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The Concept of Paul's Katallage and Hilasmos: Internalization Through Group Counseling for Millennials Hasiholan, Anggi Maringan; Setyobekti, Andreas Budi; Trisna, Robert Paul
Bisma The Journal of Counseling Vol 5, No 3 (2021): Bisma The Journal of Counseling
Publisher : Department of Guidance and Counseling, FIP, Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/bisma.v5i3.42431


The Atonement wrought by Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith that must be held and believed to gain one's salvation. Paul calls this concept with two words Katallage and Hilasmos which means restoring the relationship between God and sinful man to live again to the design that God has ordained. However, this concept rarely gets attention because Christians focus more on Justification. In addition, the atonement made by Jesus is also tricky for the millennial generation to accept in this postmodern era because of the relativism and pluralism spirit contained in it. That is why it is necessary to build the concept of atonement that Jesus did and implement it to the youth. The research method used is a qualitative case study, namely the implementation to the youth of the Ministry of Refreshment, Bekasi. The results showed that the atonement made by Jesus brought a mandate to the younger generation of the Refresh Ministry to glorify God and spread this atonement to others who have not reconciled. This value inculcation carries out a discipleship model that balances teaching and encounter.
Studi Evaluasi Terhadap Program Renewal Life di Jemaat GBI El Shaddai, Pontianak Naomi Yemima Manalu; Johni Hardori; Robert Paul Trisna
Publisher : STT Pelita Dunia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47304/jl.v7i2.153


Abstract: After believing in Jesus, Christians are required to live in spiritual maturity. This identity encourages each person to experience life changes in all fields. To achieve that goal, God gave the church a task to be able to creatively make programs that can achieve the goals of the congregation's maturity. Starting from cell groups, family altars, to Renewal Life. This study aims to describe the concept of fostering the spiritual faith of the GBI El Shaddai Pontianak congregation through the Renewal Life program, so that the congregation experiences an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ personally and experiences spiritual maturity. The impact and all the shortcomings of the Renewal Life program of the GBI El Shaddai congregation are important to study in order to gain spiritual growth and maturity of the congregation. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method is part of the subject under study. The results of the study show that the congregation after participating in the Renewal Life program has a different mindset, perspective both towards themselves and towards others, so that they are easy to grow in spiritual maturity. Furthermore, the congregation has its own awareness to want to be involved, take part in church services without being pushed, forced by spiritual leaders to serve. Abstrak: Setelah percaya kepada Yesus, orang Kristen dituntut untuk hidup dalam kedewasaan rohani. Identitas ini mendorong setiap pribadi mengalami perubahan hidup dalam segala bidang. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu, Tuhan memberikan tugas kepada gereja agar dapat secara kreatif membuat program-program yang dapat mencapai tujuan kedewasaan jemaat. Mulai dari kelompok sel, mezbah keluarga, sampai Renewal Life. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep pembinaan iman rohani jemaat GBI El Shaddai Pontianak lewat program Renewal Life, sehingga jemaat mengalami perjumpaan dengan Tuhan Yesus Kristus secara pribadi dan mengalami kedewasaan rohani. Dampak dan segala kekurangan dari program Renewal Life jemaat GBI El Shaddai penting untuk dikaji untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan dan kedewasaan rohani jemaat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif adalah bagian dari subjek yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jemaat yang setelah mengikuti program Renewal Life memiliki pola pikir, cara pandang yang berbeda baik terhadap dirinya sendiri maupun terhadap orang lain, sehingga mudah mengalami pertumbuhan dalam kedewasaan rohani. Selanjutnya, jemaat memiliki kesadaran tersendiri untuk mau terlibat, ambil bagian dalam pelayanan di gereja tanpa harus didorong, dipaksa oleh pemimpin rohani untuk melayani.
The Concept of Paul's Katallage and Hilasmos: Internalization Through Group Counseling for Millennials Anggi Maringan Hasiholan; Andreas Budi Setyobekti; Robert Paul Trisna
Bisma The Journal of Counseling Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): Bisma The Journal of Counseling
Publisher : Department of Guidance and Counseling, FIP, Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/bisma.v5i3.42431


The Atonement wrought by Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith that must be held and believed to gain one's salvation. Paul calls this concept with two words Katallage and Hilasmos which means restoring the relationship between God and sinful man to live again to the design that God has ordained. However, this concept rarely gets attention because Christians focus more on Justification. In addition, the atonement made by Jesus is also tricky for the millennial generation to accept in this postmodern era because of the relativism and pluralism spirit contained in it. That is why it is necessary to build the concept of atonement that Jesus did and implement it to the youth. The research method used is a qualitative case study, namely the implementation to the youth of the Ministry of Refreshment, Bekasi. The results showed that the atonement made by Jesus brought a mandate to the younger generation of the Refresh Ministry to glorify God and spread this atonement to others who have not reconciled. This value inculcation carries out a discipleship model that balances teaching and encounter.
Karakteristik Gembala Wanita Bagi Pertumbuhan Gereja Secara Kualitas Di GBI Gloria Tikalong Kecamatan Mempawah Hulu Kabupaten Landak Robert Paul Trisna; Pustikawaty Djunaidi; Yusak Setianto
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v2i2.72


Peran wanita dalam kehidupan bergereja selalu menjadi diskusi yang mengundang pemahaman baru. Dimulai dari diperbolehkan atau tidaknya seorang wanita memimpin hingga dampak apa yang diberikan wanita dalam kehidupan berorganisasi gereja dan pertumbuhan keimanan jemaat. Namun untuk mencapai kepada tujuan tersebut, perlu adanya kapasitas dan kriteria yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakteristik gembala wanita bagi pertumbuhan gereja secara kualitas di Gereja Bethel Indonesia Gloria Tikalong Mempawah Hulu, Kabupaten Landak Kalimantan Barat. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk mengungkapkan data lapangan secara deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik gembala bagi pertumbuhan gereja secara kualitas sebagai berikut: Kepemimpinan yang efektif, visi pemimpin, menjadi teladan dalam perkataan dan perbuatan, melayani dan bukan dilayani. Naluri seorang ibu, kuasa doa dan rela berkorban. Sedangkan dampak yang dihasilkan dari karakteristik gembala wanita adalah jemaat mengalami pertumbuhan secara kualitas dan pertumbuhan secara kuantitas.