M. Syakir
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development

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Analisa Usaha Tani Budi Daya Tebu Intensif: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Purbalingga Syakir, M.; Deciyanto, S.; Damanik, S.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 5, No 2 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat (Balittas)

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Peningkatan produktivitas tebu akan berdampak langsung terhadap peningkatan pendapatan petani dan juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi petani dalam berusaha usaha tani tebu. Studi kasus di lahan tebu tegalan di Desa Lambur, Kecamatan Mrebet, Kabupaten Purbalingga bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh budi daya intensif, semi-intensif, dan non-intensif terhadap nilai usaha tani tebu. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa budi daya tebu intensif melalui penggunaan pupuk organik lima ton per ha, pengairan yang memadai dan sistem tanam overlapping, dan klenthekan yang memadai, mampu menghasilkan produktivitas tebu varietas Bululawang rerata 150 ton tebu per ha, rendemen 7,16% dan pendapatan bersih petani sebesar Rp32,38 juta per ha. Perlakuan budi daya semi-intensif (budi daya intensif tanpa pupuk organik) mampu meng-hasilkan 100 ton tebu per ha, rendemen yang sama dan menghasilkan pendapatan bersih Rp16,45 juta. Sedangkan areal tebu dengan budi daya non intensif (tanpa pupuk organik, tanpa pengairan dan sistem tanam end to end) pada rendemen yang sama hanya mampu menghasilkan produktivitas 45–75 ton per ha. Perla-kuan terakhir ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk anorganik yang memadai tanpa pupuk organik tidak menghasilkan produktivitas yang optimum. Pada tingkat produktivitas tebu 45 ton per ha, petani akan mengalami kerugian sebesar Rp2,78 juta per ha. B/C ratio untuk usaha tani intensif, semi-intensif, non-intensif dengan bantuan program ekstensifikasi dan non-intensif perlakuan petani umumnya, masing-masing berturut 1,68; 1,44; 1,25; dan 0,89. Untuk mensuplai pupuk organik pada pertanaman tebu disarankan kelompok petani tebu yang lokasinya jauh dari pabrik gula (PG) dapat mengembangkan model pengem-bangan tebu ternak, agar pupuk organik dapat selalu tersedia di dekat areal pengembangan. Sedangkan kelompok tani tebu di sekitar PG, diharapkan membangun kerja sama dengan PG untuk dapat memanfaatkan blothong sisa penggilingan sebagai bahan baku pupuk organik. Increasing productivity of sugar cane would give a direct impact on increasing farmer income, as well as farmer motivation. Case study in dry land sugar cane plantation at Lambur Village, Mrebet District of Pur-balingga Region was aimed to show the effect of intensive, semi-intensive, and non-intensive cultivation to economic value of sugar cane. Result of this study showed that intensive planting cane cultivation of sugar cane by applicating cow manure 5 ton per ha, sufficient irrigation, with overlapping planting system, and old leaves detrashing, as well as implemented extensification aid program, was achieving approximately 150 tons productivity of Bululawang sugar cane variety, with rendement level of 7.16%. This was giving farmer income Rp32.38 million per ha. While semi-intensive cultivation of sugarcane (without cow manure) was yielding 100 ton sugar cane, by the same level of rendement and was giving Rp16.45 million per ha. How-ever, non-intensive sugar cane (without irrigation, without cow manure, end to end planting system) only achieved 45–75 ton sugar cane per ha. The last implementation also showed that the use of an-organic fer-tilizer without organic ferlizer was not an optimal productivity of dry land sugarcane at this area. Besides, the 45 ton yield of sugar cane would cause detriment of Rp2.78 million per ha. B/C ratio of intensive, semi inten-sive, non-intensive1, and non-intensive2 cultivations, were 1,68; 1,44; 1,25; and 0,89 respectively. To imple-ment the use of organic fertilizer on farmer’s fields are suggested for group of farmers, where their planta-tion is closed from sugar manufacture, to have cooperation and collaboration in using organic waste material as blothong of the manufacture for fertilizing their farms. Meanwhile for those that are far from the sugar manufacture, are suggested to rear cow and using the cow manure for fertilize their plantation.
The decreasing a negative impact of climate change on Indonesian food security Sulaiman, Andi Amran; Bahrun, Abd. Haris; Husnain, Husnain; Syakir, M.; Amir P, M.
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 43, No 2 (2021): ARTICLE IN PRESS
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v43i2.2979


The negative Impact of climate change and food security are crucial issues for Indonesia with a large population. Agricultural sector as a contributor about 5-7 percent to CO2 emissions, is a victim of climate change as this sector is very sensitive to the change of climate such as rise of temperature, drought, El Nino and La Nina and rise sea level. The decline in production due to climate change and extreme climate is very risky for Indonesia's food security. Various studies and studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of climate change. However, since 2009, voluntary commitment of Indonesian Government to reduce 26 percent of CO2 emissions set up the strong effort in many sectors to adapt with climate change. In agriculture, improving soil quality is key in maintaining food production. Soil conservation using vegetative or engineering technique is one of the most important technology. Nutrient management by applying balance fertilization, the use of organic material and ameliorant such as biochar, zeolite and other natural mineral are beneficial for plant production. All these ameliorants will be very useful in maintain soil organic matter (SOM) and soil carbon which very important in increasing water holding capacity. Water harvesting is one option to capture high precipitation and important to irrigate agricultural area. Besides, the use of cropping calendars, high yielding varieties which adapt to biophysical stress will be very useful. Other effort is also needed to control the peat fire, peat drainage and deforestation.
Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) Sebagai Bahan Bakar Nabati di Indonesia SYAKIR, M.
Perspektif Vol 9, No 2 (2010): Desember 2010
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/p.v9n2.2010.%p


ABSTRAKSalah satu komoditas pertanian yang potensial saat ini untuk dijadikan bahan bakar nabati diantaranya jarak pagar. Untuk produksi biodiesel tanaman jarak pagar dapat   dipilih   karena   tanaman  ini   tidak   bersaing dengan  tanaman  penghasil  pangan,  tidak  dimakan binatang   karena   beracun,   mudah   beradaptasi   di lapangan,   berpotensi   menjadi   bisnis   baru   untuk masyarakat  dan  kegiatan  produksinya  dapat  lebih terdesentralisasi.                   Ketersediaan     lahan      untuk pengembangan jarak pagar di Indonesia yang sangat sesuai mencapai 14,2 juta hektar dengan ketersediaan saat   ini   sekitar       5   juta   hektar.   Dalam   rangka mendukung    penyediaan    benih    unggul    untuk pengembangan jarak pagar seluas 2,4 juta ha tahun 2025, telah diperoleh tanaman superior dari aksesi-aksesi yang dikoleksi. Budidaya tanaman jarak pagar relatif masih baru dan teknologi budidayanya terus dikembangkan  seperti  halnya,  komponen  teknologi pengendalian    hama    dan    penyakit,    polatanam, pemupukan serta teknologi pengolahannya. Saat ini total  produksi  biji  jarak  seluruh  Indonesia  masih sangat rendah hanya sebesar 7.852 ton pada tahun 2007 dari luas areal 68.200 ha, meningkat menjadi 7.925 ton tahun 2008 dari areal 69.221 ha dan tahun 2009 menjadi 8.013 dari luas areal 69.315 ha. Masalah utama dalam membantu  percepatan  pengembangan  jarak  pagar selain  pengembangan  komponen taknologi  budidya adalah mencari terobosan baru untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman. Hal ini bisa ditempuh melalui bioteknologi  dan  rekayasa  genetika  serta  mencari sumber  keragaman  baru  genetika  dari negara asal, termasuk dari negara-negara Amerika Latin.Kata  kunci:  Prospek,  problem,  jarak  pagar,  bahan bakar   nabati,   produktivitas,   rekayasa genetika. ABSTRACTProspects and Problems of Jatropha curcas Development as Biodiesel Energy in IndonesiaOne of potential commodities to be used as bio fuel in Indonesia  is  Jatropha  curcas.    This  plant  is  chosen because it does not compete with food crops, while animal do not like it because it is poisonous. Moreover, this plant is adaptable in different climate conditions and  may  become  a  new  business  opportunity  for farmers,   since   fuel   production   activities   can   be decentralized. There are 14.2 million hectares of land suitable for growing the plant, whereas currently only 5 million hectares are available. Indonesian Centre for Estate Crops Research and Development nowadays has superior varieties that can be used to support expansion   of     2.4   million   hectares   of   jatropha plantations in 2025. However, agriculture technologies still have to be improved in term of, for instance, pest and disease control strategies, planting patterns, as well   as   fertilizing,   and   cultivation   technologies. Moreover, current seed production of jatropha is still low i.e. only 7.582 tonnes in 2007 of 68.200 hectares which becoming 7.925 tonnes in 2008 of 69.221 ha, and 8.013  tonnes  in  2009  of  69.315  hectares.  The  main strategy to accelerate jatropha plantation areas is to find new strategy especially related to how to improve plant  production.  This  approach  may  be  achieved through biotechnology and plant genetic engineering as  well  as  finding  new  genetic  varieties  from  its country of origin, including countries in Latin America.Keywords: Prospect, problem, Jatropha curcas L., bio-  fuel, productivity, genetic engineering