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Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengelompokan Pelanggan Potensial Menggunakan Metode K-Means Untuk Promosi Paket Wisata (Studi Kasus PT. Bali Sinar Mentari) Krisnawan, I Putu Agus Hendra; Sutanto, Teguh; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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PT. Bali Sinar Mentari is a company engaged in the field of business travel services in Bali. In company like this, giving promotion is one of important factor in helping the sale of services to customers. The problem is managers have difficulty to determine which customers have the right to be given promotion. Based on that, company required system to classify the potential customer to be given promotions via email. clustering customers can use K-Means method. This method must use the physical data, not abstract, it is same with the data used in problems in grouping customers at PT. Bali Sinar Mentari. In this final project, the application of clustering system can be run in line with expectations. The process of clustering customers with the K-Means method can work well and generate groups of potential customers.   Keyword: clustering, potential customers, tourism package
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penilaian Status Gizi Dan Penentuan Menu Makanan Susanto, Johan Agus; Wibowo, Januar; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Nutrition is an important factor in human life. At the age of children, adolescents and adults, good nutrition is needed for growth, health and optimal stamina. Good nutrition can be obtained by consuming foods that are nutritionally balanced. But in times of growth and development, nutrition and food intake can not always be done perfectly, so the impact on excess weight and underweight. Therefore needed an application that can make an assessment of nutritional status and determination of food menu for children, adolescents and adults. Application assessment of the nutritional status and determination of food menu can make an assessment of nutritional status and determine food menu for children, adolescents and adults according to the daily calorie needs. With the weight input, height, age, gender, activity level and number of hours of sleep, a person can know the status of nutrition, ideal weight, daily calorie needs and menu suggestions which suit to the needs of daily calories. Assessment of nutritional status performed by using the Body Mass Index formula, while the calculation of caloric needs of adults carried out by using the method of Krause. The consultation result report contains the nutritional status, daily menu suggestions and shopping lists. This application made Web-based so that it can be accessed anywhere and anytime as long as users have Internet access and can use the internet Keywords: Methods Krause, Nutrition Status Assessment, Determination of Food Menu.
Audit Sistem Informasi Instlasai Rawat Inap Berdasarkan Prespektif Pelanggan Balanced Scorecard Menggunakan Standar COBIT 4.1 (Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Surabaya) Dhipiya, Finh Yutta; Tanuwijaya, Haryanto; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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RSU Haji Surabaya has a Information System Management (SIM-RS) unit which control information system on inpatient unit. This system are used to handle public customer in cooperation with third party vendor. There are several activity on this vacility such as, patient registration, serving the patient, patient medical record and patient treatment cost detail. There are never audit activity ever held on inpatient vacility to make sure IT goal and business goal alligment. This paper describe how audyt information system are applied in inpatient vacility to assess information system performance. The company are helding audit information system based on COBIT 4.1 standart  to assess business process, application and business strategic allignment. COBIT 4.1 was chosen as a standart on information audit for it´s exellence on IT control along with providing framework to assess IT performance as an object. Another, the audit are focused on customer perspective of balanced scorecard. The results of this audit states that the maturity level of 3.21,which is defined. This means that the procedure on the purpose of acquiring businesses that are useful and reliable information for strategic decision making has been standardized and documented, and communicated through training. but its implementation still depends on the individual whether to follow the procedure or not. The procedure was developed as a formalization of existing practice. Keywords: Information System, Information Systems Audit, Customer Perspective, The Balanced Scorecard, COBIT, Maturity Level
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Evaluasi Belajar Untuk Persiapan Ujian Nasional Sesuai Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Sman 1 Driyorejo Gresik) Firdausy, Ryandis Rahmatullah; Lusiani, Titik; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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The number of graduate students in taking the National Examination (UN) is one indicator to improve the academic quality of a school. To achieve the maximum graduation, learners need to increase training so that they know how to answer the questions with correct answers and in a short time. From interviews, the length of the process of correcting lead teacher is not aware of learners who do not understand the specific material. Because not understand some of the specific materials resulting in under-prepared students to face examination. The solution is to built an application that aims to prepare students of SMAN 1 Driyorejo to better deal with the UN. This application can monitor the learning outcomes that have been given by the teacher in which there is the process of maintenance, training and value statements. Monitoring evaluation study conducted by the holding of regular exercise that teachers can know the progress of learners. With this application, students can be better prepared to face the UN. Increasing number of students who are ready to face the UN, many learners are expected to pass in the UN to improve the academic quality of SMAN 1 Driyorejo.   Keywords : Application Evaluation Study, National Examination, Graduate Competency Standards.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Menulis Huruf Arab Rochmansyah, Andi Yunindra; Sutanto, Teguh; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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In the learning process, there are several interrelated elements so that learning goes according to expectations. Among the essential elements that include the methods and instructional media. Two things that will affect the child´s responses during and after the process of learning One of the main functions of the media is as a teaching aid and the conditions that influence learning environment organized and created by the teacher / parent. The process of learning to write Arabic letters are less interesting and complicated for children, in The Education of Al - Quran (TPA), is available in the form of instructional media writing arabic worksheets. Every child should have the worksheet itself, but usually children - as young as elementary school (SD) meets worksheet with graffiti - graffiti or writings are not necessarily in accordance with the instructions write the Arabic alphabet. To address the problems that occurred in the process of learning how to write the Arabic alphabet built an android-based application that can help children to learn how to write the Arabic alphabet with more fun in interactive media. With this application so a child can understand and implement the steps to write the Arabic alphabet correctly. Applications can also save the results of every child to learn to write for use as an evaluation process for parents or teachers to guide. Keywords: Android, Arabic letters, SurfaceView, Writing.
Audit Keamanan Sistem Informasi Pada Instalasi Sistem Informasi Management (Sim-Rs) Berdasarkan Standar ISO 27002 (Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Surabaya) Yaner, Annisa Destiara; Tanuwijaya, Haryanto; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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RSU Haji Surabaya is a government-owned hospital in East Java province. Asset management performed by one of the installation of the Installation Management Information Systems (MIS-RS) and software (Software) is used Healthy Plus application which has been operating for the last 1 year. In managing the assets of RSU Haji there are several obstacles, namely: there are many outsiders who were not authorized to be in and out of the processing room information on data center space, loss of data, manipulation of data from unauthorized access, viruses, data theft, unauthorized access to the application. So that these constraints will not recur or become, the RSU Haji Surabaya need to conduct an audit to determine current conditions compared with conditions should be. The standard used is ISO 27002:2005 with the scope of clause 8 (eight), 9 (nine), 11 (eleven), and 12 (twelve). From the implementation of information systems audit, the resulting value of 1.75 Maturity Level are included in the initial category, which means much of the existing information system security on the SIM-RS Installation not in accordance with the ISO 27002 standard procedures. The study also produce recommendations for process improvement and information systems can be used to enhance the security of information on RSU Haji Surabaya. Keywords : Audit, ISO 27002, Security Information systems, Maturity  Level
Aplikasi Panduan Wisata Belanja Menggunakan Indoor Maps Berbasis Android Di Surabaya ( Studi Kasus : Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Surabaya) Tristiantoro, Heri; Sutanto, Teguh; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Surabaya has great potential in the field of tourism, one corresponding to the tourism potential of Surabaya is a shopping tour. The emergence of various shopping malls and entertainment facilities are diverse, can be one of the biggest assets for Surabaya to turn into the City Shopping Tour. City Government (City Government) Surabaya, which this year plans to increase the attraction Surabaya, was not accompanied by step guide wisata.Sehingga increasing number of tourists who travel to Surabaya less informative about where and what can be obtained as a shopping tour of Surabaya. Shopping information retrieval applications in android based mobile by using the indoor map, which is a technology that uses the internet and mobile phones to access the required information to the tenant level. Today, the Internet and mobile phones are many who use it, so for applications that supported the implementation of Internet and mobile android is very important With the applications that implement the use of mobile-based technology and supported features android indoor map, is expected to solve problems and provide ease of information for tourists who want to find information on a shopping tour promo, event, tenant, products offered and tenant site plan without having to depend at the time and location as they are accessed. Keywords: mall, belanja, wisata, indoor maps, ericsson labs, maps
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Kelayakan Pinjaman Nasabah (Studi Kasus Koperasi Ridho Rizki) Sakti, Alfian Wira Satya; Sutomo, Erwin; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Ridho Rizki Employees Cooperative a credit union that aims to provide storage services and lending capital to the surrounding community Karangmojo village. Areas of the business process scope Employees Cooperative Ridho Rizki is, cash loans, savings, compulsory savings and voluntary savings. In the process of lending cash, a cooperative judge of eligibility or the total penalty payment history, amount of loan, collateral value, and the value of their business, then if deemed appropriate by the owner of the loan will be realized. However, problems that occur in the cooperative over the years is the presence of the owners are not there so that the loan application is in the cooperative accumulate and can not be realized by the owner. Besides the problem that also occurred in the cooperative is the assessment of any owner in realizing loans are subjective, resulting in some customers in arrears installment payments already overdue. Resolve the issue then be made an eligibility determination decision support system that is able to replace the loan customers of the assessment process owners and provide a precise calculation in assessing the feasibility of loan customers. Methods which can support the decision are Fuzzy logic, because the data and installment payments on the cooperative nature of non-linear so that it can be modeled and calculated exactly.
Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit Kulit Pada Kucing Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Palguna, David; Jusak, Jusak; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Skin disease is a type of diseases that frequently infects pets especially cat. Cat that is infected the skin diseases, may initially looked fine. Based on interview with veterinarian who specializes in dogs and cats diseases, skin evaluation to the pets are considered to be very important. In some cases where skin diseases are not handled properly, it result in severe illness to the pets. Mostly veterinaries open up their practice only in big cities. Therefore most of the time, the cat owners are lazy to give proper treatment against the skin diseases that are suffered by their cats. Based on the problem above, it is neccessary to build an expert system that is able to support clinic and cat owners to diagnose the skin diseases of their pets. The certainty factor expert system will be used to detect every symptom that is suffered by cats. The new system will generate diagnosis of skin diseases for cats. The experiment results of this expert system indicate that the system is able to identify 91.6% accuracy of the type skin diseases. The result is obtained by the examination of 12 cats that suffer skin diseases in Moii Pet Care veterinary clinic.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Monitoring Antrian pada Koperasi Setia Bhakti Wanita berbasis WEB Putro, Muhamad Revo Dwi; Susanto, Teguh; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Koperasi Wanita Setia Bhakti Wanita have loan and save activities that has been devised a system of the queue to set a queue a members will do transactions. The current system of queue couldn’t give the history queue to the manager HRD, the impact is difficulty in performing manager HRD to monitoring the queue. Result of monitoring queue is information what manager HRD needs and could be useful to improve transaction services.Based on the above then made monitoring system by considering the necessaries manager HRD. Monitoring system proposed is assessment of concept socketserver, the first step make client that are connected by queue server. The second step, client will record history or activities in server. The third step, recorded of history is a sequence of data couldn’t be used for information. In the next step, have doing sorting a list of data will be stored and used as a source of data to make report monitoring a queue.The result of monitoring system is a report monitoring queue of comprising from reporting the real time a occurred queue, reporting the total queue, reporting the counter services (the amount queue per counter), reporting the services (total service, total service time) that’s manager HRD used to evaluate queue system. Keywords: monitoring, queue, saving and loan, socketserver, client server
Co-Authors Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Addaba, Abdullah adrianto, shandi prima yudha Agusta, Aditya Martin Akbar, Jamrodzi Firdhani Akbar, Jamrodzi Firdhani Akbar, Naufal Alif Syahlawal Aldilla, Marsha Sevin Alfian Wira Satya Sakti Alhabsyi, Muhammad Iqbal Alhabsyi, Muhammad Iqbal Alwi Assegaff Amaliyah, Alfinatul Amaliyah, Alfinatul Andi Yunindra Rochmansyah Andreas Yanuar Prasetianto Angelina, Kristin Anggy Pranindya Sudarmadji Anjik Sukmaaji Annisa Destiara Yaner Antonia Ratna Hanjani Ardhy, Nur Sakti Yanuar Ardhy, Nur Sakti Yanuar Arijuddin, Muhammad Arijuddin, Muhammad Arnaz Malikul Hakim Arsita, Moch Khrisna Assegaff, Alwi Assegaff, Alwi Atika Wardhani Rustiaria Atmajaya, Riyadi Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Azura, Wahyu Novia Izza Bambang Hariadi Cristanti, Nandesha Nensia Dwi Cristanti, Nandesha Nensia Dwi Danastri Rasmona Windriya Daniel F. Kale Darari Yogistina David Palguna Diah, Meita Eny Kusumaning Diah, Meita Eny Kusumaning Doddy Asmadi Jafar Evero, Mohamad Fanrauk Evero, Mohamad Fanrauk febrian abindra rakhman Febrian Handoko Feriyan Feriyan Feriyan, Feriyan Feriyan, Feriyan Finh Yutta Dhipiya Gusti Adistriani Hakim, Arnaz Malikul Hakim, Arnaz Malikul Handoko, Febrian Handoko, Januaryoputra Setyo Hanifah Lazuardy Eka Safitri Hanjani, Antonia Ratna Hanjani, Antonia Ratna Haryanto Tanuwijaya Henry Bambang Setyawan Henry Bambang Setyawan Heri Tristiantoro Hodianto, Randy Hodianto, Randy I Putu Agus Hendra Krisnawan I Putu Mulya Gunawan I Putu Narario Sastra Irawan, Sara Zetira Irawan, Sara Zetira Irawan, Sugesti Irawan, Sugesti Jafar, Doddy Asmadi Jafar, Doddy Asmadi Jamrodzi Firdhani Akbar Januar Wibowo Johan Agus Susanto Julianto Lemantara Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak, DR. Kale, Daniel F. Kale, Daniel F. Layla Qodary Zalyhaty Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto M. Putra Nur Rahman Meita Eny Kusumaning Diah Miftahussalam, Moh. Miftahussalam, Moh. Mirza Maulana, Yoppy Moch Khrisna Arsita Moh. Miftahussalam Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham Mohammad Andre Agazi Muhamad Revo Dwi Putro Muhammad Arijuddin Muhammad Ilyas Zainul Ar Rafii Muhammad Iqbal Alhabsyi Muhammad Rizqi Farhandy Akbar Nandesha Nensia Dwi Cristanti Naufal Alif Syahlawal Akbar Negara, Pandu Prawira Negara, Pandu Prawira Niovitta, Yoe One Ariestya Nugraha, Firmansyah Rizkiawan Nur Fatimatuz Zuhroh Pandu Prawira Negara Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas Pattah, Mochammad Rizki Dg. Permana, Alvin Indra Permata, Dian Ayu Prasetianto, Andreas Yanuar Prasetianto, Andreas Yanuar Prasetiyo, Hendrik Djoni Prasetiyo, Hendrik Djoni Prasetyo, Nico Prasetyo, Nico Pratama, Rizki Cahyo Aji Pratomo, Rizki Gumilar Nur Purwanto Purwanto Purwanto Purwanto Rahman, Alfian Noor Rahman, M. Afif Auliya Rahman, M. Putra Nur Rahmawati, Endra rakhman, febrian abindra Ravika Ayu Ashari Rendy Fadly, Mochammad Reza Oktorio Saputro Rizki Cahyo Aji Pratama Rizki Ramadhan Rizkillah, Taskhiyatul Nufus Robby Cahyadi Saputra Rochdiansyah, Zhulfiki Arbhi Rohmat Solikin Rozak, Salamun Rozak, Salamun Rudi Santoso Rudi Santoso, Rudi Rustiaria, Atika Wardhani Ryandis Rahmatullah Firdausy Safitri, Hanifah Lazuardy Eka Sakti, Alfian Wira Satya Sakti, Alfian Wira Satya Salamun Rozak Saputra, Ibnu Pratama Adi Saputra, Robby Cahyadi Saputra, Robby Cahyadi Saputro, Dedy Tri Saputro, Reza Oktorio Saputro, Reza Oktorio Sara Zetira Irawan Sastra, I Putu Narario Sastra, I Putu Narario Sejati, Dewangga Putra Setiawan, Ari Andika Setiawan, Dimas Arief Setiawan, Dimas Arief Slamet Slamet Sri Suhandiah Sri Suhandiah Sudarmadji, Anggy Pranindya Sudarmadji, Anggy Pranindya Sugesti Irawan suhandiah, sri Suhandiah, Sri Sulaksanasari Suyoso Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati Sutanto, Alvin Suyoso, Sulaksanasari Suyoso, Sulaksanasari Syafi'i, Imam Tan Amelia Tegar Heru Susilo Teguh Susanto Teguh Susanto Teguh Sutanto Titik Lusiani Tri Sagirani Tutut Wurijanto Utami, Sulistia Nofentri Valentinus Roby Hananto Vivine Nurcahyawati Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wibowo, Onky Prima Widana, Alit Wulandari, Fitri dwi Wulandari, Fitri dwi Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Yogistina, Darari Yogistina, Darari Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yudha, Bayu Okta Anggara Yudha, Bayu Okta Anggara Zuhroh, Nur Fatimatuz Zuhroh, Nur Fatimatuz