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Journal : Science Midwifery

The Test Effect of Glucose Tolerance of Green Apple (Mallus sylvestris Mill.) Juice on Male White Mice Mevy Trisna; Renatalia Fika; Dewi Novita; Budi Setiawan; Wenni
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 5 (2022): December: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i5.967


Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes is a disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels beyond normal limits due to disruption of carbohydrate metabolism due to a deficiency of the insulin hormone caused by impaired pancreatic function. Glucose tolerance is disturbed when a person's blood sugar level on the glucose tolerance test is above normal but not high enough. Green Apple (Mallus sylvestris Mill.) Glucose Tolerance Test. Against White Male Mice orally by measuring mice's blood sugar levels every 30 minutes for 3 hours at a dose of 1.12 g; 2.24 g; and 4.48 g. The study's results using the oral glucose tolerance test method showed that the glucose tolerance effect of green apple juice at a dose of 1.12 g averaged blood sugar levels from 160.33 mg/dl to 89.33 mg/dl, at a dose of 2.24 g. – average blood sugar level from 204.67 mg/dl to 122.33 mg/dl and a dose of 4.48 g average blood sugar level from 329.67 mg/dl to 175.00 mg/dl. At a dose of 4.48 g, it can provide a faster effect on lowering the glucose levels of the test animals from statistical testing utilizing the T-test obtained tcount ≤ ttable means that there is no significant difference between the test substance group and the normal group.
Evaluation of the Rationality of OTC (Over The Counter) Drug Self-Medication in Patients in Pasaman Barat District Pharmacy Budi Setiawan; Renatalia Fika; Mevy Trisna; Nurhida Yanti
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 5 (2022): December: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i5.1023


Self-medication is simply a person's attempt to treat symptoms of illness or disease without consulting a doctor first. Self-medication also means treating all complaints about oneself with medicines purchased directly at pharmacies or drug stores on their initiative without a doctor's prescription. OTC (Over The Counter) drugs are medicines that can be purchased without a prescription, namely over-the-counter and limited over-the-counter drugs, including fever-reducing drugs, pain relievers and inflammation relievers, cough medicines, cold medicines, ulcer medicines, diarrhea medicines, and skin medicines. The use of drugs in self-medication is carried out correctly to ensure the accuracy, rationality, and safety of drug use in self-medication. This study aimed to determine the demographic data characteristics of self-medication patients, the rationality of self-medication, and the influence of patient demographic data characteristics on rationality in OTC (Over Counter) drug self-medication patients. This study used a cross-sectional method. As many as 100 respondents aged 18-60 who self-medicated OTC (Over Counter) drugs at the West Pasaman District Pharmacy were involved in this study. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Statistical Product And Servicer Solution (SPSS) 23. The results of this study showed that the majority of respondents who self-medicated OTC (Over Counter) drugs were 58% women, 63% of the age group 18-60 years, the last education group was low ( SD, SMP, SMA) by 77% and the non-PNS/non-private employee group is 82%. Respondents who used self-medication rationally were quite large, namely 86%. The factor that influences self-medication is age. While gender, education, and occupation do not affect self-medication
Evaluation of Patient Compliance with the Use of Type II Diabetes Mellitus Medication at Clinic X Padang City Renatalia Fika; Yonrizon; Ainun Naim; Mazaya Fadhila; Putri Ulandari
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 5 (2022): December: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i5.1024


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Patient compliance is necessary to successfully treat non-communicable diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, asthma, cancer, etc.), mental disorders, HIV/AIDS infectious diseases, and tuberculosis. This study aims to describe the level of adherence of patients taking DM type II medication. This cross-sectional study involved 90 patients who met inclusion and exclusion criteria. The level of patient adherence was measured using the MMAS-8 questionnaire sheet, translated into Indonesian as a research instrument. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis to describe the frequency distribution of patient characteristics and the level of adherence. Relationship between patient characteristics and the level of adherence was tested with the chi-square test using SPSS version 23. It was found that 77 respondents (85.6%) were included in the adherent category, and 13 respondents (14.4%) were non-adherent. The low compliance rate was 13 respondents (14.4%), the moderate compliance level was 50 respondents (55.6)%, and the high compliance level was 27 respondents (30%). The results of this study indicate that patient adherence to the use of DM type II drugs at Clinic X Padang City is high. Variables that affect patient adherence to taking medication for DM type II at Clinic X Padang City are age, gender, education, employment, and income because it gets significant Value. Meanwhile, the long duration of the drug does not affect adherence to taking medication because it gets an insignificant value