Eduardus Tandelilin
Faculty Of Economics & Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Published : 40 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Investment Horizon to Investment Decision and Mean Reversion: Indonesian Perspective Junarsin, Eddy; Tandelilin, Eduardus
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 10, No 1 (2008): January - April
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This study has two research objectives: (1) to find evidence whether investment decisions (allocation of funds in each asset in a portfolio) of Indonesian investors in the short investment horizon diverge with their investment decisions in the long investment horizon, and (2) to examine the belief of Indonesian investors in the mean reversion. This study analyzes the investment horizon from a behavioral point of view by examining the influence of investment horizon on investment decision and mean reversion in Indonesia. We employed the students of Master of Science, Master of Management, and Doctorate Programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia as the sample in this research. Of the 217 questionnaires delivered, 172 questionnaires were completely filled and utilized in this study.The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) it is significantly proved that Indonesian investors are inclined to assume higher portfolio risk in the longer investment horizon than that in the shorter investment horizon; (2) it is very interesting to see that on average, the investors are inclined to increase their allocation in the risk-free asset in the longer investment horizon although the difference between the risk-free asset holding in the short investment horizon and that in the long investment horizon is not significant; (3) the framing effect significantly influences the investment decisions, both in short investment horizon and in long investment horizon; (4) there is a tendency for the respondents to show a willingness to assume higher portfolio risk when they received the questionnaires that provided the historical five-year returns on the first page; (5) investors predict an asset gaining 50 percent in the first year to continuously gain in the next four years while expecting an asset losing 25 percent in the first year to continuously loss in the next four years.
The Impact of the Tick Size Reduction on Liquidity: Empirical Evidence from the Jakarta Stock Exchange Purwoto, Lukas; Tandelilin, Eduardus
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 6, No 2 (2004): May-August
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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On July 3, 2000, the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) reduced its tick size from Rp25.00 to Rp5.00. This study examines the impact of the tick size reduction on the JSX bid-ask spread, market depth, and trading activity. Using daily data, this study finds that the rupiah spread, percentage spread, and depth decreased significantly. All of these findings are not surprising since they are consistent with previous studies conducted in several different markets.In contrast to previous studies, this study finds that the key variable in determining the difference in performance of JSX stocks following the tick size reduction is the price of the stock. Specifically, all the trading activity measures e.g. in the number of trades, share volume, and rupiah volume, increased for low-priced stocks. Conversely, trading activity decreased for high-priced stocks. The possible explanation is that absolute tick size Rp5.00 is too small in economic terms for JSX high-priced stocks, so those decrease the investors’ willingness to trade.
Detecting the Existence of Herding Behavior in Intraday Data: Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange Setiyono, Setiyono; Tandelilin, Eduardus; Hartono, Jogiyanto; Hanafi, Mamduh M.
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 15, No 1 (2013): January - April
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This study attempts to investigate the issue of the existence of institutional herding in the stock market. The existence is detected in the intraday trade data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during up, down, and stable market condition over the period 2003-2005. By using the model of Lakonishok et al. (1992), it is found that the intensity of the existence of institutional herding at the IDX, on average, is 8.4 percent. Institutional investors do not seem to lead their transactions ina certain characteristic of stock. Most of them follow positive-feedback trading strategy while others follow negative-feedback trading strategy. This study also found that the existence of herd behavior at the IDX did not destabilize the market price in a subsequent period.
EARNINGS ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMPETING INFORMATION: THE INDONESIAN EVIDENCE Sulistiawan, Dedhy; Hartono, Jogiyanto; Tandelilin, Eduardus; Supriyadi, Supriyadi
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 29, No 1 (2014): January
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The main purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence of the relationship betweeninvestors’ responses to two events, which are, (1) earnings anouncements, and (2) technicalanalysis signals, as competing information. This study is motivated by Francis, et al. (2002),whose study used stock analyst’s recommendations as competing information in the U.S stockmarket. To extend that idea, this study uses technical analysis signals as competing informationin the Indonesian stock market. Using Indonesian data from 2007-2012, this study shows thatthere are price reactions on the day of a technical analysis signal’s release, which is prior toearnings announcements. It means that investors react to the emergence of competinginformation. Reactions on earnings announcements also produce a negative relationship withthe reaction to a technical analysis signal before an earnings announcement. This study givesevidence about the importance of technical analysis as competing information to earningsannouncements.Keywords: competing information, earnings announcements, technical analysis, price reaction
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 27, No 2 (2012): May
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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A sound banking system is vital in supporting a sound and strong economy. One of the important pillars of a sound banking system is market discipline, which is the reaction ofthe market makers on the risks taken by banks as a form of supervision and discipline. The objectives of this paper are to examine: (i) the existence of market discipline by depositors in the deposit insurance era by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS); (ii) the difference in market discipline by depositors before and after the policy of increasing the value of deposit covered; (iii) the difference between market discipline by depositors of Islamic banks with conventional banks. The data used are annually individual bank data from the Indonesian Banking Directory (DPI) in 2005-2009. The dependent variable is the change in deposits, which is used as proxy for market discipline in t period. The independent variables used are CAR, APB, NIM, and LDR as proxy of financial risk/fundamental condition of the bank in t-1 period. The result indicates the existence ofmarket discipline in Indonesia and also shows that market discipline is detected stronger in the period 2005-2007 than the period 2008-2009. This study also indicates that marketdiscipline by depositors of Islamic banks are stronger than those of conventional.Keywords: market discipline, deposit insurance, Islamic and conventional banks.
BANK RISK AND MARKET DISCIPLINE Taswan, Taswan; Tandelilin, Eduardus; Husnan, Suad; Hanafi, Mamduh M.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 27, No 3 (2012): September
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This paper investigates the issue of bank risk taking. Specifically we investigate two main issues: (1) determinants of bank risk, and (2) market discipline to the banks either in implicit, explicit guarantee systems, and all periods. Using Indonesian data, we find that domestic, foreign, and ownership concentration have positive impact on bank risk. Bank shareholders engage in entrenchment behaviour, rather than convergence behaviour. We further find that charter value and compliance to regulation have negative impact on bank risk. Next, we find that market disciplines the banks. Market disciplines the banks at thesame degree in implicit and explicit deposit guarantee systems. Our findings highlight the importance of paying close attention to banks ownership, charter value, and compliance to regulation. Furthermore, since we find that market disciplines the Banks at the same degree in explicit and implicit guarantee systems, we need to investigate this issue further.This finding highlights research potential in the future: to investigate disciplining behaviour from various types of depositors.Keywords: bank ownership, market discipline, risk, entrenchment, convergence, and deposit insurance
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 17, No 4 (2002): October
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh krisis keuangan di Asia terhadap prilaku saham di Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ). Secara spesifik tujuan penelitian ini adalah, pertama melihat perubahan likuiditas, aktivitas perdagangan, dan volatilitas return saham di BEJ dari periode sebelum krisis keuangan. Kedua, menguji stabilitas variabel-variabel yang menetukan likuiditas saham di BEJ ketika terjadi krisis keuangan.Penelitian ini menggunakan paired t-tests, non-parametric sign tests, dan analisis regresi untuk menguji dampak krisis keuangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bid-ask spread, depth, aktivitas perdagangan, dan volatilitas meningkat signifikan selama krisis. Hasil keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa krisis keuangan meningkatkan biaya transaksi investor kecil dan investor yang mengalami panik. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan penentu spread dan depth adalah harga, volume, dan volatilitas. Namun variabel penentu ini tidak stabil dari periode sebelum dan selama krisis keuangan, pengecualian untuk harga saham.Keywords: bid-ask spread, depth, trading activity, financial crisis.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 26, No 3 (2011): September
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The research investigates ownership structure in Indonesia in context of agency theory for non-financial firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for 2000-2007 periods.The uniqueness of characteristic of ownership structure in Indonesia, which is dominated by large institutional shareholders motivated researcher to examine the impact and its relationship to agency conflict and balancing off agency theory in Indonesian companies.In this condition, it is certainly indicating that the existing conflict is not between managers and owners but majority and minority. The study argues that in low level ownership, controlling institutional shareholder expropriates the minority shareholders. However, when the ownerships comes to higher level, the controlling shareholder will make agency conflict lower since monitoring hypothesis becoming relevant in such level. In other words, the study argues that nonlinear relation between agency conflict which is proxied by firm’s performance ratios and controlling institutional ownership exist. Nevertheless, the study argues that debt and dividend policy can also be used to reduce the conflict. Thus, the study also examines the simultaneous relationships among the mechanisms used to reduce agency conflict.The result indicates that when controlling institutional shareholder has significant amount of shares, they will actively monitor the manager to ensure them making value.However, when the ownership is insignificant, controlling shareholder will harm firm value due to expropriation of controlling shareholder. Therefore, nonlinear relationshipexists between controlling institutional shareholder and agency conflict. Second, debt policy and dividend policy can be used to reduce the conflict. The last, it is found thatbalancing off agency theory is not applied among all policies. The only bidirectional relationship is between institutional ownership and debt policy.Keywords: controlling institutional ownership, agency theory, balancing off agency theory, debt policy, dividend policy
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 17, No 1 (2002): January
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kecepatan penyesuaian dan target rasio pembayaran dividen di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model Lintner. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 975 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) yang melakukan pembayaran dividen selama periode 1994 sampai dengan 1999. Penelitian ini menemukan empat hal penting, yaitu: pertama, selama berlangsungnya krisis moneter di Indonesia, jumlah perusahaan yang mengumumkan earning dan membayar dividen mengalami penurunan yang signifikan. Kedua, perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia selama periode 1994-1999 cenderung lambat melakukan penyesuaian pembayaran dividen mareka terhadap target dividennya, yaitu sekitar 0,36. Hasil ini menunjukkan kecenderungan yang lebih lambat dibanding hasil penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh Sutojo dan Irianto (1990; 1995) selama periode 1986-1993, serta Selvi (1999) selama periode 1991-1996. Ketiga, perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia selama periode 1994-1999 membayarkan dividen bagi pemegang sahamnya sebesar 0,53 dari earning yang diperolehnya. Hasil ini lebih rendah dibanding temuan penelitian sebelumnya oleh Sutojo dan Irianto (1990;1995) dan Selvi (1999). Keempat, ada kecenderungan bahwa selama periode 1994-1999 investor di Indonesia lebih berorientasi pada capital gain. Hasil ini konsisten dengan hasil penelitian sebelumnya oleh Sutojo and Irianto (1990, 1995) serta Selvi (1999). Kata Kunci: Kecepatan penyesuaian, Rasio target pembayaran dividen, Model Lintner, Orientasi capital gain.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 29, No 3 (2014): September
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The development of advanced information technology has become a standard in the processof improving corporate value. This is seen through the high level of investors’ awareness of thebrand and information that company holds (Da, Engleberg, and Gao, 2011; Bank, Larch, andGeorge, 2011; Joseph, Wintoki, and Zhang, 2011). Among the information providers, internetplays an important role not only in accessing information, but also as a medium that can beapplied to publish a wide range of financial reports or news to attract investors. This study aimsto examine the effect of investors’ attention towards returns, liquidity and volatility of stockreturns. The results indicate that investors’ attention which is represented by Google Insightcontributes positively and significantly to the explanation of returns, liquidity, and volatility ofstock returns in Indonesian manufacturing firms. Also, the phenomenon of informationtechnology usage can be one of the considerations for investors in order to discover what typesof company’s criterion that is appropriate to be included in their investment portfolio.Keywords: investors’ attention, returns, liquidity, volatility of stock returns