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Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Kelompok Tani Bunga Di Kecamatan Tomohon Utara Kota Tomohon Wowiling, Marlein Anita; Rantung, Ventje V; Tulung, Max

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This study aims to determine the condition of the level of income and the welfare of farmers' groups cut flowers chrysanthemum in Sub District of North Tomohon befor and after empowerment programs. Collecting data using a survey method, ie the entire interview informants to obtaining an overview of the focus and the empirical study variables such as income level and the level of welfare of farmers cut flower chrysanthemum in the village of Kakaskasen, Kakaskasen Satu, Kakaskasen Dua and Kakaskaskasen Tiga. Data were analyzed by examining differences in the population mean two pairs of data, by using the method before and after treatment in which to do comparisons between levels of income and welfare levels before and after the empowerment program. The results of the evaluation in this research note that with empowermment program for farmer group of cut flower chrysanthemum in Tomohon, particularly in Village Kakaskasen, Kakaskasen Satu, Kakaskasen Two and Kakaskasen Kakaskasen Three of Sub District of North Tomohon is affecting the income and welfare of farmers. With the existence of the empowerment program, the farmers' income can be increased, thereby increasing the level of welfare of the farming community. The level of income is the amount of revenue income after business development chrysanthemum cut flowers and other business. Once empowered, revenue increased about five times and welfare of farmers increased about two times

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Hama Crocidolomia pavonana sering menyerang titik tumbuh sehingga sering disebut ulat jantung kubis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui effektivitas ekstrak akar tuba terhadap kematian larva crocidolomia pavonana dengan melakukan uji laboratorium dan proses rearing hama di lapangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode residu pada daun bebas pestisida dan pengujian disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 4 Ulangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perlakuan Akar tuba (A) pada konsentrasi 10 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 19, 19, 17, 18 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (91,25%). perlakuan Akar tuba (A) pada konsentrasi 8 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 17, 18, 18, 18 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (88,75%). perlakuan Akar tuba (A) pada konsentrasi 6 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 15, 16, 15, 15 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (76,25%). perlakuan Akar tuba (A) pada konsentrasi 5 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 13, 14, 13, 14 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (67,5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan Akar tuba (B) pada konsentrasi 10 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 11, 10, 10, 10 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (51,25 %). perlakuan Akar tuba (B) pada konsentrasi 8 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 7, 7, 5, 6 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (31,25 %). perlakuan Akar tuba (B) pada konsentrasi 6 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 4, 4, 3, 4 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (18,75 %). perlakuan Akar tuba (B) pada konsentrasi 5 % jumlah larva yang mati pada ulangan I-IV adalah 3, 1, 1, 2 larva yang mati dengan rata-rata (8,75 %)
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Farmer groups are one form of community efforts to live better in the economic field. Thisresearch was carried out with the main objectives: to find out the extent of the effectiveness of the ricefarmer group program in Wolaang Village, East Langowan District, Minahasa Regency, to find out theobstacles in the process of implementing the rice farmer group program in Wolaang and to find out theefforts to overcome the obstacles encountered in the process of implementing the rice farmer groupprogram in Wolaang. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method, data was collected byinterviewing ten informants, observing, and using related documents. The research data is analyzedthrough SWOT analysis which is a strategic planning method used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats in a project or business speculation. The four factors that form the SWOTacronym (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). And in the results of the research programthe rice farmer groups in this village have not been effective because 1) have not succeeded in recruitingsmall farmers and communities who have not worked according to the program's main objectives. 2) thereare 10 registered rice farmer groups but only 4 are active due to lack of insight and activities carried out inthe program. 3) Not all members of the rice farmer group are satisfied with the program that has beenmade for a long time because of the lack of supervision and attention of the government so that the ricefarmers prefer to work personally. 4) Supporting facilities are inadequate; Lack of control when workingso that targets are sometimes inappropriate; The report on the use of funds is not very good; Processingland that is still traditional so it takes a long time; The use of funds has not been as needed; Less optimalaccommodation; Weak carrying capacity of citizens to work; Updates to equipment; Circumstances thathinder program mobility; Less than working. 5) the emergence of new farmer groups causes less funding from the government because of the increase in the number of farmer groups; Transfer of farmer groupmembers to new farmer groups; Competition fights for the sympathy of the government and newagricultural land with competitors; and new farmer groups often emerge with a more modern and strongstyle in terms of funding. The suggestions that I can give to Wolaang village farmer groups and theirgovernments are: 1) increasing supervision. 2) pay attention to funding management. 3) increase workmotivation 4) improve the quality and availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure. 5) increasinghealthy competition with beginner farmer groups.Keywords: Farmer Group, Effectiveness, Farmer Group Work Program.
BIOLOGI Sitophilus oryzae dan Sitophilus zeamais (COLEOPTERA; CURCULIONIDAE) PADA BERAS DAN JAGUNG PIPILAN Manueke, Jusuf; Tulung, Max; Mamahit, J. M.E.
EUGENIA Vol 21, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/eug.21.1.2015.11802


ABSTRACT   This study aims to determine the biological of Sitophilus oryzae and S. zeamais which includes development stadia, life cycle, long life, fecundity, mortality and sex ratio. Research using descriptive and substitutional methods. The research conducted in the laboratory of Entomology and Plant Pests and Pest Department of Pest and Disease Faculty of Agriculture Sam Ratul;angi University Manado. The results showed differences in the life cycle, long life and fecundity between S. oryzae and S. zeamais. Long life cycle and life imago S. oryzae shorter than S. zeamais. The life cycle of S. oryzae is 35.22 days and S. zeamais 49.13 days. Life long female imago S. oryzae 101 days and 88.75 days males, S. zeamais females and males 109.25 125.75 day day. Fecundity of S. oryzae lower than S. zeamais namely S. oryzae average 152.8 points and S. zeamais average of 203.0 points. Pradewasa mortality and sex ratio of S. oryzae and S. zeamais unchanged at S. oryzae 80.5% and 0.79, S. zeamais 77.0% and 0.77. Keywords: Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus zeamais, development stadia, life cycle, long life,  fecundity, mortality
TABEL HIDUP Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera; Curculionidae) PADA BERAS Manueke, Jusuf; Tulung, Max; Pinontoan, Odi R.; Paat, Frangky J.
EUGENIA Vol 18, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/eug.18.1.2012.3552


ABSTRACT The problem in postharvest pests must be handled seriously since recent research were not comprehensively resolved it. Sitophilus oryzae was a major pest and serious problem on post harvest products. The reseach aimed  to develop a life table of S. oryzae on rice. The life table is a part of life history that consists of important information about the living organism. This information can be used for predicting population growth. By developing life table database, information on mortality, life expectancy, and the development ability of S. oryzae can be obtained. Results showed that mortality index of eggs was 0.4;  larvae was 0,54, and pupae was 0,32, and adult was 1,0. Life expectancy index of eggs was 1.65; larvae was 1.42; pupae was 1.51 pupae; and adults was 1.0. One female was able to give rise 32.56 females or 58.57 males and females of the next generation. Keywords : Life table, Sitophilus oryzae,  mortality index,  life expectancy
EUGENIA Vol 18, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/eug.18.1.2012.4143


ABSTRACT   Papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Indonesia was reported attacking papaya in 2008 in Bogor. In North Sulawesi reported attacked papaya in 2009 in Manado. The purpose of research to determine the level of attacks and spreading of  papaya mealybug P. marginatus in North Sulawesi. The study was conducted from December 2010 - September 2011. Dissemination papaya mealybug based on altitude in North Sulawesi, namely: Bitung, North Minahasa, Minahasa, South Minahasa, South Minahasa, Tomohon, and Manado. Papaya plants were attacked by the intensity of the attacks seen low <25%, moderate 25-50% and 50-90% by high. Samples of papaya mealybug brought in the Laboratory Pest and Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture Unsrat Manado to be identified. Results showed papaya mealybug pest infestation has spread over several papaya plantation in North Sulawesi. Papaya mealybug attack papaya covering several areas in the lowlands (<200 m asl) to high area (800 m asl). Spreading pf papaya mealybug attack papaya plantation of Minahasa, Manado, Bitung, Tomohon, North Minahasa and South East Minahasa. Attack rates range of mealbug from low, moderate, and high. Keyword : Spreading, intensity attack, Paracoccus marginatus ABSTRAK   Kutu putih pepaya Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) di Indonesia dilaporkan menyerang pepaya tahun 2008 di Bogor. Di  Sulawesi Utara dilaporkan menyerang pepaya tahun 2009 di Manado. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebaran dan tingkat serangan kutu putih pepaya P. marginatus di Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian dilakukan mulai Desember 2010 - September 2011. Data penyebaran kutu putih pepaya didasarkan pada ketinggian tempat di Sulawesi Utara, yaitu : Bitung, Minahasa Utara, Minahasa, Minahasa Tenggara, Minahasa Selatan, Tomohon, dan  Manado. Tanaman pepaya yang terserang dilihat intensitas serangan yaitu serangan ringan < 25 %, sedang  25-50 % dan berat 50-90 %. Sampel tanaman yang terserang  kutu putih pepaya dan musuh alami dibawa di laboratorium Hama dan Entomologi, Fakultas Pertanian Unsrat Manado untuk diidentifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hama kutu putih pepaya telah tersebar di beberapa perkebunan  pepaya di Sulawesi Utara. Serangan kutu putih pepaya meliputi beberapa daerah di dataran rendah (< 200 m dpl) sampai di daerah tinggi (800 m dpl). Eugenia Volume 18 No. 1  April 2012 Kata Kunci : Penyebaran, intensitas serangan, Paracoccus marginatus
EUGENIA Vol 21, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/eug.21.3.2015.9692


ABSTRACT Improvements to the identification techniques adapted to the latest determination key, requires socialization, so that the farmer can determine which plant pests have damaged many crops and causing losses. This study were conducted to determine species of fruit fly Bactrocera spp. and to determine the population of Bactrocera spp. attacking commodities chili, tomato and pumpkin siam. Research carried out by direct surveys on the area which is the center of the fruit and vegetable crops in Tomohon. Each stretch of the plants fruit vegetable crops of chili, tomato and pumpkin siam was laid trap.  The number of traps on each observation plots of vegetables or fruit per plant commodities were 5 (five) traps. The bottle trap was placed in the middle of planting vegetables fruit by a diagonal way. Traps of steiner models made of plastic bottles of 1.5 liters of mineral water and a perforated plastic funnel fitted as entrance fruit flies was used in this experiment. The tool is also equipped with a wire as a binder between the traps and wood enforcement to be put in planting fruit vegetables. Cotton was rolled with a diameter of about 3 cm and then tied with thread and put Methyl Eugenol (ME) of 0.25 ml and Cue-Lure (CL) as much as 0.25 ml by using the syringe and then hung in the middle of the bottle trap. Keywords : identification, population, Methyl Eugenol, Cue-Lure
MUSUH ALAMI KUTU PUTIH Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink, (HEMIPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PADA TANAMAN PEPAYA DI MINAHASA UTARA Tairas, Robert W.; Tulung, Max; Pelealu, Jantje
EUGENIA Vol 21, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/eug.21.2.2015.9705


ABSTRACT The potential of biological control using natural enemies locally has a huge opportunity, therefore, carried out a study in order to determine the types of natural enemies of both predators, parasitoids and pathogens on the mealybug P. marginatus live in papaya plants in North Minahasa area. The study found that in Minahasa north, there are natural enemies comprised of predators, pathogens and parasitoids, among others, Chilocorus sp. Scymnus sp. (Coleoptera), Oecophylla smaragdina and some of the family Formicidae (Hymenoptera), earwig (Dermaptera), mites (Acari) and Tetragnatha sp, Tetragnatidae; Plexippus sp. Telamonia sp; Lycosidae (Aranea). At the parasitoid was found only Acerophagus papayae, family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera), while natural enemies of pathogen is Fungus Keywords : P. marginatus, mealybugs, natural enemies, predators, parasitoid and pathogen
INSIDENSI PENYAKIT LAYU FUSARIUM PADA TANAMAN TOMAT (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) DI KECAMATAN LANGOWAN BARAT Muhammad Fadly Syam; Max M. Ratulangi; Guntur S.J. Manengkey; Max Tulung
COCOS Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v5i1.5348


ABSTRACKTomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) is no stranger to the community as a tomato vegetable crops play an important role in the nutrition community. This study aims to determine the cause of Fusarium wilt disease and the incidence of disease. This study was conducted in farmers' fields in the village of Tumaratas, Raringis, and Kopiwangker from February to April 2014 This study used a survey method or field observation purposive sampling. Materials and tools used in this study is the tomato crop land, plants Fusarium wilt disease, PDA, CLA media, antibiotics, distilled water, 95% alcohol, petridish, parafilm, test tube, needles ose, spirit lamp, analytical scales, tweezers, cutter, masking tape, autoclave, laminar air flow, rack culture, cover glass, glass objects, microscope, digital cameras, and stationery. The results showed the fungus that causes Fusarium wilt disease infecting tomato plants in the District of West Langowan is Fusarium sp. The incidence of Fusarium wilt disease on tomato plants in the District of West Langowan is Tumaratas village average of 6.16%, the village Raringis average of 8.66%, and the average village Kopiwangker 9.61%. The highest incidence of the disease an average of 13.66% while the lowest incidence of tomato plants with an average of 4.33%.Keywords : Tomato plant, Fusarium sp.
PEMANFAATAN JAMUR Beauveria bassiana TERHADAP SERANGGA Aphis sp PADA TANAMAN CABE Bastian P. Wowiling; Christina Salaki; Henny Makal; Max Tulung
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 6 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i6.7971


ABSTRACT  The study aims to determine the effect of the concentration of spores of the fungus Beauveria bassiana against Aphis sp insect mortality in the laboratory. implementation of the research carried out for three months from July to September 2014. Research using the method Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments, using B. bassiana spores concentration of 104, 105, 106 and control. Plants used was pepper plants. Each plant with different spore concentrations, in use ten tail pest Aphis sp. Observations on doing every day for one week, with a look at the mortality of each treatment. The results showed that the test insect mortality was highest at day 4 observation with treatment reaches 106 (80%) at follow treatment 105 (52.5%) and treatment of 104 (0%). Observation day 5 mortality in the test insect reaches 106 treatment (20%), then treatment of 105 (32.5%), and treatment of 104 (10%). The results showed that the test insect mortality was highest at day 4 observation with treatment reaches 106 (80%) at follow treatment 105 (52.5%) and treatment of 104 (0%). Observation day 5 mortality in the test insect reaches 106 treatment (20%), then treatment of 105 (32.5%), and treatment of 104 (10%). Observation day 6 the highest mortality of test insects found in treatment reaches 104 (90%), treatment of 105 (15%), and treatment of 106 (0%). In the control mortality was not found, but an increase in population.  Keywords : Beauveria bassiana, Chili Plants, and Aphis sp