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Rona Awal Lingkungan Calon Tapak PLTN Sebagin, Bangka Selatan Eddy Nurtjahya; Kartika Kartika; Ismed Inonu; Franto Franto
Jurnal Forum Nuklir JFN VOL 11 NO 2 NOVEMBER 2017
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.076 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jfn.2017.11.2.3878


Evaluasi tapak adalah penting dalam penentuan penerimaan tapak PLTN, dan kelayakan calon tapak PLTN di Pulau Bangka dipublikasi tahun 2013. Penelitian rona awal lingkungan dari calon tapak Sebagin, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan ini bertujuan mendokumentasikan data dasar bagi diskusi tentang keberlanjutan pembangunan PLTN di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui wawancara masyarakat di 53 desa / kelurahan di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan, Bangka Tengah, dan Bangka untuk memperoleh data lama aktivitas dan laju inhalasi penduduk, produksi pertanian dan peternakan beserta luas tanam, umur panen, frekuensi penyiraman, jangka waktu tanam dan hold-up time, konsumsi karbohidrat, sayuran, daging, ikan, telur, susu, minyak goreng, kebutuhan air. Selain itu, data dilengkapi dengan hasil studi literatur dari berbagai sumber. Wilayah studi berupa lahan pertanian, berpenduduk 160.290 jiwa, dengan kelompok umur di atas 15 tahun 78,6% dan laju pertumbuhan 3,14%. Dari  topografi, Sebagin dipandang aman dari potensi banjir akibat tsunami dan luapan sungai. Sebagian besar kebutuhan beras dan sebagian sayuran dan sebagian besar minyak goreng dipasok dari luar provinsi. Separuh kebutuhan buah berasal dari luar kabupaten. Waktu tanam berbagai tanaman pertanian rata-rata 101 hari, dengan frekuensi tanam 2 kali setahun dan hold-up time 1-4 hari. Berbeda dengan daging ayam, sebagian besar daging sapi dan kambing dipasok dari luar provinsi, sementara sebagian kebutuhan telur dan daging ayam buras disuplai dari luar kabupaten. Sebagian besar kebutuhan ikan laut berasal dari tangkapan di provinsi. Sumur adalah sumber air minum utama, yang memiliki tinggi muka air tanah bervariasi sekitar 7-15 m. Irigrasi lebih bertumpu pada air hujan, dan air kolong bekas penambangan timah. Dosis maksimum radioaktif diperkirakan terletak di daerah huni 4 km sebelah Utara Sebagin, sementara konsentrasi maksimum terletak di Selat Bangka. Dosis radioaktif efektif tahunan maksimum untuk kelompok kritis adalah 1,71 µSv/a, jauh di bawah batas lepasan 300 µSv/a. Hasil pengukuran dosis radiasi latar bervariasi antara 0,64 mSv dan 2,25 mSv.
Kondisi Komunitas Mangrove di Pesisir Utara Pulau Mendanau dan Pulau Batu Dinding, Kabupaten Belitung Irma Akhrianti; Eddy Nurtjahya; Franto Franto; Indra Ambalika Syari
Akuatik: Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan Vol 13 No 1 (2019): AKUATIK : Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Biology, University of Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1109.68 KB)


Mendanau Island and Batu Dinding Island are part of small island groups that have a high diversity and density of mangroves. Based on administratively, Mendanau Island is located in the coastal area of Simpang Pesak District, Belitung Regency, which consist of one large island (Mendanau Island) and 1 small island (Batu Dinding Island). The lack of data about potential, diversity, and community structure of mangroves on the north coast of Mendanau Island and Batu Dinding Island, therefore this research is needed as a database for planning, sustainability management of mangroves at the coastal area and small island. The data of mangrove vegetation was taken by purposive sampling method, with using line transect plot (LTP). Ilustration of sampling design is each line transect have 3 plot / kuadratic transect sized 10 m x 10 m (capling), 5 m x 5m (sapling), 1m x 1 m (seedling). The result showed that there are 12 (twelve) mangrove species were found: jenis S. alba, R. apiculata, R. stylosa, R. mucronata, B. gymnorhiza, X. granatum, L. littorea. S. hydrophyllacea, S. taccada, H. tiliaceus, Pandanus, dan I. pes-caprae. Mangrove community structure and mangrove condition on the North Coast of Mendanau Island, at several observation stations, was damaged (poor conditions), while the status of the mangrove conditions on Pulau Batu Dinding was still relatively good.
Deteksi Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Menggunakan Citra Landsat ETM (Enhanced Thematic Mapper) Multi Temporal di Pesisir Utara Pulau Mendanau dan Pulau Batu Dinding, Kabupaten Belitung Irma Akhrianti; Franto Franto; Eddy Nurtjahya; Indra Ambalika Syari
Akuatik: Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan Vol 12 No 1 (2018): Akuatik: Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Biology, University of Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1187.733 KB)


Land cover changes is a physical impact which caused by the the existence of human activity that is quite high in parts of the lithosphere of the earth. The change in landscape certainly has a positive correlation with the dynamics of land use in an area, so that regular monitoring needs to be done, because often land use occurs out of control and not even in accordance with its designation. The main problems that occur in Mendanau Isalnd and Batu Dinding Island are the high level of utilization of mangrove ecosystems, the conversion of mangrove land into ecotourism areas, ports area, residental area and mining area (bauxite). This study aims to monitor changes in land cover in the northern coastal areas of Mendanau Island and Batu Dinding Island in Belitung Regency for 6 years (2000, 2002, and 2006) using a remote sensing technology approach, where image data processing refers to a guided classification method combined with check the field. The satellite images used are still classified as low resolution, namely Multitemporal ETM satellite images with ± 10% cloud cover rate. The results showed that, found 6 land cover classes, namely settlement, open land, mangrove vegetation, non-mangrove vegetation, marine waters, and clouds, which can be detected there has been a change in the increase in the area of non-mangrove vegetation by 365.47 ha, while residential areas experienced fluctuating conditions, namely an increase in cover area in 2000-2002 around 111.94 ha, then declined again in 2006 amounting to 61.28 ha. Unlike the case with the area of open land cover and cover of mangrove vegetation which tends to decrease. The area of open land cover in 2000-2002 decreased by 16.96 ha, then declined again in 2006 by 32.32 ha. The cover area of mangrove vegetation in 2000-2002 decreased by 69.5 ha, then decreased again in 2016 amounting to 208.82 ha.
PROMINE Vol 1 No 1 (2013): PROMINE
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.796 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/promine.v1i1.65


Pemanfaatan air tanah yang cenderung meningkat akan mengakibatkan berbagai dampak negatif, berupa penurunan muka air tanah, penurunan mutu air, dan penurunan tanah (Subsidence) akibat kosongnya rongga-rongga didalam tanah karena hilangnya air. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui stratigrafi batuan dan kondisi akuifer di dalam tanah adalah dengan teknik geolistrik, karena geolistrik merupakan alat untuk mendeteksi perlapisan batuan di dalam bumi. Untuk mengetahui perlapisan batuan dan kondisi akuifer di Desa Balunijuk maka dilakukan pendugaan geolistrik pada 4 titik sampel dengan sebaran berdasarkan topografi Desa Balunijuk, Adapun metode geolistrik yang digunakan adalah rangkaian elektroda menurut konfigurasi Wenner. Dari ke empat titik pendugaan geolistrik tersebut maka diperoleh daerah penelitian yang diwakili penampang E-F merupakan daerah paling potensial mengandung air tanah yang tersimpan dalam akuifer dangkal, dengan demikian di daerah ini dapat dilakukan kegiatan pengeboran air tanah sedangkan untuk daerah penelitian yang diwakili penampang C-D merupakan alternatif daerah yang cukup potensial mengandung air tanah yang tersimpan dalam akuifer dangkal. Namun lapisan pasir yang mengandung air tanah di daerah ini tidak setebal lapisan pasir yang dimiliki daerah penelitian dalam penampang E-F. Sedangkan untuk Lapisan batuan di Desa Balunijuk terdiri dari 3 bagian yaitu: lapisan lempung pasiran dengan nilai tahanan jenis 165-18.207 Ωm, lapisankrikil pasiran dengan nilai tahanan jenis 22,5-258 Ωm, dan lapisan lempung dengan nilai tahanan jenis 2,04-20,5 Ωm serta hasil analisis air permukaan bahwa air permukaan yang diambil dari semua titik sampel tidak layak di jadikan sebagai sumber air baku air minum.
PROMINE Vol 2 No 1 (2014): PROMINE
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.911 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/promine.v2i1.75


Keterbatasan mata air tanah dan sebarannya yang tidak merata disetiap tempat menjadi persoalan utama. Perkembangan teknologi dapat membantu menanggulangi berbagai masalah berkenaan dengan air sebagai kebutuhan pokok kehidupan, salah satunya dengan cara memetakan danmenginterpretasi keberadaan mata air tanah melalui prediksi keberadaannya dihubungkan dengan litologi atau jenis batuan yang terkandung didalamnya. Dari data-data inilah diharapkan nantinya dapat memberikan gambaran nyata akan keterdapatan akuifer ( lapisan penyimpan air tanah) untuk mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat terutama diwilayah pesisir, dimana sulit sekali mendapatkan sumber air tawar karena impasan air asin dari lautan. Metode pemetaan akuifer ini menggunakan alat geolistrik dengan metode wenner dimana dapat diinterpretasikan pemodelan akuifer air tanah daerah penelitian. Hasil analisis data sekunder dan primer yang berupa data resistivitas batuan.
Interpretasi Struktur Geologi Regional Pulau Bangka Berdasarkan Citra Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Franto Franto
PROMINE Vol 3 No 1 (2015): PROMINE
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1162.973 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/promine.v3i1.85


This paper aims to present the regional geological information related to geologic structure on the Bangka island. In this paper the processing done digitally on the image of SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) by combining the value of azimuth and altitude in order to obtain the number of alignment able delineated and recognizable become more by incorporating N0oE, N45oE, N90oE and N315oE artificial lighting as well as the value of the slope of the sun at 45o. Based on the interpretation of the results obtained Hillshade and rose diagram direction relative straightness dominant northwest-southeast trending interpreted as a manifestation of the direction stance layers, but it also contained lineament trending northeast-southwest according Margono et al. (1995) a rock folds covering Tanjung Genting Formation and Ranggam Formation, large tilt between 18o-75o and showed great intensity and there is tectonic lineament trending north-south, according to Mangga and Djamal (1994) was a fault and the fault is in the phase of the youngest as well as the fracturing horizontal cut of older faults (Crow , 2005). Straightness morphological pattern of spread and intensity level of tectonic deformation by the force in the research area is obtained by calculating the count lineament density based Geographic Information System with ArcGIS 9.3 in order to obtain density interval straightness into three classes, 0-28.72503662 km / km2 (low), 28.72503663- 57.45007324 km / km2 (medium) and 57.45007325-86.17510986 km / km2 (height) The higher the intensity, the area is assumed to be much deformed and most likely close to the structure geology.
Integrasi Perangkat Lunak Arcgis 9.3, Xampp, Mapserver for Window dan Geoserver dalam Rangka Penyusunan Peta Geologi Pulau Bangka Digital Berbasis Web Franto Franto; Alim Bahri
PROMINE Vol 3 No 2 (2015): PROMINE
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.902 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/promine.v3i2.95


Geographic Information System is an information system that is used to enter, store, recall,process,analyze and output geographically referenced data or geospatial. By using GIS will be easierfor decision makers to analyze the data. In this paper, the author makes the design of GIS localhostfor the manufacture of Geographical Information Systems Geology Bangka Island using ArcGIS 9.3,Xampp, Mapserver and GeoServer.Utilization of several applications open source simple andapplicable in the form of web server used is Xampp, the database server is used MySQL andmanagement applications MySQL used PhpMyAdmin resulting Web SIG on geological aps digitalBangka Island and their attributes that can be used as information about the initial data for analysisadvanced.
Kajian Sistem Penyaliran Tambang Bawah Tanah Pada PT Allied Indo Coal Jaya Sawahlunto Sumatera Barat Ferdinand De Lessep Samosir; Franto Franto; Delita Ega Andini
MINERAL Vol 6 No 2 (2021): MINERAL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.905 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/mineral.v6i2.3086


PT Allied Inco Coal Jaya (PT. AICJ) is a company that work in coal mining industry. This research is done at underground mining located at main shaft tunnel at +347 metres above mean sea level (MASL) with 334,04 m in length with room and pillar method as its mining method. This research is using quantitative method. From the calculation obtained, the total of incoming water into the mining production area is 6.13 m3/hour. For the actual incoming from well is as much as 13.32 m3/hour with the total head is as big as 29.56 m, as the time needed to discharge is 6.45 hour. Making the dewatering layout design for the incoming water at elevation of +347.32 MASL to main sump at +318 MASL with total length of 201.6 m, while the water discharged at continuous pumping at elevation +306 MASL moving toward +347.43 MASL with total distance 341.32 m. with the addition to incoming water there is an increase in the pumping working hours so it is concluded that there is difference between the planned cost and actual cost of Rp. 832,269.96.
Evaluasi Teknis dan Biaya pada Sistem Penyaliran Tambang di Pit 4 Edward PT Caritas Energi Indonesia Sarolangun Jambi Nur Annisa; Franto Franto; Delita Ega Andini
MINERAL Vol 7 No 1 (2022): MINERAL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/mineral.v7i1.3330


This research was conducted to redesign the dimensions of the temporary sump to accommodate the total volume of incoming water so as to minimize the occurrence of puddles around the mining area. The method used is a quantitative method by analyzing daily rainfall data for 10 years (2011-2020) using the Gumbell distribution. Actual data in the form of field rainfall intensity, sump water level rise, dimensions and actual discharge of the channel as well as the length and diameter of the pipe. Based on the 5-year return period, the total incoming discharge is 27,043.160 m3/day and based on the maximum rainfall of 30,693.351 m3/day after pumping 607.71 m3/hour for 7 hours, resulting in a residual discharge of 22,789.190 m3/day for 37.5 hours (PUH 5 years) and 26,439.387 m3/day for 43.5 hours (maximum CH). The actual dimensions of all four of Edward's Pit 4 channels are already larger than theoretical. The pump cost which is planned to operate for 7 hours is Rp 408,107.14/day while the actual pump operates 4 hours with additional maintenance costs of Rp 174,811.20/day or ± 42% of the planned cost. Making the actual temporary sump is Rp 73,598,773.90 with an additional cost of making the recommended sump of Rp 62,874,123.60 or ± 85% of the actual cost with a total cost of Rp 272,744,273.
Perencanaan Biaya Reklamasi Pada Lahan Bekas Penambangan Batubara Di Site MTBU PT Bukit Asam Tbk Kabupaten Muara Enim Nadilah Juang Putri; Franto Franto; Haslen Oktarianty
MINERAL Vol 7 No 1 (2022): MINERAL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/mineral.v7i1.3333


PT Bukit Asam Tbk is a coal mining company. The ex-mining area of ​​the MTBU site which will be reclaimed in accordance with the 2020 plan is 44 ha, but the available land is only 24.84 ha, the rest is still considered productive for mining. Therefore, it is necessary to study the planning of reclamation costs on the MTBU site land. The method of this research activity begins with determining the area of ​​the site to be reclaimed using Argics 10.6 software. then the reclamation costs were calculated which were grouped into direct costs and indirect costs based on KEPMEN ESDM 1827 of 2018. The results of the calculation of the direct cost components and indirect costs of the reclamation plan activities covering an area of ​​24.84 ha, namely the direct cost of reclamation of Rp. 14,857,849,955 with details of land management costs of Rp 2,363,798,980 and revegetation costs of Rp 485,597,426. Indirect costs are Rp 3,179,579,890,37 with details of equipment mobilization and demobilization costs (2.5%) of Rp 371.446248.88, reclamation planning costs (6%) of Rp 891.470.997.30, administrative costs and profits third parties as the implementation of the reclamation stage of production operations (8.5%) amounting to Rp. 1,262,917,246.18 and supervision fees (4.4%) of Rp. 653,745,398.02. The total cost required for land reclamation of 24.84 ha is Rp. 18,037,429,845.37.