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SISTEM DRAINASE PADA JALAN PANTURA: PERMASALAHAN DAN ALTERNATIF SOLUSI Wardani, Sri Prabandiyani R.; ., Muhrozi; ., Suripin; ., Soebroto; Setiadji, Bagus Hario
Jurnal HPJI Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v2i2.2315.%p


Abstract Pantura Jawa Road is one of the most important national roads because this road connects major economic centers in Indonesia, namely Jakarta and Surabaya. An issue recently developed on Pantura Road is premature damage due to the drainage system malfunction. To reveal the drainage system problems at the Pantura Road, this paper described the condition of the existing pavement system and its drainage system, and a review of the design manual of drainage system which is used. The road deterioration on the Pantura Road is caused by the insufficient pavement bearing capacity to carry overloading traffic and to sustain the environment impact along the roads. Therefore, integrated transport infrasatruktur transport discourse for the Pantura Road needs to be realized. To support this discourse and the effort to enhance the Pantura Road, several alternative solutions related to the drainage system on the Pantura Road are proposed at the end of this article with the purpose of maintaining the pavement structure the road so that the road can reach its lifespan. Keywords: Pantura Jawa Road, road pavement systems, road drainage system, road deterioration  Abstrak Jalan Pantura Jawa merupakan salah satu jalan nasional terpenting karena jalan ini menghubungkan pusat perekonomian utama di Indonesia, yaitu Jakarta dan Surabaya. Suatu isu yang berkembang pada Jalan Pantura saat ini adalah kerusakan dini karena terganggunya sistem drainase jalan. Untuk mengungkap permasalahan pada sistem drainase Jalan Pantura, pada artikel ini dipaparkan kondisi sistem perkerasan Jalan Pantura eksisting berikut sistem drainasenya, dan tinjauan terhadap manual desain perencanaan sistem drainase yang telah digunakan. Kerusakan pada Jalan Pantura disebabkan daya dukung perkerasan dan lingkungan di sepanjang jalan tersebut kurang dapat mendukung beban lalulintas berlebih dan pengaruh lingkungan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, wacana untuk melakukan integrasi infrastruktur transportasi di Pantura Jawa diharapkan dapat segera direalisasikan. Untuk mendukung wacana ini dan mendukung upaya pembenahan Jalan Pantura, beberapa alternatif solusi yang terkait dengan sistem drainase pada Jalan Pantura diusulkan pada bagian akhir artikel ini dengan tujuan menjaga struktur perkerasan pada Jalan Pantura agar dapat mencapai akhir umur layanannya. Kata-kata kunci: Jalan Pantura Jawa, sistem perkerasan jalan, sistem drainase jalan, kerusakan jalan
Aplikasi Penginderaan Jauh dan EPA-SWMM untuk Simulasi Debit Banjir Akibat Perubahan Lahan Sub DAS Banjaran Ariwibowo, Mohammad Lutfi; Suripin, S; Atmojo, Pranoto Samto
TEKNIK Vol 38, No 2 (2017): (Desember 2017)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.303 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v38i2.13804


Tataguna  lahan  di  Sub  Daerah  Aliran  Sungai  (DAS)  Banjaran  telah mengalami perubahan yang cukup tinggi selama  kurun  waktu  1995  sampai  2001. Lahan sawah berkurang 1.759,28 hektar menjadi 1.603,97 hektar, tegalan berkurang  289,54 hektar menjadi 283,32 hektar dan permukiman bertambah 1.284,36  hektar menjadi 1.445,88 hektar. Alih fungsi lahan ini mengakibatkan banjir sering terjadi. Beberapa kali Sungai Banjaran meluap menyebabkan banjir di permukiman dan ruas jalan. Kajian pengaruh perubahan lahan terhadap debit banjir perlu dilakukan sehingga peningkatan debit banjir dapat dikendalikan.Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis debit banjir secara periodik sesuai dengan perubahan tata guna lahan yang terjadi berdasarkan data hidrologi dan parameter DAS. Perhitungan debit banjir dilakukan dengan kalibrasi Environmental Protection Agency – Storm Water Management Model( EPA-SWMM), yaitu metode Hidrograf Observasi (debit terukur) yang  dikalibrasi dengan metode Nash. Analisis perubahan lahan menggunakan peta tataguna lahan tahun 2005, Citra Satelit Quick Bird tahun 2010 dan 2014 yang berbasis Geography Information System (GIS). Penggunaan citra satelit resolusi tinggi Quick Bird  memenuhi ketepatan dalam menentukan daerah impervious dan pervious sertamorfometri DAS sebagai parameter utama dalam input EPA-SWMM. Model yang telah terkalibrasi digunakan untuk simulasi debit rencana  sampai periode ulang  50  tahun.Perubahan  lahan  selama tahun  2005-2014  permukiman meningkat sebesar 10,98 ha (2,39 %), luas hutan menurun 1,67 ha (0,07%), telah mengakibatkan kenaikan debit banjir Q2  sampai Q50  tahun. Besarnya debit dan kenaikannya berturut-turut sebagai berikut : Q2  tahun sebesar 3,08 m3/dtk (2,16 %), Q5 tahun sebesar 3,5 m3/dtk (1,87 %), Q10 tahun sebesar 3,72 m3/dtk (1,7 %), Q25 tahun sebesar 3,94 m3/dtk (1,60 %) dan Q50 tahun sebesar 4,13 m3/dtk (1,50 %).  Volume banjir terjadi peningkatan yakni: Q2 tahun sebesar 0,57 % (10. 106 ) liter, Q5 tahun sebesar 0,45 % (12.106 ) liter, Q10 tahun sebesar 0,42 % (13. 106) liter, Q25 tahun sebesar 0,33 % (12.106) liter dan Q50 tahun sebesar 0,35 % (14.106) liter. Usaha pengendalian banjir pada periode ulang 50 tahun (Q50) yang disimulasikan mampu menurunkan debit banjir antara lain : penegakkan hukum  sebesar 14,43 m3/dtk (5 %), embung sebesar 20,9 m3/dtk  (7,1 %) dan sumur resapan sebesar 31,18 m3/dtk (10,73 %). Skenario RTRW sebesar 26,3 m3/dtk (9,05 %), kombinasi sumur resapan dan penegakan hukum sebesar 45,92 m3/dtk (15,81 %) dan kombinasi embung dan penegakan hukum sebesar 40,58 m3/dtk (13,97 %). Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh pembuatan sumur resapan, kombinasi sumur resapan dan penegakan hukum, kombinasi embung dan penegakan hukum mampu menurunkan debit banjir sampai pada Q25
TEKNIK Volume 29, Nomor 3, Tahun 2008
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.278 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v29i3.1966


One of the big rivers flowing in center of Semarang city is Garang river with watershed area about 220km2 and having characteristic such as big flood discharge and flash flood. Where flash flood on January25th 1990, caused more than 45 people died and goods losses until 8.5 billion rupiahs. One of some modelsto pedict water level is used black box model. Artificial Neural Network one’s of the black bock model . Inthis research, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with back propagation method is used to predict waterlevel in Garang river where as input are rainfall in upstream of Garang river during two days, while asoutput is water level in downstream of Garang river for two hour later. Result of optimum predicting haveMSE 0.0037 and average of error 1.18 %.
Assessment of Lean Construction Principles: A Case Study at Semarang Medical Centre Hospital Project Roy Adi Wijaya, Matias; Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, Jati; Suripin, Suripin
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.984 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v21i2.11235


The lean construction frameworks have been developed for years to enhance the poor performance of Indonesian project delivery system which influenced by the waste of non-value adding activities. Never the less most of the developments were limited on working process and lack in people empowerment. Toyota Way which integrate working process optimization and people empowerment, was developed as a lean construction frame works. This paper aimed to assess the implementation of Toyota Way principles in project delivery system by observing project’s delivery current state (status quo). The assessment began by conducting a questionnaire survey about Toyota Way implementation which then validated by interview with involved stakeholders and field observation. The assessment showed that project’s stakeholders were still unfamiliar with Toyota Way concept. Although some Toyota Way guidelines have been used in projects completion process such as visual management and training program, it found that those guidelines had not fully implemented. The project delivery system was lack of process focus and concerns more on relationship inter-parties. It also found thatToyota Way implementation will constrained by the difficulties to change the status quo of project delivery. Moreover, it seems that construction projects need practical guidelines to simplify the Toyota Way implementation in project delivery system such as project flow evaluation and system of reflection.
Kajian Optimalisasi Sistem Irigasi Rawa (Studi Kasus Daerah Rawa Semangga Kabupaten Merauke Propinsi Papua) Pakpahan, Darwin; Suripin, Suripin; Sangkawati Sachro, Sri
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (745.652 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v20i2.9257


Population growth is increasing, but it is not accompanied by an increase in food needs impartial. Indonesian swamp land potential of about 33.4 million ha, consisting of tidal swamp 20.1 million ha and 13.3 million ha of lowland swamp. The Government has made the development of swamps into agricultural land, including the Semangga swamp area (4,000 ha) The cropping pattern of rice (100%) - crops (40%) – “bero”. The problem faced are; the length is 7-month of dry season and low agricultural production, are therefore likely to swamp irrigation system optimalization. The method used to carry out water balance analysis and performance assessment of irrigation system include; the physical condition of irrigation, the application of the system of planting and water delivery techniques to the use of land for a year, then performed according to the potential land development plan and water resources available. Results of water balance analysis on Semangga Swamp Area existing condition indicate that water deficit occurred during the second growing season crops (May-July) and in December. So do the appropriate development plan defined cropping pattern III, namely rice (100%) - crops (60%) - crops (45%) with the addition of a total area of 1,000 ha through the use Kumbe River and Maro River and other water reservoirs to overcome deficits in the availability of water in the dry season that is equal to 2.5m³/s (April to August and October to December), while 6.5m³/s in September, 72.40% irrigation system performance with good category.
Contribution of Groundwater Abstraction to Landsubsidence at the North Coast of Semarang Suripin, Suripin
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1139.776 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v13i2.3906


Banyak kota-kota di Indonesia terletak di kawasan pantai atau dataran banjir yang terbentuk dari endapan alluvialr. Ketika kota berkembang permasalahan penurunan muka tanah muncul akibat penambamhan beban bangunan yang meningkat yang diperparah oleh pengambilan air tanah yang berlebihan. Tulisan ini membahas dampak pengambilan air tanah yang berlebihan dan  peningkatan beban bangunan terhadap penurunan muka tanah di Kota Semarang. Berdasarkan kecenderungan pengambilan air tanah dan penambahan beban bangunan, potensi penurunan muka tanah ke depan dapat diprediksikan. Hasil prediksi menunjukkan laju penurunan yang cukup akurat dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran. Penurunan muka air tanah mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan penambahan beban pemabangunan terhadap penurunana muka tanah.Kata kunci:  groundwater abstraction, overburden load, land subsidencePermalink:[How to cite: Suripin, 2005, Contribution of Groundwater Abstraction to Landsubsidence at the North Coast of Semarang, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Volume 13, Nomor 2, pp. 27-36]
Pengaruh Land Subsidence terhadap Genangan Banjir dan Rob di Semarang Timur Pujiastuti, ratih; Suripin, Suripin; Syafrudin, Syafrudin
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3892.319 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v21i1.11225


Inundation of flood and rob (flood due to high tides) in Semarang City is increase wtithin area and depth. It be more seroius condition because of land subsisdence that happened in coastal area of Semarang City. This research is foccused on prediction and mapping of inundation flood and rob due to land subsidence effect in East Semarang, especially Tenggang Watershed and Sringin Watershed. On this research, data analysis including analysis of land subsidence, analysis of hydrological data, analysis of flood discharge with HEC-HMS, hydraulics analysis with HEC-RAS and then mapping the results of the flood inundation with Arc GIS. The inundation will be create with overlay the DEM of flood water level and DEM of topographic. According to the results of analysis is known that minimum land subsidence is 0 cm/year that happened in south area of Semarang and more higher ini north area with maximum land subsidence is 5.58 cm/year. On periode   2014-2031, the contribute of land subsidence to increase the inundation of flood and rob is 1.39%/year.
Penatagunaan Kawasan Sekitar Waduk dalam Upaya Menjaga Kelestariannya (Model DAM) Nugroho, Hari; Suripin, Suripin
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.254 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v19i2.8420


Kedungombo reservoir has provided a substantial contribution in improving the welfare of society, so that its existence should be preserved. As time goes there are some issues Kedungombo. The problems are concerning with the condition of reservoirs, dams and problems in the surrounding area. To preserve the reservoirs, conservation efforts by reviewing the management of the reservoir area. The study results showed that there was no master plan to utilize the management of Kedungombo catchment. For this reason, it is proposed the development of Kedungombo area is directed to recover the potential and cultivitation areas, to empower community and to strengthen the protected and cultivitation areas in order to concerved Reservoir. Kedungombo area is directed as a center of tourism services, housing, aquaculture and local protected areas. Reservoir area is specified to 500 meters from the boundary of the highest reservoir water level, so hopefully all the activities in this area follows specified to the regulations. It is recommended to develop an institution to manage Kedungombo Area. The institution should be able to implementation the principle of management i.e. transparency, open to various parties; can be accounted for; clarity the limits of authority, territory under the following management roles and responsibilities and apply the principles and legal norms in the management of the Area Kedungombo. The model is expected to be implemented and become a model for Reservoir Management in Indonesia.
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2946.067 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v15i2.6280


The increasing demand for water supply has incresed groundwater pumping. On the other hand, the fast growing development has altered the pervious land surface of recharge area to impervious surface that reduces natural recharge. The groundwater is therefore inbalance the discharge greater than the recharge. As conssequence there is groundwater defisit, and the groundwater piezometric pressure goes down. The further impact of the lowering ground water is landsubsidence. The awareness towards the use of artificial recharge to augment ground water supplies have to be activated. Artificial recharge by using recharge wells is one of the possible measures to replenish an aquifer. The technology of recharge wells is generally well understood by both the technicians and the general population, and no special tools are needed to dig drainage wells. This research is aimed to determine and formulate the capacity of the recharge wells, both shallow and deep wells, by setting up a psysical model. The result indicated that depression curve of water table and/or piezometric pressure was logaritmic function both for shallow and deep wells. The capacity of the depends on the head, permeability, the aquifer thickness, and type of well. The capacity of the wall recharge well is higher than the last. The obtained formula gives the higher capacity value than that of dupuit. It may happen due to the deviation of the soil permeability between the measured and the actual in the test preparation
Perbandingan Hasil Pemodelan Aliran Satu Dimensi Unsteady Flow dan Steady Flow pada Banjir Kota Tigor Oktaga, Andreas; Suripin, Suripin; Darsono, Suseno
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (560.049 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v21i1.11229


One dimensional flow is often used as a flood simulation for the planning capacity of the river. Flood is a type of unsteady non-uniform flow, that can be simulated using HEC-RAS. HEC-RAS software is often used for flood modeling with a one-dimensional flow method. Unsteady flow modeling results in HEC-RAS sometimes refer to error and warning due to unstable analysis program. The stability program among others influenced bend in the river flow, the steep slope of the river bottom, and changes in cross-section shape. Because the flood handling required maximum discharge and maximum flood water level, then a steady flow is often used as an alternative to simulate the flood flow. This study aimed to determine the advantages and disadvantages of modeling unsteady non-uniform and steady non-uniform flow. The research location in the Kanal Banjir Barat, in the Semarang City. Hydraulics modeling uses HEC-RAS 4.1 and for discharge the plan is obtained from the HEC-HMS 3.5. Results of the comparison modeling hydraulics the modeling of steady non-uniform flow has a tendency water level is higher and modeling of unsteady non-uniform flow takes longer to analyze. Results of the comparison the average flood water level maximun is less than 15%  (± 0,3 meters), that is 0.27 meters (13.16%) for Q50, 0.25 meters (11.56%) for Q100, dan 0.16 meters (4.73%) for Q200. So the modeling steady non-uniform flow can still be used as a companion version the modeling unsteady non-uniform flow.
Co-Authors ., Muhrozi ., Soebroto Adi Saputra Adika Cakranagara agung fitra siregar Agus Eko Kurniawan, Agus Eko Agus Priyanto Agus Priyanto Ahmad Fauzi Rosandi Ahsan Habib Aji Perdana Wira Utama Alvin Aditya Amir Hadziq Fahmi Andhika Rhama Mahardika Andrean Rahady Juanizar Andreas Tigor Oktaga, Andreas Andrey Suryanto Andung Yunianta Ari Yudha Baskoro Arief Budihardjo, M Arif Kurniawan Ariwibowo, Mohammad Lutfi Ashri Febrina Rahmasari Aulia Wahyu Rahmawati Bagus Hario Setiadji Benson Limbong bramantyo herawanto Bramantyo Herawanto Brian Ridhlo Adila Darwin Pakpahan, Darwin Denny Nugroho Sugianto Desyta Ulfiana Dwi Kurniani Dwi Kurniani Dwi Kurniani Dwi Kurniani Dwi Purwantoro Sasongko Dwi Yuliasari Dwitama Aji Putriana Dyah Ari Wulandari Dyah Ari Wulandari Evi Rahmawati Fadilah . Fadilah . Fahmi Anggriawan Yulianto Fredy suryanto Hari Budieny Hari Budieny Hari Nugroho Hari Nugroho Harjanti, Widyayuni Nur Hartuti Purnaweni Hartyan, Dionysius Edna Hary Budieny Hary Budieny Henny Herawati heru budhi krisnanto Hidayat Pawitan Ignatius Sriyana Ignatius Sriyana intan fauziah ramadhini Iwan K. Hadihardaja Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko Joko Windarto Kartini Kartini Khoirul Murod Kikis Dinar Yuliesti Kinathi Fitria Krisma Adijaya Lisa Adatika Luckman Ismail M. Januar J.P. Maknun, Dillon Asmara Martin Martunas Agung P.S. Matias Roy Adi Wijaya, Matias Muchammad Chusni Irfany Muhammad Firqotul Ulum Muhammad Helmi Muhrozi . Nastain Nur Yuwono Nur Yuwono Osfaldo, O Pradnya Paramita Soka Pudyawati Pranoto Samto Atmodjo Prasetyo Hari Wibowo Priyo Nugroho priyo Nugroho P. Priyo Nugroho Parmantoro Propezite Nurhutama Mustain Purwanto Purwanto Rahadianti Kusuma Dewi Ratih Pujiastuti Ricky Zefri Riekea Astika Putri Gultom Rudi Yuniarto Adi Sahat Hamanangan Sinaga Salamun Salamun Salamun Salamun Salamun Salamun Satriyo Pandu Wicaksono Slamet Hargono Soebroto . Sri Eko Wahyuni Sri Prabandiyani R. Wardani Sri Prabandiyani R. Wardani, Sri Prabandiyani R. Sri Sangkawati Sachro Sri Sangkawati Sachro, Sri Sriyana Sriyana Sudarno Sudarno Sudarno Sudarnoutaomo Sudarnoutaomo Suharyanto Suharyanto Suharyanto Suharyanto SUHARYANTO SUHARYANTO Sukma Adji Nugrahedi Sumbogo Pranoto Suprapto Suprapto Suprapto Suprapto surya adi kusuma Suseno Darsono Suseno Darsono Suseno Darsono Sutarto Edhisono Sutrisno Gultom Syafrudin Syafrudin TATI NURHAYATI Taufik Dani Thomas Resa Putra Trias Wigyarianto Vita Ariesta Fitriana Widyayuni Nur Harjanti Wisnu Prianto