Rizal Rachman Ally;
Elisabeth Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih
Linguistics and Literature Students' Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Linguistics and Literature Journal
Publisher : English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indo
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DOI: 10.33365/llj.v2i2.908
The study focuses on Detroit (2017) film that tells the story of a true event in Michigan, Detroit 1967. The film delineates the social conflict among White and Black community. The social issues that occur in this film, the researchers see this as a form of social problems related to Marxists. This study uses the Marxist class struggle theory and also uses Barthes' semiotics and cinematography to help researchers analyze research. Class struggle occurs because of conflicts between certain groups for their own interests to achieve freedom in social society. In this study, the data source is taken from Detroit 2017 film directed by Kathryn Bigelow produced in America distributed by Annapurna Pictures which becomes the primary data sources. The data collecting technique will be applied as the primary step in doing the research. All data will be collected using some steps to gather comprehensive data that will be meaningful for data analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of class struggle in Detroit (2017), the authors found that there were social conflicts that occurred in society. Class struggle occurs because of conflicts between certain groups for their own interests to achieve freedom in social society. The class struggle is depicted through scenes and dialogues in the film, in which the researcher sees a problem between the group of black people and white people.Keywords: Barthes, class conflict, class struggle, Marxist, semiotic
Minority Voices In Power Rangers Movie: A Study of Popular Literature
Elisabeth Ngestirosa EWK
NOBEL: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): APRIL
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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DOI: 10.15642/NOBEL.2018.9.1.9-17
Power Rangers is a 2017 superhero movie that was previously known in Power Rangers film series. Power Rangers attracts consumers of all ages and backgrounds, and it quickly becomes the box office in the world. This movie gets some critics and controversial responds. The urgency of this study is to respond the controversial issues toward the movie considered harmful for children. My aim to have this study is to expose some important issues which relate to minority groups. The study ascertains minority voices perceived as right equality issue despite many negative issues lingering this movie. This issue links to liberties which include freedom of life stated in US Bill of Human Right. This study applies popular literature approach and Hall representation theory. Research result shows the minority voice that reveals the positive image of minority group such as the powerful and independent individual. It also portrays, courage, confidence, humanities, cares and love, friendship and team working, trust and support, justice and anti-bullying. Those issues are gathered in the scenes from the image: the acceptance of color people and the right of LGBT represented by some characters.
Genetic Structuralism Analysis On The Color Out Of Space By H.P. Lovecraft
Bagas Maulana;
E. Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih;
Suprayogi Suprayogi
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature Vol 10, No 1 (2022): IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Liter
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo
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DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v10i1.2788
This study aims to delineate the structural form of the story in H.P. Lovecraft’s Color Out of Space considering from the author biography, the social structure of New England and word view of the author toward the short story. The social structure of short story becomes the genetic or origin of literary work. The analysis of this study applied Lucien Goldman’s genetic structuralism and descriptive qualitative method. The data were gathered from H.P. Lovecraft biography, the social condition of New England society in 1920s, and the view of the author toward the condition of New England society in Color Out of Space. The study found out that Lovecraft view the condition of New England after world war two and the earthquake in New York to delineate the horror, cosmic and color story.
Speak Up Confidently: Pelatihan English Public Speaking Bagi Siswa-Siswi English Club SMAN 1 Kotagajah
E. Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih;
Suprayogi Suprayogi;
Dian Puspita;
Rindi Nur Oktavia;
Dimas Ardian
Madaniya Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah
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DOI: 10.53696/27214834.189
Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang melibatkan siswa merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan hard skill dan soft skill siswa. Akan tetapi, semenjak masa COVID-19, siswa memiliki keterbatasan dalam melakukan kegiatan pelatihan, terutama bagi siswa baru. Hal ini yang melatarbelakangi perlunya pelatihan ekstrakurikuler kembali untuk siswa English Club SMAN 1 Kotagajah. Pada era normal, sekolah ini seringkali mengikuti berbagai perlombaan Bahasa Inggris oleh siswa mereka. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan beberapa aktivitas; pelatihan speech, pelatihan storytelling, pelatihan newscasting. Berdasarkan kuesioner yang diberikan pada tiap divisi pelatihan, terlihat bahwa rerata pengetahuan dan kemampuan siswa meningkat setelah mengikuti pelatihan. Sebagai rekomendasi, kegiatan serupa dapat dilakukan secara mandiri dengan lebih intensif untuk memperoleh hasil lebih maksimah dengan poin kunci bahwa siswa memiliki tujuan latihan yang sama, kemandirian dalam belajar, dan keterbukaan terhadap masukan.
Motivasi Melanjutkan Studi Ke Perguruan Tinggi Bagi Siswa SMA Desa Margosari
E. Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih;
Ingatan Gulö;
Neneng Sri Wahyuningsih;
Rizma Amalia Saadah
Empowerment: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): JULI 2022
Publisher : Pusat Riset Manajemen dan Publikasi Ilmiah Serta Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Sinergi Cendikia
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DOI: 10.55983/empjcs.v1i4.180
Facilities and education costs mostly cause the availability of higher education for rural communities. These problems cause higher education not to be achieved for rural communities, especially in Margosari Village, Central Lampung District. Preliminary data from observations show that the level of higher education is still below the average number. The advanced level of the village economy does not support education, so the average population still receives secondary education. This community service activity aims to provide motivation and education about higher education. The techniques used in this activity are survey, face-to-face and discussion techniques. The survey results found a high motivation for young people in the village to continue their studies. From educational sharing activities and discussions, it was found that high motivation for higher education was not supported by an attitude of agreeing to continue higher education. Sharing education about higher education provides enlightenment that all levels of society can achieve higher education by selecting universities that provide low financing schemes and scholarship schemes.
Delineating Masculinity Belief in Guy de Maupassants’ Three Short Stories
Elisabeth Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih;
Mufaza Husna;
Muhammad Rizki Mulia;
Muhammad Fithratullah
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember
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DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i2.31956
This study aims to delineate masculinity issues in Guy Maupassant’s Father Milon, A Duel and The Coloniel’s Ideas short stories. This study sees that the practice of masculinity in the society legitimizes the dominant position of men and justifies the subordination of the male and female population in general and other marginalized ways of being male. This study employed Stuart Hall’s representation and Gramsci’s hegemony theories to delineate masculinity in Maupassants’ three short stories. The qualitative descriptive method was applied as the data were in the form of narration and dialogues. The short stories revealed the dominant position of men in society that justifies the subordination of the male and female population in general. Finally, with the creation of different male characters with various degree of masculine nature, Guy Maupassant in Father Milon, A Duel and The Coloniel’s Ideas tries to balance the male character he creates. Maupassant is just trying to paint pictures of different kinds the man seen in society, therefore, confirms the verisimilitude between characters in literary works and real-life characters.
Agustin Diana Wardaniningsih;
E. Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih
Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature)
Publisher : Elite Laboratory English Department Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
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DOI: 10.33019/lire.v6i2.160
Disney's animated films is produced not only to provide entertainment but also to deliver messages in it. Most Disney animated films have a target audience of children. The element of persuasion that includes every message will be one of children's character-building in real life, including how the film constitutes gender identity in children, which will affect the development of their lives. One of Disney's animated films is Encanto film which was released in 2021. The purpose of this research is to describe the moral values of the characters in Encanto film, especially observing the identity of the women depicted in this film. The research method uses a qualitative narrative approach to analyze Encanto film. This study uses Stuart Hall's representation theory and Christian Metz's Semiotic Analysis Method (MAS), or cinematographic semiotics. By the critical paradigm, this MAS is qualitatively interpretive. A method that focuses on signs and texts as objects of study and how researchers interpret and understand the code (decoding) behind the signs and texts. The study revealed the women's identity on the main character, Mirabel in the film Encanto. This identity is mainly found from the stereotypical Mirabel identity as a woman. The other marginalization, subordination, power, and workload differentiate Mirabel’s identity as a woman from men in Encanto film
Alternatif Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan: Google Sites
Afrianto Afrianto;
Parjito Parjito;
Elisabeth Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih;
Reksha Ramdanni Azahra;
Sahat P. Prantinus Kaban
Madaniya Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah
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DOI: 10.53696/27214834.280
Guru sebagai garda terdepan dalam pendidikan dituntut untuk bisa mengelola pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien dan tuntutan ini berlanjut ke arah pembelajaran dalam jaringan (daring) ketika masa pandemi melanda. Di lain pihak, tidak semua sekolah memiliki infrastruktur jaringan komputer dan internet yang memadai sehingga ini menjadi kendala untuk penyelenggaraan pembelajaran daring. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, tim dosen Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia berupaya memberikan solusi, yaitu dengan melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan pengelolaan dan pengaturan Google sites. Hal ini dikarenakan aplikasi Google sites bersifat fleksible dan dapat digunakan dengan mudah serta tidak membutuhkan infrastruktur jaringan komputer dan internet yang mahal. Adapun pelaksanaan pelatihan ini menyasar pada guru SMAN 1 Kotagajah. Penentuan ini didasarkan pada need analysis survey. Kemudian pelaksanaan pelatihan terdiri dari tiga tahap, yaitu pengenalan, demonstrasi, dan praktik. Ketiga tahap tersebut berjalan dengan lancar dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru dalam pengelolaan dan pengaturan kegiatan belajar mengajar daring melalui aplikasi Google sites meningkat dan mampu memadukannya dengan aplikasi Google yang lain. Kepala sekolah dan guru merespon positif kegiatan pelatihan ini dan diharapkan dapat berlanjut pada kegiatan-kegiatan teaching refreshment lain. Lebih jauh, pengaplikasian teknologi pada pembelajaran sangat membantu apalagi jika pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara daring.
Muhammad Alkautsar Nadi;
Muhammad Fithratullah;
Elizabeth Ngestirosa EWK
Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning Vol 3, No 2 (2022): JELTL
Publisher :
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DOI: 10.33365/jeltl.v3i2.2104
AbstractThis research considered relevant to create understanding on the existence of diversity and tolerance, due to the existence of racism and Chinese as the largest population both in the US and the world have given a significant influence. The aim of this research is to expose the representation of Chinese cultural values reflected through major character in Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asian Novel. Chinese as the largest Asian immigrant in the US have influenced to the culture and society of America. They might move to other place in the world but they never forget their roots, culture and identity which is represented through literary works. The values are highlighted by revealing code, sign and symbols using representation theory by Stuart Hall as approach and semiotic theory by Roman Jakobson for its interconnection to structuralism. This thesis using descriptive qualitative method which giving the writer to have free access in interpretating the code, sign and symbols. Finally this research highlight four principles of Chinese values such as: Orientation of Past Time, Respect for the hierarchy, Interdependence and Group orientation. Those values are represented though dialogue and narration highlighting characters in the novel the action, conversation, perspective and characteristic referring to Chinese values. Finally, it is proven that the novel is representing Chinese cultural values through its major Characters. Keyword: Chinese Values, Representation, Chinese American, Crazy Rich Asian
Anna Sriastuti;
Elisabeth Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih
Linguistics and Literature Students' Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Linguistics and Literature Journal
Publisher : English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indo
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DOI: 10.33365/llj.v3i2.2301
As society is filled with diversity, such as differences in race, skin colour, culture, religion, andeconomy, it is common that each society has formed its own perception over things that happen around them. Stereotypes are among the most striking differences in perception. There may be perceptions regarding an unequal assessment of a community group based on attitudes and opinions, leading to wrong beliefs and losses for one party. Stereotypes are like masks put on individuals. Masks cover up individual characteristics and make the people wearing them look alike. The issue of stereotypes is very complicated, and it is sometimes hard because it changes how society views something, which sometimes is not the truth. Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl delivers a story of a housewife who kills her husband with a frozen lamb tight. What the husband and the wife do in this short story break the gender roles stereotypes labelled by the society. This article will analyse how the stereotypes are broken.Keywords: gender roles, society, stereotypes