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Pengaruh Jumlah Sudu Terhadap Optimalisasi Kinerja Turbin Kinetik Roda Tunggal Pietersz, Richard; Soenoko, Rudy; Wahyudi, Slamet
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Indonesia has a great potential to develop hydropower, because Indonesias mountainous topography and hilly and is drained by numerous rivers (large and small), and in certain areas there are lakes or reservoirs and the potential of water as an energy source. Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) is a technology that has been proven to not harm the environment, support the diversification of energy as renewable energy, support the use of fuel reduction program, and most of the construction using local materials. Kinetic Turbine is one of the options in utilizing the potential of the kinetic energy in the form of velocity, kinetic studies using vertical shaft turbine, blade-shaped bowl that can withstand the flow in order to increase the tangential force generated.Amount ofkineticturbine bladesis one ofthe variablesthat affect therotationandtangentialstyle ofaturbine, so the effecton the value ofthe powerand efficiencyofakineticturbine. The results showedthe influence ofthe number ofbladesonthepowerand efficiency ofbladenumber5,7,9and11,where the number ofblades11have a greater influencethan thenumber ofblade5,7, and9.Keywords: waterturbine, number ofblades, Performance
Pengaruh Tekanan Pembriketan dan Persentase Briket Campuran Gambut dan Arang Pelepah Daun Kelapa Sawit terhadap Karakteristik Pembakaran Briket Nugraha, Andy; Widodo, Agung Sugeng; Wahyudi, Slamet
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.352 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2017.008.01.5


Briquettes mixture of peat and charcoal leaf midrib palm oil is one of the alternative energy for replacing fossil fuel energy. It is environmentally friendly and abundant in Indonesia, mainly in South Kalimantan. In this study, the percentage of briquettes mixture of peat and charcoal leaf midrib of palm oil were 50%:50%, 60%:40%, 70%:30%, 80%:20% and 90%:10%, respectively. In addition, 1 gram of starch was added as an adhesive for every variation of briquettes mixture. In briquetting process, the pressures were 10 kg/cm2, 20 kg/cm2 and 30 kg/cm2. The combustion characteristics of  briquettes was tested, then it was compared by subbituminous coal briquettes. The results show, ignition delay of briquettes decrease by increasing additional percentage of peat, however extend the burning time of briquettes, consequently the burning rate decrease and the briquettes temperature becomes low. Briquetting pressure affects the combustion characteristics of briquettes. Ignition delay of briquettes decrease by the pressure. On the other hand, extend the burning time of briquettes and decrease the burning rate, however combustion temperatures of briquettes increases. The results also show a comparison of mixture briquettes peat and charcoal palm leaf midrib with subbituminus coal briquettes. The subbituminous coal briquettes produces higher combustion temperature, the longer combustion process and the lowest  combustion rate. 
Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis

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Slamet Wahyudi (C1A112083), Kinerja Karyawan Dalam Pelayanan Publik (studi Pada Pt. Bank Mega Cabang Kendari). Pembimbing Arifin Utha dan Makmur Kambolong.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kinerja Karyawan Dalam Pelayanan Publik (Studi pada Bank Mega Cabang Kendari. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pimpinan, karyawan serta nasabah PT. Bank Mega Cabang Kendari  yang berjumlah 13 orang. Adapun tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Wawancara yaitu pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara terbuka kepada informan yang memberikan keterangan yang lebih terperinci tentang Kinerja Karyawan dan Pelayanan Publik.Data dan informasi yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini akan diolah dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif  yaitu memberikan gambaran seluruh permasalahan penelitian sehingga dapat digeneralisasi menjadi suatu kesimpulan umum untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Variabel penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 variabel yaitu kinerja karyawan sebagai variabel bebas dan pelayanan publik sebagai variabel terikat.Operasional variabelnya adalah kinerja karyawan : kualitas kerja, kuantitas, dan kehadiran. Pelayanan Publik : transparansi, kesamaan hak, keseimbangan hak dan kewajiban. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja karyawan (kualitas kerja, kuantitas kerja dan kehadiran) mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pelayanan publik (Studi Pada pada PT. Bank Mega Cabang Kendari).  Kata kunci : kinerja karyawan dan pelayanan publik

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Travel Time is the average time used the vehicle to travel the road segment with certain length, including delays, downtime, the average travel time of vehicles, obtained from comparing the length of the road segment L (km). Speed and travel time varies with time, space and intermodal. Variations over time due to changes in traffic flows, the mixing of the type of vehicle and driver groups, lighting, weather and traffic events.As a primary arterial road in the city of Samarinda, Jalan Fortunately Soerapatti - Yos Sudarso used to serve regional traffic flow and continuously with the characteristics of the movement of vehicles which have a maximum speed of 60 km / h. Due to the influence of the development of the city of Samarinda, the development activities of the Road Fortunately Soerapatti - Yos Sudarso also very rapidly, as evidenced by the more intense the activity along the primary arterial road. This causes an increase in the intensity of the movement of both people and goods at Road Fortunately Soerapatti - Yos Sudarso very high, and results in an increase in volume of vehicles on the road segment.The method used for data retrieval Travel Time using the tool of GPS (global positioning system) to obtain the vehicle speed per second. While the modeling method of travel time of two-wheeled vehicles were analyzed using multiple linear regression (SPSS 20.0).There are three variables that significantly affect the travel time of the vehicle. These three variables showed signs of rationality test the suitability of the travel time. Wherein the increasing value of the variable is positive lead vehicle travel time will be growing, while the increasing value of the variable is negative causing the vehicle travel time will be reduced. Overall, the value of the indicator is a good level of fitness model, as indicated by the R2 value of 0.999 models.
FAKTOR RISIKO YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN TINGKAT KEPARAHAN CEDERA KEPALA (Studi Kasus pada Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Pengendara Sepeda Motor di RSUD Karanganyar ) Wahyudi, Slamet
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 1 No 2 (2012): Unnes Journal of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v1i2.3049


Cedera kepala merupakan suatu pukulan atau benturan pada kulit kepala, tulang kepala, dan otak yaitumulai dari selaput otak, saraf kranial, dan jaringan otak. Kecelakaan lalu lintas yang dapat mengakibatkancedera kepala merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang dapat mempengaruhi semuasektor kehidupan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan tingkatkeparahan cedera kepala pada korban kecelakaan lalu lintas pengendara sepeda motor di RSUD Karanganyar.Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian epidemiologi observasional yang menggunakan desain penelitiancross sectional, dilaksanakan di RSUD Karanganyar, tanggal 1 Mei-31 Mei 2012. Jumlah sampel sebanyak52 responden, diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat(uji chi square atau uji fisher).Berdasarkan hasil analisis, faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan tingkatkeparahan cedera kepala adalah jenis kelamin (nilai p 0,046 < 0,05), pemakiam helm Standar NasionalIndonesi (SNI) (nilai p 0,000 < 0,05), dan kecepatan kendaraan (nilai p 0,002 < 0,05). Kesimpulan penelitianini, faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan tingkat keparahan cedera kepala adalah jenis kelamin,pemakiam helm Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI), dan kecepatan kendaraan; Sebaiknya Dinas Kesehatanlebih meningkatkan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan; Satlantas Polres Karanganyar, hendaknya meningkatkansosialisasi tentang peraturan undang-undang lalu lintas; Peneliti selanjutnya, hendaknya dapat menjadipembanding, dapat melengkapi kelemahan penelitian ini
Pengaruh Alkalisasi Komposit Serat Kelapa-Poliester Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Maryanti, Budha; Sonief, Ahmad As'ad; Wahyudi, Slamet
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of alkalization on the tensile strength and strain of coconut fiber composites with polyester matrix by varying the concentration of NaOH as follow 0%, 2%, 5% and 8%. Alkalization is one of modifications natural fibers to improve fiber-matrix compatibility.The method of this research used a hands lay-up method. As follow the 1st coconut fiber treated without alkalization or 0% alkalization and the 2nd coconut fiber immersed in alkaline solution (2%, 5% and 8% NaOH) for 1 hour. Then, each treatment specimen molded to composite according to standard tensile test ASTM D638 –I. Coconut fiber volume fraction 30% and 70% polyester, and arranged coconut fiber straightly. And used the matrix polyester resin type 157 BTQN with hardener MEKPO 1%.The results of this research showed that coconut fiber reinforced composites with NaOH concentrations of 0%, 2%, 5% and 8% respectively has a tensile strength that is 90,144 MPa, 93.75 MPa, 97,356 MPa and 94,151 MPa. The optimum concentration limit of 5% NaOH produced the highest tensile strength 97,356 MPa, while the composite of coconut fiber without alkalization has the lowest tensile strength 90,144 MPa. Keywords: coconut fiber-polyester composites, alkalization, tensile strength
Analisa Perpindahan Panas dan Pressure Drop Fluida Nano Al2O3-Air Proses Pendinginan dengan Metode Simulasi Marali, Aryati Muhaymin; Wahyudi, Slamet; Hamidi, Nurkholis
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 9, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.644 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2018.009.02.6


Conventional heat transfer system is unable to absorb heat well. Various methods have been done to enhance heat transfer. One of them is the method by using nanofluid which has been done by many researchers; due to the better thermal performances compared to base fluid. The research aims to observe the enhancement of convective heat transfer and pressure drop in the cooling process by using Al2O3 – Water nanofluid. The volume concentration of the Al2O3 varied from 0.2% and 0.3% with 30 nm diameter nanoparticles flowing in a double pipe with the opposite direction. The result showed that the increase of the particle volume concentration leads to enhance convective heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. The two variables of measurement showed the average heat transfer coefficient increased about 21% with 0.2% and 0.3% volume concentration compared to base fluid. Pressure drop increased about 22.86% with 0.2% and 0.3% volume concentration. In conclusion, the performance of nanofluid slightly increased together with the increase of volume nanofluid concentration.
Komposit Hibrid Polyester Berpenguat Serbuk Batang dan Serat Sabut Kelapa Lumintang, Romels C. A.; Soenoko, Rudy; Wahyudi, Slamet
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Sawdust coconut trunks of palm trees and fiber coconut coir are two waste materials from the processing of coconuts and coconut tree trunks sawmill waste are plentiful materials can be utilized for producing composites using polyester resins. Both each properties materials as follow polyester resin: liquid in the open air conditions, sawdust coconut and coconut coir fiber properties is lightweight and fragile nature of the polyester adhesive used as a binder (binder) between fiber coconut coir and sawdust coconut palm tree trunks as a filler. The variation volume fraction between the sawdust and coconut trunks of fiber coconut coir in polyester resin influence mechanical properties for each composition of this composite. By comparizing the volume fraction of either polyester, sawdust coconut palm tree trunks and fiber coconut coir (Coir coconut) using tensile test standard ASTM D638-I, and the ASTM D6110 for impact testing. The result of tensile and impact test, obtained that the optimum percentage 30:10 per cent, mean tensile strength on 95.953 N/mm2 , mean elasticity 0,125 % , mean elasticity modulus 768.702 N/mm2, mean absorbed energy 2,679 J and mean impact value 0,068 J/mm2. Keywords: Polyester, Sawdust coconut, coconut coir fiber, mechanical properties
Karakteristik Pembakaran Biobriket Kulit dan Cangkang Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) dengan Perekat Glyserin Mariki, I Wayan Wawan; Wahyudi, Slamet; Widhiyanuriyawan, Denny
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.831 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2017.008.01.1


Some studies have been done on utilizing biomass from agriculture such as the leather and shell of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) were not used optimally in Indonesia as an alternative energy which developed by making biobriquet to achieved the higher energy that could be used in the combustion process. In this study, the biobriquet was made of the leather and the shell of rubber by comparisson of the leather and shell were: 0%: 91%; 45.5%: 45.5%; 55%: 36%; 64%: 27%; 91%: 0%.Glyserin 9% for each percentage of biobriquet was used as adhesive material and the drying temperature of 110 C. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of biobriquet combustion which made of the leather and shell of rubber. The results shows that the biobriquet combustion process which made of 64% rubber leather and 27% rubber shell has a calorific value of 5313,923 Kal/gr. In 20 seconds of initial ignition, the combustion process shows the improvement such as increased concentrations of the flammable leather, bluish red fire.
Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat Buah Lontar terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Kekuatan Impak Komposit Bermatrik Polyester Bella, Yustian; Suprapto, Wahyono; Wahyudi, Slamet
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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In the industrial world nowadays, natural fiber has been widely developed as an important part in the preparation of composite material. Lontar Fruit is a natural commodity enriched with fiber but still less maximally utilized. Lontar Fruit fiber is then composed with polyester matrix to be an alternative material to the preparation of polymer-based helmet and gas tube. Research attempts to examine the tensile and impact strengths of this application. In this research, therefore, polyester resin is composed with Lontar Fruit fiber and this composite is treated with alkali 5 % NaOH for 30 minutes. Preliminary test has indicated that the tensile strength of genuine single fiber (without treatment) is 33.3 N/mm2 and the maximal tensile strength of single fiber is 36.96 N/mm2 after treatment with alkali 5 % NaOH for 30 minutes. After this preliminary test, the composite is then tested by treating Lontar Fruit fiber with alkali 5 % NaOH for 30 minutes upset time against various volume fractions of Lontar Fruit fiber, respectively at 0 %, 5 %, 15 %, 25 % and 35%. It is then by the results, the favorable mechanic attributes, precisely the tensile strength and impact strength of the polyester matriculated composite with Lontar Fruit fiber as the reinforce, can be explained as follows. The best tensile strength of the composite is 47.7 MPa found at volume fraction variation of 15 %. The best impact strength of the composite is 30.1519179 J observed at volume fraction of 35 %.Keywords: Lontar Fruit Fiber,Tensile Strenght, Impact Strenght, Composite