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Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1156.188 KB)


The planning of the drinking water network system to maximize the utilization of available water resources. It necessary to planned in Argomulyo Sub-District is with the population projections, the number of public facilities that are available, and water demand from 2011 to 2021. After water demand are known then can be designed water piping network system by adjusting the state service area and topography analysis with EPANET 2.0 Simulation. EPANET 2.0.
Faktor Penyebab Intrusi Air Laut Terhadap Air Tanah Pada Akuifer Dalam Di Kota Semarang Edy Suhartono; Purwanto Purwanto; Suripin Suripin
Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 2 (2013): WAHANA Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/wahanats.v18i2.980


Semarang is a beach city that is potential for sea water intrusion process happened. Correlation to the sustainable development programs in our country especially environment-conservations aspect, it is important to be known, and need to be monitored and controlled.Contamination in land water is a serious probleme, becouse it makes water quality decrease. Sea water intrusion is one of contaminant resources to the land water that cause hight concentration of salt. It is identified by concentration level of chloride (Cl) that come from sea water by mass transportation process of chloride (Cl) to the land water, and so the volume of land water that is fullfill in quality standard limited. Focus of the research is identifying distributions of factor that cause sea water intrusions happened to the land water in inner aquifer in Semarang area. Method of research, by determining of monitoring wells of ESDM service as sample points, continued to measuring concentrations of chloride (Cl) continuously and identifies factor causes the intrusions. To describe the distributions is used the ArcGIS application programs, and to know correlations of chloride’s concentrations to time changes is used correlations statistics test. The result of research showed that sea water intrusions which are identified the chloride (Cl) concentrations and exceeded the quality standard (PERMENKES No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010), in 1992 only one of them, that is monitory wells on STM Perkapalan, north of Semarang. And in 2013, the intrusions happened in 6 (six) areas, those are monitory wells on STM Perkapalan, PRPP, Pelabuhan Tanjung Mas, Simpang Lima, PT Panca Jaya and LIK Kaligawe located in areas of : Kecamatan west of Semarang, nort of Semarang, middle of Semarang and Gayamsari. Factors which cause sea water intrusions are : the increase of populations effects the water reserve decreases to be about 125,7 .106 m3, Land water head changes that caused by descending (sinking) of land , changings of land water surface level from sea level make the distributions of intrusion go to short -east direction, and there is correlation between Chloride’s concentrations level changes to the times changes by the constant of correlations about R = 0,704 to R = 0,997.
Pengaruh Peresapan Air Hujan Menggunakan Lubang Resapan Biopori (LRB) Ashri Febrina Rahmasari; Suripin Suripin; Sudarno Sudarno
Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil Vol 20, No 1 (2015): WAHANA Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/wahanats.v20i1.139


The increasing of quantity and quality of community needs recipitation change the late of land use from green land which function is as water filtration and to make organic compost in LRB as water conservation and handling waste as well. This study is done by making LRB application. Filtration application is taken continues in every 60 minutes and periodic by used by used bucket and organic natural decomposition. Compost used was taken from kitchen waste, leaf litter and mixed of both of them. The density of compost varied from 0,5 kg, 2 kg, and 3 kg per hole. The observation was done in 14 weeks. Infiltration of LRB increased from the first week to nineth week and then decreased until the end of observation (fourteenth week) due to the soil pore had been recharged of water. Maximum infiltrationof LRB with 3 kg of kitchen waste then filtration of LRB with 2 kg og starfruits leaf litter and LRB with 0,5 kg of mixed waste. Infiltration rate for the first maximum were 274,79 l/h, 250,18 l/h, and 239,4 l/h. The effect of LRB was calculated based in the LRB capacity of one LRB can contained of 0,2 ;/d household waste during 20 days with 10 weeks cycle.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2015): Oktober 2015
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.938 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jil.13.2.93-102


Sungai Bengawan Solo adalah sumber air yang penting bagi masyarakat di pulau Jawa. Meningkatnya aktifitas di sepanjang badan sungai terutama di Kota Surakarta dan Kabupaten Karanganyar, berdampak pada menurunnya kualitas air sungai Bengawan Solo. Untuk mewujudkan upaya pengelolaan sungai dan pengendalian pencemaran, maka perlu dilakukan kajian daya tampung beban cemar dan penilaian resiko lingkungan sehingga dapat diketahui berapa besar beban cemar yang harus diturunkan dan penentuan strategi yang tepat. Metode penentuan beban cemar yang digunakan yaitu model Qual2Kw. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa status mutu air sungai menunjukan nilai 1 < IP ≤ 5 sehingga, status sungai Bengawan Solo di segmen kota Surakarta dan Kabupaten karanganyar  adalah tercemar ringan. Daya tampung beban cemar sungai Bengawan Solo untuk baku mutu peruntukan kelas II, telah terlampaui pada semua titik sampling.Dengan demikian, pada setiap segmen perlu diturunkan beban cemar BOD nya. Pada segmen 1 perlu diturunkan BOD sebesar 15.559,69 Kg/hari. Pada segmen 2 sebesar 16.186,48 Kg/hari. Pada segmen 3 sebesar 24.075,23 Kg/hari. Dan pada segmen 4 perlu sebesar 81.871,91 Kg/hari. Sementara untuk parameter COD, pada segmen 2 masih mempunyai daya tampung beban cemar sebesar 486,56 Kg/hari, sementara pada segmen 1,3 dan 4 telah melampaui daya tampung beban cemar baku mutu kelas II. Pada segmen 1, perlu diturunkan sebesar 30,207,81 Kg/hr. Pada segmen 3, diturunkan sebesar 8.305,21 Kg/hari. Pada segmen 4, diturunkan sebesar 31.338,07 Kg/hr.
Strategi Pengembangan Pengelolaan Rantai Pasok Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Plastik Kikis Dinar Yuliesti; Suripin Suripin; Sudarno Sudarno
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 18, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.18.1.126-132


Pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga masih menjadi salah satu masalah serius yang terjadi di kota besar. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk setiap tahunnya akan mempengaruhi volume, jenis dan karakteristik sampah yang dihasilkan setiap harinya. Dari hasil penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Semarang Tengah pada Tahun 2017 menunjukkan bahwa sampah yang dihasilkan mencapai hampir 0,98 kg  per orang setiap harinya. Adapun sampah yang dihasilkan terdiri dari  77,5 % sampah organik, 13,5 % sampah plastik, 5,5 % sampah kardus dan kertas, 2,2 %  logam / kaleng dan sisanya adalah kaca dan lainnya. Dari komposisi tersebut, sampah plastik merupakan sampah non organik yang memiliki prosentase tertinggi.  Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku dalam rantai pasok pengelolaan sampah plastik. Dari subjek penelitian juga didapatkan faktor internal dan eksternal yang akan digunakan untuk menganalisis  kekuatan (strengths), kelemahan (weaknesses), peluang (opportunities), dan ancaman (threats) dalam meningkatkan dan menjaga keberlanjutan pengelolaan sampah plastik di Kecamatan Semarang Tengah.  Suatu sistem penyediaan bahan baku, proses produksi hingga proses pemasaran sampai ke tangan konsumen, dibutuhkan dukungan teknologi baik berupa aplikasi sederhana yang memberikan informasi tentang ketersediaan jenis dan jumlah bahan baku yang terupdate, sehingga dapat mempersingkat waktu produksi. Selain itu juga perlu dukungan sistem informasi untuk membantu pemasaran produk daur ulang, sehingga jangkauan pengguna / konsumen akan lebih banyak dan lebih luas. Keberadaan teknologi informasi memegang peranan penting sebagai media untuk mempercepat terpenuhinya supply dan demand serta menjamin keberlangsungan dan keberlanjutan usaha.STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN PLASTIC WASTE PROCESSING  ABSTRACT Household waste management is still one of the serious problems that occur in big cities. The increase of population each year will affect the volume, type and characteristics of waste produced every day. From the results of field research conducted in the District of Central Semarang in 2017 showed that the waste generated reached almost 0.98 kg per person every day. The waste generated consists of 77.5% organic waste, 13.5% plastic waste, 5.5% cardboard and paper waste, 2.2% metal / can and the rest is glass and others. From the results showed that plastic waste is non-organic waste which has the highest percentage. The subjects in this study were actors in the supply chain of plastic waste management.  The research subjects also obtained internal and external factors that will be used to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in improving and maintaining the sustainability of plastic waste management in Central Semarang District. A system of supplying raw materials, the production process to the marketing process up to the hands of consumers, technology support is needed in the form of a simple application that provides information about the availability of types and quantities of updated raw materials, so as to shorten the production time. It also needs the support of information systems to help marketing recycled products, so that the coverage area of users / consumers will be more and wider. The existence of information technology plays an important role as a medium to accelerate the fulfillment of supply and demand and to ensure the sustainability of the business.
Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil Vol 11 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (857.181 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/jpensil.v11i2.25177


The Epanet model in clean water pipelines is intended for time efficiency in calculating hydraulic behaviour. Calibration of the water pipe network is to compare the simulation results of the model to actual field observations and to see that the model that has been made is truly valid and reliable as a tool to determine the hydraulic behaviour of the network system when a change input into the system is given (e.g. the addition of pipelines and number of customer tapping debits). The pipe roughness coefficient (C) is a number that indicates the amount of energy loss due to friction between the flowing fluid and the pipe wall. The increasing age of the pipe will cause the pipe wall roughness to increase, and the energy loss will be even more significant. This research aims to calibrate the pipe network model by adjusting the C value of the actual pipe roughness coefficient according to the installed age. An initial simulation model was carried out by entering the standard pipe C value in the Hazen Williams energy loss equation in the Epanet link/pipe properties. Then a simulation is carried out by modifying the value of C according to the pipe's service life. For 600 mm steel pipe, change the C value from 150 to 87 (pipe age >30 years), HDPE 315 mm pipe changes in C value from 140 to 100 (pipe age >10 years) and 25-50 mm PVC pipe from 140 to 100 (pipe age >10 years). From the simulation results of the Epanet model-field observations, the average compressive height was obtained for five observation nodes.of 2 tails was performed paired sample test the pressure height value of the model-observation. Before modifying the value of C, the paired mean difference test results showed a significant difference between the simulation results of the model on field observations with a model significance value of 0.004, which means <0.005. There is a considerable difference between the simulations and observations, and the model is considered invalid. However, after modifying the value of C according to the actual age of the pipe, a paired sample test T average value of the compression model-observation was 0.098 > 0.005), which means that there is no significant difference between the simulation and observation. This means that the model made is quite valid. Product moment correlation between the model simulation height - field observations, the value of R = 0.967, the relationship is robust between the two results.
Kajian Ulang Desain Hidrologis Cofferdam Hulu Bendungan Karian terhadap Perubahan Cuaca di DAS Ciberang Vita Ariesta Fitriana; Suripin; Ignatius Sriyana
Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/siklus.v7i1.4981


Proyek Pembangunan Bendungan Karian merupakan salah satu proyek strategis nasional yang dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2015, memiliki tiga fungsi utama yaitu penyediaan air Rumah Tangga, Kota dan Industri (RKI) untuk Provinsi Banten dan DKI Jakarta, suplesi Daerah Irigasi Ciujung dan pengendalian banjir. Daerah Aliran Sungai Ciberang Kabupaten Lebak sebagai lokasi pembangunan Bendungan Karian mengalami bencana banjir bandang pada Januari 2020, akibat dari pengaruh cuaca ekstrim sebagai salah satu penyebabnya (Yahya, 2020). Hal ini mengakibatkan terputusnya jembatan konstruksi pada outlet terowongan pengelak. Pelaksanaan pembangunan Bendungan Karian direncanakan selesai pada tahun 2019 namun masih berlangsung hingga kini, mengacu kepada kajian ulang dokumen desain pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji ulang desain hidrologis bangunan pengelak/cofferdam hulu Bendungan Karian berdasar data hujan terbaru pada DAS Ciberang. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak HEC-HMS yang memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan penelusuran banjir pada suatu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Hasil analisis terjadi peningkatan curah hujan rencana pada DAS Ciberang untuk kala ulang 25 tahun dari 180 mm/hari menjadi 210 mm/hari, dan debit banjir rencana dari 664 m3/detik menjadi 793.2 m3/detik, berturut-turut berdasar data periode 1982-2015 dan periode 1982-2019. Semua perubahan data tersebut masih sesuai dengan banjir desain yang digunakan pada desain cofferdam hulu Bendungan Karian Tahun 2015 Sehingga secara aspek hidrologis cofferdam hulu sebagai bagian pengaman pekerjaan konstruksi timbunan bendungan utama pada Bendungan Karian masih memenuhi kriteria desain awal atau aman walau telah terjadi perbedaan 5 tahun data hujan pada DAS Ciberang.
Kalibrasi Model Epanet Dengan Uji Paired Sample Test pada Tinggi Tekan Model dan Tinggi Tekan Aktual Benson Limbong; Suripin; Sudarno
Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/siklus.v8i1.8684


Local state drinking water company, Tirta Moedal, which its service area includes Mijen district, need to anticipate growing number of customers along with rapid growing population in the area for the last 5 years. One of the technical preparation is creation of Epanet model of pipe distribution network. Epanet model usage in water pipe network is addressed for time efficiency in hydraulics calculation if there are pipe network development. Calibration in water pipe model is comparing model simulation result to actual observation value of water pressure, by Paired Sample Test. Rising pipe life causing rising roughness and increasing headloss. The goal of this research is to calibrate the Epanet simulation model to actual condition by using modified roughness C value, conform to pipe age. Calibration results show average model simulation pressure is 20.92 m and average actual pressure is 18.94 m. Paired sample T test 2 tailed were conducted to both average pressure , resulting there is no real difference between simulation model to observation actual value, indicated by significant value is 0,124 > 0,05, the model is valid.
Makalah Widyayuni Nur Harjanti; Suseno Darsono; Suripin Suripin
Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik Vol 19 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Teknik - Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26874/jt.vol19no01.139


Waduk Raknamo merupakan salah satu waduk yang terletak di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Waduk dengan kapasitas tampungan air sebesar 14,09 juta m3 diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air masyarakat Desa Raknamo. Namun dalam pengelolaan waduk sering ditemukan masalah, salah satunya yaitu masalah sedimentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi sedimen pada Waduk Raknamo. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan Metode Pengurangan Luas (Area Reduction Method). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan usia guna waduk 50 tahun, dari total jumlah sedimen yang mengendap, kapasitas tampungan mati waduk yang berada pada elevasi +94 m terisi sedimen sebesar 55,21% dari total yang disediakan. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Waduk Raknamo setelah operasional 50 tahun relatif tidak terganggu oleh sedimentasi dan tetap dapat operasional melebihi usia waduk yang direncanakan.
The Suitability of Artificial Neural Network Application to Predict Sekayam River Discharge in West Kalimantan, Indonesia Henny Herawati; Suripin Suripin; Suharyanto Suharyanto; Trias Wigyarianto; Kartini Kartini
Lowland Technology International Vol 22 No 2 (2020): Lowland Technology International Journal
Publisher : International Association of Lowland Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.0001/ialt_lti.v22i2, Septemb.773


Data availability of on a river discharge is the key to waterworks planning. Unfortunately, not all rivers have long and complete historical data records to support the planning. Therefore, a hydrological model capable of predicting long-term river discharge is needed. There are many hydrologic models that have been developed, ranging from the simplest ones by using empirical black-box model, to complex ones with physical white-box model. This study used ANN application due to its data requirement that is applicable to be met in study area, Sekayam River, a part of Kapuas Subwatershed, namely Kembayan Watershed. Although the available data is relatively minimal, which is only rainfall and evaporation data, the ANN application can predict river discharge that is close to the measurement in the field, with a mean square error (MSE) of 0.25. The results show that ANN application was able to predict river discharge reasonably with climate and rainfall data as the input. Deviation may occur due the broad scope of the research area, Kembayan Watershed, a Kapuas Subwatershed which amounted to 2,290 km2.
Co-Authors ., Muhrozi ., Soebroto Adi Saputra Adika Cakranagara agung fitra siregar Agus Eko Kurniawan, Agus Eko Agus Priyanto Agus Priyanto Ahmad Fauzi Rosandi Ahsan Habib Aji Perdana Wira Utama Alvin Aditya Amir Hadziq Fahmi Andhika Rhama Mahardika Andrean Rahady Juanizar Andreas Tigor Oktaga, Andreas Andrey Suryanto Andung Yunianta Arif Kurniawan Ariwibowo, Mohammad Lutfi Ashri Febrina Rahmasari Aulia Wahyu Rahmawati Bagus Hario Setiadji Benson Limbong bramantyo herawanto Bramantyo Herawanto Brian Ridhlo Adila Darwin Pakpahan, Darwin Denny Nugroho Sugianto Desyta Ulfiana Dwi Kurniani Dwi Kurniani Dwi Kurniani Dwi Kurniani Dwi Purwantoro Sasongko Dwi Yuliasari Dwitama Aji Putriana Dyah Ari Wulandari Dyah Ari Wulandari Evi Rahmawati Fadilah . Fadilah . Fahmi Anggriawan Yulianto Fredy suryanto Hari Budieny Hari Budieny Hari Nugroho Hari Nugroho Harjanti, Widyayuni Nur Hartuti Purnaweni Hary Budieny Hary Budieny Henny Herawati heru budhi krisnanto Hidayat Pawitan Ignatius Sriyana Ignatius Sriyana intan fauziah ramadhini Iwan K. Hadihardaja Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko Joko Windarto Kartini Kartini Khoirul Murod Kikis Dinar Yuliesti Kinathi Fitria Krisma Adijaya Lisa Adatika Luckman Ismail M. Januar J.P. Martin Martunas Agung P.S. Matias Roy Adi Wijaya, Matias Muchammad Chusni Irfany Muhammad Firqotul Ulum Muhammad Helmi Muhrozi . Nastain Nur Yuwono Nur Yuwono Pradnya Paramita Soka Pudyawati Pranoto Samto Atmodjo Prasetyo Hari Wibowo Priyo Nugroho priyo Nugroho P. Priyo Nugroho Parmantoro Propezite Nurhutama Mustain Purwanto Purwanto Rahadianti Kusuma Dewi ratih Pujiastuti, ratih Ricky Zefri Riekea Astika Putri Gultom Rudi Yuniarto Adi Sahat Hamanangan Sinaga Salamun Salamun Salamun Salamun Salamun Salamun Satriyo Pandu Wicaksono Slamet Hargono Soebroto . Sri Eko Wahyuni Sri Prabandiyani R. Wardani Sri Prabandiyani R. Wardani, Sri Prabandiyani R. Sri Sangkawati Sachro Sri Sangkawati Sachro, Sri Sriyana Sriyana Sudarno Sudarno Sudarno Sudarnoutaomo Sudarnoutaomo Suharyanto Suharyanto SUHARYANTO SUHARYANTO Suharyanto Suharyanto Sukma Adji Nugrahedi Sumbogo Pranoto Suprapto Suprapto surya adi kusuma Suseno Darsono Suseno Darsono Suseno Darsono Sutarto Edhisono Sutrisno Gultom Syafrudin Syafrudin TATI NURHAYATI Taufik Dani Thomas Resa Putra Trias Wigyarianto Vita Ariesta Fitriana Widyayuni Nur Harjanti Wisnu Prianto