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Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 27, No 1 (2016): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan karakteristik vulkanisat komposit Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) dan campuran Styrene Butadiene Rubber dan Natural Rubber (SBR/NR) yang keduanya menggunakan bahan pengisi starch (pati) termodifikasi Resorcinol Formaldehyde (SRF) sebagai bahan substituen Carbon Black (CB). Rasio CB/SRF untuk tiap vulkanisat yang digunakan berturut-turut 60/0; 55/5; 50/10; 45/15; 40/20 phr. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menguji sifat physco-mechanic vulkanisat meliputi Kekerasan, Kuat Tarik, modulus 300%, Perpanjangan Putus, dan Ketahanan Sobek, sedangkan karakteristik vulkanisasi dipelajari berdasarkan cure rate index (CRI) menggunakan rheometer. Berdasarkan hasil uji sifat vulkanisat SBR dan SBR/NR, dapat diindikasikan bahwa modifikasi SRF dengan Latex Compounding Method pada pembuatan vulkanisat SBR dan SBR/NR dapat menggantikan CB secara parsial. Penggantian CB oleh SRF dengan jumlah phr yang sama pada vulkanisat SBR mempunyai nilai kekerasan yang lebih tinggi daripada SBR/NR, tetapi berlaku sebaliknya untuk CRI, modulus 300% dan Ketahanan Sobek. Sedangkan, Nilai Kuat Tarik dan Perpanjangan Putus bergantung pada jumlah SRF yang ditambahkan dalam vulkanisat. Secara umum, dapat dikatakan bahwa penambahan SRF menggantikan CB menyebabkan penurunan sifat mekanik fisik vulkanisat SBR maupun SBR/NR, terkecuali untuk parameter Perpanjangan Putus.
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 27, No 2 (2016): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Telah dilakukan penelitian modifikasi ekstrak pati umbi gadung sebagai subtituen parsial Carbon Black (CB) dalam pembuatan vulkanisat karet alam. Tahapan penelitian meliputi ekstraksi pati dari umbi gadung, pembuatan komposit lateks alam dengan variasi 3 coupling agent yaitu Resorcinol Formaldehid, Si-69 dan KH-792, pembuatan komposit lateks dengan pati termodifikasi  dan dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan vulkanisat lateks alam dengan variasi jumlah CB dan pati termodifikasi (0,5,10,15, dan 20phr). Yield ekstraksi pati dari umbi gadung adalah sebesar 13% dried based. Berdasarkan hasil uji sifat mekanik fisik, komposit NR starch dengan coupling agent RF bersifat lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan Si-69 dan KH-792. Carbon Black yang dapat tersubtitusi oleh starch gadung termodifikasi RF (SRF) dalam pembuatan vulkanisat NR adalah sebanyak 10phr dengan kualitas yang sama dengan pasaran. Vulkanisat tersebut mempunyai karakteristik kekerasan: 50-53 Shore A, kuat tarik: 109 Mpa, modulus 300% dengan nilai 65, perpanjangan putus: 470%, ketahanan sobek: 21 Kg/cm dan pampatan tetap sekitar 30%.
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 26, No 2 (2015): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengunaan fly ash batubara dalam pembuatan membran keramik dan penggunaanya untuk membran pengolahan air gambut. Tahapan penelitian meliputi: 1) percobaan optimasi komposisi membran dengan memvariasikan persentase fly ash dan clay (montmorilonit) dan suhu, 2) karakterisasi membrane keramik yang dihasilkan dengan XRD dan SEM, dan 3). kemudianmelakukan ujicoba membran untuk proses desalinasi dan purifikasi air gambut. Optimasi dilakukan dengan memvariasi komposisi yaitu perbandingan fly ash batubara: clay: 40%:60%, 50%:50%, dan 60%:40% dengan variasi suhu pembakaran membran keramik :700oC, 800oC, dan 900oC. Ujicoba dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan desalinasi dan purifikasi dari 9 (sembilan) variasi membran keramik. Hasil difraktogram menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kandungan mineral untuk setiap perbedaan komposisi, sedangkan hasil analisa SEM menunjukkan bahwa suhu pembakaran berpengaruh pada profil permukaan dan densitas membran keramik yang dihasilkan. Hasil pengujian air gambutyang diolah dengan membran keramik tersebut menunjukkan adanya penurunan kandungan yang cukup signifikan untuk parameter pH, Pb, Fe, Mn, Cd, CaCO3, nitrat, nitrit, TDS, klorida dan total zat organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua membran dapat mengolah air gambut menjadi air bersih sesuai dengan standard persyaratan kualitas air bersih (Permenkes No 416/MEN/KES/PER/XI/1990), terkecuali untuk kandungan logam besi dan mangan. Berdasarkan penurunan cemaran air gambut, membran keramik dengan komposisi berat fly ash: clay (50%:50%) pada suhu pembakaran 900oC mampu mengolah air gambut secara optimal.
Kajian kemampuan adsorpsi zeolit alam aktif terimmobilisasi dithizon terhadap limbah ion logam Cd(II) terkompetisi Mg(II) dan Cu(II) secara simultan Susanto, Tri
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 22, No 2 (2011): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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The study on the adsorption of Cd(II) ion waste in the presence of Mg(II) dan Cu(II) simultaneously ions by dithizone-immobililized natural zeolite has been conducted. The results were compared with those adsorbed by unmodified active natural zeolite. The study included modification and characterization of adsorbent, pH optimization, kinetics, and adsorption isotherm. The modification of natural zeolite was done by refluxing it with dithizone in toluene. Adsorbent characterization was perfomed X-ray diffraction and infrared spectrometry. The results showed that dithizone was successfully immobilized on to the surface of natural zeolite and the immobilization did not significantly affect zeolitecristalinity. Optimum pH for the adsorption of Cd(II) ion waste in the presence Mg(II) and Cu(II) simultaneously was 5. Adsorption kinetics was studied using Langmuir-Hinshelwood simple model of order 1. Adsorption kinetics parameters showed that Cd(II) adsorption rate constant of adsorbent active and dithizone-immobilized zeolite was 1.00 x 10-4 minute-1 dan 3.00 x 10-3 minute-1, respectively. Equilibrium constant of active and dithizone-immobilized zeolite was 2.95 x 104 L/mol and 3.96 x 104 L/mol, respectively. Adsorption of Cd(II) in the presence of Mg(II) and Cu(II) simultaneously on active and dithizone-immobilized zeolite was believed to be chemisorption, with the adsorptionenergy of 30.17 kJ/mol and 32.11 kJ/mol, respectively. In general, it was shown that the ability of dithizone-immobilized natural zeolite for the adsorption of Cd(II) in the presence Mg(II) and Cu(II) simultaneously was better than the active natural zeolit. Keywords : zeolite, dithizone, immobilization, Cd(II) ion, adsorption. AbstrakTelah dilakukan penelitian adsorpsi limbah ion logam Cd(II) terkompetisi Mg(II) dan Cu(II) secara simultan dengan menggunakan Zeolit Alam Aktif dan Zeolit Alam Aktif Terimmobilisasi Dithizon (ZAA-D). Kajian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi modifikasi, karakterisasi, kajian adsorpsi ZAA dan ZAA-D yang meliputi optimasi pH larutan, kinetika adsorpsi,dan isoterm adsorpsi. Immobilisasi dithizon dilakukan dengan pencucian zeolit alam dengan 1% HF, kemudian direfluks menggunakan dithizon pada pelarut toluene pada suhu 50OC selama 4 jam. Karakterisasi adsorben dilakukan menggunakan spektroskopi inframerah dan difraksi sinar X. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa dithizon telah terimmobilisasikan pada ZAA tanpa merusak kristalinitasnya. pH optimum adsorpsi ion logam Cd(II) terkompetisi ion logam Mg(II) dan Cu(II) secara simultan pada ZAA dan (ZAA-D) adalah 5. Kinetika adsorpsi Cd(II) denganadanya ion Mg(II) dan Cu(II) dipelajari menggunakan pendekatan kinetika adsorpsi sederhana orde 1 model Langmuir-Hinshelwood, menunjukkan bahwa konstanta laju adsorpsi ion logam Cd(II) oleh ZAA dan ZAA-D berturut-turut 1,00 x 10-4 menit-1 dan 3,00 x 10-3 menit-1. Besarnya konstanta kesetimbangan ion logam Cd(II) untuk ZAA dan ZAA-D berturut-turut 2,95 x 104 L/mol dan 3,96 x 104 L/mol. Adsorpsi ion logam Cd(II) terkompetisi ion Mg(II) dan Cu(II) secara simultan oleh ZAA dan ZAA-D berlangsung secara kimia dengan energi adsorpsi berturut-turut adalah 30,17 kJ/mol dan 32,12 kJ/mol. Adsorben ZAA-D mempunyai kemampuan dan selektivitas adsorpsi limbah ion logam Cd(II) terkompetisi ion logam Mg(II) dan Cu(II) secara simultan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ZAA.Kata kunci : zeolit, dithizon, immobilisasi, ion Cd(II), adsorpsi.
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 26, No 2 (2015): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Kajian metode pengasaman dalam proses produksi minyak kelapa ditinjau dari mutu produk dan komposisi asam amino blondo Susanto, Tri
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 23, No 2 (2012): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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The study of acidification method in the coconut oil production has been conducted as an alternative production process. Coconut oil products produced compared with the quality requirements of SNI 01-2902-2011 and amino acid composition test done on the product side (blondo) using HPLC to detect the failure of the production through the acidification process. The yield of palm oil produced through a acidification process ranged from 14 to 32.3%, while the coconut oil quality includes the water content ranged from 0.1 to 0.48%, impurities ranged from 0.01 to 0.06%, number iodide ranged from 6.8 to 9.8%, the levels of free fatty acids (FFA) ranged from 0.2 to 1.26, saponification number 243-267, color and aroma were clear, while the protein content was calculated as total N-Kjeldhal ranged from 9.09 to 21.8%. Blondo (by products) were analyzed using HPLC, the results of the chromatogram peaks showed some amino acids such as aspartic acid, glutamine, serine, histidine, glycine, argini, alanine, tyrosine, methionine, valine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, and lysine. In the failure of acidification process indicates that it does not appear the leucine and lysine peaks in chromatogram, physical properties indicate a rancid smell and color of unclear on samples of coconut oil. The results showed that the method of acidification using acetic acid (CH3COOH) can be used as a method for the coconut oil production that meets the quality requirements of SNI 01-2902-2011 and APCC Standards Asian and Pacific Coconut Community, 2006.Keywords : Acid composition, acidification, blondo amino, coconut oil, HPLC, SNI 01-2902-2011AbstrakTelah dipelajari metode pengasaman sebagai alternatif proses produksi minyak kelapa. Produknya dibandingkan dengan syarat mutu SNI 01-2902-2011 dan dilakukan uji komposisi asam amino pada produk samping (blondo) menggunakan HPLC untuk mendeteksi kegagalan proses. Rendemen minyak kelapa yang diproduksi antara 14- 32,3%, sedangkan kualitas mutu minyak kelapa meliputi kadar air 0,1-0,48%, kadar kotoran 0,01-0,06%, bilangan iodida 6,8-9,8%, kadar asam lemak bebas (FFA) 0,2-1,26, bilangan penyabunan 243-267, warna jernih dan aroma khas, dan kadar protein dihitung sebagai total N-Kjeldhal 9,09-21,8%. Produk samping blondo dianalisa menggunakan HPLC, kromatogram blondo menunjukkan puncak asam amino asam aspartat, glutamin, serin, histidin, glisin, arginin, alanin, tirosin, metionin, valin, fenilalanin, isoleusin, leusin dan lisin. Pada proses produksi yang gagal tidak muncul puncak kromatogram leusin dan lisin, sifat fisiknya menunjukkan bau tengik dan warna keruh pada sampel tersebut. Metode pengasaman menggunakan asam asetat (CH3COOH) dapat dijadikan sebagai metode proses produksi minyak kelapa yang memenuhi persyaratan mutu SNI 01-2902- 2011 dan APCC Standards Asian & Pacific Coconut Community 2006.Kata kunci : HPLC, komposisi asam amino blondo, minyak kelapa, pengasaman, SNI 01-2902-2011
Pengaruh Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) terhadap mutu bantalan mesin Bahri, Syamsul; Susanto, Tri
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 24, No 1 (2013): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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This study aimed to determine the effect of NBR as a substitute for NR to improve the quality engine mounting i.e. oil resistance. Engine mounting compound made by a mixture of natural rubber (NR) with synthetic rubber (NBR) on the ratio NR: NBR the 20:80 formulae I, formula II 40:60, formula III 60:40 and formula IV 80:20. The results showed that the formulation III NR:NBR 60:40. Testing results show that the rubber engine mounting vulcanizates has hardness 64 ShoreA, tensile strength 112 kg/cm2, Elongation at break 550%, Compression set 26.87%, Swelling (OIL, SAE40, 70 °C, 2 x 24 hours) 29.44%, change in weight 39.68%, while the value of resistance obsolete (Aging, 70 °C, 2 x 24 hours) as seen from the voltage drop of 3% decline and deterioration extension -40% drop that meets the quality requirements of SNI 06-1540-1989 Rubber Bearing Motor Vehicle Engineering.Keywords : engine mounting, NBR, quality, rubber, vehicleAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan NBR dalam pembuatan bantalan mesin untuk meningkatkan mutu bantalan mesin ditinjau dari parameter ketahanan usang, ketahanan minyak dan pengembangan volume dan berat vulkanisat. Kompon karet bantalan mesin yang dibuat dari campuran karet alam (NR) dan karet sintetis (NBR) dengan variasi perbandingan NR:NBR yaitu formula I 20:80, formula II 40:60, formula III 60:40 dan formula IV 80:20. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa formulasi III 60:40 adalah formula terbaik pembuatan kompon. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa bantalan mesin memiliki nilai Kekerasan 64 Shore A, Tegangan Putus 112 kg/cm2, Perpanjangan Putus 550%, Pampatan Tetap 26,87%, Pengembangan (OIL, SAE40,70 oC, 2 x 24 jam) volume 29,44% dan peningkatan berat 39,68%, sedangkan nilai ketahanan usang (Aging, 70 oC, 2 x 24 jam) yang dilihat dari penurunan tegangan putus 3% dan penurunan perpanjangan putus -40% yang memenuhi persyaratan SNI 06-1540-1989 untuk Karet Bantalan Mesin Kendaraan Bermotor.Kata kunci : bantalan mesin, karet, kendaraan bermotor, mutu, NBR
PERBANDINGAN MUTU MINYAK KELAPA YANG DI PROSES MELALUI PENGASAMAN DAN PEMANASAN SESUAI SNI 2902-2011 (Comparation of Coconut Oil Quality Processed through Acidifying and Heating According to SNI 2902-2011) Susanto, Tri
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 26, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

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Heating process commonly used in the production of coconut oil, meanwhilethe acidification process can also be used as an alternative production process by additionof acetic acid at the isoelectric pH. The study was conducted to compare the quality of oilproducts through the process of acidification and heating, by comparing them with thequality requirements of SNI 2902-2011. The results showed that the yield of palm oilthrough acidification process is lower than heating. Based on the physical and chemicaltesting indicated that the quality of coconut oil processed through acidification andheating for the color parameter that is equal to 12/60 - 14/70; moisture and dirt from 0.1 -0.48%, iodine number 6, 8 - 9.8 g Iod/100g; saponification number 243 - 263 mg KOH / gsample; Free Fatty Acid as lauric acid 0.2 -1.26%; unsaponificated material 0.2 - 0.7%;metal contamination Cd 0.006 - 0.05 mg / kg; Pb 0.005 -0.02 mg / kg; Sn 0.007 -0.09 mg /kg; Hg 0.004 - 0.01 mg / kg; As 0.005 - 0.02 mg / kg. Based on the comparison testaverage concentration of the quality parameters coconut oil produced through heating andacidification, the result is above tcritical 1.71 (α = 0.05, one-tail test), which means there isno significant difference in the quality of oil processed through heating and acidification. Based on the comparison of the average concentration of each parameter with the qualityrequirements of SNI 2902-2011, the result (tstat) is more than 1.71 (α = 0.05), which meansquality of coconut oil for both processes meet the quality requirements of SNI 2902-2011.
Alkaline Treated Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) Based Composite Flour for the Making of Biscuit Lubis, Yanti Meldasari; Kumalaningsih, Sri; Susanto, Tri
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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The objective of the research was to find out the optimum alkaline treatment to produce a light colour, starch-rich flour containing high levels of undamaged starch, intended for the making of a formulated biscuit. The research was divided into two experiments. First, a factorial randomized block design experiment with two factors: the concentration of NaOH (0.04%, 0.06%, and 0.08%) and the dipping time (15, 30 and 45 minutes). The second experiment was the use of the Linear Programming approach supported by the QSB to obtain the desirable biscuit formula. The results of the first experiment indicated that the breadfruit flour dipped for 45 minutes in the 0.08% NaOH solution was the best one. The treated flour at a moisture content of 6.63% contains 60.86% starch, 22.56% amylose, 3.25% protein, 6.26% fat, and the L value (degree of Lightness) of 74.9, water absorption index of 4.80 g/g, initiation of gelatinization temperature of 69.3 oC, gelatinization temperature of 80.9 oC, maximum viscosity of more than 2000 AU and undamaged granules. The best results of the second experiment was the biscuit formula containinq  31.76% breadfruit flour, 20% wheat flour, 13.03% red bean flour, which  meets  with  the  nutrition  requirement. The  texture  and  breaking force of the formulated biscuit was not significantly difference with the one of the biscuit made without the addition of breadfruit flour (the control), but has the lower L value. Moreover except  the crispness, the colour, aroma and the taste of formulated biscuit were found the best significantly different from those of the control biscuit. Keywords: Breadfruit flour, Alkaline modification (NaOH), biscuit, Linier Programming formulation
Characteristics of Alginate Extract from Padina Sp. Susanto, Tri; Rakhmadiono, Sugeng; Mujianto, Mujianto
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 2, No 2 (2001)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Alginate is a complex organic compound of phycocolloid, extracted from brown seaweeds.   The objective of this research was to obtain the best extraction procedure and to evaluate the characteristics of alginate produced from Padina sp.This research used a Block Random Design having two phases. The first phase had two factors, i.e HCl solution (0,5, 0,75, and 1%) and  concentrations of Na2CO3 (2,5 5 and 7,5%). The best result of the combinations was used for the second research. The second phase also had two factors, they were Ca(OCl)2 as bleaching agent (0, 1 and 2%) and  concentration of purification agent by using isopropanol (75, 85 and 95%). As the second  parameters taken were yield, water content, ash, lightness, Pb and Hg content, viscosity and  effect of pH and heating on the product.The result showed that there was a significant interaction of HCl and Na2CO3 concentration ( = 0,05) to the yield. But insignificant result were the viscosity and ash content. The concentration of HCl showed a significant effect to ash content. There was an interaction between HCl concentration  and Na2CO3 to the yield, water content and viscosity. The concentration of Ca(OCl) 2 and isopropanol showed a significant effect to viscosity and water content, and showed an insignificant effect to lightness. The best treatment was the combination between HCl  1% and Na2CO3 5%,  bleached by using Ca(OCl)2 2%  and purified by using  isopronanol 85%. They produced 30,30% of alginate salt, having parameters such as: viscosity of 12,2 cps, ash content of 30,51%, water content of 11,21% and lightness score of 53,89.The characteristics alginate produced from Padina sp. revealed having Hg content of  0,26 ppm and 6,15 ppm of Pb which is still below the limit of government regulation, and  posess  of decreasing of viscosity on extreme pH as well as heating treatments.  By using infra red spectrum,  the  alginate  produced  in this experiment  characterized into a  Chemical group of C-C-C-C-C-C,  -O-H. –COOH,C-O-C, and C-H.Key words : alginate, extraction,  characterization