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Alat Dan Media Pembelajaran Dalam Perspektif Tafsir Al-Misbah Gunawan, Gunawan; Pasaribu, Selamat
Fikroh: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Fikroh: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Azhar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37812/fikroh.v15i1.312


Learning tools and media in Islamic education perspective). Every human being always undergoes a learning process throughout his life. The learning process is caused by the interaction between humans and their environment. For this reason, learning occurs whenever and wherever. "Learning is characterized by a change in a person's behavior caused by changes in the level of knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Media has a very important role in the teaching and learning process. In the use of media sometimes there are pros and cons that result in some Muslims not wanting it (the group considers the media and tools not in Islam) and some others embrace it. The existence of this research will be a bright spot for the study and understanding of Muslims in the use of media and learning tools. The study method in this study uses literature studies related to the arguments of the Qur'an and the interpretations of leading interpreters such as Alimisbah, Almaraghi, Tafsir Al-Azhar, Tafsir Al Zhilalil Qur'an and Tafsir al-Maraghi. In this literature research it was found that in the Qur'an contained in Surah An Nahl: 44 and 125, Al Muzammil: 20, At Taubah: 11, Al Baqarah: 31, An Naml: 29, 30 and 44, Al Ahzab: 21 and Al Maidah: 2, this whole verse represents the whole argument for the use of learning tools and media in education, so it is clear that the Universe has a lot of media diversity, both in the form of cases in social society, the history of the previous prophets to the rewards and rewards. for those who do, all of it is contained in the Qur'an Al Karim.
Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Agama Islam Pada Masa Pandemi Virus Covid 19 Berbasis Podcash Sosial Media Musik Spotify di Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif PSDKU Medan Gunawan Gunawan; Murtopo Murtopo; Akmal Walad Ahkas
Intiqad: Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 13, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/intiqad.v13i2.6272


The spread of the Covid 19 Virus has halted learning activities at all levels of learning and hampered social distancing. This has made every educator and policymaker in the education world turn their heads to develop learning media. Internet-based media is a mandatory choice that must be done, so media applicators are competing to create learning media. Spotify Social Media Podcast is an internet-based application that is quite popular in the United States and various countries in Europe, even profitable for business, but not yet popular enough in Indonesia. The potential audience is quite large, because, in addition to being able to be heard on the street by commuters, about 30% of the population are auditory learners. For this reason, a literature study was carried out which aims to explore opportunities for audio podcasts to develop learning media at the Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif PSDKU Medan, as well as content analysis of several podcast content providers sites that are quite successful in Indonesia. The results of the study indicate that the audio podcast optimization strategy includes the development of podcast materials; the approach and distribution of content according to the needs, desires, and ways of students consuming audio content; and the suitability of the content with the character and orientation of the media. In addition, this effort must also be accompanied by an intensive campaign through various means. State the research objectives and targets to be achieved and the methods that will be used in achieving these goals.
JURNAL TARBIYAH Vol 25, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (721.792 KB) | DOI: 10.30829/tar.v25i2.315


In the process of making the learning syllabus is done by using an analysis of the vision and mission of the educational institutions that correlate to the moral conditions of students and look at the needs in the world of work, the process of making instructional materials is also carried out from a combination of the elaboration of the entire subject syllabus and the needs of the Industrial world followed by the development of activities religion that leads student behavior to good character. Organizational elements of students are also involved in determining the direction of moral change better, because they are in the organizational organ in the institution both in the concept and order of the campus administration, and good in dealing with the world of work and industry. Good work is seen from good character and attitude.
Tazkiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Juli - Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (422.083 KB) | DOI: 10.30829/taz.v9i2.837


Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin berkembang pesat tersebut diatas merupakan peluang terbaik untuk menciptakan karya-karya kreatif serta inovasi-inovasi terbaru, oleh karena itu penulis merencakan pembuatan aplikasi radio streaming berbasis web sebagai media pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, hiburan serta media pembelajaran pada SMA Namira Medan. Sesuai dengan hasil observasi awal yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa SMA Namira Medan harus memperbaiki serta membutuhkan sistem pengolahan pembelajaran untuk menunjang system pembelajaran dimasa New Normal. Pemutar radio yang berinovasi melalui aplikasi web yang dapat di akses melalui komputer PC atau laptop berbais android ini akan mempermudah penyampaian informasi pembelajaran secara langsung kepada seluruh stake holder SMA Namira Medan. Disisi lain android juga bukan merupakan sistem operasi yang asing bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Data yang sama juga menunjukan bahwa 88% pengisi kuisioner adalah pengguna sistem operasi android yang juga hanya menerima sedikit informasi dari SMA Namira Medan. Selain sebagai media pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, radio ini juga akan menjadi  media hiburan serta sebagai media sosialisasi bagi siswa yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di SMA Namira Medan yang merupakan sekolah yang bertujuan menciptakan lulusan yang lebih sensitive akan perkembangan teknologi.Kata Kunci: Radio Streaming, Pembelajaran PAI, New Normal, Covid 19
Tazkiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Januari - Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.692 KB) | DOI: 10.30829/taz.v8i1.459


Saat ini dunia anak-anak tidak luput dengan dunia animasi, penggunaan Media Pembelajaran berbasis animasi sangat diminati oleh kalangan siswa di usia sekolah mereka, tidak hanya animasi pembelajaran, komik berbasis cerita juga tidak luput dari aktivitas mereka. Pembelajaran Motion Comic juga saat ini sudah mulai tidak menjadi sesuatu hiburan yang aneh bagi dunia anak di usia sekolah dasar, banyak tontonan dan tayangan di media Youtube yang menyajikan Motion Comic dalam bentuk vedio. Hal ini yang membuat penulis untuk mencoba memadukan pebelajaran animasi dengan vedio yang akan menghasilkan Motion Comic dalam pembelajaran. Pembelajaran Akhlak menggunakan Motion Comic akan menajadi sebuah daya tarik baru bagi siswa-siswi sekolah dasar dalam memahami materi pembelajaran, terutama pembelajaran Akhlak. Pembelajaran Akhlak dengan Motion Comic, apalagi diusia mereka sangat dekat dengan fasilitas yang mendukung dalam menyaksikan pembelajaran dengan Motion Comic, telepon genggam, komputer juga sudah tidak menjadi barang mewah disaat ini, ini lah menjadi factor utama penambahan media pembelajaran baru dalam dunia pendidikan.
JISTech (Journal of Islamic Science and Technology) Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (926.494 KB) | DOI: 10.30829/jistech.v4i1.4927


The planet is one of the celestial bodies in the solar system that circulates around the Sun in an elliptical shape. Planet learning has entered the curriculum since Kindergarten or Early Childhood Education. While in everyday life explaining the planet is difficult to convey, coupled with the teaching system that is still conventional / classic. Therefore we need media that can help in delivering material. Interactive animation as a medium that can support the learning process. Animation can make the learning process difficult to convey conventionally / classically, but it will be easier to express and be understood by designing this interactive animation using the library method to get clear data. With this interactive animation, it is hoped that it can help the learning process of children, so that they can increase their knowledge and desire to learn.
Pelatihan Pembelajaran Membaca Alquran Dan Kenal Huruf Alquran Bagi Para Driver Ojek Online Ghost Riders Family Medan G Gunawan
Jurnal Penelitian Medan Agama MEDAN AGAMA, VOL. 10, NO. 1, 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.673 KB) | DOI: 10.58836/jpma.v10i1.5692


This paper illustrates the real conditions of the Ojol drivers who are working on the streets, who are not worried about themselves, not even a few of them (who are Muslim) who have begun to forget the reading of the Qur'an and don't even understand it at all. We know that in the verse of Al-Qur'an on the letter Al-Muddatsir has been ordered by Allah SWT. that in reading the Qur'an it is sought to read it in a tartil. It gives a clue that we as Muslims who have Al-Qur'an guidelines must be able to read it properly and correctly. In harmony with the first revelation received by the Prophet Muhammad. in the cave of Hera 'is the letter Al-Alaq, paragraph (1) up to verse (5) which in the verses contains instructions to read. There is written "Iqra '" which means "reading". Based on the verses mentioned above, it is a suggestion for all the people of the Prophet Muhammad to always read and study. So with that suggestion it is very inappropriate for Muslims to remain in such conditions, because Muslims have guidelines, namely the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. Based on this, it is hoped that the existence of similar training and guidance for Ojol drivers in always reminding them of the holy book of the Koran, and slowly learning to understand the contents of the guidelines can also read Arabic writing.
Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Videografi Bagi Anak Remaja Dimasa Pendemik Covid 19 Di PKBM Kreatif Medan Murtopo Murtopo; Khairil Anwar; Gunawan Gunawan
Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Pengajaran: JPPP Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jppp.v3i1.9400


Kebanyakan aktivitas para remaja bersifat tidak bermanfaat jika berada di perangkat seluler mereka,  hampir 80 % mereka berkatifitas dengan telephone genggam mereka. Pro dan kontra ditunjukkan dari dikalangan orang tua dalam menyikapi fenomena ini, dari memberikan batasan penggunaan hingga tidak memberikan batasan pemakaian. Hal ini diakibatkan dampak negatif yang cendrung lebih menonjol dari dampak positif, misalnya lupa waktu ibadah, belajar dan aktivitas wajib dilakukan para remaha tersebut, bahkan ditingkat yang lebih bahaya yaitu mengakses video porno yang dapat mereka nonton tanpa batasan dan sepengetahuan orang tua mereka. Masyarakat juga beranggapan bahwa, untuk mendapatkan hassil video dan foto yang baik harus memiliki perangkat kamera yang bagus dan baik serta mahal, nammun dengan kegiatan ini di PKBM Kreatif, akan menepis anggapan tersebut.
Compulsory Education Phenomenon for Islamic Education in Indonesia Gunawan Gunawan; Muhammad Adyan Simanjuntak; Siti Marisa
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v3i1.183


The education level in Indonesia aims to create a society that has the lowest education, namely SMA/Equivalent, so that scientific competence, learning experience and thinking patterns have knowledge in general, so that in the process of interacting in the world of work, this is also the target of religious education institutions. which are non-formal in nature such as al-Quran memorizing schools (tahfiz schools), the method in this study uses the literature study method, namely discussing literature both from laws and regulations, government regulations, related ministerial regulations and education regulations. Basically Compulsory Education/compulsory education is a government program that has been running in Indonesia, namely the 9-year and 12-year compulsory education program, this program is running until now.Compulsory Education, Compulsory Islamic Education
International Journal of Economy, Education and Entrepreneurship Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): International Journal of Economy, Education and Entrepreneurship
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/ije3.v1i3.37


Products in Indonesia's creative industries are generally handicrafts, an expression of local cultural products with the aesthetic value from various arts. One of the famous traditional handicraft markets in North Sumatra is Tomok Market. Tomok Market is a crowded market visited by the tourists who come to Samosir Island, Lake Toba. This research was motivated by invading souvenir products from Java and Bali as a rival for local products in traditional markets, Tomok Samosir. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that examines the original description of various typical Batak Toba souvenirs sold in the Tomok Market, analyzes the number of Batak Toba souvenirs and compares them with other souvenirs available in the Tomok Market, and to find out what problems that cause a decrease in the presence of Batak Toba souvenirs. The results indicate the number of Batak Toba souvenirs such as Tunggal Panaluan, wood lizard carving, Replica of Bataknese Traditional House, Bataknese Calendar, and Hasapi is not as many as souvenir products from Java and Bali. This product is due Batak craftsmen who make souvenirs has decreased. Another factor is the lack of availability of indigenous wood as the primary material for making souvenirs, and the number of wood hunters in the region is declining. As a result, Batak Toba souvenirs were more expensive than other souvenirs from Java and Bali, and sales declined. In addition, the lack of advertising and information media that explain the cultural value and uniqueness of these local products diminishes the interest of tourists