Dwi Rahayuningsih
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PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) Jurnal Pharmacy, Vol. 07 No. 03 Desember 2010
Publisher : Pharmacy Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pji.v7i3.572


ABSTRAK Bahan penghancur ditambahkan pada kebanyakan fomula tablet untuk memudahkan pecah atau hancurnya tablet ketika kontak dengan cairan saluran pencernaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan amilum singkong pregelatinasi sebagai bahan penghancur terhadap sifat fisik tablet aspirin. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat 6 formula dengan bahan penghancur yang berbeda yaitu 3 formula menggunakan amilum singkong pregelatinasi dengan konsentrasi F1 5%, F2 10% dan F3 15% dan 3 formula lagi menggunakan amilum singkong dengan konsentrasi yang sama dengan amilum singkong pregelatinasi. Tablet dibuat dengan metode cetak langsung. Tablet yang dihasilkan diuji sifat fisiknya yaitu sifat alir granul, keseragaman bobot, kekerasan, kerapuhan dan waktu hancur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa amilum singkong pregelatinasi menghasikan sifat fisik tablet yaitu waktu alir granul lebih cepat, kekerasan tablet lebih besar, kerapuhan tablet lebih kecil dan waktu hancur lebih lama dibandingkan amilum singkong. Kata kunci: Aspirin, Amilum Singkong Pregelatinasi, Bahan Penghancur ABSTRACT Disintegrant is added to most tablet formulation to facilitate a breakup or disintegration of the tablet when it contact with water in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this research was to know the influence of use pregelatinized tapioca starch as disintegrants on physical characteristic of aspirin tablets. Sixth formulas of aspirin tablets were made by disintegrants concentration different are three formulas use pregelatinized tapioca starch by concentration F1 5%, F2 10% dan F3 15% and the others three formulas use tapioca starch by concentration is same with pregelatinized tapioca starch. Tablets were made by direct compression method. The tablets produced were tested physical characteristic (fluidity of granule, uniformity of weight, tablets hardness, friability and disintegration time). The result of research showed that pregelatinized tapioca starch yield physical characteristic of tablets fluidity of granule quicker, tablet hardness higher, friability smaller and disintegration time longer compared to tapioca starch. Keywords: Aspirin, Pregelatinized Tapioca Starch, Disintegrants
HUBUNGAN HIGIENE PENJAMAH DENGAN KUALITAS MIKROBIOLOGIS PADA MINUMAN ES COKLAT DI KOTA SEMARANG (Studi di Kecamatan Tembalang Dan Kecamatan Pedurungan) Dwi Rahayuningsih; Martini Martini; Susiana Purwantisari; Retno Hestiningsih
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 5, No 4 (2017): JULI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (79.155 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v5i4.18371


Water borne disease is a disease caused by the entry of pathogenic bacteria in the body with drinks. Ice chocolate currently many outstanding in the community. Tembalang and Pedurungan, Semarang are an educational area so it is a strategic place to sell ice chocolate. The purpose of this research is to analyze relations between hygiene sanitation with microbiological quality in ice chocolate in Semarang (Study in Tembalang and Pedurungan). This study is observational-analytic with using cross sectional design. The samples were 38 samples of ice chocolate. Data were analyzed using Chi square. The results showed that most of the ice chocolate did not qualify with 35 samples (92,1%) of unqualified Coliform status, 21 samples (55,3%) were contaminated with Escherichia coli, and 6 samples (15,7%) were contaminated with yeast / mold / fungi. This study shows there is an relations between hygiene handlers with microbiological quality in ice chocolate (p value = 0,043). Traders should pay attention to hygiene when making ice chocolate so that bacterial contamination can be minimized.