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Perkuatan Lentur Pelat Lantai Tampang Persegi dengan Penambahan Tulangan Tarik dan Komposit Mortar Hartono, Juandra; Satyarno, Iman; Triwiyono, Andreas
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 1 (2010): MEI 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Overloading of structures can cause failure. In order to continue using them, strengthening is required. In this research elastic strengthening was carried out on concrete floor plates by means of tensile reinforcement addition, and mortar composite additionto apply epoxy resin. Four reinforced concrete slabs, consisted of one control slab (PK), one monolith slab (PM), one strengthened slab (PPE) and one unstrengthened slab (PPTE). Specimen dimensions were 700 mm x 1500 mm x 60 mm for the PK, and 700 mm x 1500 mm x 100 mm for the others. Specimens were placed on a simply supported loading frame, and statically loaded at their mid-span. Numerical analysis using Response-2000 software package was carried out for comparison with the experiment al result. It was found out that the flexural capacity of the PK, PPE, PPTE and PM specimens are 5,99 kNm, 12,52 kNm, 13,87 kNm and 21,38 kNm, respectively. In comparison with that of thePK, flexural capacity of the PPE and PPTE specimens was found to increase by 109,019 % and 131,55 %, respectively. The increase of stiffness was 324,77 % and 430,21 % for the PPE and PPTE specimens, respectively. The ductility factor of the PPE and PPTE increase 29,63 % and 19,03 %, respectively . The PK and PM specimen s experienced flexural failure, while the PPE and PPTE specimens experienced debondingfailure.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (687.53 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v13i4.934


Jembatan Lemah Ireng 1 pada ruas jalan Tol Semarang-Bawen terbuat dari beton prategang dengan panjang total 879 m. Pada masa konstruksi dua perbedaan kondisi teknik terhadap rencana, yakni perubahan material pasir dan perubahan perpindahan traveler. Keduanya diduga sebagai penyebab perbedaan elevasi desain dengan elevasi aktual sehingga dilakukan levelling aspal dengan tebal bervariasi. Jembatan ini didesain untuk memenuhi masa layan 100 tahun namun berdasarkan kondisi aktual, diperlukan peninjauan terhadap perilaku dan kuat layan jembatan hingga umur rencana. Dengan pengaruh variasi pembebanan jangka panjang (rangkak susut) dan kondisi perubahan teknis akibat penambahan aspal, penelitian rangkak susut ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku lendutan pada gelagar boks jembatan hingga umur rencana. Beberapa tahapan pembebanan yang dilakukan adalah menerapkan beban levelling aspal, dan beban rangkak dan susut dengan menggunakan variasi durasi jangka panjang dengan interval 5, 10 , 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 dan 100 tahun. Analisis dilakukan secara linear statik serta memanfaatkan fasilitas Construction Stage Analysis untuk efek time-dependent pada software Midas Civil 2011. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan hanya meninjau aksi tetap. Perilaku rangkak susut jembatan cukup signifikan di 5 tahun pertama setelah konstruksi selesai. Lendutan maksimum rangkak susut dan total berada di bentang terpanjang (P4-P5)  masing-masing sebesar 17,53 dan 25,71 cm. Lendutan yang terjadi hingga umur rencana 100 tahun masih dalam batas izin, namun tetap perlu pengawasan yang terencana. Dampak minimum rangkak susut terhadap total lendutan pada jembatan Lemah Ireng 1 sebesar 45%. Hal ini menunjukkan rangkak susut terhadap defleksi total hingga umur rencana merupakan efek jangka panjang yang relatif besar.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1347.691 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v14i1.1010


Protection against fire is important to maintain the strength of the structure. Fireproofing can be used as an anticipation to reduce the spread of the fire. Evaluation the effect of fire on structural elements is generally performed by a numerical approach. Analysis of simple beam IWF 150x75x5x7 with 3,5 span length using varied fireproofing such as CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5 MD and Typo WR-AFD was conducted with Abaqus CAE 6.11-1. Nonlinear material properties of steel based on Eurocode 3 while thermal properties of fireproofing are constant. Thickness variation of fireproofing are 10 and 20 mm. Pressure load was carried on the top flange of steel beam. ASTM E-119 used as a thermal load by conduction on 3 sides (left, right and bottom) with duration of 2 hours.  The results showed that type and thickness variation of the fireproofing has a significant effect on the fire resistance of steel beams. The highest temperatures occur when steel coated by Typo WR-AFP and the lower temperatures occur when steel coated by CAFCO 300. Maximum deflection of steel beam occurred when steel coated by Typo WR-AFD. Steel beam with Typo WR-AFD experiencing a critical deflection with the fastest time of 4.80 minutes at 10 mm thick and 9.10 min at 20 mm thick. Steel beam with 10 mm thick of fireproofing achieve yield stress when the time 14.03, 8.86 and 5, 12 minutes for fireproofing CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5 MD and Typo-AFD WR. Steel beam with 20 mm thick of fireproofing  experiencing yield stress only on Typo WR-AFD at 10.22 minutes.  Abstrak : Perlindungan terhadap api (kebakaran) merupakan hal penting untuk mempertahankan kekuatan struktur sehingga masih dapat menahan beban rencana. Lapisan fireproofing pabrikasi dapat digunakan sebagai antisipasi untuk mengurangi rambatan panas akibat kebakaran. Evaluasi pengaruh kebakaran pada elemen struktur umumnya dilakukan dengan pendekatan numerik. Analisis pengaruh ketebalan dan sifat termal fireproofing jenis spray applied materials bervariasi yaitu CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5MD dan Typo WR-AFD terhadap ketahanan api balok sederhana IWF 150x75x5x7 menggunakan Abaqus CAE 6.11. Material baja bersifat non linier sesuai Eurocode 3 sedangkan sifat termal fireproofing bersifat konstan. Variasi ketebalan lapisan digunakan 10 dan 20 mm. Beban tekan (pressure loads) dikerjakan di sayap atas balok. Beban termal menggunakan standar api ASTM E-119 secara konduksi di 3 sisi (samping kiri, kanan dan bawah) dengan durasi 2 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi jenis dan ketebalan fireproofing memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap ketahanan api balok baja. Suhu baja tertinggi terjadi saat baja dilapisi fireproofing jenis TYPO WR-AFP dan terendah saat dilapisi fireproofing CAFCO 300. Baja dengan lapisan fireproofing TYPO menghasilkan lendutan paling besar dibanding baja dengan lapisan fireproofing lainnya Baja dengan lapisan fireproofing Typo WR-AFD mengalami lendutan kritis dengan waktu tercepat yakni 4,80 menit saat tebal 10 mm dan 9,10 menit tebal 20 mm Baja dengan lapisan fireproofing 10 mm mencapai tegangan leleh saat waktu 14,03 , 8,86 dan 5, 12 menit untuk fireproofing CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5 MD dan Typo WR-AFD. Baja dengan tebal fireproofing 20 mm mengalami tegangan leleh hanya pada jenis Typo WR-AFD saat 10,22 menitKata kunci :jenis fireproofing,  tebal fireproofing, temperatur, lendutan, tegangan.
EVALUASI DAN PROGRAM PEMELIHARAAN JEMBATAN DENGAN METODE BRIDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BMS) (Studi Kasus : Empat Jembatan Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta) Hariman, Ferry; Christady H., Hary; Triwiyono, Andreas
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 3 (2007): SEPTEMBER 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Bridge is among the important part in transportation system. If the bridge damage or collapse it will definitely affect the transportation and distribution of human and goods. Thus it is very important to maintain bridge appropriately. Accordingly Bridge Management System (BMS) is a standard mechanism to evaluate condition and function of the bridge. The BMS also can be used to decide necessary treatment to maintain the bridge in specific circumstances. Further more Computer-Based BMS combined with integrated information system can shows us the priority scale to manage the bridge maintenance. But the visual assessment of bridge is a necessary step to evaluate general conditions of the bridge. This research conducted in four provincial bridge in Yogyakarta, which are Srandakan Bridge, Tinalah Brigde, Kebon Agung Brigde, and Glagah Brigde. Data from some other provincial brigdes were also included as a comparison. The evaluations is carried out by imposing 5 series of questions into the object (the damage element of the brigde). Then each element is weighted by point 1 and 0 according to its damage level from the lowest (level 5) until the highest (level 1), which mean the bridge is completely collapse. Its element or groups of element were weighted from 0 to 5 which 5 represent total score of 5 categories. The categories are Structure(S), Level of Damage (R), Damage Volume (K), Element Function (F) and Damage Affect (P). Assessment on the conditions, technical screening and economical evaluations, for Srandakan Bridge, Tinalah Brigde, Kebon Agung Brigde, and Glagah Brigde, resulting the following conditions: 4 (critical – replacement – priority scale 1), 3 (heavily damage – rehabilitation on waterway – priority scale 36), 3 (heavily damage – rehabilitation on upper structure – priority scale 23). Maintenance cost in the economic evaluation aspect is the estimation cost, not the real cost.
SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN JEMBATAN BERBASIS WEB DENGAN METODE BRIDGE CONDITION RATING (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Jembatan di Kabupaten Garut) Subagio, Gatot; Triwiyono, Andreas; Satyarno, Iman
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 3 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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A state progression level can be identified from the infrastructure demand. However, infrastructure projects requires high investment cost, therefore it is recessary to optimally maintain the existing infrastructure facility. Bridge management is required to maintain the bridge function and role, as well as to keep the bridge service period in line with the service period plan by using various efforts to maintain the safety, comfort, and economy in serving the traffic. The bridge management needs a lot of recent information of the bridge inventory and condition. It is required to build accurate and up-to-date information for bridge management completed with DSS (Decision Support System) to make the inventorying result to be easily understood and to determine bridge management priority. Research area in producing this system was located at Garut Regency, West Java by taking 7 bridges as samples, under Bina Marga Public Work management. WEB-based Bridge Management Information System (SIMJWEB) was software built with PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL Database Management System. The bridge condition is visually assessed using the Bridge Condition Rating method of NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportations). Bridge component is assessed based on Component Rating of 7 as good and 1 as worst. The total Component Rating is multiplied with Weight Factor from each component, and then divided by total Weight Factor resulting from Bridge Condition Rating that reflects the bridge condition. Treatment priority determination is based on Bridge Condition Rating Value. Information on treatment time delay is obtained from estimated bridge service period using IBMS (Interurban Bridge Management System) assumption. SIMJWEB is able to provide prompt information on the inventory, condition, proposal and management priority data, as well as the estimation of bridge service period. Such information helps the bridge manager in making decision. Through internet media, bridge user can actively participate to bridge management in a region by giving idea or following public hearing made by bridge manager. This research results show that Cipancar 1 Bridge has the highest treatment priority at condition rating of 4.874 and requires rehabilitation as the proposed treatment. The lowest priority is Cimanuk Andir bridge at condition rating of 6.587 and requires regular and periodic maintenance as the proposed treatment. By estimating that Cipancar 1 bridge plan period is 50, the Equivalent period is 28.3 years and in 22 years later, the bridge function would not be functioned anymore.
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 19, No 1 (2009): JANUARI 2009
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Bridge plays a vital role in supporting life activity. A lot of bridges are required due to many watercourses running from mountain that also requires a lot of amount in the budget. Neglecting such problem may lead to traffic disturbance and discomfort. The purpose of this research is to assess the bridge condition and its components, to compose the handling priority program and the bridge component priority. The research was located in Kendari of the Province of Sulawesi Tenggara. Located above Kendari Bay, a crowd economic area, Kendari has the important downtown access road. NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportation) Method and completed with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method were used to assess the bridge condition. The bridge component scoring was calculated using the AHP method. The calculated components were compiled using the matrix of paired-comparison by referring the importance value. The, bridge component scoring consisted of three categories: (a) first category: the structural component received direct traffic load (component distributing traffic load), which was given the first priority where the importance value was higher, (b). Second category: the structural component received indirect traffic load, (c). Third category: non structural component. Calculation method AHP for every bridge component was obtained through paired-comparison. Components with bad value were found in Pasar Baru Bridge, which was rated 3 for its extension component, paving surfaces, pavement and curb. The subsequent ones were the Tripping bridge, which was rated 4 for its extension joint component and Kadia bridge which was rated 5 on its main beam, abutment, deck and back wall. Both, NYSDOT and AHP methods resulted in same assessment figures. The proposed priority handlings in subsequent order for the three bridges were Pasar Baru Bridge, Kadia Bridge and Tripping Bridge. The condition indexes were 4,514 (Average), 5,722 (Good) and 6,083 (Very Good), respectively. The proposed handlings for Pasar Baru and Kadia bridge were rehabilitation and maintenance.
EVALUASI KINERJA DAN PERKUATAN STRUKTUR GEDUNG GUNA ALIH FUNGSI BANGUNAN (Studi Kasus : Perubahan Fungsi Ruang Kelas Menjadi Ruang Perpustakaan Pada Lantai II Gedung G Universitas Semarang) Christiawan, Ignatius; Triwiyono, Andreas; Christady, Hary
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 1 (2008): JANUARI 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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To meet the need for good infrastructure of building construction, building new one is not theonly appropriate choice. Efficiency resulted from the functional substitution of existing building to be used with a new function can be a more precise alternative. The existing functional substitutio will result in the change of the building load. Based on the fact, it is necessary to evaluate the performance and the strength of structure at the existing condition to take new load and to calculate the strengthening required. The study is conducted on Building G of Campus III, Semarang University at Jl.Soekarno- Hatta, Semarang. A lecturing space in floor II was proposed to be functionally substituted into library room. It focuses on evaluating performance of structure, the strength of plate, beam, and column, and the bearing of foundation, existing condition based on SNI-2847-2002, earthquake load application based on SNI-1726-2002, and promoting a proposal for strengthening the structure required. The SAP 2000 is used to analyze the structure to gain the required strength value of U (ultimate). BETON 2000 is used to analyze the structure of existing condition to gain the existing strength value of R (resistance). The strengthening of the plate and beam is conducted by adding the Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), while that of column is by adding an external reinforcement The result of the study indicates that the existing fc’ is 17 MPa and the fy is 390 MPa. From evaluation on the performance of structure, it can be known that the performance of servicing limit and that of ultimate limit of the building have really met the requirement of SNI-1726-2002. Based on the result of analysis on the structure of plates in floor 2, plates of A, C, E, and H need the strengthening of flexure ability. Beam in floor 2 : 1 A-E ; 1 E-I ; 2 A-E ; 2 E-I ; 3 C-E and ring beam : 0 A-C ; 0 C-E ; 0 E-G ; 0 G-I ; 3 C-E ; 3 E-I require the strengthening of flexure ability and shear ability. The strengthening of flexure and shear abilities by adding the FRP is found to be able to add the flexure and shearing abilities of plates and beam. The result of analysis on the strengthening of flexure ability by adding reinforcement shows that it can add the flexure ability of column. And form analysis on foundation, it can be known that foundation is able to bear new load so it does not require the strengthening.
IDENTIFIKASI SEBAB-SEBAB KERUSAKAN OPRIT JEMBATAN DAN ALTERNATIF PENANGANANNYA (Studi Kasus: Jembatan Nambo-Bungkutoko Kota Kendari) Subhan A.K., Muh.; Christady H., Hary; Triwiyono, Andreas
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 3 (2007): SEPTEMBER 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Nambo–Bungkutoko bridges have had damages at the retaining walls and the piles of soil in bridge ramp clearly marked by the cracks of retaining walls and the deforming piles of soil in the bridge ramp. The structure of retaining walls of soil comprises the stone formations of 44,15 m in distance from Nambo and 40 m from Bungkutoko with various heights of retaining walls ranging from 4,22 m to 8,50 m from Nambo bridge ramp and 4,50 m to 8,20 m from Bungkutoko bridge ramp. To identify the causes of damage, analysis is conducted using Plaxis Program version 7.2. The amount of models analyzed is 9 consisted of 4 for Nambo ramp and 5 for Bungkutoko ramp. From the result sondir test, the type, depth, and properties of soil can be known, i.e. the depth of 0-2 m is soft clay, of 2-4 m clay, of 4-6 m loosen sand, and of 6-10 m solid sand. Whereas to know the solidness of soil in field, the proctor test is modified at damaged locations, each of 2 points and the results the solidness of Nambo ramp of point 01 is 8.01%, and of point 02 84.19%, while that of Bungkutoko ramp of point 03 is 82.68% and of point 04 87.05%. In providing the alternative handling of the ramp on 3 alternative is node to node anchor, bronjong and counterweight The result of the plaxis program is that at the Nambo ramp, the safety factor of STA 0+24,15 is 1.120 and that of STA 0+44,15 is 1.000, while at the Bungkutoko ramp, that of STA 0+25 is 1.169 and that of STA 0+40 is 1.000. A counterweight is chosen caused total, vertical and horizontal displacement is small and safety factor to high then as a result, at the Nambo ramp, the safety factor of STA 0+24,15 is 1.664 and that of STA 0+44,15 is 1.196, while at the Bungkutoko ramp, that of STA 0+25 is 1.694 and that of STA 0+40 is 1.208. Costs needed for all the rehabilitations of the bridge ramp with the counterweight is Rp 467.210.211
Kajian dan Evaluasi Struktur Slab Prestressed Precast Modular Concrete Eratodi, I Gusti Lanang Bagus; Awaludin, Ali; Han, Ay Lie; Triwiyono, Andreas
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5241.167 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v26i1.27765


Prestressed precast modular concrete slabs function rigid pavement, supporting vehicle loads above it on subgrade with relatively low bearing capacity. This slab measures 2000 x 850 x 150 mm3 of regular reinforced concrete (old production) or prestressed concrete (new production) quality K-500. After several times of use, damage occurs mainly at the end of the slab in the form of spalling. The objectives of the study and evaluation were: (1) observing damage; (2) material quality data; (3) numerical modeling by taking into account material properties, loading and soil conditions; and (4) providing slab design recommendations including materials and geometrics. The method of study and evaluation of slab damage was done by observing the damage, taking concrete core-case and testing it in the laboratory, and modeling the slab structure with various parameters (soil data, concrete quality and slab geometry). Field observations and analysis results show that concrete slab spalling occurs initially at the edge (850 mm wide) which in turn causes the effectiveness of the pre-tension force to be suboptimal and finally the concrete spalling volume increases. Apart from the frequency of collisions during installation and slab deformation when supporting vehicle loads. Concrete spalling problems also due to inappropriate concrete quality.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol. 21 No. 25 (2017): JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL DAN ARSITEKTUR
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta

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Penggunaan struktur beton bertulang pada suatu bangunan sudah lazim. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kekuatan lentur ultimit oleh tambahan carbon fiber wraps (CFW) pada balok beton bertulang yang sudah dan sedang dibebani oleh beban mati. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 4 buah Benda uji balok, terdiri dari : 1 balok kontrol (BK), dan 1 balok yang diperkuat dengan CFW tanpa beban awal (BP 0%), serta 2 balok yang diperkuat dengan CFW setelah balok dibebani 30%  dan 60% beban ultimit  (BP 30% dan BP 60%). Balok memiliki lebar 150 mm, tinggi 200 mm, dan panjang 2000 mm. Balok sederhana dengan dua tumpuan dikedua ujungnya dibebani terpusat tepat di tengah bentang. Dari hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan terhadap BK yaitu balok BP 0%, BP 30%, dan BP 60% mengalami  peningkatan kekuatan secara berturut-turut  sebesar 114,28%; 108,57%; dan 105,71%. Kapasitas lentur hasil eksperimen dibandingkan dengan hasil teoritis secara berturut-turut pada BK, BP 0%, BP 30 %, dan BP 60% yaitu 94,42%, 102,78%, 97,68%, dan 94,41%. Kekakuan kondisi retak pada beban 7 kN terhadap BK yaitu balok BP 0%, BP 30%, dan BP 60% mengalami  peningkatan kekakuan secara berturut-turut  sebesar  117,27%; 96,99%; 90,20%. Daktilitas terhadap BK yaitu balok BP 0%, BP 30%, dan BP 60% mengalami  peningkatan daktilitas secara berturut-turut  sebesar  45,90% , 63,97%, 45,47%. Pola keruntuhan yang terjadi pada BK, BP 0%, BP 30%, dan BP 60% adalah keruntuhan lentur.