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Sosio Informa Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Sosio Informa
Publisher : Puslitbangkesos

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Lanjut usia telantar berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Sosial Republik Indonesia Nomor 08 Tahun 2012 adalahseseorang yang berusia 60 tahun atau lebih, karena faktor-faktor tertentu tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhandasarnya yaitu sandang, pangan, dan papan, juga telantar secara psikis dan sosial. Lanjut usia telantarmerupakan salah satu jenis Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial yang perlu mendapat perhatiankhusus baik dari pemerintah maupun masyarakat. Penanganan terhadap lanjut usia telantar memerlukandata dan informasi yang dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai kondisi lanjut usia telantardi Indonesia.Dengan adanya data dan informasi tentang lanjut usia telantar diharapkan dapat menunjang keberhasilanpelaksanaan program dan kebijakan terhadap penanganan lansia telantar. Oleh karena itu,tujuan dari tulisanini adalah mengelompokkan provinsi di Indonesia berdasarkan kriteria lanjut usia telantar,sehingga dapatdiperoleh gambaran tentang karakteristik lanjut usia telantar yang ada di setiap provinsi di Indonesia.Metode yang digunakan untuk mengelompokkan provinsi di Indonesia adalah analisis gerombol denganmenggunakan data sekunder. Hasil analisis gerombol menunjukkan bahwa provinsi di Indonesia terbagike dalam 4 kelompok dengan karakteristik lanjut usia telantar yang berbeda-beda pada masing-masingkelompok.Kata kunci: analisis gerombol, lanjut usia telantar
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 16, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

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ABSTRAKKeputusan Presiden No 32/1990 menyatakan bahwa sempadan sungai adalah kawasan perlindungan setempat. Pelestarian kawasan sempadan ini juga didukung oleh peraturan lainnya. Meskipun demikian, berbagai pelanggaran terhadap peraturan perundangan terus terjadi, termasuk banyaknya permukiman ilegal di kawasan sempadan Ciliwung yang memunculkan bahaya lingkungan. Oleh karena itu langkah pencegahan perlu segera ditempuh. Model perumusan kebijakan pengelolaan lanskap dirancang untuk dapat mengatasi hal ini melalui dukungan analisis spasial kemampuan lahan dan kesesuaiannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan lahan dan kesesuaiannya untuk beberapa tanaman guna mendukung program penghijauan di kawasan sempadan Ciliwung. Evaluasi lahan dilakukan melalui analisis Satuan Peta Lahan (SPL). Kawasan sempadan Ciliwung di Kota Bogor ini terbagi menjadi 18 SPL. Analisis spasial yang dilakukan berdasarkan data tahun 2006-2013, menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan permukiman ilegal sebesar 0,8% dan tingkat pengurangan luas ruang terbuka hijau sebesar 0,17%. Hasil analisis kemampuan lahan menunjukkan bahwa 85,78% dari total luas lahan memiliki kemampuan sedang hingga tinggi (kelas II-e, II-w, III dan IV-e). Kelas kemampuan lahan II-IV direkomendasikan untuk lahan pertanian, sedangkan kelas V-VII direkomendasikan sebagai lahan konservasi. Berdasarkan analisis kesesuaian lahan, daerah ini memiliki potensi kesesuaian lahan untuk jenis tanaman budidaya, khususnya buah-buahan. Hasil ini dapat menjadi alat yang kuat untuk merumuskan kebijakan pengelolaan lanskap di sempadan Sungai Ciliwung di Kota Bogor.Kata Kunci: evaluasi lahan, kemampuan lahan, kesesuaian lahan, manajemen lanskap, penghijauan, kebijakanABSTRACTAccording to the Presidential Decree No. 32/1990, riparian area is among locally protected areas. Other government regulations strongly recommend on conservation of the riparian area. Typically, continuous violation of governmental regulation is noted mainly illegal settlements in the Ciliwung riparian area, which led to environmental hazards. Hence preventive major should be taken in this regard. A policy formulation model of landscape management can be designed through spatial analysis of land capability and land suitability. The aim of this research is to analyze land capability and suitability for re-greening program in the Ciliwung riparian area. Land evaluation is carried out through analysis of soil map units (SPL), which are divided into 18 SPL, followed by land capability and suitability analysis. Results of spatial analyzes based on data year 2006-2013 showed a rate of increase in illegal settlement area by 0.8% and a rate of reduction in green open space area by 0.17%. The result of land capability analysis shows that the total area is approximately 85.78% has moderate to high land capability (class II-e, II-w, III-e and IV-e). The land capability classes II-IV are recommended for agricultural land, while classes V-VII are recommended for conservation area. Based on land suitability analysis, this area has potential for local crops. These results can be strong tools for formulating a landscape management policy for Ciliwung riparian area in Bogor City.Keywords: land evaluation, land capability, land suitability, landscape management, re-greening, policy
IKRA-ITH INFORMATIKA : Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika Vol 3 No 1 (2019): IKRA-ITH INFORMATIKA Vol 3 No 1 Bulan Maret 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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Pada era digital seperti saat ini, perkembangan dan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi berbasis web sangat berpengaruh dan berperan penting terhadap proses kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh organisasi, terutama untuk mempermudah dalam proses kinerja administrasi. Sistem adalah setiap kesatuan secara konseptual atau fisik yang terdiri dari bagian-bagian keadaan saling tergantung satu sama lainnya.. Kinerja merupakan suatu penyelesaian tugas kedinasan yang dilakukan oleh pegawai untuk mencapai suatu tujuan sesuai dengan pedoman yang telah ditentukan oleh instansi tersebut. Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia adalah organisasi guru yang didirikan pada tanggal 25 November 1945 dalam Kongres Guru Indonesia di Surakarta, selanjutnya disingkat menjadi PGRI. Di dalam organisasi Badan Pimpinan PGRI terdiri dari beberapa tingkatan yaitu tingkat nasional, tingkat provinsi, tingkat kabupaten/kota, cabang dan ranting. Salah satunya, yakni PGRI Kabupaten Bogor. PGRI Kabupaten Bogor merupakan sebuah organisasi di bidang pendidikan yang beranggotakan para guru, Di dalam organisasi PGRI Kabupaten Bogor terdapat beberapa tingkatan yang terdiri dari ketua, sekretaris, bendahara, dan beberapa bidang kepengurusan di PGRI Kabupaten Bogor. Dalam kepengurusannya, staff administrasi bertugas dalam mengelola setiap kegiatan administrasi surat-menyurat yang ada di lingkungan organisasi PGRI Kabupaten Bogor baik surat yang masuk maupun surat yang keluar. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan surat menyurat sangat penting dalam suatu organisasi terutama dalam proses pengelolaan serta proses layanan setiap pembuatannya. Dikarenakan banyaknya surat yang masuk dan surat yang keluar di PGRI Kabupaten Bogor dan dalam proses pengelolaan serta proses pembuatan surat-menyurat masih bersifat manual, yaitu setiap proses pencatatan surat yang masuk dan surat yang keluar masih menggunakan buku manual, serta proses pembuatan surat keluar masih menggunakan microsoft office, sehingga dalam proses kinerja administrasi surat-menyurat masih memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dan dalam pencarian data surat masih mengalami kendala karena data surat tersebut tertumpuk serta dalam pengarsipan jenis surat masih tercampur karena tidak memiliki pengkodean khusus dalam pengarsipannya..
IKRA-ITH INFORMATIKA : Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika Vol 3 No 2 (2019): IKRA-ITH INFORMATIKA Vol 3 No 2 Bulan Juli 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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Dinas Perumahan, Kawasan Permukiman dan Pertanahan (DPKPP) adalah Instansi yang memiliki tugas dalam penyelenggaran Surat Keterangan IMBG. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, DPKPP memerlukan dukungan dari aspek sistem informasi dikarenakan pengerjaan Surat Keterangan IMBG masih dilakukan secara manual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengonversi dan menginventarisir data Izin Mendirikan Bagunan Gedung (IMBG), yang semula berbentuk buku register, menjadi bentuk database yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabular serta untuk mengubah sistem pelayanan yang ada menjadi terintegerasi dengan sistem informasi. Dengan database tersebut menjadi acuan dalam perancangan sistem informasi pelayanan Surat Keterangan IMBG berbasis web. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem ialah metode perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) model waterfall dan alat pemodelan sistem menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Language). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi yang menjadi solusi dinamis pengecekan data IMBG dari tahun 1980 sampai dengan tahun 2009 maupun pelayanan Surat Keterangan IMBG bernama Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Surat Keterangan IMBG Berbasis Web (SISKA).
PERMANA Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : PERMANA

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The effect of financial stability, financial targets, level of performance, asset turnover ratio, audit committee's financial expertise, and profitability to fraudulent financial statement. Essay. Tegal : Faculty of Economics and Business. Pancasakti University Tegal 2018. This study aims to obtain empirical evidence and to analyze the effect of financial stability, financial targets, level of performance, asset turnover ratio, audit committee's financial expertise, and profitbility to fraudulent financial statement which measured using fraud score model (F-Score). The data in this research uses secondary data which form the company's financial statement and annual report. The population in this study are all companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in period 20142017. This study uses purposive sampling method to select sample from the population and obtained sample of 28 companies of consumer goods industries. The methode of data analysis is performed with classic assumption test, descriptive statistics analysis and hypothesis tested by multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 23. The results of this study shows that the financial targets and level of performance significantly to the fraudulent financial statement, however the financial stability, asset turnover ratio, audit committee’s financial expertise, and profitability is not significant to the fraudulent financial statement. Financial stability, financial targets, level of performance, asset turnover ratio, audited financial audit, and profitability simultaneously have a significant effect on fraud financial statements.Keywords: fraudulent financial statement, fraud score model (F-Score), financial stability, financial targets, level of performance, asset turnover ratio, audit committee's financial expertise, profitability
PENGARUH STRUKTUR AKTIVA, PROFITABILITAS, PERTUMBUHAN PERUSAHAAN DAN KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN HUTANG (Studi Empiris Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Industri Dasar dan Kimia yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2015) Prayogi, Dicky Afdi; Susetyo, Budi; Subekti, Mr.
PERMANA Vol 7, No 2 (2016): Pebruari
Publisher : PERMANA

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Influence  of  Asset  Structure,  Profitability,  Corporate Growth  and  Dividend  Policy on  Debt  Policy  of  basic  and  chemical  industry manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study aims to determine the effect of Asset Structure, Profitability, Corporate Growth and Dividend Policy simultaneously and partially to the Debt Policy of manufacturing companies of the basic and chemical industry sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data method used in this research is using purposive sampling by using criterion. Where data collection is processed using predetermined criteria. Based on the results of research: Simultaneously the asset structure, profitability, corporate growth and dividend policy together have a significant effect on debt policy. While partially Asset Structure has no effect on Debt Policy. Profitability has  a  negative  and  significant  effect  on  the  Company's  Debt  Policy.  The Company's growth has no effect on the Company's Debt Policy. Dividend Policy has no effect on Company Debt Policy.  Keywords: Debt Policy, Asset Structure, Profitability, Corporate Growth and Dividend Policy
PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS, KEPUTUSAN INVESTASI, KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN DAN KEBIJAKAN HUTANG TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2011 - 2015) Setiono, Dedi Bangun; Susetyo, Budi; Mubarok, Abdullah
PERMANA Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Pebruari
Publisher : PERMANA

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This study aims to examine the effect of profitability, investment decisions, dividend policy and debt policy to corporate values simultaneously and partially. The population of this study is a manufacturing company of the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sampling method used is purposive sampling method. Samples were collected from 8 manufacturing companies of the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2011-2015. Data collection method in this research is documentation. While the data analysis method used is descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, F test, t test and coefficient of determination test. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis shows that profitability, investment decisions, dividend policy and debt policy have a significant effect on corporate value with a significance value of 0.000. Profitability significantly partially affect the value of the company with a significance value of 0.000. Investment Decision significantly influence partially to company value with its significan value of 0.000. The dividend policy has no significant effect partially on the value of the company with its significant value of 0.660 and the debt policy has a significant effect partially on the value of the firm with its significance value of 0.001.  Keywords: profitability, investment decisions, dividend policy, debt policy, corporate value
Use of Alternative Communication Systems I-Talk to Improve Cerebral Palsy Communication Skills Dewi, Nurul Huda Fitriani; Susetyo, Budi; Rochyadi, Endang
International Conference on Elementary Education Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Proceedings The 3rd International Conference on Elementary Education
Publisher : Elementary Education Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with UPI PRESS

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The background of this study was students with Cerebral Palsy who had difficulty speaking. As a result of the stiffness of the muscles, the speech organs cause the messages conveyed verbally by the child to be difficult to understand the communicant. This study aims to develop a system of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and to know its influence on subject communication skills. The research method used is a mixed-method with a sequential exploratory approach. The results of this study are an alternative I-Talk communication system and improvement of subject communication skills. Improved communication skills can be seen from the communication skills of the subject which at the beginning could not be understood at all by the communicant, after using I-Talk increased with the indicator being able to call parents, caregivers, and teachers. Furthermore, the subject can convey wishes when wants to drink, snack, eat, and others.
Implementation of Self-Assessment on The Formative Test in Chemistry Using Feedback Clue Siswaningsih, Wiwi; Susetyo, Budi; Pujiastuti, Zakiyah
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thabiea.v3i2.8142


This study aims to describe the compliance every stage of self-assessment implementation of upper secondary school students on the topic of salt hydrolysis formative test by using feedback instructions (clue), the ability of students to conduct self-assessment on the salt hydrolysis formative test by using feedback instructions, as well as the ability of self-assessment on the formative salt hydrolysis test to be used as feedback of upper secondary school students. This research was conducted by using a descriptive method that involved 27 eleventh graders who took the Science program. The research was conducted in six stages with different compliance in every stage. The compliance category of the students’ motivation and self-assessment training stage was good, the implementation stage of a formative test using feedback instructions (clue) was good, the implementation stage of self-assessment was very good, the stage of communicating the results for feedback (ideal criteria implemented) was very good, and the stage of utilizing the results was very good. In the implementation of self-assessment, most students could carry out self-assessment well. Besides, it has also known that students were satisfied with the feedback given by using the self-assessment rubric and they got benefits in the form of feedback clue from the self-assessment rubric. This result showed that self-assessment helped educators in providing feedback to the student.
The Effect of Global Awareness on Students' Reading Skill Based on Aksi Data Susetyo, Budi; Rachman, Nurul Aulia; Rahmawat, NFN
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment Vol 3, No 2 (2020): IJEA
Publisher : Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/ijea.v3i2.90


The Indonesian Student Competency Assessment (Asesmen Kompetensi Siswa Indonesia-AKSI) is a national survey aims to monitor the quality of education system across provinces. The results of the AKSI are expected to provide inputs on policies to improve the quality of learning outcomes in particular and the quality of education in general. The objective of AKSI is to measure students’ cognitive abilities, which include science, mathematics and reading. In addition, AKSI also collects data through questionnaires, one of which is about Global Awareness. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of student gender, parent’s education level, interest studying other cultures, adaptability and communication, understanding of global problems, tolerance, environmental awareness and school quality on students’ reading literacy skill. The data used in this study are data from the 2019 AKSI survey of 15.738 grade IX students and school accreditation of 1.805 junior high schools in Indonesia. The results of parameter estimation and hypothesis testing using the multilevel regression model concluded that gender, father's education, adaptability and communication skills, understanding of global problems, tolerance of religious and cultural differences and school quality affect students’ reading ability.