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LITERASI KESIAPSIAGAAN GEMPA DI SUMATERA BARAT: SEBUAH REVIEW Rita Nasmirayanti; Rafki Imani; Meldia Fitri; Jihan Melasari; Maiyozzi Chairi; Nadra Arsyad
Construction and Material Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 Maret 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/cmj.v4i1.4527


The West Sumatra earthquake on September 30, 2009, has left a long sorrow for the families of the victims. The number of children who died at “Bimbel” center at that time was a proof of how vulnerable and at-risk children were to the threat of earthquakes. Learning from the past earthquakes, the local government and policy makers of West Sumatra Province have taken steps to take preventive measures, especially since the 2009 earthquake. Follow-up efforts such as reconstruction and rehabilitation have also been carried out well. However, these efforts will be meaningless if they are carried out sporadically and unsustainably. Efforts that have been carried out and have developed so far must be carried out from upstream to downstream in a more focused manner, starting from children to adults. Community capacity building, both through systematic socialization and sustainable disaster education, must continue to be carried out in every condition where there is no potential disaster in a disaster-prone area. The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24 of 2007 concerning disasters, it is states that one of the groups of people who are vulnerable to disasters is the age group of children. Earthquake disaster education and knowledge need to be introduced early on. This study aims at evaluating the importance of literacy and disaster education for children. The method used is an evaluation method and a review of several previous studies, then summarize the results obtained from some of the previous studies. The results of the study stated that disaster literacy for children is important to do from an early age, so that they have more readiness and capacity to face disasters in the future. Keywords: Disaster Literacy, Disaster Education, Earthquake.
Evaluasi Kinerja Pelayanan Stasiun Kereta Api Simpang Haru, Kota Padang Maiyozzi Chairi; Widiawati Purba; Violita Nirma Putri
Civil Engineering Collaboration Vol. 4 (2019) No. 2
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jcivil.v4i2.4


Stasiun Simpang Haru, Kota Padang dibuka pada 22 Agustus 1891. Stasiun ini terletak di jalan Stasiun No.1 Simpang Haru, Kecamatan Padang Timur, Padang, Sumatera Barat merupakan stasiun kereta api kelas besar yang berada dalam pengelolaan PT.Kereta Api Indonesia Divisi Regional II Sumatra Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja pelayanan stasiun kereta api simpang haru dengan menggunakan metode survey lapangan serta melakukan pengamatan di Stasiun Simpang Haru yang akan di bandingkan dengan ketentuan Permenhub No. 48 tahun 2015 tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimum Angkutan Orang dengan Kereta Api dan penyebaran kuisioner tentang pelayanan Stasiun Simpang Haru secara langsung kepengguna jasadengan menggunakan metode perhitungan Servqual (Service Quality). Stasiun Simpang Haru memenuhi 86,66% fasilitas yang diatur oleh tabel Permenhub No.48 tahun 2015 tentang standar pelayanan minimum angkutan orang dengan kereta api. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di stasiun Simpang haru, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari perhitungangap secara keseluruhan ruang tunggu stasiun memiliki tempat duduk yang memadai dengan nilai gap sebesar -1.25, sedangkan dalam tingkat kepentingan ruang tunggu stasiun memiliki tempat yg memadai berada prioritas yang ke-9. Yang berarti bahwa apa yang diharapkan pengguna jasa cukup terpenuhi. Darihasil pengolahan analisis gap per dimensi dapat diketahui bahwa dimensi emphaty (empati) menempati rangking terakhir karna memiliki nilai gap yang sangat besar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwakriteria dalamdimensi emphaty (empati) perlu atau lebih diprioritaskan untuk dilakukan perbaikan.
Analisa Faktor Penyebab Kemacetan Lalu Lintas di Jalan Kolektor Studi Kasus Jalan Gajah Mada Gunung Pangilun Kota Padang Maiyozzi Chairi; Jihan Melasari; Rian Afandi
Civil Engineering Collaboration Vol. 5 (2020) No. 1
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jcivil.v5i1.9


Congestion is a situation or state of stalling or even stopping traffic caused by a large number of vehicles exceeding road capacity. Traffic congestion is a big problem that is often faced in Indonesia, especially in big cities. This study aims to analyze the factors that cause congestion in Jalan Gajah Mada Gunung Pangilun, Padang City. This research is quantitative descriptive by calculating traffic volume and the causes of traffic jams. And following the Urban Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJP, 2014). Based on the results of the field survey in Road Capacity (C) 3340 pcu / hour, Total Traffic Volume (Q) 1446 pcu / hour and Saturation Degree (DJ) 0.43 pcu / hour, so that the Road Service Level (LOS) type can be obtained B in the sense that traffic flow is stable, the speed starts to be influenced by traffic conditions, but can still be chosen according to the will of the driver. The highest level of congestion occurs on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 (from the day surveyed).
Perencanaan Ulang Pondasi Pilar Jembatan Sikabu Kayu Gadang N Nanda; Maiyozzi Chairi; Nofri Fu’adi Rahmat
Civil Engineering Collaboration Vol. 6 (2021) No. 2
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jcivil.v6i2.30


The construction of transportation facilities such as bridges plays an important role in the development of human resources today because more and more road users will use these facilities. The Sikabu Kayu Gadang Bridge has a span of 100 meters with a structure of precast concrete, abutments, pillars and a foundation of concrete and steel piles which inspired the authors to conduct research. In this type of selection, several things need to be considered, such as the load being carried and the location of the hard ground. Based on this, this study aims to analyze the deep foundation that can be applied to the project in the hope of getting more efficient results. Based on the re-planning, the bearing capacity of the foundation permit (Qall) is 1254.98 kN with a diameter of 0.5 m and a depth of 20 m. The permitted bearing capacity of the pile group (Qall) is 12795.46 kN to withstand the loads acting on the superstructure. Bore Pile foundation logitudinal reinforcement = 10 D16 and Bore Pile shear reinforcement = ᴓ 12 – 150 mm.
Civil Engineering Collaboration Vol. 7 (2022) No. 2
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jcivil.v7i2.45


Baja merupakan salah satu material yang banyak digunakan seiring kemajuan di bidang konstruksi. Baja memiliki sifat-sifat mekanis yang dapat menjadi kelebihan dalam penggunaannya. Namun pada baja profil terdapat berbagai ukuran sehingga perlu penyesuaian dengan kebutuhan. Salah satunya dengan modifikasi di balok link pada sistem struktur baja tahan gempa EBF dengan tambahan pengaku (stiffener). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis kinerja struktur link yang diberikan pengaku (stiffener) dengan displacement control. Analisis pada profil baja IWF dengan ukuran 200.100.5,5.8 menggunakan program Msc. Patran/Nastran. Berdasarkan analisis didapatkan variasi jarak pengaku yang dilakukan pada badan dan sayap link ternyata tidak memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kurva perpindahan vs beban. Namun berdasarkan pemodelan yang dilakukan variasi terbaik yang didapatkan adalah variasi pada S-02 dengan kekuatan (strength) sebesar 164.792 kN, kekakuan (stiffness) sebesar 5493,09 N/mm, dan daktilitas (ductility) sebesar 1,220.