Livia Yuliawati
Sosiohumaniora Vol 10, No 2 (2008): SOSIOHUMANIORA, JULI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran
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DOI: 10.24198/sosiohumaniora.v10i2.5396
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik terkait kedekatan emosional yang diperlukan oleh orang tua sebagai model dan mentor kecerdasan emosional bagi anak remajanya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 82 orang remaja sebuah SMP dan SMU di Surabaya yang berusia 13-18 tahun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket kecerdasan emosional dan angket terbuka tentang kedekatan emosional subjek dengan orang tua mereka. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, terdapat dua karakteristik terkait kedekatan emosional yang diperlukan orang tua untuk menjadi model dan mentor kecerdasan emosional. Pertama, memiliki waktu kebersamaan yang lebih lama dengan remaja. Kedua, memiliki kualitas pribadi berikut ini, yaitu dapat dipercaya, memberikan kenyamanan emosional, serta dapat memahami dengan style komunikasi remaja. Kata kunci: Model, mentor, kecerdasan emosional, kedekatan emosional.
Quo Vadis: Mentoring in Entrepreneurship Education?
Livia Yuliawati
Jurnal Entrepreneur dan Entrepreneurship Vol. 2 No. 1,2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
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DOI: 10.37715/jee.v2i1,2.151
Saat ini perkembangan konsep mentoring telah masuk pada area entrepreneurship. Hubungan antara mentee dan mentor, yang telah diterapkan dalam konteks karier dan organisasi, juga tengah diterapkan dalam pendidikan entrepreneurship sebagai hubungan antara entrepreneur pemula dan entrepreneur yang telah memiliki pengalaman. Karena entrepreneurship diyakini sebagai jawaban bagi masalah pengangguran, kemiskinan, dan krisis ekonomi, maka kesuksesan seorang entrepreneur cenderung diukur hanya dengan kriteria ekonomi. Banyak pendidikan entrepreneurship yang merancang berbagai proyek untuk membekali entrepreneur pemula dalam rangka menciptakan bisnis yang baru. Hal ini juga memengaruhi bagaimana mentor membantu mentee, yang menekankan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, peningkatan pendapatan, dan keberlangsungan suatu bisnis. Paradigma ini tampaknya mengabaikan karakteristik psikologis yang perlu dimiliki oleh entrepreneur serta mempersempit entrepreneurship sebagai bentuk mengejar uang belaka. Artikel ini akan meninjau tentang arah mentoring dalam pendidikan entrepreneurship, apa peran mentor, dan hasil belajar yang diharapkan dari mentoring dalam pendidikan entrepreneurship.
Ika Raharja Salim;
Livia Yuliawati
Psibernetika Vol 14, No 2 (2021): Psibernetika
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia
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DOI: 10.30813/psibernetika.v14i2.2873
The inability of students to plan is one of the causes of academic procrastination behavior. The ability to plan can emerge from within the individual, which is described in the personal growth initiative or PGI. This study was conducted to see whether there is an influence from the individual's internal as seen from the personal growth initiative on academic procrastination behavior. Academic motivation is also an interesting variable to mediate the effect of personal growth initiative on academic procrastination, especially in this study out of three types of academic motivation, external was the chosen one. So that this study is able to show the influence on the behavior of academic procrastination in terms of the inner self which is mediated by the individual outside. The study was conducted by taking samples from six universities in Surabaya, public and state universities (N = 207). Data was taken using online and offline questionnaires. The results showed that PGI did not affect academic procrastination (βc' = - 0.004) either directly or through the mediation of extrinsic academic motivation (βb = - 0.002), but the results of data analysis showed that there was an effect of PGI on extrinsic academic motivation (βa = 0.459).
Ikkyu Ikkyu;
Livia Yuliawati
Proyeksi: Jurnal Psikologi Vol 17, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
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DOI: 10.30659/jp.17.2.48-59
Social media nowadays has become a need of many people. One of the most used social media is Instagram.Ease of access to look into the lives of others and evaluate others contributes to the decreasing ability toaccept oneself. This study aims to examine the role of gratitude as the mediator between mindfulness and self-acceptance among Instagram users. The present study involves 121 participants, age from 18 to 24 years oldusing convenience sampling method. Gratitude Questionnaire Six Item Form (GC-6), Mindful AttentionAwareness Scale (MAAS), and Berger’s Self-Acceptance Scale are administered using online survey. Results havefound that gratitude significantly acts as the significant partial mediator between mindfulness and self-acceptance. Mindfulness and gratitude play important roles for active Instagram users to be able to acceptthemselves for what they are.
Hioe Ricky Yohanes;
Livia Yuliawati
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 15, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma
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DOI: 10.35760/psi.2022.v15i2.6158
Banyak kelompok intoleran di Indonesia yang melakukan tindakan pelanggaran-pelanggaran hukum dan terorisme yang mendasarkan perilakunya pada ajaran agama. Tidak jarang kelompok anti toleran tersebut berasal dari masyarakat yang memiliki intelektual tinggi. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan dari religiusitas dan kerendahan hati intelektual terhadap sikap toleransi beragama pada mahasiswa di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif cross-sectional, serta menggunakan survei penilaian diri sendiri untuk mengambil data. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 95 orang mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas yang ada di Indonesia dan terbagi dalam 7 agama atau aliran kepercayaan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kerendahan hati intelektual dan religiusitas memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap religious tolerance masing-masing sebesar 24.5% dan 9.7%. Kerendahan hati intelektual diprediksi mempengaruhi toleransi beragama karena adanya konsep yang serupa, yakni untuk menghormati adanya perbedaan dengan orang lain serta terbuka dengan adanya perbedaan, sementara religiusitas memiliki pengaruh terhadap religious tolerance diprediksi dikarenakan secara umum agama di Indonesia mengajarkan mengenai nilai-nilai kebajikan seperti toleransi terhadap perbedaan dan sesama.
Hubungan Antara Presence Of Purpose Terhadap Career Indecision Making Pada Fresh Graduate Di Surabaya
Novitasari, Nimas Diana;
Yuliawati, Livia
Psychopreneur Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Psychopreneur Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
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DOI: 10.37715/psy.v3i2.1390
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between presence of purpose and career indecision making amoung fresh graduates in Surabaya. One of devolpmental tasks of youth is to find a career that aligns one’s potential. When fresh graduate can’t find one’s potential, they will experience career indecision making. Career indecision making cause, they don’t have presence of purpose.This study involve 107 respondens which graduated in 2015-2018. Measuring instrument for presence of purpose is unidimension scale of present of life from PWB and scale of present of life from Bundick and friends. And measuring instrument for career indecision making is scale from Germijs and De Boeck. Based on analysis results, there’s a relation between presence of purpose and career indecision making amoung fresh graduate in Surabaya.
Pengaruh Persepsi Dukungan Autonomy dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Motivasi Intrinsik Musik
Kusuma, Jennifer Aristasya;
Yuliawati, Livia
Psychopreneur Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Psychopreneur Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
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DOI: 10.37715/psy.v4i1.1747
Learning music through formal lessons have a lot of benefit for teenagers. Unfortunately, data shows that teenagers tend to quit music lessons because of the lack of interest and motivation. Motivation, especially intrinsic motivation is an important aspect in the continuation of having formal music lessons because it can predict a more effective music practice. Support from teacher and parents are needed in order to increase the student’s intrinsic motivation. The hypothesis is that there is a positive effect between perceived autonomy support and perceived social support towards intrinsic motivation to play music. This research uses quantitative approach with correlational design. Subjects in this research are 120 teenagers who is currently taking music lessons in Surabaya and obtained by means of accidental sampling. Data analysis shows the main hypothesis is only partially accepted, where it is found only perceived autonomy support can predict intrinsic motivation while perceived social support have no effect. Further analysis shows that perceived autonomy and social support from music teacher has a significant effect towards teenager’s intrinsic motivation. Other factors such as what age the student start having lessons also have an effect towards their intrinsic motivation as teenagers.
Pengaruh Kematangan Iman Terhadap Kesediaan Menghidupi Panggilan Dengan Nilai Materialistik Sebagai Moderator
Dorkas, Mopheta Audiola;
Yuliawati, Livia
Psychopreneur Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Psychopreneur Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
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DOI: 10.37715/psy.v4i2.1754
Living calling in career means a condition in which a person is able to live up to what has become his vocation so that they're able to live a career or work done more positively. In some phenomena that occur among priests, the willingness to living a calling is still largely influenced by external factors that make it difficult for them to living a calling. The hypothesis of this study is that faith maturity influences living calling with materialistic value as a moderator. The research method uses a quantitative survey approach with quantitative correlational research techniques between three variables. The research subjects were 47 priests and vicar in one church synod in Bali and obtained by total population study technique. Data analysis using the linear regression analysis correlation test and correlation test. The conclusion of this study is that there is a positive influence of faith maturity on living calling but materialistic value cannot be a moderator
Pengaruh Pelatihan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Anak Didik Komunitas X
Rio Natannael Wijaya;
Mahatma Elok Nuran;
Maula Rizka Salsabila;
Bernike Hartono;
Helen Natalie;
Livia Yuliawati;
Tifani Meilianawati;
Putri Ayu Puspieta;
Mopheta Audiola Dorkas
Psychopreneur Journal Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Psychopreneur Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
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DOI: 10.37715/psy.v6i2.3189
This training aimed to determine the effectiveness of achievement motivation training to increase achievement motivation. This research applied a few of McClelland and Alschuler’s Achievement Motivation Training concepts which consists of developing mindset through materials, self-study implemented in study-strategy tests, goal setting, priorities, as well as reflection and self-evaluation, the final results of which will be measured through pretest and post-test. The subjects in this study were 19 students aged 9-14 years who were in elementary and junior high school living in the area of Community X. The sampling technique used was non-probability purposive sampling. This study used Quasi Experiment B, with the research design One Group Pre-test Post-test Design. The measuring instrument used is McClelland's achievement motivation scale which has been adapted into Indonesian. Hypothesis testing was carried out by using parametric statistical tests, namely Paired Sample T-Test to see the effect of training on achievement motivation level. The results of the comparison between pre-test and post-test with paired sample t-test showed p value= 0.46 (p > 0.05). The conclusion is that the hypothesis is rejected, which means that there is no significant effect on the subjects’ achievement motivation before and after the achievement motivation training.
Pengaruh Pelatihan Goal Setting Dalam Mengatasi Academic Boredom di Remaja Sidodadi Surabaya
Sheren Reggyna Herawan;
Nabila Aurelia Rizqulah Sugijanto;
Audrey Vivian Chandra;
Sherly Yuriko Kato;
Emre Omar Khaled;
Livia Yuliawati;
Tifani Meilianawati;
Putri Ayu Puspieta;
Mopheta Audiola Dorkas
Psychopreneur Journal Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Psychopreneur Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
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DOI: 10.37715/psy.v6i2.3219
During the pandemic, online learning led to the emergence of academic boredom due to the absence of face-to-face meetings. The existence of this boredom can reduce students' academic achievement, and can cause confusion in life purpose since they do not understand their goals. This study aims to determine the effect of goal setting training on academic boredom. The researcher used a purposive sampling technique with 10 participants aged 12-16 years in the "X" community. The training consisted of 3 meetings in 2 weeks. The measuring instrument that we used is the Academic Boredom Survey (ABS-10) with pre-test post-test control group designs. The results of the hypothesis test can be accepted because the p < .05 which is p = .009. There was an increase in the average score of the pre-test post-test from 35.6 to 55.3. On the other hand, where academic boredom should have decreased, it has actually increased. This may be due to the inconsistent attendance of participants at each training meeting.