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Journal : Kultivasi

Peningkatan produktivitas tanaman kedelai kultivar Anjasmoro asal benih terdeteriorasi dengan kompos Trichoderma dan bokashi Sumadi Sumadi; Denny Sobardini Sobarna; Pujawati Suryatmana; Meddy Rachmadi; Erni Suminar
Kultivasi Vol 17, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.751 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/kultivasi.v17i3.18699


Sari. Trichoderma spp merupakan golongan fungi yang bersifat antipatogen, khususnya layu kecambah, sedangkan bokashi merupakan kompos yang diperkaya dengan beberapa mikroba yang bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan tanaman.Tulisan ini merupakan rangkuman penelitian pot menggunakan kompos Trichoderma spp sebagai pelapis benih terdeteriorasi disertai bokashi kotoran hewan yang dilakukan pada tanah lahan kering dan tanah sawah pada tahun 2014 dan 2017. Percobaan pertama membandingkan efektivitas beberapa agen hayati sebagai pelapis benih pengaruhnya terhadap vigor benih dan hasil tanaman. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan penggunaan kompos Trichoderma hasilnya lebih baik dibandingkan agen hayati lainnya. Hasil percobaan selanjutnya menunjukkan  bahwa pelapisan benih dengan 1 sampai 3 g  kompos Trichoderma spp per 100 butir benih pengaruhnya tidak nyata dibandingkan dengan penggunaan pelapis benih berupa pestisida, baik terhadap vigor  maupun hasil biji per tanaman. Pemberian bokashi sebaliknya secara nyata mampu meningkatkan hasil biji per tanaman . Pemberian bokashi 15 t ha-1menghasilkan biji seberat 19.83 g per tanaman  atau setara dengan 2,379 t ha-1 atau 27,3 % lebih tinggi dari kontrol.Kata kunci : Benih terdeteriorasi, pelapisan benih, Trichoderma, Bokashi Abstract. Trichoderma spp is a group of antipatogenic fungi, especially seedling wilted, while bokashi is a compost enriched with some microbes that are beneficial to plant growth. This paper is a compilation of pot experiment using Trichoderma compost for coating deteriorated seed and accompanied by bokashi on dry land soil and paddy soil in 2014 and 2017 respectively. The first experiment compares the effectiveness of several biological agents as a seed coating of its effect on seed vigor and yield. The results of first experiment showed that the use of 2 g Trichoderma compost 100 seeds-1 was better than other biological agents. However between 1.2 and 3 g of Trichoderma compost per 100 seeds was not significant effect on seed vigor and yield. The results of experiment showed that the coating of seeds with 1 – 3 g of Trichoderma spp compost 100 compared with pesticide seed coatings. Increased of yield only affected bokashi application. Application of bokashi 15 t ha-1 abble to produce 19.83 g seed per plant or equivalent to 2.379 t ha-1 or 27.3% higher than the control.Key words: deteriorated seeds, seed coating, Trichoderma, bokashi
Phosphate availability, P-uptake, phosphatase, and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) affected by kaolin based P-solubilizer and P fertilizer in Inceptisols Betty Natalie Fitriatin; Muhammad Nafariz Budiman; Pujawati Suryatmana; Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin; Dedi Ruswandi
Kultivasi Vol 22, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kultivasi
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/kultivasi.v22i1.42847


Inceptisols have problem in phosphate availability. Soil P content is very low available to plants because it is bound by soil colloids. One of the efforts to increase the P nutrient in the soil in a sustainable way by using P-Solubilizers that can dissolve phosphate in the soil so that it is available for plants. The purpose of experiment was to determine the effect of the combination dose of kaolin based P-Solubilizer and P fertilizer for improving P availability, P uptake, phosphatase, and maize yield on Inceptisols. The kaolin-based P-Solubilizer was used a consortium of phosphate solubilizing microbes (PSM) consisting of Bacillus subtilis, Burkholderia cepacea, Pseudomonas mallei, and Trichoderma asperellum. This experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the Laboratory of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, from July to December 2021. The experiment used a randomized block design (RDB) method with nine treatments and three replications, with details of 0 P-Solubilizer + 0 P-fertilizer; 100% P-fertilizer; 100% P-solubilizer; and combination 50%, 75 %, 100%, and 150% P-solubilizer with 50%, 75%, and 100% P-fertilizer. P-solubilizer 100% recommended dose 50 kg ha-1 and P-fertilizer recommended dose 100 kg ha-1. The results showed that the dose of 100% P-Solubilizer (50 kg ha-1) + 75% P (75 kg ha-1) showed the best results in increased P-availability (346,93%), P-uptake (312,5%), Phosphate activity (33,5%), and maize yields (48,09%) compared to without application of P-solubilizer and P-fertilizer. This consortium isolate could be developed as a P-Solubilizer with the ability to increase the efficiency of P up to 25%.
Effect of NPK and Bacillus-coated NPK fertilizer on biomass, nutrient content in soil and nutrient uptake by lettuce Reginawanti Hindersah; Mieke Rochimi Setiawati; Pujawati Suryatmana; Betty Natalie Fitriatin; Fasa Aditya; Gita Bina Nugraha; Rara Rahmatika Risanti; Priyanka Asmiran
Kultivasi Vol 22, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kultivasi
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/kultivasi.v22i1.43608


The Inoculation of beneficial soil microbes is an effective method for lowering doses of inorganic fertilizers. This study was aimed to observe and compare the effect of doses and formulas of Bacillus-coated NPK (BCN) and conventional NPK fertilizers on biomass, major macro-nutrient in soil and their uptake by shoots of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.); as well as evaluate the potency of BCN for decreasing doses of NPK fertilizers. The greenhouse experiment was set up in a randomized block design with seven treatments and five replications. The treatments included one and a half doses of recommended NPK fertilizer and two BCN fertilizer formulas; control treatment was without any fertilizer. This experiment showed that NPK fertilizer had comparable effect with BCN on growth traits; but application of NPK and coated NPK had a potency to increase the fresh weight of lettuce up to 24-45% which was in line with the increase of shoot-to-roots ratio. The potassium (K) content in soil and their uptake in lettuce shoots depend on doses and type of NPK but Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) content in soil and in shoot were not determined by treatments. The results showed that the recommended NPK dose (200 kg/ha) for lettuce can be reduced up to 50%; moreover, 50% of BCN enabled to maintain the N, P and K uptake as well as the lettuce yield.
Co-Authors . WISJNUPRAPTO Agung Karuniawan Aliya Zahrah Adawiah Alyani Shabrina Amalia Chusnul Anas Ramdhani ANNE NURAINI Anne Nurbaity Anne Nurbaity Anni Yuniarti Apong Sandrawati Aten Komarya Bagus Adityo Betty N. Fitriatin Betty Natalie Fitriatin Betty Natalie Fitriatin Betty Natalie Fitriatin Camilla Salsabilla Christine Angel Dedeh H. Arief Dedi Ruswandi Denny Sobardini Sobarna Denny Sobardini Sobarna Diyah Sri Utami Diyan Herdiyantoro Diyan Herdiyantoro Diyan Herdiyantoro DIYAN HERDIYANTORO EDWAN KARDENA Eka Safitri Emma Trinurani Sofyan Enny Ratnaningsih Erni Erni Erni Suminar Evi Entang Fatimah Evi Entang Fatimah Fadhilla Oktavianingtyas Trisilvi Fajri Syahid Nurhakim Fasa Aditya Febby Nur Indriani Fera Siti Meilani Fiky Yulianto Wicaksono Gita Bina Nugraha Gordon Pius Marihot Harry Rum Haryadi Ibnu Rizki Perdana Ikrar Nusantara Putra Ikrar Nusantara Putra Indra Herliana Iva Fitriani Jihan Fitria Meilani Khumairah, Fiqriah Hanum Leoni Silvia Lia Nur Linda Mahdi Argawan Putra Mahfud Arifin Maya Damayani Maya Damayanti Meddy Rachmadi Mieke Rochimi S Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setiawati Mieke Rochimi Setyawati Muhammad Agus Mulyana Muhammad Amir Solihin Muhammad Nafariz Budiman Nadia N. Kamaluddin Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin Nadia Nuraniya Kamluddin Nadia Rachelita Nanda Aditya Setyawan Nandha Afrilandha NENNY NURLAENY Ninda Meiditia Putri Nizar Ulfah Nurullita Fitri Qurnia Oviyanti Mulyani Pirda Nurhopipah Priyanka Asmiran Probo Condrosari Rara Rahmatika Risanti Reginawanti Hindersah Reginawati Hindersah Rhazista Noviardi Rhazista Noviardi Richard A. Gunawan Ridha Hudaya Rija Sudirja Rina Devnita Sandra Amalia Riyadi Shinta Nurrizqi Indrayani Silmi Rahadiana Putri Sumadi Sumadi Syafrizal Syafrizal SYARIFUL MUBAROK Syifa Nabila Kurnia Sylvia, Annisa Rosalina Tarra Martiana Dewi Tualar Simarmata Tualar Simarmata Ummu ‘Azizah Halimah Uum Umiyati Vera Oktavia Subarja Yori Tridendra Yudhistari Sihombing Yuliati Machfud Yusup Hidayat Zahra Ilmiyati Zellya Handyman Zulkifliani, Zulkifliani