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Distribution of Accuracy of TRMM Daily Rainfall in Makassar Strait Giarno, G; Hadi, Muhammad Pramono; Suprayogi, Slamet; Murti, Sigit Heru
Forum Geografi Vol 32, No 1 (2018): July 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v32i1.5774


This research aims to evaluate rainfall estimates of satellite products in regions that have high variations of rainfall pattern. The surrounding area of Makassar Strait have chosen because of its distinctive rainfall pattern between the eastern and western parts of the Makassar Strait. For this purpose, spatial distribution of Pearson’s coefficient correlation and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is used to evaluate accuracy of rainfall in the eastern part of Kalimantan Island and the western part of Sulawesi Island. Moreover, we also used the contingency table to complete the parameter accuracy of the TRMM rainfall estimates. The results show that the performance of TRMM rainfall estimates varies depending on space and time. Overall, the coefficient correlation between TRMM and rain observed from no correlation was -0.06 and 0.78 from strong correlation. The best correlation is on the eastern coast of South West Sulawesi located in line with the Java Sea. While, no variation in the correlation was related to flatland such as Kalimantan Island. On the other hand, in the mountain region, the correlation of TRMM rainfall estimates and observed rainfall tend to decrease. The RMSE distribution in this region depends on the accumulation of daily rainfall. RMSE tends to be high where there are higher fluctuations of fluctuating rainfall in a location. From contingency indicators, we found that the TRMM rainfall estimates were overestimate. Generally, the absence of rainfall during the dry season contributes to improving TRMM rainfall estimates by raising accuracy (ACC) in the contingency table.
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi Gea Vol 20, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Indonesia University of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/gea.v20i2.24051


Ketersediaan data curah hujan yang akurat sangat penting dalam berbagai bidang. Kebutuhan akan penakar curah hujan akan makin meningkat terutama jika terjadi peningkatan curah hujan akibat hujan ekstrim, seperti banjir yang terjadi di Kota Makassar tahun 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat skenario jumlah penakar hujan yang optimal di Kota Makassar. Penentuan jumlah rain gauge yang optimal menggunakan coefficient of variation dan derajat kesalahan berdasarkan data curah hujan pada stasiun yang tersedia. Hasil skenario beberapa tingkat kesalahan menunjukkan adanya perubahan jumlah optimal rain gauge terhadap skenario kesalahan. Semakin akurat data yang diinginkan, maka jumlah rain gauge harus bertambah banyak, durasi akumilasi yang lama memerlukan jumlah optimal rain gauge yang lebih banyak. Diperlukan 10 lokasi stasiun hujan untuk Kota Makassar dengan derajat kesalahan 5% dan 5 lokasi rain gauge untuk tingkat kesalahan 10%. Berdasarkan kombinasi antar rain gauge, disaratkan penambahan rain gauge antara Balai IV atau Biring Romang dengan Sudiang, demikian juga tambahan juga diperlukan antara Paotere dan Barombong
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia Vol 17 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia
Publisher : Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Mesin Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36289/jtmi.v17i1.283


Kecelakaan PLTN di Fukushima Dai-ichi, Jepang, pada tahun 2011 telah menunjukkan kegagalan sistem pendingin aktif (pompa) untuk mendinginkan reaktor, yang memicu kajian terkait penerapan sistem pendingin pasif (tanpa pompa) untuk pengembangan manajemen keselamatan di PLTN. Kajian tentang laju aliran sirkulasi alami sebagai dasar sistem pendingin pasif telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2011 di PRTRKKN dengan menggunakan fasilitas eksperimental skala besar yang disebut uji loop FASSIP-02. Fasilitas ini memiliki sistem penukar panas tipe U di tangki pendinginnya, yang merupakan bagian penting dari proses pembuangan ke lingkungan. Dengan demikian, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan energi yang terjadi pada penukar panas selama kondisi tunak. Kajian dilakukan secara eksperimental, dan perhitungan perubahan energi dalam dilakukan dengan menggunakan data suhu dan variasi laju aliran sirkulasi alami yang terjadi pada variasi suhu pada bagian pemanasan yaitu 40°C, 50°C, dan 60°C. Data perbedaan suhu diperoleh dari suhu masuk dan keluar pada heat exchanger dengan menjaga kondisi steady selama 5 jam dari total waktu percobaan 24 jam. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa perubahan energi dalam meningkat seiring dengan laju aliran sirkulasi alam yang terjadi.
SIGMA EPSILON - Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir Vol 19, No 2 (2015): Agustus 2015
Publisher : Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (849.707 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/sigma.2015.19.2.3179


Fasilitas simulasi sistem pasif (FASSIP-01) merupakan alat uji sistem pendinginan dengan memanfaatkan sistem sirkulasi alam yang di bangun di laboratorium thermohidrolika PTKRN BATAN. Untai uji FASSIP-01 terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama yaitu tabung cooler, heater, perpipaan, dan tabung ekspansi. Salah satu cara mengetahui karakteristika perpindahan panas dalam suatu sistem adalah dengan metode Finite Element Method (FEM) yang merupakan langkah menyelesaikan suatu problem dengan cara mem-bagi obyek analisa menjadi bagian-bagian kecil yang terhingga. Salah satu aplikasi berbasis FEM adalah ANSYS yang digunakan dalam simulasi ini. Makalah ini dikhususkan pada aplikasi ANSYS (student version) untuk mengetahui karakteristika perpindahan panas pada tabung cooler dengan variasi kecepatan dan variasi temperatur pada aliran tabung cooler yang dilewati oleh pipa panas bertemperatur 85 oC. Hasil simulasi adalah besar kalor yang dilepas air di dalam pipa dan penyerapan kalor oleh air di dalam tabung cooler. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar ke-cepatan aliran air yang masuk ke dalam tabung cooler, maka pendinginan yang terjadi juga semakin besar, sementara semakin kecil temperatur air yang masuk ke dalam tabung cooler, maka pendingi-nan yang terjadi juga semakin cepat.
SIGMA EPSILON - Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir Vol 19, No 2 (2015): Agustus 2015
Publisher : Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1103 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/sigma.2015.19.2.3180


Untai FASSIP-01 adalah fasilitas simulasi sistem pasif yang digunakan untuk menginvestigasi fenomena sirkulasi alami guna penguasaan kemampuan desain reaktor dengan sistem keselamatan pasif. Untai FASSIP-01 yang terdiri dari section berupa pipa stainless steel berdiameter 1 inch yang disusun membentuk untai rektangular dengan ukuran lebar 350 cm dan tinggi 600 cm. Komponen utama yang terpasang pada untai rektangular adalah tangki heater sebagai pemanas dan tangki cooler sebagai pendingin. Dalam rangka persiapan eksperimen, perlu dilakukan analisis awal untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja pemanas dan pendingin pada untai FAS-SIP-01. Analisis dilakukan dengan perhitungan berdasarkan data pengukuran yang diperoleh melalui variasi daya pemanas untuk mengetahui waktu optimal dalam proses pemanasan dan pendinginan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada daya total 20 kW, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai temperatur air 75 °C adalah sekitar 0,48 jam. Begitu juga dengan kinerja refrigerator dan tangki pendingin, dimana bila kalor yang diserap refrigerator selama pendinginan semakin besar maka waktu pendinginan optimal akan semakin cepat tercapai.
Suitable Proportion Sample of Holdout Validation for Spatial Rainfall Interpolation in Surrounding the Makassar Strait Giarno Giarno; Muhammad Pramono Hadi; Slamet Suprayogi; Sigit Heru Murti
Forum Geografi Vol 33, No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v33i2.8351


Spatial rainfall interpolation requires a number of suitable validation samples to maintain accuracy. Generally, the larger the areas which can be predicted, the better the interpolation. In addition, the data used for validation should be separated from the modelling data. Moreover, the number of samples determine optimally proportion the independent sites. The objective of this study is to determine the optimal sample ratio for holdout validation in interpolation methods; the Makassar Strait was chosen as the study location because of its daily rainfall variation. The accuracy of the sample selection is tested using correlation, root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and the indicators of contingency tables. The results show that accuracy depends on the ratio of the modelling data. Therefore, the more extensive the data used for interpolation, the better the accuracy. Otherwise, if the rain gauge data is separated according to province, there will be a variation in accuracy in the portion of independent samples. For rainfall interpolation, it is recommended to use a minimum 75% of data sites to maintain accuracy. Comparison between kriging and inverse distance weighting or IDW methods indicates that IDW is better. Moreover, rainfall characteristics affect the accuracy and portion of the independent sample.
Verification of Weather Predictions Using Voluntary Weather Observations Via WhatsApp and Google Forms During the Dry Season 2021 Giarno Giarno; Munawar Munawar; Ervan Ferdiansyah; Fendy Arifianto; Asri Pratiwi; Silvia Yulianti
Forum Geografi Vol 36, No 1 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v36i1.16333


The weather data that can be obtained through government institutions is very limited, whereas in order to increase the accuracy of weather predictions a homogeneous and dense distribution of data is needed. Therfore it is necessary to increase the data and the purpose of this research is to create a simple and effective way to encourage the number of weather observations in Indonesia through the STMKG Weather Care program. Forms that are made as easy as for respondents to understand, simple, and don't take the time. Developed using Google Form and distributed via the most popular social media today, namely WhatsApp. The test results showed that social media has the potential to be used to support voluntary weather data. The form made is sufficient so that the respondents make relatively few mistakes in terms of the main content of the form. Moreover, the mistakes that are often made by respondents include filling in ID, and typing sub-districts that require manual correction. Based on the results of voluntary observations spread in almost all provinces of Indonesia with the most incoming data coming from the provinces of Central Java and East Java. Based on the evaluation results of 4 months of testing, weather variations and their predictions can be identified with an accurate distribution, with an average accuracy of 0.79. Differences in methods used in verification may affect accuracy.
Determination of Optimal Rain Gauge on The Coastal Region Use Coefficient Variation: Case Study in Makassar Giarno Arno; Muflihah Muflihah; Mujahidin Mujahidin
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 7 No. 2 (May 2021)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.58378


The quality of rainfall data is highly significant in disaster analysis, ecology, and water resource management. However, the accuracy and quantity of rain gauges are often inadequate, especially for analyzing extreme events, including the Makassar City flood, in 2019. This inadequacy is due to several reasons, including rain gauges’ inadequacy and insufficient distribution. This study, therefore, aims to analyze the requirements of optimal rain gauges, using coefficients of variation in various error levels, based on the latest rainfall data in several locations within Makassar City. Monthly and yearly rainfall observation data from 2010 to 2019 obtained at 5 locations were used to calculating the optimal rain gauge number. According to the results, the existing station has a 10% and 15% monthly and annual error, respectively. This region has 3 groups causing highly optimal rain gauges, and these are the first group comprising Paotere, Panaikang, as well as Biring Romang, while the second and third groups comprise Sudiang and Barombong. The northwest wind blows towards the coast and crosses these three places in a line, thus, causing rainfall intensity with a slight disparity, between the first group. Furthermore, the combination of these places resulted in low optimal rain gauge. However, the combination of the first group with the second and third lead to an increase in the optimal rain gauge number. The low elevation, proximity, and location of the first group’s three locations in line with the rain-causing wind results in low optimal rain gauge. In the combination of the first, second, and third groups, additional gauges are required to obtain a 5% or 10% error. The rainfall intensity and position greatly influence the rain catchment in Makassar, and consequently, the optimal rain gauge number. In addition, the distance, topographical aspects, and the combined land-sea and monsoonal winds’ factors must also be analyzed, in deploying equipment.
Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika Vol 13, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan BMKG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (783.991 KB) | DOI: 10.31172/jmg.v13i1.113


Kriteria Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) dalam menentukan awal musim hujan dan awal musim kemarau memerlukan waktu sebulan untuk memastikan masuknya musim hujan dan musim kemarau. Kadang didapatkan tahun tanpa awal musim hujan atau mundur hingga tahun berikutnya. Misalnya, tahun 2003, akumulasi hujan bulan Desember di Kupang 722 mm namun  bulan  tersebut  bukan  awal  musim  hujan.  Kriteria  ini  diperbaiki  dengan menggabungkan kesimpulan penelitian peneliti terdahulu yang menyimpulkan adanya hubungan kuat hujan 50 mm/dasarian dan angin baratan, dengan batas  evapotranspirasi potensial. Dengan menggunakan modifikasi hydrological onset and withdrawal index (HOWI) menunjukkan perambatan awal musim hujan dimulai dari utara menuju ke selatan dan secara zonal dari barat ke timur. Sedangkan awal musim kemaraunya dimulai dari selatan menuju utara dan secara zonal dari timur ke barat. Perbaikan metode untuk mempercepat penentuan awal musim hujan/kemarau dilakukan dengan menggabungkan data observasi hujan dan HOWI. Hasil uji di Makassar dan Kupang menunjukkan metode ini 18-20 hari lebih cepat untuk mendapatkan kepastian awal musim hujan/kemarau. Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) criteria of onset and withdrawal need a month to ensure rainy season and dry season. Sometimes obtained year without onset or retreat to next year. Example, in 2003, rain accumulation in Kupang at Desember was 722 mm but this month was not onset. This criteria improved by combining the conclusions of previous researchers that conclude, there was a close relationship between rainfall accumulation 50 mm/decad and westerlies, with limit of potential evapotranspiration. Modified by hydrological onset and withdrawal index (HOWI) showed that onset propagated from north to south and from west to east. While the early of dry season propagated from south to north and from east to west. Improved method to accelerate certainty onset/withdrawal by combining rain observation data and HOWI. The results in Makassar and Kupang showed 18-20 days earlier to get the certainty of onset/withdrawal. 
Changes in Rainfall Intensity, Rising Air Temperature, Wind Speed, and Its Relationship with Land Use in Makassar City Didiharyono D.; Giarno Giarno; Sukriming Sapareng
JST (Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi) Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (775.399 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jstundiksha.v11i2.45604


Makassar City is one of the big cities that is growing very rapidly in Indonesia which has a large coastal area. This city is very vulnerable to the impact of changes in climate variables such as rainfall, temperature and wind speed, especially when there are indications of massive land use changes. The aim of the research is to identify changes in the trend of high-intensity rainfall, changes in air temperature, wind speed, and their relationship to changes in land use in Makassar City which have an impact on climate change. Observation data at Maritime Meteorological Station of Paotere, Makassar for 30 years is used to detect changes in climate variables by using slope calculations on linear equations, line graphs, and boxplots. The results showed that the air temperature in Makassar has a lower increasing (0.06oC/year) than Indonesian region which is around 0.3 oC. The slope values at 07.00 WITA, 13.00 WITA, and 18.00 WITA representing temperatures in the morning, afternoon, and evening are 0.0387, 0.0476, and 0.0417. While the average slope of air temperature is 0.042. However, Rising of air temperature is followed by a decrease in the accumulation of annual rainfall to below 3000 mm/year. In addition, heavy rains that cause flooding, increasing the maximum wind speed also need to be observed because wind speed is one of the causes of hydrometeorological disasters that often occur.