Muhamad Bindaniji
The State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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Journal : ISLAM NUSANTARA: Journal for the Study of Islamic History and Culture

Traces of Māturīdīsm in the ‘Ulamā’s Works in Nusantara in the Seventeenth Until Nineteenth Centuries Muhamad Bindaniji
ISLAM NUSANTARA:Journal for the Study of Islamic History and Culture Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Islam Nusantara Journal for Study of Islamic History and Culture
Publisher : Faculty of Islam Nusantara University of Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (UNUSIA) Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/islamnusantara.v1i1.50


Theological discourse in Nusantara is always associated with two varieties of Ash‘arīsm and Māturīdīsm. Nevertheless, Ash‘arīsm became the dominant theological discourse for Muslim people of Nusantara at least since the seventeenth century—or more—which brought by ‘Ulamā’s. There are some obscurity concerning the history of Māturīdīsm about the carriers and teachings developed. Thus it is oſten assumed that the theological discourse that developed in Nusantara since Islam entered and developed just an Ash‘arīsm and ignored other theology [Māturīdīsm]. This study would prove that Māturīdīsm developed along with the development of Ash‘arīsm through the global networks of the Nusantara ‘Ulamā around theological discourse in the Muslim world. This study attempts to provide the justification of Māturīdīsm that developed in Nusantara as well as provide a new perspective about method of theology for Muslim people of Nusantara. The focus of this study is to explore the intellectual treasures of ulama’s works in Nusantara who lived in the period of the seventeentah until nineteenth centuries. This study concludes that theological discourse in Nusantara is a continuous form of global theological discourse that developed in the Islamic world, where the emerging theological discourse always associated on two varieties of Ash‘arīsm and Māturīdīsm which later became known as Sunnīsm. In this context, the discourse of Māturīdīsm developed in Nusantara is seen as a method of thinking that is in tune with the tradition of Sunnīsm which emphasizes the elements of moderation and balance in theology. Keywords: Theology, Sunnī, Ash‘arīsm, Māturīdīsm, ‘Ulama, Nusantara Reference: Abdullah, Muhd Saghir, Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari: Pengarang Sabilal Muhtadin. Kuala Lumpur: Khazanah Fathimiyah, n.d. Abū ‘Udhba, al-Rawḍat al-Bahīyah fī-mā Bayn al-Ashā’irah wa al-Māturīdīyah. Hyderabad: n.p, 1322 H. 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