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Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Vol 31, No 4 (2012): Desember 2012
Publisher : Pusat Perpustakaan dan Penyebaran Teknologi Pertanian

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Penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2012 sekitar 235 juta orang dan diperkirakan akan menjadi 273 juta orang pada tahun 2025. Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk akan diikuti oleh meningkatnya kebutuhan pangan, termasuk pangan hewani. Sementara itu, luas lahan/daratan sebagai basis untuk memproduksi pangan tidak bertambah, bahkan cenderung berkurang karena konversi, abrasi, dan terendam akibat meningkatnya permukaan air laut sebagai dampak dari  pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim, serta kualitas sumber daya alam yang makin menurun. Konsumsi protein hewani penduduk Indonesia  sangat rendah (sekitar 6 g/kapita/hari) dan diperkirakan akan meningkat tajam apabila pendapatan penduduk terus meningkat, yang diprediksi  mencapai US$13.000 pada tahun 2025 sesuai target MP3EI 2025. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, Pemerintah perlu menyiapkan strategi  pembangunan peternakan jangka menengah dan panjang secara berkelanjutan dengan memanfaatkan ketersediaan sumber daya lokal. Dalam hal ini, selain mengeksplorasi sumber daya genetik ternak yang efisien dalam penggunaan pakan, juga harus dapat memanfaatkan bahan pakan berupa produk samping tanaman maupun industri pertanian yang tidak bersaing dengan bahan pangan. Kebijakan ini harus didukungdengan inovasi teknologi yang telah dihasilkan maupun yang perlu dikembangkan. Peningkatan produktivitas dan produksi ternak secara berkelanjutan dengan pola seperti ini dapat menghemat sumber daya alam sekaligus menekan emisi gas rumah kaca dalam rangka  mewujudkan konsep green economy.
Milk production capacity of prolific Priangan sheep: Preweaning performance Tiesnamurti, Bess; Inonou, Ismeth; ., Subandriyo
Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 7, No 4 (2002)
Publisher : Indonesian Animal Sciences Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.074 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v7i4.298


A study was conducted to investigate the milk production capacity and preweaning performance of the prolific Priangan sheep, at sheep breeding station of the Research Institute for Animal production, Bogor using 126 ewes during three lambing periods in three consecutive years. The milk production was estimated weekly, started at day 7 after lambing date, till lambs were weaned at 90 days of age. The results showed that total milk production was significantly affected (P<0.05) by parity and the number of lambs born with average daily milk production of 519.5 g head-1 day-1. Estimated total milk production was 43.6 kg/lactation (N = 126; SD = 7.8; CV = 19.4%; range = 28.7-53.6 kg). According to the dam parity, the highest milk production was estimated at third parity (40.1 kg head-1 lactation-1), whereas on the basis of litter size, ewes with twin born lamb had the highest production (39.9 kg head-1 lactation-1). The preweaning lamb performance (weaning weight and preweaning daily gain) was significantly affected (P<0.05) by ewe parity, sex, litter size and type of birth and weaned, with the average weaning weight of 10.62 kg (N = 208; SD = 3.37; CV = 25.08%) and 130.9 + 41.8 g head-1 day-1 (N = 208; SD = 33.5; CV = 31.26%), respectively. Where as lamb birth weight was significantly affected (P<0.05) by ewe parity, sex and the number of lambs bornwith average of 2.39 kg (N = 208; SD = 0.66; CV =        9.8%).   Key words: Milk production, prolific sheep, preweaning performance
Lamb production of prolific sheep Inounu, Ismeth; Tiesnamurti, Bess; ., Subandriyo; Martojo, Harimurti
Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (1999)
Publisher : Indonesian Animal Sciences Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.625 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v4i3.152


The research was aimed to study factors that affected litter size (JAS), lamb survival (DHA) and litter weight at birth (BL) and at weaning (BS) on prolific ewes. Production records during the year of 1981-1993 were used in this study (1,437 records). Ewe genotypes (G), management levels (M), ewe parity (P) were the fixed effect and ewe gestation gain (PKB) was a covariable that included in the model. Analysis of variance for unbalanced data with general linear model procedure were used. Mean JAS was 1.77. Sources of variation that affected JAS were G, M, P-M interaction, and PKB. One copy of FecF gene increased the number of lambs born by 0.8. Changing toward a better management levels was followed by an increase of JAS. An increased of one kilogram PKB was also followed by an increase of 0.04 litter size born. The mean of BL was 3.43 kg and the sources of variation that affected BL were G, M and P-M interaction. At all management levels, primipara ewes had lower litter size at birth and litter birth weight than the pluripara ewes. Mean DHA found was 73.93%, it was affected by G-M interaction, P and PKB. First parity ewes has 11% lower of DHA than second parity ewes. An increase of 1 kg PKB was followed by an increase of 2.3% of DHA. Sources of variation that affected BS were G-M interaction, P and PKB. Mean BS in this study was 13.12 kg.   Key words : Prolific sheep, lamb production