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AGROTEKBIS Vol 5, No 6 (2017)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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"Trichosubur Protect", are  biocompost  form of ranule preparation, an active agent of Trichoderma sp, with the ingredients are Nitrogen (2.39%), Posfor (0.14%), Potassium (0.90%), Calcium (0.02%), Sodium (0.27%), Sulfur (0.53%) and C-organic (51.13%), this Product from Biology Department, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Tadulako University. This research aimed to the test effectiveness and the dosage biocompost "Trichosubur Protect" effect on the growth of the onion plants (Allium ascalonicumL.).This research was conducted at November 2015 until March 2016, located at hotusbotanicus in Tadulako University. This research  was designed in a Completely Randomized Design, consisting of six treatment and three times replications. With these following treatment arrange; P0 (without given biocompost "Trichosubur Protect"), P1 (10g biocompost "Trichosubur Protect"), P2 (20g), P3 (30g), P4 (40g) and P5 (2g NPK fertilizer).  The research showed that P4 treatment  the best onion plants growth comparative with the  P0, P1, P2 and P3 treatment. P4 treatment showed the number of tubers was 7.66, biomass weight at harvest 4.43g, leaf weight at harvest 4.25g tuber, weight at harvest 15.12g, hand root weight at harvest 0.13g, nevertheless it is lower than P5 treatment. Keywords : Biocompost "Trichosubur Protect", Onion (Allium ascalonicumL.), Trichoderma sp..
Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Volume 8 Number 1 (April 2019)
Publisher : Univ. Tadulako

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Studi kolonisasi semut hitam (Dolichoderus sp.) pada perkebunan kakao, merupakan salah satu bagian dari peran sumberdaya hayati dalam pengendalian hama. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi Dolichoderus sp.terhadap pakan dari embun madu dan madu lebah, untuk menjadi daya tarik dalam membentuk koloni pada sarang buatan. Pengamatan dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2015. Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 pohon kakao yang dipilih secara acak tanpa memperhatikan usia pohon kakao dan varietasnya tidak ditentukan.Dua perlakuan yang berbeda diberikan pada sarang buatan, kedua perlakuan yang digunakan adalah sarang buatan dengan pemberian madu dari lebah dan sarang yang ditempatkan pada buah yang terdapat kutu putih. Parameter pengamatan meliputi terbentuknya koloni semut pada sarang buatan, kehadiran ratu pada koloni baru dan preferensi semut terhadap pakan. Semut hitam melakukan migrasi dengan lambat yang dilihat dari waktu yang dibutuhkan ratu untuk migrasi yaitu pada minggu ketiga pengamatan. Pakan dari embun madu yang digunakan tidak efektif dalam membuat semut hitam membentuk koloni pada sarang buatan, dilihat dari jumlah kehadiran semut pekerja dan semut ratu pada sarang buatan. Pakan madu dari lebah menarik kehadiran semut hitam pekerja lebih banyak dari embun madu dari kutu putih, karena aroma madu yang menyebar cepat dan kandungan gula pada madu yang tinggi
Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Volume 4 Number 1 (March 2015)
Publisher : Univ. Tadulako

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Penelitian Uji Efektivitas minyak atsiri daun Kemangi (Ocimum tenuiflorum), daun jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix) dan daun mimba (Azadirachta indica) sebagai reppelentAedes aegyptitelah dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Desember 2013 Laboratorium Hewan Coba di Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Penyakit Bersumber Binatang (P2B2). Penelitian didesain berdasarkan model Rancangan Acak Lengkap (6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan) dengan waktu pengamatan selama 0 jam, 1 jam, 2 jam dan 3 jam. Desain perlakuan  P0 (Air), P1 (Soffel), P2 ( Daun Kemangi), P3 (Daun jeruk purut), P4 (Daun mimba), P5(Campuran minyak atsiri). Minyak atsiri diisolasi dengan metode destilasi uap. Nyamuk Aedes aegypti betina dipuasakan selama 24 jam, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam kandang nyamuk yang berukuran 22 x 22 cm. Pengujian dilakukan dengan memasukkan lengan probandus yang telah diolesi pasta (perlakuan P0 sampai P5) kedalam kandang nyamuk. Parameter pengamatan meliputi Jumlah nyamuk yang hinggap dan Lama hinggap nyamuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak minyak atsiri daun kemangi merupakan reppelent yang lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan ekstrak minyak atsiri daun jeruk purut dan mimba. Ekstrak minyak atsiri daun kemangi dapat menolak nyamuk dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak dan waktu hinggap lebih singkat.
Perilaku dan Penentuan Oviposisi dari Parasitoid Telur Hadronotus leptocorisae (Hymenoptera) pada Telur Hama Bulir Padi Leptocorisa acuta (Hemiptera) Tjandra Anggraeni; Aisah Jamili; Umrah Umrah
Biocelebes Vol. 4 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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The research of behavior and host determination for the oviposition of egg parasitoid of Hadronotus leptocorisae on egg of the rice seed pests (Leptocorisa acuta) was carried out. H. leptocorisae collected from rice field were inserted into the tube containing of eggs of L. acuta which were divided into three group based on their ages; young eggs (0-1 days); mature eggs (2-3 days) and old eggs (4-5 days). The results showed that female H. leptocorisae prefer to oviposition on young eggs. Descriptive observation indicated that before eggs were laid, female H. leptocorisae inspect L. acuta eggs by rubbing of L. acuta eggs with its antenna and ovipositor. Furthermore, oviposition of H. leptocorisae eggs was begun by holing of L. acuta eggs and was followed by putting its eggs by its ovipositor. That behavior is its strategies to survive. The results of this study can contribute to answer pest L. acuta problems which are often found in rice fields. By the appropriate monitoring of L. acuta eggs in rice field, the disposal time of H. leptocorisae could be done effectively and efficiently.Key words: Hadronous leptocorisae; Leptocorisa acuta; egg parasitoid.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Tahu (Whey Tahu) Sebagai Media Tumbuh Acetobacter xylinum untuk Memproduksi Nata Muhammad Alwi; Rahmiati Rahmiati; Umrah Umrah
Biocelebes Vol. 5 No. 2 (2011)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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Research on “Waste Utilization Tahu” (Whey Tahu) as growth media for producing nata Acetobacter xylinum has been carried out from February to March 2011 with the aim of utilizing wastewater tahu (whey tahu) as a growing medium nata-producing Acetobacter xylinum as a source food and sucrose concentration and pH optimal for the growth of bacteria A. xylinum in producing nata. Method used in this research is experiment by 9 combinations of treatments and 3 repeation. Design was using a “Completely Randomized with composed with factorial” the factors is sugar concentration and secondary factor is acidity level (pH) . The Result of research indicate that nata and thick and also different at all of given treatments. The interaction between sucrose and pH provide a response to differences in thickness of nata formed. The best treatment which is interaction of sugar 10% and pH 5 in thick forming nata that is and 0,43 cm. and rendemen nata 15.92%. Key words: Whey tahu, Acetobacter xylinum, and Nata.
Pemanfaatan Ampas Tahu Sebagai Bahan Baku Kecap Melalui Bioproses Rhizopus spp. Umrah Umrah; Nur Asrinawaty; Muhammad Alwi
Biocelebes Vol. 5 No. 2 (2011)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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Penelitian Pemanfaatan Ampas Tahu Sebagai Bahan Baku Kecap Melalui Bioproses R.hizopus spp. telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Juni 2011. Adapun tujuan dan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama bioproses Rhizopus spp., terhadap kadar protein kecap ampas tahu dan kesesuaian dengan standar mutu kecap di Indonesia serta pengaruhnya terhadap aroma dan cita rasa kecap ampas tahu. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Bioteknologi dan di Laboratorium Agroteknologi. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan lama bioproses Rhizopus spp.: P0 (tanpa fermentasi), P1 (fermentasi satu han). P2 (fermentasi dau han) dan P3 (fermnetasi tiga han). Penentuan kadan protein dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama bioproses Rhizopus spp. berpengaruh nyata pada kadar protein kecap ampas tahu dengan perlakuan yang terbaik adalah P2 (fermentasi 2 han) sebesar 7,29%. Selama 3 hari proses fermentasi, kadar protein meningkat. Kadar protein tersebut telah sesuai dengan standar mutu kecap nomor satu di Indonesia. Lama bioproses Rhizopus spp. berpengaruh nyata pada aroma kecap ampas tahu tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada cita rasa kecap ampas tahu. Key words: Ampas tahu, kecap , Rhizopus spp., dan kadar protein.
Uji Keefektivan Formula Trichoderma sp. Sediaan Tablet Sebagai Dekompuser Limbah Organik Ampas Sagu Menjadi Biokompos Umrah Umrah; Muhammad Alwi; Muh. Arsal N. Maddo
Biocelebes Vol. 5 No. 2 (2011)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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Research entitle of “Bioactive compost from sago waste and chicken manure through bioprocess using Trichoderma sp.” have been conducted during March and July 2011. This research have been done in Biotechnology Laboratory, Science Fakulty of Tadulako University. This aims of this study are to produce bioactive compost from waste of sago pulp and chicken manure through bioprocess Trichoderma sp., also to determine the optimum dose of inoculums of Trichoderma sp.. This study was done experimentally and it was based on a completely randomized design. Result of this study showed that P2 (substrate + 2 tablets inoculum/kg substrate) was the best treatment. Key words: Bioactive compost , sago waste, chicken manure, Trichoderma sp.
Formulasi Media Tumbuh Acetobacter xylinum Dari Bahan Limbah Cair Tempe dan Air Kelapa Untuk Produksi Nata De Soyacoco Muhammad Alwi; Andi Lindhemuthianingrum; Umrah Umrah
Biocelebes Vol. 5 No. 2 (2011)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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The impact of tempeh liquid-waste (Limbah Cair Tempe, LCT) as Contaminant has become a serious environmental problem. This study was design as an alternative problem solving related to that issue. Combination of tempeh liquid-waste and coconut water (Air Kelapa, AK) can be utilized as a medium of nata de soyacoco production. This research was aimed to obtain the best medium formulation for Acetobacter xylinum in order to produce the bacterial cellulose. This experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were P0 (LCT 0% + AK 0%), P1 (LCT 0% + AK 100%), P2 (LCT 25% + AK 75%), P3 (LCT 50% + AK 50%), P4 (LCT 75% + AK 25%), and P5 (LCT 100% + AK 0%). Parameters observed in this experiment were the days appear of nata, thickness, fresh weight, rendement and texture of nata which tested organolepticly. The best medium formulation for nata de soyacoco production was P4 (LCT 75% + AK 25%), which resulted 1.04 cm thickness, 139.48 gram fresh weight, 42.27% rendement and 1.7 of texture value. Key words: tempeh liquid water, coconut water, Acetobacter xylinum.
Identifikasi Actinomycetes yang Terdapat Pada Tanah di sekitar Danau Lindu Sulawesi Tengah Muhammad Alwi; Latifah Merdekawaty; Umrah Umrah
Biocelebes Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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The research about “Identification of Actynomycetes from soil around of Lindu Lake” from September to Desember 2010 the purpose was receiving, to identificate, and screening of Actinomycetes from soil around of Lindu Lake. The metodology is descriptive it means that all character data of isolat fenotive Actynomicetes were reSp.sentatively to be applied for identificating conventionally by applying the key book of identification. The result of this research was obtained six isolats Actynomycetes resepsentatively. They have been chosen to represnt the whole of isolat Actynomycetes nine isolat which were successful isolated from soil around of Lindu Lake. The result of identification obtained three famalies of Actynomycetes consisted of four genus and six Sp.ecies. They were Streptomyces Sp.1, Steptomyces griseus, Streptomyces roseoticillatrus, Herbidospora cretaceae, Micromonospora, and Thermomonospora formonensis. There were many genus of Streptomyces from six isolats. Key words: Actynomycetes, identification, and Lindu Lake.
Uji Kemampuan Formula Beauveria bassiana Balsamo. Bentuk Sediaan Tablet Untuk Mengendalikan Penggerek Buah Kakao Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen. Rahayu Rahayu; Umrah Umrah
Biocelebes Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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The studied of Ability of Formula Beauveria bassiana Balsamo. in tablets forms to Control the Cocoa Pod Borer/CPB (Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen.) have been carried out from April to Juny 2011. The aim of this studies was to determine the ability and where the of formula Beauveria bassiana Balsamo. efficient and effectivines to control it. The studied was designed in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) whit 9 treatments as follows: P01(control without treatment), P02 (control with aquades), P1(5 tablets/liter), P2(10 tablets/liter), P3(15 tablet streatment), P4 (20 tablets/liter) ,P5 (25 tablets/liter), P6(30 tablets/liter), and P7(35 tablets/liter) and for it treatment were made by 3 replications. The Parameter in this study were percentage of dead pupae test, the number of test pupae imago, pupa with in 50% of test dies and test and description of the pupa cocon are infected. The results showed that the formula B. bassiana Balsamo. able to control the CPB, this indicated by percentage pupa mortality increased with increasing concentration of the treatment. The percentage of pupae that become imago decreased with increasing concentrations of P01(93.33%), P02 (80%), P1(56.66%), P2(40%), P3(36, 66%), P4(36, 66%), P5(30%), P6 (13.33%), P7(13.33%). When 50% of test pupae diefaster with increasing concentration of the treatment. While the description of the pupa infected with the texture of stiff, hard, body is white and ratherunpleasantodor. The analysis of the percentage, average of dead pupae showed at the P4 test (53.3%) was the most effective hiss treatment. Key words: Ability, formula, Beauveria bassiana Balsamo, C.cramerella.