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PENGENDALIAN PENYAKIT PATIK (Cercospora nicotianae) PADA TEMBAKAU NA OOGST SECARA IN-VIVO DENGAN EKSTRAK DAUN GULMA KIPAHIT (Tithonia diversifolia) Apriyadi, Aditya Reza; Wahyuni, Wiwiek Sri; Supartini, Victoria
Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian (e-ISSN: 2338-8331) Vol 1, No 2: NOVEMBER
Publisher : Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian (e-ISSN: 2338-8331)

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[ENGLISH] Frog eyes diseases or leaf spot caused by Cercospora nicotinae that can reduce the quality of tobacco leaves, especially when used as a cigar deckblad. Affected leaves was easyly torn and the syhmptoms developed rapidly when processed in the storage. Therefore the alternative control of plant is by mexico sun flower leaf extracts. Mexico sunflower belonging to the broadleaf weeds. It suggested contains flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, and saponins. The results showed mexico sunflower leaf extract concentration 50 g / L was effective to control this diseases, when compared mexico sunflower leaf extract concentration 25 g / L. However, there was no different between plant sprayed with mexico sun flower extract at concentration of 50 g/L and 75 g/L. Keywords: Mexico Sunflower leaf extract; Cercospora nicotianae; Tobacco. [INDONESIAN] Penyakit patik atau bercak daun Cercospora yang disebabkan oleh jamur Cercospora nicotinae dapat mengurangi mutu daun tembakau, terutama apabila digunakan sebagai daun pembalut cerutu. Biasanya penyakit ini dikendalikan dengan pestisida kimia tetapi karena ada batasan residu kimia maksimum sebesar 2,0 ppm, maka dicari alternatif pengendaliannya. Kipahit merupakan gulma berdaun lebar yang mempunyai potensi sebagai anti jamur patogen tanaman, karena mengandung senyawa flavonoid, tannin, terpenoid, dan saponin. Dengan penyemprotan empat kali dalam interval 15 hari, diketahui ekatrak daun kipahit dengan konsentrasi 50 g/l dan 75 g/L dapat menurunkan tingkat keparahan penyakit 1% sejak 60 hst sampai 70 hst. Akan tetapi, nilai insiden penyakit diketahui 100% pada semua perlakuan ekstrak daun kipahit. Ekstrak daun kipahit dengan konsentrasi 50 g/L sudah efektif mengendalikan penyakit patik jika dibandingkan dengan ekstrak daun kipahit dengan konsentrasi 25 g/L. Namun ekstrak daun kipahit dengan konsentrasi 75 g/L tidak berbeda efektifitasnya dengan ekstrak daun kipahit dengan konsentrasi 50 g/L. Kata Kunci: Ekstrak daun kipahit; Cercospora nicotianae; Tembakau How to citate: Apriyadi AR, WS Wahyuni, V Supartini. 2013. Pengendalian penyakit patik (Cercospora nicotianae) pada tembakau na oogst secara in-vivo dengan ekstrak daun gulma kipahit (Tithonia diversifolia). Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian 1(2): 30-32.
Pengendalian Penyakit Layu Fusarium dengan Trichoderma sp. pada Dua Varietas Tomat Ghufron, Muzayyinul; Nurcahyanti, Suhartiningsih Dwi; Wahyuni, Wiwiek Sri
Jurnal Agro Teknologi Tropika Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Agro Teknologi Tropika

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Important disease have to be controlled on tomato plant is fusarium wilt. One environmentally friendly control technique is using Trichoderma sp. This study aims to determine the effect of Trichoderma sp. in controlling fusarium wilt on two varieties of tomatoes. The experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD) two factors, namely the variety and control technique. Varieties factor consist of Tymoti (V1) and Rose (V2). Control technique factor consists of no control (P0), fungicide active ingredient Benomyl (P1), Trichoderma density of 106 spores/ml (P3), and Trichoderma density of 108 spores/ml (P4), so there are eight combinations of treatment and repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance followed by Duncan test level of 5%. Fusarium sp. shows the characteristics of yellowish-white colonies with a crescent-shaped insulated conidia. Trichoderma sp. shows the characteristics of dark green colonies with spherical spores. The results of in vitro inhibition test showed that Trichoderma sp. abled to inhibit Fusarium sp. nearly 100%. Rose varieties showed disease severity 0% on all control techniques and Tymoti showed disease severity 100% on without control technique factor. Controlling by Trichoderma 106 spores/ml in Tymoti varieties can suppress the disease up to 13.89% and Trichoderma with density 106 spores/ml showed results of 1490 g per plant, weight of 38.98 g per fruit, and fruit production 4460 g.
Insidensi dan Keparahan Penyakit Penting Tanaman Padi di kabupaten Jember Masnilah, Rachmi; Wahyuni, Wiwiek Sri; N, Suhartiningsih Dwi; Majid, Abdul; Addy, Hardian Susilo; Wafa, Ali
AGRITROP Vol 18, No 1 (2020): Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/agritrop.v18i1.3103


Jember merupakan salah satu Kabupaten penghasil padi terbesar di jawa timur, Indonesia. Sayangnya berdasarkan Badan Pusat Data Statistik (BPS) pada tahun 2015-2016, produksi padi di Kabupaten Jember Menurun hingga 20.000 ton per tahun. Masalah hama dan penyakit menjadi penyebab utama turunnya produktifitas padi di Jember. Di ketahui tanaman padi di Jember dapat diserang oleh beberapa penyakit dalam kurun waktu yang sama dengan insidensi dan keparahan yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan guna mengetahui tingkat insidensi dan keparahan penyakit penting di beberapa kecamatan di Kabupaten Jember. Lokasi pengambilan data diperoleh berdasarkan metode pengacakan bertingkat dan dilakukan di musim kering. Sampel diambil dari empat desa per kecamatannya dan per desa diambil minimal empat titik lahan. Hasil menunjukkan Beberapa penyakit diketahui menyerang semua lokasi penyakit seperti Penyakit hawar bakteri (Kresek) dan Blast. Umumnya masing-masing kecamatan berbeda jenis penyakit yang menyerang. Sebagai contoh Tungro dan penyakit lain yang diebabkan oleh virus hanya menyerang pada beberapa lokasi dengan insidensi dan keparahan yang kecil. Data hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk dasar peramalan terjadinya epidemi penyakit di kemudian hari dan mempersiapkan metode pengendalian penyakit tanaman padi yang bijaksana pada musim yang sama.
Potensi Bakteri Filosfer Sebagai Agens Hayati Penyakit Pustul (Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv.Glycines) Dan Pemacu Pertumbuhan Kedelai Nurcahyanti, Suhartiningsih Dwi; Wahyuni, Wiwiek Sri; Masnilah, Rachmi
AGRITROP Vol 18, No 2 (2020): Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/agritrop.v18i2.3804


Penyakit pustul  bakteri yang disebabkan oleh Xanthomonas aonopodis pv. Glycines (Xag) merupakan penyakit penting pada kedelai. Kami menggunakan 11 isolat bakteri filosfer  JB 4, JB5, JB6, JB7, JB12, JB1, ST31, ST32, ST4, LB2 dan LB3 sebagai agen hayati karena mempunyai “niche” yang sama dengan pathogen, untuk mengetahui kemampuannya dalam mengendalikan Xag dan memacu pertumbuhan tanaman  kedelai. Hasil in vitro menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi  Xag pada benih kedelai akan menurunkan daya kecambah kedelai. Seed treatment dengan menggunakan bakteri filosfer mampu meningkatkan perkecambahan kedelai yang terinfeksi Xag. Isolat JB 5 dan JB 7 merupakan isolate terbaik dengan daya kecambah  yang  sama  95% dengan efektivitas ± 35.71% dibandingkan kontrol. Sedangkan isolat  JB13 terbaik dalam meningkatkan panjang radikula yaitu 3,13 cm dengan efektivitas 104,58%. Isolat JB7, JB12, JB13 dan ST32 mempunyai kemampuan yang sama dalam mengendalikan penyakit pustule kedelai di rumah kaca dengan keparahan penyakit berkisar ±21,37 dan efektivitas ± 66.41%. Isolat JB 12 dan JB13 menunjukkan kemampuan yang terbaik dalam meningkatkan tinggi tanaman  yaitu ± 95.58 cm,  jumlah cabang ± 5.53dan jumlah daun ± 29.89. Isolate  JB12, JB13 dan ST32, diikuti JB5 dan JB7 berpotensi sebagai agen hayati untuk mengendalikan penyakit pustul dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan kedelai.
Pelatihan Pembuatan “Pupuk Organik Plus” Berbahan Dasar Kompos Kotoran Ternak Nurcahyanti, Suhartiningsih Dwi; Wahyuni, Wiwiek Sri; Subekti, Sri; Harsita, Pradiptya Ayu
Jurnal Puruhita Vol 3 No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/puruhita.v3i1.53060


Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat Desa Binaan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memotivasi dan memperkenalkan pada masyarakat desa Sumber Tengah Kecamatan Binakal kabupaten Bondowoso tentang pembuatan pupuk organik plus dan manfaatnya bagi tanaman khususnya singkong dan ubi jalar yang merupakan produk unggulan desa. Target hasil kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat tertarik dan mau membuat pupuk organik plus serta dapat membuatnya dengan harapan produk ini dapat menyuburkan tanah dan produksi singkong dan ubi jalar meningkat. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan materi yang diberikan dapat menambah wawasan masyarakat sehingga berkeinginan untuk memproduksinya. Produk pupuk organik ini juga membuka peluang usaha membuka kios pupuk organik plus yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat di kota untuk tanaman hias. Dengan demikian dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan turut menyelesaikan masalah bau kotoran ternak di desa.
The Presence of Tobacco Mosaic Virus in the Compost Extract of Cigar Tobacco Debris WIWIEK SRI WAHYUNI; MUHAMMAD HANAPI; IGNASIUS HARTANA
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 15 No. 3 (2008): September 2008
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (149.751 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.15.3.118


Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is resistance to high temperature and able to survive over 10 years on dried leaves, and plant debris is considered as source of inoculums of TMV in the field. In order to inactivate TMV, TMV-infected cigar tobacco debris was composted at starting temperature of 50 ºC for two to three days; however, TMV was still infective in the extract compost. If a half leaf cigar tobacco 'H877' was inoculated with compost extract, the symptoms appeared as a necrotic local lesion (NLL) and did not develop systemic lesions. The dilution end point of TMV in extract compost was 10-3. The number of lesion was higher in the glasshouse with average daylight temperature of 32 ºC than in the field with average daylight temperature of 29-30 ºC. The number NLL was lower and NLL size seemed to be smaller on the first and second inoculated leaves with extract than that of on the first and second inoculated leaves with TMV inoculums. There was a delay of time about 58-106 hours after inoculation of NLL from extract compost inoculums to appear than those of from TMV inoculums. These could be happened because of mineral nutrients of compost and also the temperature of maintaining tobacco plant which inhibited the infections, and of a thermal composting process which destroyed some TMV particles, particularly degraded it’s coat protein. Key words: TMV, extract water compost, cigar tobacco debris
Synergism of Lumbricus rubellus and Pseudomonas putida Pf-20 in Inducing Resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus WIWIEK SRI WAHYUNI; HARDIAN SUSILO ADDY; BUDI ARMAN; TRI CANDRA SETYOWATI
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 13 No. 3 (2006): September 2006
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

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Both Lumbricus rubellus and Pseudomonas putida decompose soil organic matters. The population of P. putida Pf-20 increased if L. rubellus was introduced to the cucumber growth medium. The process of organic decomposition was much better if the medium was introduced with both L. rubellus and P. putida Pf-20, compared to the medium contained only either one of those organisms. The activity of L. rubellus may serve to provide nutrients for both the cucumber and P. putida. The role of P. putida to reduce disease severity was increased if L. rubellus was introduced to the growth medium. The synergism of these two organisms, reduced either the level of disease severity to CMV-48 and C/N ratio of medium, but increased the content of available phosphor and potassium. Key words: Lumbricus rubellus, Pseudomonas putida Pf-20, disease severity of CMV
Compost Extracts of Vegetable Wastes as Biopesticide to Control Cucumber Mosaic Virus WIWIEK SRI WAHYUNI; ARIE MUDJIHARJATI; NIKEN SULISTYANINGSIH
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 17 No. 2 (2010): June 2010
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76.918 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.17.2.95


In semiaerobic conditions, different composting processes of vegetable wastes have different characteristics. When compost extracts amended with the effective microorganism-4 (EM4, +E) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ch1 (+B) stored for 40 days, the bacteria population and P-content increased. Tobacco plants treated with compost extracts amended with +E+B and [+E+B] directly to organic materials and inoculated with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) both sprayed or watered applications reduced the disease severity. This is due to the higher bacteria population in the root and rhizosphere, particularly the activities of P. aeruginosa Ch1 as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) rather than the activities of bacteria from EM4. The role of P. aeruginosa Ch1 to induce resistance of the plants to CMV was suggested by producing siderophores under the limited Fe conditions,17-20 ppm.
Penggunaan Bakteriofag untuk Kit Detektor Patogen Hawar Bakteri Kedelai Nurul Rama Dhany; Hardian Susilo Addy; Wiwiek Sri Wahyuni
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia Vol 9 No 4 (2013)
Publisher : The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.892 KB) | DOI: 10.14692/jfi.9.4.116


Bacterial blight disease on soybean caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea is an important factor causing yield loss in Indonesia. Bacteriophage isolated from irrigation water around the soybean field can be used as indicator for the presence of phytopathogenic bacteria. The objectives of this research was to obtain suitable composition of detector materials to detect P. syringae pv. glycinea using bacteriophage. Composition of detector kit contains of nutrient broth medium with 0.1% of bromothymol blue, 10 g talk and 1 g CMC which will be rubbed on to the detector paper and caused green colour development (pH ± 7) when the paper was dipped on to bacteria suspension, added by a drop of bacteriophage suspension and incubated for 24 hour, the colour will be changed. Yellow color indicated growth activity of P. syringae pv. glycinea where as blue colour indicated suppression of P. syringae pv. glycinea.
Ketahanan Lapangan Lima Genotipe Padi terhadap Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Rezki Heru Aditya; Wiwiek Sri Wahyuni; Paniman Ashna Mihardjo
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia Vol 11 No 5 (2015)
Publisher : The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.594 KB) | DOI: 10.14692/jfi.11.5.159


Bacterial leaf blight disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is an important disease on rice in Indonesia. Four rice varieties, i.e. Inpari 30, Situbagendit, Luk-ulo and Cibogo has been known to have resistance to the disease. Therefore, they can be used as indicator plants to measure the resistance of any new rice genotypes to the disease. Research was aimed to evaluate field resistance of a new rice line, i.e. line X, with 4 resistant rice varieties as check control. The research was conducted in the field in Wirolegi villages, Sumbersari-Jember with natural infection of X. oryzae. Plant resistance was observed by measuring disease incidence (DI) and severity (DS). The highest DI (100%) was reached by all genotypes in different age. At 90 days after planting, DS of line X reached 11.85% which is far low compared to DS of var Situbagendit (40.25%). Based on DI and DS, line X is considered to have the best resistance to the disease, i.e. resistant in vegetative phase and moderately resistant in generative phase. However, the strain of X. oryzae infecting the plants in the field was unknown.