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Tanggap Fisiologi dan Hasil Bawang Merah (Allium cepa L. Kelompok Aggregatum) terhadap Lengas Tanah dan Ketinggian Tempat Berbeda Anshar, Muhammad; Tohari, Tohari; Sunarminto, Bambang Hendro; Sulistyaningsih, Endang
Biota Biota Volume 18 Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : PBI Yogyakarta

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Percobaan di rumah kaca telah dilaksanakan di provinsi DIY pada bulan Maret-Juni 2009. Percobaan bertujuan mengkaji tanggap fisiologis dan hasil bawang merah terhadap kondisi lengas tanah berbeda pada ketinggian tempat berbeda. Penelitian disusun berdasarkan percobaan lokasi dalam Rancangan Petak Petak Terbagi (Split Split Plot Design) diulang tiga kali. Petak utama adalah lokasi dengan ketinggian tempat berbeda di atas permukaan laut (dpl.) terdiri atas: (1) 100 m dpl., (2) 400 m dpl., dan (3) 800 m dpl.; Sub-plot adalah varietas bawang merah terdiri atas: (1) ‘Palu’, (2) ‘Palasa’, dan (3) ‘Sumenep’. Sub-sub-plot adalah lengas tanah dalam persentase kapasitas lapangan (% KL) terdiri atas: (1) 50% KL, (2) 100% KL, dan (3) 150% KL (kondisi jenuh). Lokasi dengan ketinggian tempat berbeda memberikan tanggap fisiologi dan hasil bawang merah yang berbeda. Varietas Palu memiliki aktivitas fotosintesis lebih besar pada semua kondisi lingkungan berbeda dan lebih tahan terhadap cekaman kekurangan dan kelebihan lengas tanah terutama di dataran rendah. Lengas tanah 100% KL menghasilkan aktivitas fisiologi dan hasil umbi kering panen lebih tinggi, sebaliknya lengas tanah 50% KL dan 150% KL menurunkan pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah varietas Palasa, Palu dan Sumenep pada semua ketinggian tempat.Kata kunci: bawang merah, ketinggian tempat, lengas tanah, fisiologi
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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ABSTRAKNilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth) merupakan salah satu tanamanpenghasil minyak atsiri yang dikenal dengan minyak nilam (patchouli oil).Salah satu kendala dalam pengembangan tanaman nilam adalah pekaterhadap kekurangan air. Perubahan iklim cenderung menyebabkan lebihsering terjadi kekeringan di sejumlah wilayah termasuk Indonesia sehinggadalam pengembangan tanaman nilam diperlukan varietas toleran terhadapcekaman kurang air. Terdapat tiga varietas unggul nilam (Tapaktuan,Sidikalang, dan Lhokseumawe) dengan produksi minyak (290-375 kg/ha)dengan kadar patchouli alkohol 32–33%. Penelitian bertujuan untukmengevaluasi respon fisiologis 4 varietas/aksesi tanaman nilam terhadapcekaman kurang air. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah kaca di Bogor padatahun 2012. Penelitian menggunakan RAK faktorial dengan tiga ulangan.Faktor  pertama  4  varietas/aksesi  nilam  (V)  yaitu  Sidikalang,Lhokseumawe, Tapaktuan, dan Bio-4. Faktor kedua empat intervalpenyiraman (W) yaitu 1, 3, 6, dan 9 hari sekali. Evaluasi pengaruhcekaman kurang air dilakukan terhadap beberapa karakter fisiologitanaman nilam. Pengamatan dilakukan antara lain terhadap peubah kadarlengas tanah, konduktivitas stomata (Gs), laju transpirasi (Tr), kandunganair nisbi (KAN), potensial air daun (PAD) dan kandungan prolin daun.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan kadar lengas tanah,konduktivitas stomata, laju transpirasi, dan KAN pada semua varietas,sedangkan PAD dan kadar prolin meningkat seiring dengan semakinlamanya interval penyiraman. Kadar prolin tertinggi pada interval 9 harisekali pada varietas Sidikalang. Tidak terdapat perbedaan responvarietas/aksesi nilam yang diuji.Kata kunci: Pogostemon cablin Benth, cekaman kurang air, karakterfisiologis.ABSTRACTPatchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) is one of plant that producespatchouli oil call patchouli oil. However, patchouli is susceptible todrought. The effect of global warming which changes rainfall patterncaused droughts in several regions including Indonesia. Therefore, it isimportant to find patchouli variety which is relatively tolerant to drought.Tapaktuan, Sidikalang, dan Lhokseumawe are three varieties of patchouliwhich produce high essential oil (290-375 kg/ha) with high patchoulialcohol content (32–33%). The objective of this research was to evaluatethe physiological responses of four varieties/clone of patchouli to drought.The experiment was conducted at greenhouse at Cimanggu, Bogor fromFebruary to July 2012. The research was designed in randomized factorialblock design (RBD) with three replications. The first factor was fourvarieties/clone of patchouli (V) Sidikalang, Lhokseumawe, Tapaktuan, andBio-4. The second factor was four watering intervals (W) every 1, 3, 6and 9 days of watering. Parameters evaluated were physiologicalcharacteristics, soil moisture content, stomatal conductance, transpirationrate (Tr), leaf water potential, relative water content, and proline content ofleaf. The results showed that soil moisture content, stomatal conductivity,transpiration rate and relative water content decreased, while leaf waterpotential and proline levels increased along with the increase of wateringintervals. The highest proline level was at interval of nine days wateringtreatment on Sidikalang varieties. However, all varieties/clone have notdifferent responses to water deficit.Key words: Pogostemon  cablin  Benth,water  deficit,  physiologicalcharacteristics
Jurnal Sains Dasar Vol 4, No 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (43.488 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jsd.v4i2.9097


The synthesis of biodiesel targeted as SNI 04-7182-2006 standard has been done from kapuk randu seed, following two steps i.e. sokhlet extraction process of kapuk seed oil from kapuk seed using n-heksane as a solvent, and the production of biodiesel from kapuk seed oil by transesterification process using methanol and KOH as catalyst. Transesterificatin process was performed at temperature 50 oC with the variation of stirring duration as followed  50, 75, 100 and 125 minutes. The kapuk randu extraction resulted  % kapuk randu seed oil, while the transestherification process resulted around 55 - 65%. The biodiesel product characteristics provided the density value of all biodiesel at stirring durations variation are suitable with SNI standard (850 – 890 kg/m3), the viscosity value of all biodiesel are  higher than the range SNI value (2,3 – 6,0 cSt). While the flash point values are lesser than SNI standard (10160 - 11000 cal/g). Keywords: kapuk randu seed, transestherification, biodiesel
Tanggap Fisiologi dan Hasil Bawang Merah (Allium cepa L. Kelompok Aggregatum) terhadap Lengas Tanah dan Ketinggian Tempat Berbeda Anshar, Muhammad; Tohari, Tohari; Sunarminto, Bambang Hendro; Sulistyaningsih, Endang
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 18, No 1 (2013): February 2013
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v18i1.258


Percobaan di rumah kaca telah dilaksanakan di provinsi DIY pada bulan Maret-Juni 2009. Percobaan bertujuan mengkaji tanggap fisiologis dan hasil bawang merah terhadap kondisi lengas tanah berbeda pada ketinggian tempat berbeda. Penelitian disusun berdasarkan percobaan lokasi dalam Rancangan Petak Petak Terbagi (Split Split Plot Design) diulang tiga kali. Petak utama adalah lokasi dengan ketinggian tempat berbeda di atas permukaan laut (dpl.) terdiri atas: (1) 100 m dpl., (2) 400 m dpl., dan (3) 800 m dpl.; Sub-plot adalah varietas bawang merah terdiri atas: (1) ‘Palu’, (2) ‘Palasa’, dan (3) ‘Sumenep’. Sub-sub-plot adalah lengas tanah dalam persentase kapasitas lapangan (% KL) terdiri atas: (1) 50% KL, (2) 100% KL, dan (3) 150% KL (kondisi jenuh). Lokasi dengan ketinggian tempat berbeda memberikan tanggap fisiologi dan hasil bawang merah yang berbeda. Varietas Palu memiliki aktivitas fotosintesis lebih besar pada semua kondisi lingkungan berbeda dan lebih tahan terhadap cekaman kekurangan dan kelebihan lengas tanah terutama di dataran rendah. Lengas tanah 100% KL menghasilkan aktivitas fisiologi dan hasil umbi kering panen lebih tinggi, sebaliknya lengas tanah 50% KL dan 150% KL menurunkan pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah varietas Palasa, Palu dan Sumenep pada semua ketinggian tempat.Kata kunci: bawang merah, ketinggian tempat, lengas tanah, fisiologi
Effect of Trenches with Organic Matter and KCl Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Upland Rice in Eucalyptus Agroforestry System Ratnasari, Putri; Tohari, Tohari; Hanudin, Eko; Suryanto, Priyono
PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science) Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/pt.2020.121.114-125


Rice production can be improved through extensification using sub-optimal lands. One type of land that can be used for extensification of rice production in D.I. Yogyakarta is eucalyptus agroforestry system in Playen, Gunung Kidul. Besides expanding the land use, it can also increase farmers’ income and ecological functions. However, this system has limiting factors such as the limited availability of water, which only relies on rain. Thus, proper water management and fertilization are necessary to fulfill water and nutrient requirements for rice growth. This study aimed to determine the effects of the application of trenches with organic matter and the doses of KCl on the growth and yield of upland rice (Situ Patenggang) in eucalyptus agroforestry systems. The study was conducted at the Menggoran Forest Management Resort, Bleberan, Playen, Gunung Kidul in March-August 2018. The study was arranged in a split-plot design with three blocks as replications. The first factor was the application of trenches with organic matter, while the second factor was KCl fertilizer at. various doses. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the level of 5%. The optimal dose of KCl fertilizer was determined by regression. The results showed that both factors had a positive effect on soil moisture content, growth, physiology, and yields of upland rice. The treatments significantly increased the availability of water in the soil, thereby supporting the growth and yield of upland rice.
Program Stimulus Budidaya Perikanan Terpadu Berbasis Agrosilvofisheries Plus dan Re-desain Kawasan Agrowisata Pendidikan (AgroEduTourism) Desa Sungai Bakau Besar Laut Mempawah Kalimantan Barat Normagiat, Sigit; Didik, Didik; Nuraya, Tia; Fachria, Rizqy; Prasetyo, Riko; Ningsih, Sulistia; Wulan Sari, Dahlia; Murni Harfinda, Elliska; Meiratania, Marisa; Agung Iman, Sabda; Tohari, Tohari
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi Vol 9, No 1: April 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/pangabdhi.v9i1.17405


The priority issues at Sungai Bakau Besar Laut (SBBL) village are about how to preserve the mangrove ecosystem in line with improving the community's economy. This is also the basis for the consideration of the PKMS Faperta UNU Kalimantan Barat in designing a mangrove ecosystem management program so that the area can have a tourist attraction, be more productive from a cultivation perspective and maintain its sustainability to support the community's economy. The aim of implementing this PKMS is as a stimulus for the people in SBBL village to play an active role in the conservation of mangrove ecosystems. In fact, it is hoped that through the AgroEduTourism design provided, it will be able to improve community welfare and contribute to accelerating mangrove rehabilitation to the surrounding area. Several solutions are offered to overcome the problems faced by partners, namely: 1) organizing training on integrated fisheries agribusiness management based on agrosilvofisheries, 2) Providing stimulus to aquaculture businesses in the form of providing fish seeds and providing starter feed. 3) Organize mangrove planting as a rehabilitation measure for degraded mangrove areas; 4) Redesigning tourist areas to make them more attractive and representative for the purpose of educational agro-tourism. The results of the PKMS carried out were the training of 15 SBBL residents to cultivate fish in an integrated manner. Provided assistance of 7500 fish breeds and feed to the training participants. The design of an agro-tourism area has been produced which has four functions, namely tourism, cultivation, education and conservation