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Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Use of cashew nut shell liquid as sources of phenol in industries. Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) is a dark brown viscous liquidextracted from cashew nut shell. The main components of CNSL that is anacardic acid, cardanol and kardol which is a natural phenol compounds.Cardanol compounds have chemical structures similar to phenols synthetic, so the opportunity to substitute or replace the synthetic phenoliccompounds from petroleum derivatives, whose the sources are running low. CNSL compound and its components anacardic acid, cardanol and kardol,and derivatives products have benefits that vary in different industries, as well as substitution of synthetic phenol as a so urce of phenolic compounds,such as the pharmaceutical industry, insecticides, adhesives, varnishes and paints, brake and clutch linings, laminating resin, epoxy resin, castingmetal, cement, surfaktants, rubber formulations and various chemical industries. Until now, Indonesias cashew nut shell not fully utilized, most stillis a waste, so the production of CNSL in Indonesia is still very low. The potential for production of CNSL in Indonesia is actually quite large,therefore, given the various benefits of CNSL and its derivatives in various industries, as well as its superiority in the composition of the molecularstructure and advantages as an environmentally friendly renewable material, then its time CNSL potential contained in the ca shew nut shell can toproductivity and well developed.
Pengaruh Mikoriza dan Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Jambu Mete Muda Trisilawati, Octivia; Towaha, Juniaty; Daras, Usman
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Penelitian pengaruh fungi mikoriza asbuskula (FMA) dan pupuk NPK pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman jambu mete muda dilaksanakan di KP. Cikampek, Jawa Barat dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2011. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok, terdiri dari dua faktor, yang diulang 4 kali dengan ukuran plot 4 tanaman/perlakuan. Faktor I adalah aplikasi FMA, yaitu tanpa FMA dan aplikasi 12 kaplet FMA/tanaman.  Faktor II adalah pupuk NPK (g/tan.) yang terdiri dari: (a) dosis pupuk NPK rekomendasi (100 g N, 80 g P2O5, 100 g K2O/tan.), (b) 3/4 dosis pupuk NPK rekomendasi, dan (c) 1/2 dosis pupuk NPK rekomendasi. Parameter pengamatan meliputi penambahan jumlah daun, tinggi tanaman, diameter cabang, lilit batang utama, lebar kanopi, panjang cabang, jumlah cabang tersier, jumlah tandan bunga, jumlah buah per tandan, dan jumlah gelondong per pohon.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan dosis pemupukan NPK sampai 50% dari dosis rekomendasi yang disertai dengan pemberian mikoriza (FMA) tidak mengakibatkan penurunan pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete varietas BO2 hasil grafting. Sebagai implikasi, adanya respon positif pada pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete dapat dijadikan petunjuk bahwa penggunaan mikoriza mampu meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk NPK. Effect of Mycorrhizal and NPK Fertilizer on Young Cashew Growth and ProductionABSTRACT A study of the application of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and reduction of NPK fertilizer rates was carried out on grafted young cashew trees grown at Cikampek Research Station, West Java, from January to December 2011. Experimetal design used was a randomized block design, consisting of two factors, repeated 4 times with plot size of 4 plants. The first factor was application of AMF, consisting of without AMF and with inoculation of 12 AMF caplets/plant. The second factor was application of NPK fertilizer, consisting of: (a) Full recommended of NPK fertilizer rates (100 g N, 80 g P2O5, 100 g K2O/plant.), (b) 3/4 recommended NPK fertilizer rate, and (c) 1/2 recommended NPK fertilizer rate. Parameters observed included the increase of number of leave, plant height, diameters of branch, main girth and canopy, branch length, number of tertiary branches, number of bunches of flowers, the number of fruits per bunch, and the number of nuts per tree. Results showed that the reduction of NPK fertilizer application upto 50% of recommended fertilizer rates combined with the application of AMF on the young cashew trees (2.5 years old) did not result in any reduction of plant growth measured significantly. As an amplication, the application of micorhizal fungus is likely able to increase efficiency of fertilizer use to the crop indicated by comparable growth of the treated ones.
Formulasi Pemupukan Berimbang pada Tanaman Lada di Bangka Belitung Daras, Usman; Sobari, Iing; Towaha, Juniaty
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Banyak faktor yang diperkirakan menjadi penyebab masih rendahnya rataan produksi lada di Bangka Belitung, termasuk pemeliharaan tanaman yang belum optimal. Dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil lada, sebagian petani telah menggunakan pupuk N, P dan K meskipun jumlah dan/komposisi unsur pupuk yang diberikan mungkin tidak sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan formula dan dosis pemupukan N, P dan K untuk memperbaiki pertumbuhan dan produksi lada di Bangka Belitung. Faktor yang diuji adalah komposisi NPK, 3 macam (K1 = NPK 12:12:17; K2 = NPK 15:15:15; dan K3 = NPK 12:8:20), yang masing-masing terdiri atas 3 taraf dosis pemupukan (D1 = 1,8; D2 = 2,4; dan D3 = 3,0 kg NPK/ph/th). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan dan ukuran petak 16 tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk 1,8 kg per pohon merupakan dosis pemupukan yang cukup memadai untuk budidaya tanaman lada dewasa (TM) di wilayah Bangka Belitung. Dosis pupuk tersebut, 25% lebih rendah dari anjuran umum pemupukan. Ketika komposisi NPK 12:12:17 tidak tersedia di pasaran, maka komposisi pupuk NPK 15:15:15 adalah alternatif pupuk yang dapat digunakan. Namun, dengan memperhatikan karakteristik tanaman lada dan kondisi agroklimat wilayah Bangka Belitung maka penggunaan komposisi pupuk NPK 12:8:20 dengan dosis 1,8 kg/pohon lebih dianjurkan.  Formulation of Balanced Fertilizers on Black Pepper Grown in Bangka Belitung ABSTRACT Many factors believed affect the growth and yields of black pepper in Bangka Belitung. The low productivity of black pepper in the areas is mainly attributed to imbalanced manuring, poor management practices and disease incidence. To improve yields of the crop, farmers commonly use fertilizers despite the fact that the amounts and kind of nutrients added might not meet its requirement for optimum growth. A research was established to investigate effects of fertilizer compositions and rates on growth and yields of mature black pepper grown at Bangka, from January to December 2011. Treatments examined were composition of NPK fertilizers, 3 kinds of NPK (15:15:15, 12:12:17, and 12:8:20), consisting of three rates each (1.8, 2.4 and 3.0 kg/tree). The treatments were arranged in randomized block design with 3 replicates and plot size of 16 plants. Results revealed that application of 1.8 kg/tree was likely to be an adequate amount of fertilizer rate that should be added to give comparable growth and yields in black pepper. It means that the added ferlitizers was 25 percent lower than those of the recommended one as much as 2.4 kg of NPK 12:12:17/tree/year. As the recommended fertilizer hard to be obtained in a local place recently, the use of NPK 15:15:15 may therefore be suggested for black pepper growing in Bangka Belitung. For long term purpose, the use of 1.8 kg NPK 12:8:20/tree would however be a preferably added fertilizer in relation to the characteristics of the crop and agro-climatic condition of Bangka Belitung.
Pengaruh Elevasi dan Pengolahan terhadap Kandungan Kimia dan Citarasa Kopi Robusta Lampung Towaha, Juniaty; Aunillah, Asif; Purwanto, Eko Heri; Supriadi, Handi
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Kopi Robusta Indonesia memiliki agroklimat dan elevasi tempat yang variatif serta lebih luas sehingga berpotensi sebagai penghasil kopi Robusta yang bermutu tinggi dengan citarasa dan aroma khas. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di perkebunan rakyat Provinsi Lampung dari bulan Januari hingga Desember 2013. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh elevasi dan pengolahan terhadap kandungan kimia serta citarasa kopi Robusta di perkebunan kopi Robusta milik rakyat di Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey dan analisis datanya mengikuti Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah empat ketinggian tempat, yaitu (1) 200; (2) 400; (3) 600 dan (4) 800 m dpl, sedangkan faktor kedua pengolahan buah kopi, yaitu (1) basah dan (2) kering. Parameter yang diamati meliputi pengujian kadar kafein, protein, lemak, dan abu serta uji organoleptik (cupping test). Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa makin tinggi elevasi tempat tumbuh kopi Robusta di daerah Lampung maka kadar kafein dan lemak cenderung semakin meningkat. Selanjutnya, proses pengolahan kopi secara basah menghasilkan mutu citarasa kopi Robusta Lampung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pengolahan secara kering.Kata Kunci: Kopi Robusta, elevasi, pengolahan, kandungan kimia, citarasaRobusta coffee was grown in Indonesia at diverse agro-climatic conditions and altitudes, so it potentially to develop of high quality Robusta coffee with a distinctive flavor and aroma. Research was conducted on smallholder plantations in Lampung Province from January to December 2013. The objective of this study was to analyze the quality and flavor of Robusta coffee developed at different elevation in Lampung Province, in order to identify the most appropriate elevation for Robusta coffee to have the best quality and flavor. Research was use completely randomized design with three replications and two factors. The first factor is altitude: (1) 200; (2) 400; (3) and 600 (4) 800 m above sea level, while the second factor is the processing technique: (1) wet; and (2) dry processing. Variables tested were levels of caffeine, protein, fat and ash as well as cup quality. The results showed that the higher of elevation the higher of caffein and fat contents. Moreover, wet processing of Lampung Robusta Coffee gave higher cup quality compared to dry processing.
Pengaruh Fermentasi terhadap Citarasa Kopi Luwak Probiotik Rubiyo, Rubiyo; Towaha, Juniaty
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Semakin tingginya permintaan akan kopi luwak, menyebabkan produksinya tidak bisa hanya mengharapkan dari hewan luwak liar maupun luwak budidaya. Salah satu alternatif adalah dengan penggunaan mikroba probiotik yang hidup pada saluran pencernaan hewan luwak yang dapat menghasilkan kopi terfermentasi dengan citarasa dan aroma yang khas. Penelitian produksi kopi luwak probiotik Robusta secara mikrobiologis untuk mendapatkan kualitas citarasa terbaik telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Provinsi Bali dari bulan Maret hingga Desember 2012. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan teknik periode fermentasi probiotik yang tepat dalam menghasilkan kualitas citarasa dan aroma kopi Robusta yang mendekati kualitas kopi luwak Robusta asli. Fermentasi dilakukan dalam 2 tahap, yaitu (1) fermentasi dilakukan dengan mikroba probiotik yang diisolasi dari intestum tenue (usus halus) luwak dan (2) fermentasi dilakukan dengan mikroba probiotik yang diisolasi dari caecum (usus buntu) luwak. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah P1=fermentasi tahap I selama 4 hari dan tahap II selama 4 hari, P2=fermentasi tahap I selama 5 hari dan tahap II selama 5 hari, P3=fermentasi tahap I selama 6 hari dan tahap II selama 6 hari, P4=fermentasi tahap I selama 7 hari dan tahap II selama 7 hari, dan sebagai pembanding P5=biji kopi luwak Robusta asli dari pembudidaya luwak. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa produksi kopi luwak secara probiotik merupakan cara pembuatan kopi luwak yang jauh lebih praktis daripada produksi kopi luwak melalui budidaya luwak. Kopi luwak probiotik Robusta yang mempunyai citarasa terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan P3 dengan total skor citarasa 79,92, dengan citarasa yang sedikit lebih baik dibandingkan kopi luwak Robusta asli. Kata Kunci: Kopi luwak, produksi, probiotik, RobustaThe higher demand for civet coffee, causing production can not only expect from wild civet and civet cultivation. One alternative is to use probiotic microbes that live in the civet digestive that can produce fermented coffee with flavor and distinctive aroma. Research on the production of Robusta probiotic civet coffee microbiological to get the best flavor quality has been carried out in the laboratory of BPTP in Bali Province from March to December 2012. The objective of this research was to determine the appropriate probiotic fermentation period to produce flavor and aroma quality of Robusta coffee which are approaching the quality of the original Robusta civet coffee. Fermentation is done in 2 phases: the first phase, the fermentation is done with probiotic microbes isolated from intestum tenue of cive; and second phase, the fermentation is done with probiotic microbes isolated from the caecum of civet treatments examined are P1 = first phase fermentation for 4 days and second phase for 4 days; P2 = first phase fermentation for 5 days and second phase for 5 days; P3 = first phase fermentation for 6 days and second phase for 6 days; P4 = first phase fermentation for 7 days and second phase for 7 days, and as a comparison P5 = original Robusta civet coffee. The results found that civet coffee production in probiotic is a way of making a much more practical than production of civet coffee cultivation. The best flavor of Robusta probiotic civet coffee is obtained in P3 treatment with a total score of cupping test is 79,92, has a slightly better flavor than original Robusta civet coffee. 
Pengaruh Mikoriza dan Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Jambu Mete Muda Trisilawati, Octivia; Towaha, Juniaty; Daras, Usman
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Penelitian pengaruh fungi mikoriza asbuskula (FMA) dan pupuk NPK pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman jambu mete muda dilaksanakan di KP. Cikampek, Jawa Barat dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2011. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok, terdiri dari dua faktor, yang diulang 4 kali dengan ukuran plot 4 tanaman/perlakuan. Faktor I adalah aplikasi FMA, yaitu tanpa FMA dan aplikasi 12 kaplet FMA/tanaman.  Faktor II adalah pupuk NPK (g/tan.) yang terdiri dari: (a) dosis pupuk NPK rekomendasi (100 g N, 80 g P2O5, 100 g K2O/tan.), (b) 3/4 dosis pupuk NPK rekomendasi, dan (c) 1/2 dosis pupuk NPK rekomendasi. Parameter pengamatan meliputi penambahan jumlah daun, tinggi tanaman, diameter cabang, lilit batang utama, lebar kanopi, panjang cabang, jumlah cabang tersier, jumlah tandan bunga, jumlah buah per tandan, dan jumlah gelondong per pohon.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan dosis pemupukan NPK sampai 50% dari dosis rekomendasi yang disertai dengan pemberian mikoriza (FMA) tidak mengakibatkan penurunan pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete varietas BO2 hasil grafting. Sebagai implikasi, adanya respon positif pada pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete dapat dijadikan petunjuk bahwa penggunaan mikoriza mampu meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk NPK. Effect of Mycorrhizal and NPK Fertilizer on Young Cashew Growth and ProductionABSTRACT A study of the application of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and reduction of NPK fertilizer rates was carried out on grafted young cashew trees grown at Cikampek Research Station, West Java, from January to December 2011. Experimetal design used was a randomized block design, consisting of two factors, repeated 4 times with plot size of 4 plants. The first factor was application of AMF, consisting of without AMF and with inoculation of 12 AMF caplets/plant. The second factor was application of NPK fertilizer, consisting of: (a) Full recommended of NPK fertilizer rates (100 g N, 80 g P2O5, 100 g K2O/plant.), (b) 3/4 recommended NPK fertilizer rate, and (c) 1/2 recommended NPK fertilizer rate. Parameters observed included the increase of number of leave, plant height, diameters of branch, main girth and canopy, branch length, number of tertiary branches, number of bunches of flowers, the number of fruits per bunch, and the number of nuts per tree. Results showed that the reduction of NPK fertilizer application upto 50% of recommended fertilizer rates combined with the application of AMF on the young cashew trees (2.5 years old) did not result in any reduction of plant growth measured significantly. As an amplication, the application of micorhizal fungus is likely able to increase efficiency of fertilizer use to the crop indicated by comparable growth of the treated ones.
Formulasi Pemupukan Berimbang pada Tanaman Lada di Bangka Belitung Daras, Usman; Sobari, Iing; Towaha, Juniaty
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Banyak faktor yang diperkirakan menjadi penyebab masih rendahnya rataan produksi lada di Bangka Belitung, termasuk pemeliharaan tanaman yang belum optimal. Dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil lada, sebagian petani telah menggunakan pupuk N, P dan K meskipun jumlah dan/komposisi unsur pupuk yang diberikan mungkin tidak sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan formula dan dosis pemupukan N, P dan K untuk memperbaiki pertumbuhan dan produksi lada di Bangka Belitung. Faktor yang diuji adalah komposisi NPK, 3 macam (K1 = NPK 12:12:17; K2 = NPK 15:15:15; dan K3 = NPK 12:8:20), yang masing-masing terdiri atas 3 taraf dosis pemupukan (D1 = 1,8; D2 = 2,4; dan D3 = 3,0 kg NPK/ph/th). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan dan ukuran petak 16 tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk 1,8 kg per pohon merupakan dosis pemupukan yang cukup memadai untuk budidaya tanaman lada dewasa (TM) di wilayah Bangka Belitung. Dosis pupuk tersebut, 25% lebih rendah dari anjuran umum pemupukan. Ketika komposisi NPK 12:12:17 tidak tersedia di pasaran, maka komposisi pupuk NPK 15:15:15 adalah alternatif pupuk yang dapat digunakan. Namun, dengan memperhatikan karakteristik tanaman lada dan kondisi agroklimat wilayah Bangka Belitung maka penggunaan komposisi pupuk NPK 12:8:20 dengan dosis 1,8 kg/pohon lebih dianjurkan.  Formulation of Balanced Fertilizers on Black Pepper Grown in Bangka Belitung ABSTRACT Many factors believed affect the growth and yields of black pepper in Bangka Belitung. The low productivity of black pepper in the areas is mainly attributed to imbalanced manuring, poor management practices and disease incidence. To improve yields of the crop, farmers commonly use fertilizers despite the fact that the amounts and kind of nutrients added might not meet its requirement for optimum growth. A research was established to investigate effects of fertilizer compositions and rates on growth and yields of mature black pepper grown at Bangka, from January to December 2011. Treatments examined were composition of NPK fertilizers, 3 kinds of NPK (15:15:15, 12:12:17, and 12:8:20), consisting of three rates each (1.8, 2.4 and 3.0 kg/tree). The treatments were arranged in randomized block design with 3 replicates and plot size of 16 plants. Results revealed that application of 1.8 kg/tree was likely to be an adequate amount of fertilizer rate that should be added to give comparable growth and yields in black pepper. It means that the added ferlitizers was 25 percent lower than those of the recommended one as much as 2.4 kg of NPK 12:12:17/tree/year. As the recommended fertilizer hard to be obtained in a local place recently, the use of NPK 15:15:15 may therefore be suggested for black pepper growing in Bangka Belitung. For long term purpose, the use of 1.8 kg NPK 12:8:20/tree would however be a preferably added fertilizer in relation to the characteristics of the crop and agro-climatic condition of Bangka Belitung.
Pemanfaatan Asap Cair Kayu Karet dan Tempurung Kelapa untuk Penanganan Polusi Udara pada Lump Towaha, Juniaty; Aunillah, Asif; Purwanto, Eko Heri
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Sebagian besar petani karet di Indonesia membuat bokar masih menggunakan koagulan yang dapat merusak mutu karet seperti pupukTSP, tawas, dan sejenisnya. Koagulan tersebut bersifat asam tetapi tidak mempunyai sifat antibakteri dan antioksidan sehingga bokaryang dihasilkan bermutu rendah dan berbau busuk. Penelitian dilaksanakan di perkebunan karet rakyat di Jawa Barat dari bulan Meisampai November 2012. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi asap cair kayu karet dan tempurung kelapaterhadap pengurangan polusi udara pada lump. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok, dengan delapan perlakuan, diulangempat kali. Parameter yang dianalisis pada asap cair meliputi pH, kandungan total phenol, kandungan total asam, dan komponensenyawa penyusun asap cair. Pada lump yang diamati adalah pH penggumpalan, uji organoleptik bau, kandungan NH3 dan kadar karetkering (KKK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan asap cair kayu karet mempunyai kandungan total asam yang lebih tinggi daripada asapcair tempurung kelapa, tetapi mempunyai kandungan senyawa phenol yang lebih rendah daripada asap cair tempurung kelapa. Sebagaikoagulan, asap cair kayu karet 15% dan asap cair tempurung kelapa 10% menghasilkan mutu lump yang baik dengan gumpalansempurna tidak berbau busuk dan mempunyai KKK kategori mutu 1, yang memenuhi spesifikasi persyaratan mutu SNI 06-2047-2002. Kualitas lump yang dihasilkan lebih baik daripada penggunaan asam format (koagulan rekomendasi), terutama dalam menanganipolusi udara pada lump. Dengan demikian, asap cair kayu karet maupun asap cair tempurung kelapa merupakan koagulan ramahlingkungan.Kata Kunci: Kayu karet, tempurung kelapa, asap cair, lump, ramah lingkunganMost of rubber farmers in Indonesia make lumps on which some coagulants such as TSP fertilizer, alum and others are often used. These coagulant areacidic but they do not have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. As a result, the lumps yielded or produced were low in grade and foul smelling. Astudy was carried out in smallholder rubber plantations in West Java Province from May to November 2012. The purpose of this study was todetermine the effects of the concentration of rubber wood liquid smoke and coconut shells liquid smoke to reduce air pollution on the lumps. The designused a randomized block with eight treatments and four replicates. The parameters analyzed of the liquid smokes include pH, total phenol content,total acid content, and the components of compounds contained in the liquid smokes, while those of the lumps include pH clotting, odor organoleptictest, NH3 content and dry rubber content (DRC). The results showed that the rubber wood liquid smoke has a total acid content higher than thecoconut shell liquid smoke, but its phenol content is lower than that of coconut shell liquid smoke. As coagulants, the rubber wood liquid smoke of15% and coconut shell liquid smoke of 10% produce a good quality of lumps with perfect clots, does not produce bad smell and has DRC categoryquality 1. It meets the specifications of SNI 06-2047-2002 quality requirements. The use of rubber wood liquid smoke and coconut shell liquidsmoke in lump processing yields better quality than that of formic acid (coagulant recommended), especially in reducing of air pollution of lumps.Thus, rubber wood liquid smoke and coconut shell liquid smoke uses is environmentally friendly coagulant.
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Use of cashew nut shell liquid as sources of phenol in industries. Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) is a dark brown viscous liquidextracted from cashew nut shell. The main components of CNSL that is anacardic acid, cardanol and kardol which is a natural phenol compounds.Cardanol compounds have chemical structures similar to phenols synthetic, so the opportunity to substitute or replace the synthetic phenoliccompounds from petroleum derivatives, whose the sources are running low. CNSL compound and its components anacardic acid, cardanol and kardol,and derivatives products have benefits that vary in different industries, as well as substitution of synthetic phenol as a so urce of phenolic compounds,such as the pharmaceutical industry, insecticides, adhesives, varnishes and paints, brake and clutch linings, laminating resin, epoxy resin, castingmetal, cement, surfaktants, rubber formulations and various chemical industries. Until now, Indonesias cashew nut shell not fully utilized, most stillis a waste, so the production of CNSL in Indonesia is still very low. The potential for production of CNSL in Indonesia is actually quite large,therefore, given the various benefits of CNSL and its derivatives in various industries, as well as its superiority in the composition of the molecularstructure and advantages as an environmentally friendly renewable material, then its time CNSL potential contained in the ca shew nut shell can toproductivity and well developed.