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Prosiding Biotik Vol 9, No 1 (2021): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL BIOTIK IX 2021
Publisher : Prosiding Biotik

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Mangrove memiliki peranan yang sangat penting sebagai pelindung wilayah pesisir dari angin kencang, gelombang  dan  abrasi  air  laut.  Keberadaan  mangrove  di  wilayah  pesisir  Aceh,  saat  ini  semakin berkurang karena dialihfungsikan menjadi areal perumahan dan pertambakan. Tanaman mangrove yang tumbuh pasca tsunami tidak mendapatkan perhatian sehingga kondisinya tidakterawat dan ditemukan adanya kerusakan tanaman mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis kerusakan pada tanaman mangrove di pesisir pantai Kota Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dengan   pengamatan secara visual. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi kondisi morfologi akar, batang, dan daun. Selanjutnya data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menemukan 2 spesies  mangrove di lokasi  yaitu bakau  kurap  (Rhizophora mucronata) dan api-api (Avicennia marina). Kerusakan tanaman mangrove ditemukan pada bagian daun dan bagian batang.   Kerusakan  tersebut disebabkan oleh  kekurangan unsur hara,  serangan jamur (Fungi), serangan keong mangrove (Littoraria sp.), laba-laba (Arachnida), serangga ulat kantung (Pagodiella hekmeyeri), serangga kutu daun putih (Hemiptera), dan lumut kerak (Lichen). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka diperlukan penanganan serius terhadap kerusakan tanaman mangrove untuk menjaga kelestarian plasma nutfah mangrove di wilayah pesisir Aceh.
Kajian Tempat Perindukan Nyamuk Aedes di Kawasan Kampus Darussalam Banda Aceh Widya Sari; Tjut Mariam Zanaria; Elita Agustina
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 2, No 3 (2010): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.218 KB)


The aim of this research is to determine Aedes mosquitos’ breeding places at Darussalam area including Kopelma village, Tungkob, Limpok, Barabung and Rukoh.  Exploration method and purposive sampling were used in this research, within a hundred of larva sample location and respondents. The data were obtained by larva inventarization and habitat identification. The parameter observe in the research were number of the breeding places. The data were analysed descriptively. The result of this research showed that the breeding places were dominantly found at houses located in the Darussalam village and Limpok. Precisely, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were found in pure indoor and outdoor containers.
Studi Jenis Nyamuk Anopheles pada Tempat Perindukannya di Desa Rukoh Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh Widya Sari; Tjut Mariam Zanaria; Elita Agustina
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 3, No 1 (2011): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (77.257 KB)


The research on species of  Anopheles’ breeding places has been carried out at Desa Rukoh in the District of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh from February to June 2007. The aim of the research was to identify species of Anopheles’  breeding places at Desa Rukoh. In this research, the purposive sampling method has been implemented to obtain the samples from ten different locations around Desa Rukoh. Data collection was conducted by catching the larva at breeding places and catching the adult Anopheles  trapped by using Aspirator and Light Trap. CCD microscope was  used to identify the species of Anopheles. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using the descriptive approaches. Based on laboratory analysis, it has been identified that three species of Anopheles namely, An. subpictus, An. vagus,  and An. sundaicus. The breeding places of Anopheles  at Desa Rukoh were ponds, buffalo’s trash dam, ex man’s footprint, ditches and swamp.
Preferensi Tanaman Tempat Aktivitas Aedes di Pekarangan Rumah Desa Kopelma Banda Aceh Elita Agustina; Widya Sari; Ahmad Ofreza
ASPIRATOR - Journal of Vector-borne Disease Studies Vol 11 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Aspirator Volume 11 Nomor 1 2019
Publisher : Loka Litbang Kesehatan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.378 KB) | DOI: 10.22435/asp.v11i1.844


Keberadaan tanaman di pekarangan rumah merupakan faktor penting bagi kelangsungan hidup Aedes. Tanaman pekarangan rumah dapat menjadi tempat nyamuk melakukan aktivitas makan dan istirahat. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui bioekologi nyamuk di lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui spesies tanaman perkarangan rumah yang menjadi tempat aktivitas Aedes dalam mencari makan dan istirahat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei eksploratif. Pekarangan rumah yang disurvei adalah sebanyak 50 rumah. Penelitian menemukan 2 spesies Aedes pada tanaman pekarangan rumah yaitu Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus. Kedua spesies Aedes ditemukan pada 6 spesies tanaman pekarangan rumah yaitu Mangifera indica, Annona muricata, Pteridium aquilinum, Ixora sp., Plumeria sp., dan Murraya sp.
Pengaruh Media Air Terpolusi Tanah Terhadap Perkembangbiakan Nyamuk Aedes aegypti Elita Agustina
Biotik Vol 1, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Biotik
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/biotik.v1i2.220


Salah satu cara untuk pengendalian nyamuk Aedes aegypti adalah dengan mengetahui tempat perindukannya. Selama ini diketahui bahwa nyamuk A. aegypti hanya dapat berkembangbiak pada air yang relatif jernih, tertampung dalam suatu wadah dan tidak bersentuhan langsung dengan tanah, namun demikian ingin diketahui juga apakah air terpolusi langsung dengan tanah dapat menjadi tempat berkembangbiak bagi nyamuk A. aegypti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media terpolusi tanah terhadap perkembangbiakan nyamuk A. aegypti. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan metode ovitrap. Media air terpolusi tanah dibuat dengan kosentrasi tanah 50 gr/ml, tanah 30 gr/ml dan 10 gr/ml. Parameter yang diamati adalah daya tetas telur, persentase telur menjadi jentik, persentase jentik menjadi pupa dan pupa menjadi nyamuk dewasa. Selain itu dilakukan juga analisa kualitas air pada media air terpolusi tanah meliputi pH, kekeruhan, CO2, amonia, nitrat dan plankton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah telur yang diletakkan nyamuk betina pada media air yang berisi polutan tanah mencapai rata-rata 12.460 butir telur. Persentase keberhasilan nyamuk Aedes aegypti dari mulai penetasan sampai mencapai dewasa tergolong tinggi. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi peletakan telur adalah indera olfaktori dan kehadiran mikroorganisme. Perkembangan nyamuk pradewasa tergantung pada ketersediaan makanan, bahan organik dan anorganik. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa air yang terpolusi tanah dapat menjadi tempat perindukan dan berkembangbiaknya nyamuk A. aegypti. Kata Kunci: Media air terpolusi tanah, Perkembangbiakan dan Aedes aegypti The effective way to control Aedes aegypti is knowing the breeding place of A. aegypti. Nowadays it is known that immature A. aegypti only breed in the clean water, in containers and no touch with soil. Therefore we need to know it soil-polluted water could be the breeding place for A. aegypti. The objectives of this research were to know of A. aegypti in field, preference of A. aegypti in selection of breeding place, and also to know the growth of immature A. aegypti in any type of polluted water. Methode of research was an observation and ovitrap method. The ovitrap soil-polluted water proved to attract female mosquitos to lay the most eggs. Amount of oviposition depend on some factor such as olfactory cues and the presence of mikroorganisme. The development of immature mosquitos depend on food availability, material organic and anorganic. The result showed that polluted water could be a breeding place for A. aegypti. Keywords: The ovitrap soil-polluted water, Reproduction, and Aedes aegypti
Perkembangan Metamorphosis Lalat Buah (Drosophilla Melanogaster) Pada Media Biakan Alami Sebagai Referensi Pembelajaran Pada Matakuliah Perkembangan Hewan Elita Agustina; Nursalmi Mahdi; Herdanawati Herdanawati
Biotik Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Biotik
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/biotik.v1i1.207


Metamofosis adalah keseluruhan rangkaian perubahan bentuk dan ukuran sejak telur sampai menjadi dewasa (imago). Perkembangan metamorphosis sangat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Pada lalat buah (Drosophilla melanogaster) proses perkembangan metamorphosis sangat dipengaruhi oleh media biakannya. Media biakan ini selain tempat hidup lalat buah juga sebagai sumber makanan dari mulai larva hingga imago. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media biakan alami terhadap metamorphosis lalat buah (Drosophilla melanogaster) serta untuk menyediakan referensi pembelajaran pada matakuliah Pekembangan Hewan. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi (Unit Mikrobiologi) Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Ar-Raniry. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) lama waktu (hari) yang dibutuhkan telur menjadi larva, larva menjadi pupa, pupa menjadi dewasa. (2) Suhu dan kelembaban. (3) Analisis kandungan nutrisi pada nanas dan pepaya. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif dalam bentuk narasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses metamorfosis pada media biakan pepaya lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan media biakan nanas. Perbedaan terjadi pada fase penetasan telur. Pada media biakan papaya metamorfosis terjadi selama 7 hari, sedangkan pada media biakan nanas terjadi selama 8 hari. Kata Kunci: Media Biakan Alami, Metamorphosis dan Lalat Buah Metamorphosis is the overall of transformation cycle and size from the egg until adult (imago). The growth of metamorphosis very influenced by various factors. For fruitfly (Drosophilla melanogaster), the growth process of metamorphosis was very influenced by its breeding media. This Breeding media besides used as the place to live in for fruitfly, it is also as the source of food for larva to imago. This research were intended to know the influence of natural breeding media to fruitfly metamorphosis (Drosophilla melanogaster) and to provide study reference for Growth of Animal course. This Research have been executed in Biological Laboratory (Microbiological Unit) Faculty of Tarbiyah of IAIN Ar-Raniry. This research used descriptive method. The parameters used in this research were: 1). time spent (day) for egg to become larva, larva to become pupa and pupa to become adult. 2). Temperature and humidity. 3). Analysis of nutritious from pineapple and papaya. The data of this research were analyzed descriptively. The results indicated that the process of metamorphosis was quiker at breeding media of papaya than pineapple one. The difference occurred at the phase of egg hatching. At the breeding media of papaya, the metamorphosis occurred in 7 days, while at pineapple breeding media, it occurred in 8 days. Keywords: Natural Breeding Media, Metamorphosis and Fruitfly
Biotik Vol 6, No 1 (2018): JURNAL BIOTIK
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/biotik.v6i1.4038


Burung rangkong badak (Buceros rhinoceros) merupakan salah satu spesies burung dari familia Bucerotidae yang terdapat di Taman Hutan Raya Pocut Meurah Intan Provinsi Aceh. Tingginya laju deforestasi habitat dan pembukaan lahan di kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Pocut Meurah Intan akan memberi dampak negatif  dan mempercepat penurunan populasi burung rangkong badak. Penelitian tentang “Populasi Burung Rangkong Badak (Buceros rhinoceros) di Ekosistem Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan Provinsi Aceh” dilaksanakan pada bulan November  2016. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah individu dan kepadatan populasi burung rangkong badak (Buceros rhinoceros) yang terdapat di Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode titik hitung yang dikombinasikan dengan transect quadrat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung pada objek penelitian. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 6 hari mulai dari pukul 06.30 s.d 10.00 WIB, dan dilanjutkan sore hari dari pukul 16.00 s.d. 18.00 WIB. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah jumlah individu dan kepadatan populasi burung rangkong badak (Buceros rhinoceros).  Analisis data dilakukan dengan menghitung kepadatan populasi burung rangkong badak (Buceros rhinoceros) menggunakan formula kepadatan populasi Eisenberg (1981). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah burung rangkong badak (Buceros rhinoceros) yang terdapat di Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan berjumlah 14 individu. Kepadatan populasi rangkong badak (Buceros rhinoceros) di Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan yaitu 1,4 individu/Km2.
Spesies Burung pada Beberapa Tipe Habitat di Kecamatan Lhoknga Kabupaten Aceh Besar Samsul Kamal; Elita Agustina; Zahratur Rahmi
Biotik Vol 4, No 1 (2016): JURNAL BIOTIK
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/biotik.v4i1.1067


Lhoknga subdistrict is an area that has a habitat for many species of fauna, including birds. References about species of birds in some habitats are still very limited. Therefore, it is necessary to make a research on bird species in several types of habitat in the district of Lhoknga. The aim of the research is to figure out birds species in several types of habitats in the Lhoknga subdistrict. The data were collected by using the point count method and line transects. The results showed that there were 39 species of birds from 21 families found in Lhoknga district. Based on the PP. No. 07 of 1999, it was found that there were 14 species of protected birds in Lhoknga subdistrict.
Biotik Vol 3, No 1 (2015): JURNAL BIOTIK
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/biotik.v3i1.994


The purpose of this research was to figure out the relevancy of the reference used from verses of the Qur'an to the topic of research, the suitability of the placement of the verses of the Qur'an and supporting references in explaining the verses of the Qur'an in the theses of biology education department students. The methods used in this research were documentation and descriptive analytic method. The data were analyzedby using checklist. The results showed that the relevancy between some verses of Al Qur’an with the topic of the research was 66,7%. While the relevancyof the content of some verses of Al Qur’an with the topic/sub topic of discussion was 57,1%. The suitability of placement of some verses of Al Qur’an based on chaptersin the theses was 54,8%. Meanwhile, the suitability of placement of some verses of Al Qur’an based on the topic/subtopic titles was 50%. Based on the availability of supporting references in explaining some verses of Al Qur’an, it was found that there were 40,5% of students had made conclusions based on supporting references. In conclusion,the level of relevancy and suitability of references from some verses of Qur’an to the topic and its placement were catagorized in the level of appropriate, less appropriate, and inappropriate.
Biotik Vol 9, No 2 (2021): JURNAL BIOTIK
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/biotik.v9i2.10864


This research is motivated by efforts to improve the quality of graduates of the Biology Education Departement in the management and implementation of practicum in schools. The purpose of this research is to describe the ability of PBL alumni teachers in managing and implementing practicum. The method used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative which provides a careful description of the alumni's ability to manage and carry out practicum. The steps of data collection were questionnaires, observations and documentation studies. The technique used to analyze the data is a descriptive technique with percentages. The results of the study on the ability of the alumni of the Biology Education Study Program in managing practicum showed the following: (1) The planning of the laboratory work program (53.33%) was declared good; (2) Laboratory organization was stated to be very good (33.33%) (3) The implementation of the laboratory work program (46.66%) was stated to be very good; and (4) the supervision and evaluation of the laboratory work program (26.66%) was stated to be very good. While the ability of alumni teachers in carrying out practicum is in the good category (75.3%). Teachers play an important role in the management and implementation of effective practicum