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Jurnal Ilmiah Publipreneur Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Publipreneur
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46961/jip.v8i2.171


The discussion of islamic contributions in the fields of art and science is very much embedded in the history of islamic civilization and culture. The rapid growth of Islam is recognized as a most influential civilization. Through this study, researchers invited readers to learn more about the contribution of Islam to the development of world civilization in both the fields of art and science. Descriptive research is used in this study because the information used in this study is wordplay rather than numerical figures obtained from the yellow scriptures, journals, magazines, newspapers, and books. The form of islamic contribution in arts by al-Ghozali talks about the art law itself being poured in his magnum opus (his masterpiece) of Ihya' 'Ulumuddin'. Whereas in science there are al-Khawarizmi with its discovery in the books of al-Jam’a wal Tafriq bil Hisab al-Hindi, al-falaki with astrological predictions in the books of al- 'uluf, ibn haytam and al-khoziny with optical and gravitational theories in the books of al-manadzir and mizanul hikmah, ar-razi the discoverer of fontanel's thread, in modern sociology ibn khaldun with the work of the Muqaddimah, and Avicenna in medicine of the Qanun fi at-Tib.
Pemanfaatan daun bayam merah tipe varietas red leaf sebagai bahan baku pada pembuatan tinta stempel ramah lingkungan Najmawati Sulaiman; Elok Faiqoh; Muhammad Syahrir
Jurnal Litbang Industri Vol 12, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institution for Industrial Research and Standardization of Industry - Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1406.743 KB) | DOI: 10.24960/jli.v12i1.7464.27-32


Tinta stempel umumnya terbuat dari pewarna sintetik dengan zat kimia yang bersifat toksik dan mudah menguap sehingga dapat berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi pemanfaatan daun bayam merah sebagai pewarna alami pengganti pewarna sintetik untuk menghasilkan tinta stempel ramah lingkungan serta menguji sifat massa jenis, viskositas, dan tegangan permukaannya. Bayam merah varietas Red leaf mengandung kadar antosianin lebih tinggi dari varietas lainnya sehingga menghasilkan warna tinta stempel yang lebih pekat.  Metode penelitian terdiri atas tiga tahapan yaitu ekstraksi daun bayam merah, formulasi tinta stempel, dan pengujian tinta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tinta stempel yang dibuat dari ekstrak daun bayam merah memiliki karakteristik tinta berwarna merah, tidak luntur saat digosok, waktu mengering tinta selama 20 s, semua tulisan terbaca dengan jelas dan pengulangan hasil cap stempel cenderung stabil. Nilai massa jenis yang diperoleh sebesar 1,134 g/cm3, viskositas sebesar 1,047 cP, dan tegangan permukaan sebesar 33,362 dyne/cm. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, tinta stempel ekstrak daun bayam merah menghasilkan kualitas tinta yang sama dengan tinta komersial.
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Novick dalam Pembelajaran Kimia Kelas XII IA2 SMAN 1 Donri-Donri (Studi pada Materi Pokok Gugus fungsi) Najmawati Sulaiman
Chemica: Jurnal Ilmiah Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia Vol 13, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia FMIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (158.796 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/chemica.v13i2.629


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya efektivitas model pembelajaran Novick dalam pembelajaran kimia kelas XII IA2 SMA Negeri 1 Donri-Donri. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XII IA2 SMA Negeri 1 Donri-Donri tahun ajaran 2012/2013 yang berjumlah 29 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes hasil belajar siswa, lembar observasi aktivitas siswa dan angket motivasi siswa kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata seluruh siswa sebesar 77.00, persentase ketuntasan kelas sebesar 86% dan persentase ketuntasan indikator sebesar 65.52%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Novick cukup efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kimia kelas XII IA2 SMA Negeri I Donri-Donri pada materi pokok gugus fungsi. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Model Pembelajaran Novick, Hasil Belajar Siswa ABSTRACT This reseach is descriptive research that aims to description of the effectiveness of Novick Learning Model in Learning Chemistry at class XII IA2 grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Donri-Donri. The subject are class XII IA2 in SMA Negeri 1 Donri-Donri, 2012-2013 academic year which consist of 29 students. Data is obtained from student outcome test, observation sheet of student activity, and questionnaire of student motivation and the was analysed by desriptive statistic. Descriptive analisys result show that the mean value of students is 77.00, persentage of class completeness is 86% and persentage of indicator completeness about 65.52%, so it can be concluded that Novick instructional Model positive was enough effective to be implemented in learning chemistry at class XII IA2 SMA Negeri 1 Donri-Donri at functional group as a subject matter. Keywords: Effectiveness, Novick Learning Model, Student’s Outcome
Using Teak Leaves As Natural Dye And An Ecoprinting Material To Imprint Motifs On Silk Fabrics Baby Ayu; Najmawati Sulaiman; A. Adlin; Nugrah Juniar Umar; Kiranti Maulidya Muntasir; Pahanthihage Dilhari Prasangika
Corak Vol 11, No 1 (2022): MAY 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i1.6007


Natural dyes are generally obtained from the extracts of plant parts. Teak leaves produce natural dyes and can be used to create ecoprinted works.This study aimed at utilizing teak leaves as natural dye and as an ecoprinting material imprinted on silk fabrics using alum mordant. The state of the art of this research is the using of teak leaves as natural dye and ecoprint materials on a single piece of silk fabric. The purpose of the study was to get natural colors, to create ecoprinted products,  and to add aesthetic and economic value to the fabrics. The research method included the following stages: 1). Dyeing the cloth in TRO solution, 2). Extracting teak leaves, 3). Dyeing the cloth with the teak extract, 4). Ecoprinting with boiling technique, 5). Creating functional product out of the treated fabrics. The resulted extract dye created reddish orange color on the silk fabrics. The ecoprinting using teak leaves on silk fabrics produced the same yet more intense color. After the mordanting process, the shade of the color remained the same. The functional products created were pillow cases.