinginan konsumen. Hal ini dapat  diketahui dari nilai kinerja proses yang bobot  nilai berkisar antara 2,62 sampai 5,6 yang berarti masuk kategori penelitian   cukup. Proses perbaikan yang menjadi prioritas utama di Perguruan Tinggi "X"  Surakarta adalah prioritas 1sistem pendidikan, prioritas 2 pengembangan    sumber daya manusia,  dan prioritas  3 sistem penilaian   dosen.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian Karyawan dengan MS Access (Kasus di CV Samudra Surya Perkasa) Indriyanto, Indriyanto; Suranto, Suranto; Musrofi, Muhammad
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2003
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jiti.v2i2.3341


Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah  mengidentifikasi masalah diperusahaan tentang system penggajian karyawan yang paling efektif. Microsoft access merupakan salah satu program pengolah database yang cukup canggih, untuk yang digunakan untuk  mengolah beberapa jenis data dengan cara kerja pengoperasian yang  mudah. Dalam Microsoft access  tidak ada fasilitas kompilasi, karena itu tergolong pada kelompokinterpreter.  Program Microsoft access merupakan program yang bekerja windows. Dari  hasil perancangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitianini memberikan masukan yang sangat berarti bagi manajemen keuangan.