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Journal : Agrin : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian

Agrin Vol 19, No 2 (2015): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2015.19.2.246


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan minyak jarak dalam pembuatan foodgrade grease berbasis minyak sawit RBDPO (Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil), mengetahui pengaruhvariasi penambahan jenis bahan pengental terhadap karakteristik food grade grease yang dihasilkan, mengetahuikonsentrasi Zn stearat yang optimal dan menentukan formulasi terbaik dari food grade grease yang dihasilkan.Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan dua ulangan. Faktor yangdicoba meliputi jenis minyak yang terdiri dari minyak sawit RBDPO (M1) dan kombinasi minyak sawit RBDPOdengan minyak jarak (M2); variasi bahan pengental yang terdiri dari Ca(OH)2 (P1), kombinasi Ca(OH)2+LiOH(P2), kombinasi Ca(OH)2+NaOH (P3), dan kombinasi Ca(OH)2+Al(OH)3 (P4); dan konsentrasi Zn stearat yangterdiri dari 0% (A1), 2.5% (A2), dan 5% (A3). Variabel yang diamati meliputi variabel fisikokimia yaitu dayatahan korosi, penetrasi, dropping point, dan pH. Penambahan minyak jarak diketahui dapat meningkatkan dayatahan korosi dari food grade grease yang dihasilkan. Variasi jenis bahan pengental berpengaruh nyata terhadapsemua variabel. Secara umum, penambahan NaOH memberikan nilai tekstur paling keras yaitu 3.82 mm/s (NLGI4) dan Al(OH)3 paling lembek dengan nilai sebesar 5.16 mm/s (NLGI 3). Penggunaan Ca(OH)2 murni memberikandaya tahan korosi tertinggi (2a) dan terendah pada penambahan LiOH (2c-2b). Nilai titik leleh tertinggi terdapatpada penambahan Al(OH) (106,83°C), sedangkan terendah pada penambahan NaOH (88,58°C). Konsentrasi Znstearat yang memberikan daya tahan korosi paling optimal adalah 5%. Formula terbaik dihasilkan pada kombinasiperlakuan jenis minyak kombinasi minyak sawit RBDPO dengan minyak jarak, kombinasi bahan pengentalCa(OH)+Al(OH) dan konsentrasi Zn stearat sebesar 5%, dengan nilai rerata daya tahan korosi golongan 2b (kilausedang warna lembayung muda), penetrasi kategori NLGI 2, dropping point 95.25°C dan pH 7.Kata kunci: food grade grease, minyak sawit RBDPO, minyak jarak, Ca(OH)2 dan Zn stearat.ABSTRACTThis research is carried out to study effect of castor oil addition, to study of thickening agent addition, todetermine the optimum concentration of Zn stearat and to determine the best formulation of food grade grease.This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) which is arranged in factorial with two replications.Factor tried were base oil types covered by refined bleached deodorized palm oil (RBDPO) (M1) and combinationof RBDPO+castor oil (M2); thickening agent covered by Ca(OH)2 (P1), combination of Ca(OH)2+LiOH (P2),Ca(OH)2+ NaOH (P3), Ca(OH)2+Al(OH)3 (P4); and concentration of Zn stearat covered by 0 percent, 2.5 percentand 5 percent. Variable observed were physicochemical variables covered corrosion-resistance, penetration,dropping point and pH. The addition of castor oil can improve the corrosion resistance of the resulting food gradegrease. Variations in the type thickeners significantly affected all variables. In general, the addition of NaOHgives the value of hard texture that is 3.82 mm/s (NLGI 4) and Al(OH) with the value of the most flaccid of 5.16mm/s (NLGI 3). The use of Ca(OH) pure gives the highest corrosion resistance (2a) and the lowest in the additionof LiOH (2c - 2b) . Highest melting point value contained in the addition of Al(OH)(106.83°C), while the lowestin the addition of NaOH (88.58°C). Concentration of Zn stearate which provides optimal corrosion resistance is5 percent. Best formula produced in the combined treatment of type oil palm oil RBDPO combination with castoroil, thickener combination of Ca (OH)+Al(OH) and Zn stearate concentration of 5 percent, with the average valueof the corrosion resistance class 2b (scintillation medium lavender), penetration category NLGI 2, the droppingpoint of 95.25°C and pH 7.Keywords: food grade grease, palm oil (RBDPO), castor oil and Zn stearat.
PERFORMANSI KUALITAS ATRIBUT BERAS ORGANIK DAN TINGKAT KEPUASAN KONSUMEN BERAS ORGANIK DI KABUPATEN SRAGEN Quality Performance and Satisfaction Level of Consument on Organic Rice in Sragen District Nila Swastika; Tri Yanto; Anny Hartati
Agrin Vol 17, No 2 (2013): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2013.17.2.203


Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menentukan kualitas beras organik berdasarkan kepuasankonsumen beras organik di Kabupaten Sragen. Penelitian dilakukan melalui identifikasi tingkat kepentinganatribut beras organik, tingkat kesesuaian dan kesenjangan atribut mutu beras organik, kepuasan konsumen berasorganik terhadap atribut mutu beras organik, prioritas perbaikan atribut mutu beras organik. Atribut mutu berasorganik yang digunakan sebanyak 10 dan dianalisis dengan metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) danImportant And Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai kepentinganatribut beras organik adalah 3,53 dan Atribut mutu beras organik yang dianggap tidak penting adalah harga(2,30) dan kemasan (2,60). Hasil analisis CSI didapatkan nilai 61,6% menunjukkan bahwa konsumen berasorganik di Kabupaten Sragen cukup puas dan berdasarkan diagram IPA diketahui bahwa kinerja atribut produkberas organik yang dihasilkan oleh pertanian organik di Kabupaten Sragen masih perlu diperbaiki, terutama padaatribut warna, kebersihan, sertifikat organik dan kesesuaian label.Kata kunci: atribut mutu, beras organik, Customer Satisfaction Indeks (CSI), Important And PerformanceAnalysis (IPA)ABSTRACTThe research objetives of this study to determine the quality of organic rice by consumer satisfaction onorganic rice in Sragen. The study was conducted by identifying the importance of the organic rice attribute, thelevel of suitability and gap in quality attributes of organic rice, organic rice consumer satisfaction of the organicrice quality attributes, improvement priority of organic rice quality attributes. Organic rice quality attributesused were 10 and they were analyzed by the method of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Important AndPerformance Analysis (IPA) . The results showed that the average value of the attribute of interest was 3.53 andorganic rice quality attributes considered to be unimportant were the price (2.30) and packaging (2,60) . CSIanalysis results showed that the value of 61.6 % of the consumers of organic rice in Sragen were rather satisfiedand the diagram based on IPA were known that the attribute performance of organic rice products produced byorganic farming in Sragen still needed to improve, especially on the color attributes , cleanliness , organiccertificates and suitability of organic labels.Key words: quality atribute, organic rice, Customer Satisfaction Indeks (CSI), Important And PerformanceAnalysis (IPA)