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Representasi Perempuan pada Desain Kemasan "Kiranti" Senja Aprela Agustin; Acep Iwan Saidi; Triyadi Guntur Wiratmo
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 3 No. 2 (2011)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1969.996 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2011.3.2.1


Gender representation is often used as an attribute of a product differentiation in the current packaging design. One of the woman representation could be found on the packaging design of ‘Kiranti’, a herbal ready to drink which is better known as a traditional medicine by earlier Javanese culture. Kiranti as a text is combined by verbal and visual elements that are meaningful to the readers. How the representation of women and constructions as well as decoding by its consumer are the main questions of this research. Using of discourse analysis method, Kiranti’s text can be traced not only from the visualization, but also of ideas or opinions behind them, such as socio-cultural situation in which Kiranti disseminated. In addition, consideration of readers position as consumers are very important in interpreting the text of Kiranti, because implified particular knowledge in society. Decoding by readers are diverse, ranging from the interpretation of the same message as producer’s intention, differences in interpretation, until modify its message. Visual and verbal elements that appear are the result of the selected signs combination by the producer of meaning, that seeks to utilize conventions that can be accepted easily by society. The combination of the signs are also affected by the construction of discourses, such as codes of Javanese culture, the concept of beauty and menstruating women, as well as the inherent characteristics of femininity (gender), that represented by visual elements, both graphic imagery (photography and illustration), typography, color, and form of the bottle form.
Perempuan Desainer Berdikari dalam Industri Kreatif di Indonesia Senja Aprela Agustin; Acep Iwan Saidi; Irma Damajanti
IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 7 No 1 (2023): IKRAITH-HUMANIORA Vol 7 No 1 Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37817/ikraith-humaniora.v7i1.2267


This paper depicts the work of three women designers in the informal sector of the creativeindustry in Indonesia. The unique works of women designers in designing and building brands oflocal-domestic products, fashion, decorations, and, accessories produced in home-based studioshave made them financially self-sustaining. In addition, this research also shows that the ability ofwomen designers to negotiate in society which still burdens women with domestic activities can beself-supported and develop their businesses. Furthermore, the factors that influence the success ofbusiness sustainability include: 'personal style' design, ability to understand the market,proficiency in computer technology, and the utilization of communication media such as socialmedia and websites. This independent women designer figure in the informal sector indirectlycontributes to economic prosperity in Indonesia