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Jurnal Pengabdian Polinema Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian Polinema Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : UPT Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jppkm.v7i2.42


PLC training aimed at instructors of the Industrial Automation Engineering Skills Competency Program in Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen, can improve the skills and motivation of teachers and students to know and understand PLCs and improve skills in making/assembling PLC practice modules for the development of PLC practice subjects. In addition, it can also increase additional skills for PLC field teachers in accordance with the applicable curriculum in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Kontrol Pompa Tandon di Perumahan Giripalma Desa Karangwidoro Dau Malang Tresna Umar Syamsuri; Rohmanita Duanaputri; Harrij Mukti K.; Rahma Nur Amalia; Ruwah Joto
Jurnal Pengabdian Polinema Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Polinema Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : UPT Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jppkm.v9i2.169


Perumahan Giripalma mempunyai sumur air yang dikelola sendiri oleh warga Perumahan. Penggunaan air dari sumur ini berbayar atau dengan kata lain warga Perumahan berlanggan. Warga berlangganan dimaksudkan agar pemakaian air tidak boros, dengan demikian diharapkan agar sumur tidak cepat habis airnya. Air dari sumur ini dinaikan ke tandon dengan menggunakan motor pompa listrik tiga fasa 380V. Sampai saat ini motor pompa dihidupkan dan dimatikan dengan cara manual, yaitu apabila apabila air di tandon sudah habis maka pompa dihidupkan, sampai tandon air penuh. Ada petugas sendiri yang menghidupkan dan yang mematikan pompa. Kelemahan dari cara manual ini, petugas sering bolak-balik untuk melihat apakah tandon sudah penuh atau belum, karena kalau tandon ditunggu sampai penuh maka butuh waktu lama, padahal dengan waktu yang lama ini petugas bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan yang lain.Untuk memudahkan dan meringkankan pekerjaan petugan maka kami membuat kontrol pompa air ini secara otomatis, yaitu apabila tandon kosong maka otomatis pompa bekerja, dan apabila tandon penuh pompa maka berhenti. Selanjutnya untuk memantau kontrol pompa air ini tidak dipercayakan kepada petugas lagi tetapi dipercayakan kepada Karang Taruna Perumahan Giripalma, agar Karang Taruna bertanggungjawab terhadap lingkungan hidupnya, dan untuk kerampilan mereka di masa mendatang.
Studi Perbandingan Pemakaian Energi Air Conditioner Inverter Dengan Air Conditioner Konvensional Ruwah Joto
JURNAL ELTEK Vol 11 No 1 (2013): ELTEK Vol 11 No 1
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.05 KB)


Dalam kehidupan ini semua pasti tidak lepas dari teknologi antara lain adalah Air Conditioner. Pada aula, kantor maupun sekolah pasti sudah memakai Air Conditioner. Untuk pemakaian Air Conditioner ini pasti tidak lepas dari biaya pemakaian energinya oleh karena itu sekarang sudah ada Air Conditioner Inverter yang dapat menghemat pemakaian energi daripada Air Conditioner Konvensional. Untuk itu, diperlukan studi perbandingan antara kedua Air Conditioner. Dari hasil pemeriksaan dan analisa dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut : bahwa besarnya arus dan daya yang dihasilkan lebih besar Air Conditioner Konvensional daripada yang dihasilkan oleh Air Conditioner Inverter dengan pemakaian suhu ruangan yang ditentukan itu sama. Dengan demikian untuk pemakaian energi pasti lebih hemat Air Conditioner Inverter daripada Air Conditioner Konvensional.
Analisis Effisiensi Penyaluran Kabel Laut 150 kV Gilimanuk 3 dan 4 Yang Menghubungkan Interkoneksi Jawa-Bali Dengan Metode Rock Dumping Ruwah Joto
JURNAL ELTEK Vol 12 No 1 (2014): ELTEK Vol 12 No 1
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.6 KB)


Transmisi tenaga listrik dari pembangkit listrik ke pusat beban atau konsumen memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Oleh karena itu memerhatikan rugi daya dan drop tegangan. Daya yang hilang mengacu pada panas yang dihasilkan pada bagian konduktor kabel (konduktor, selubung, dan armour) dan sebagian isolasi kabel. Nilai daya yang hilang dalam konduktor, selubung, dan armour terutama tergantung pada nilai arus. Penelitian ini mengenai metode penggelaran kabel bawah laut dan perhitungan rugi daya dan jatuh tegangan kabel listrik bawah laut dengan isolasi XLPE, tegangan kerja 150 kV, sirkuit Gilimanuk 3 dan 4 interkoneksi Jawa-Bali. Kabel memiliki penampang konduktor (300 mm2) kabel 3-core, dengan konduktor tembaga. Metode yang digunakan untuk penggelaran kabel bawah laut adalah metode rock dumping. Nilai daya yang hilang di konduktor kabel adalah 738566,87 W. Rugi Dielektrik pada kabel listrik bawah laut berisolasi XLPE adalah 7992,5 W. Nilai total kerugian sebesar 746846,62 W. Persentase drop tegangan mencapai 0,02% dan nilai jatuh tegangannya adalah 30 volt / km.
Analisis Perencanaan Sistem Jaringan Distribusi Listrik dan Perkembangan Beban Pada Perumahan The Grand Kenjeran Surabaya Epiwardi; Ruwah Joto; Muhammad Urfan Barran Rusyda Marzuq
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 9 No. 3 (2022): ELPOSYS vol.9 no.3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.344 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v9i3.649


Planning here aims to get an optimal service flexibility so that it is able to quickly anticipate the growth of electrical energy and how dense the load that must be served. So that the planning of the electricity distribution network system must pay attention to the load conditions in the field, this is intended so that the planned distribution network system can still work well for the next few years. The data collection method used is in the form of field observations which aim to determine field conditions and obtain load data that will be planned. The results of research conducted at The Grand Kenjeran Surabaya housing show that there are 76 housing units to be built in this housing. The 76 housing units will be divided into 4 blocks D, E, F, G and are planned with an initial power of 5500 VA for each housing unit along with Public Road Planning in residential areas. Taking into account field conditions, ground cables are used as a distribution network system which includes SKTM and SKTR. The total power obtained is 435,107.5 VA and is served by 3 units of distribution transformer using Pole Transformer Substation, 3 PHB-TR, 12 Main PHB, and 3 Branch PHB. The magnitude of the possible voltage drop is around 0.97% for medium voltage, 0.3% - 0.92% for Main PHB group, 0.7% - 1.54% for Branch PHB group.
Analisa Audit Upaya Efisiensi Energi di PT. Telkom Witel Unit Network Area dan IS Operation Ruwah Joto; Sukamdi; Pratama Aditya
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 9 No. 3 (2022): ELPOSYS vol.9 no.3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.019 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v9i3.650


The increasing use of energy, in line with the development of the economy and industry, it is also necessary to realize the importanceof saving energy on the consumption side. Energy conservation is an increase in the efficiency of energy used or energy saving processes.This process includes an energy audit, which is a method for calculating the energy consumption level of a building or buildings, the resultsof which will be compared with existing standards to then look for solutions to save energy consumption if the energy consumption levelexceeds existing standards. The method used for research in this final project uses a walking audit by collecting data based on current,voltage, and power measurements. The data will be used to determine the analysis of the consumption of electrical energy used in the PT.Telkom Witel Unit Network and IS Operation Malang. Calculation of the IKE value (Energy Consumption Intensity) of the Malang City STObuilding for the results from the account data, the results are 479.14 kWh/m²/year. As for the IKE value from the measurement, the result is443.5 kWh/m²/Year 2, the value of the IKE is very inefficient from the standard compared to the ASEAN USAID standard in 1987, becausethe total power per year is not proportional to the existing building area. The lighting strength value after the recommendation is according tothe standard by replacing the lamp with a large lumen value, while in the cooling system the calculation of the BTUH requirement for eachroom is compared to the BTU AC (Air conditioner).
Analisis Keandalan Sistem Distribusi 20kV Pada Penyulang Pujon PT. PLN (PERSERO) ULP Batu Wijaya Kusuma; Ruwah Joto; Mochammad Mieftah; Awan Setiawan
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 9 No. 3 (2022): ELPOSYS vol.9 no.3 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.759 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v9i3.656


At PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Batu, Pujon feeder is one of the 9 feeders in the distribution system that supplies several areas in PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Batu. At the Pujon feeder, the number of disturbances that occurred from January to November 2021 occurred twenty-two times, with details of eighteen temporary disturbances and four permanent disturbances. The number of disturbances that often occur can affect the feeder who is working normally. This can cause voltage drops and power losses, causing the flow of electric power to be less than optimal and detrimental to customers or consumers. Because it requires maneuvering so that the disturbance does not spread to all feeders and cause one feeder to experience a blackout. Based on the problems that occur, maneuver analysis is needed to reduce the impact of disturbances on the Pujon feeder and to maintain the reliability value of the distribution system at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP BATU.
Analisis Keamanan Instalasi Listrik Penerangan dan Pompa Air di Wilayah Perkampungan Ruwah Joto; Harrij Mukti K.; Tresna Umar Syamsuri; Wijaya Kusuma; Rahma Nur Amalia
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 7 No. 3 (2020): ELPOSYS vol.7 no.3 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (840.739 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v7i3.670


The use of lighting installations installed in the RW VIII Kelurahan Kesatrian has various aspects in terms of installation and use. To prevent losses due to the installation, the solution is to conduct electrical installationtraining. As a result of this training, it is hoped that the community can make efforts to install lighting or independentlyin their respective homes safely and correctly. The purpose of this Community Service is to provide knowledge andskills in installing electrical installations correctly and safely, given the use of household electrical appliances withvarious brands, each brand of household electrical equipment has different reliability, and utilization and operationthat require safety for users.
Upaya Peningkatan Keandalan Penyulang dengan Manuver Jaringan Slamet Nurhadi; Muhammad Fahmi Hakim; Ruwah Joto
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): ELPOSYS vol.10 no.1 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.032 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v10i1.916


The Tlogosari feeder was disturbed 20 times so that the reliability of system wasn’t said to be good. The purpose of this research was to make efforts to increase reliability and reduce ENS by maneuvering the network and adding CO Branch. Hoped that after these efforts the reliability level of Tlogosari Feeder will be better and ENS will be as minimal as possible. The network maneuver is carried out by delegating part of Tlogosari Feeder load when it experiences a disturbance to the nearest feeders on the condition that the total load current after the maneuver doesn’t exceed the current setting and conductor ampacity. The addition of CO Branch is based on fault data to localize fault points to reduce transformer outages. After performing network maneuvers and adding CO Branch in the sub-networks, it was found that the SAIDI and SAIFI values were improved and the ENS was reduced. Network maneuvering and addition of CO Branch are quite effective in implementing the Tlogosari Feeder.
Perencanaan Instalasi Penangkal Petir Pada Bangunan Industri Bengkel Pembuatan Mesin CV. Karya Brawijaya Rohmanita Duanaputri; Ruwah Joto; Sigi Syah Wibowo; Fery Nova Dwi Prasetyo
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 8 No. 3 (2021): ELPOSYS vol.8 no.3 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v8i3.53


In this era, Indonesia's industry is rapidly developing and relies heavily on electrical components, especially in the Agro-Industry Machine Workshop of CV. Karya Brawijaya. CV. Karya Brawijaya is an industry that produces agro-industrial machinery. In the planning of external protection systems, the commonly used methods are conventional lightning rods and electrostatic methods. Therefore, to further examine the situation, observations conducted in the industry revealed the absence of a lightning protection system. Hence, the author aims to plan and compare the two types of lightning protection systems, namely conventional (Franklin) and electrostatic (E.F. Lightning Protection System), in terms of protection, technical aspects, economy, advantages, and disadvantages. The research and observations were conducted in the CV. Karya Brawijaya building area, using data collection techniques such as direct observation, interviews, and literature studies. This process yielded building layout data (height, width, and length) and data on thunderstorm days in 2019 (IKL 243). These data were then used to calculate the parameters for lightning protection system installation planning according to the standards set by SNI 07015-2004 and PUIPP. The results of the conventional method (Franklin) planning, with air terminations using rolling spheres, showed that 9 finials were installed, allowing the building to withstand currents up to 160.06 kA. On the other hand, the electrostatic method (E.F. Lightning Protection System) planning resulted in the installation of 1 finial, enabling the building to withstand currents up to 23.737 kA. If the current exceeds these values, the lightning protection system will capture the lightning strike.