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Analisis Penalaan Kontrol PID pada Simulasi Kendali Kecepatan Putaran Motor DC Berbeban menggunakan Metode Heuristik WALUYO, WALUYO; FITRIANSYAH, ADITYA; SYAHRIAL, SYAHRIAL
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 1, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Elkomika
Publisher : Jurnal Elkomika

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ABSTRAK Motor DC banyak digunakan di industri kecil dan besar.Kecepatan motor DC sering tidak stabil akibat gangguan dari luar maupun perubahan parameter dan torsi beban sehingga perlu dilakukan rancangan kontroler.Kontroler yang dirancang menggunakan PID yang terdiri dari tiga jenis cara pengaturan yang dikombinasikan, yaitu kontrol P (Proportional), kontrol I (Integral) dan kontrol D (Derivatif).Kontroler yang dirancang disimulasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak. Hasil simulasi menunjukan kontroler PID untuk kendali kecepatan motor DC ini menghasilkan kondisi robust (kokoh) saat nilai Kp = 1,1, Ti = 0,1, Td = 3,7. Hasil dari parameter kendali yang dirancang memiliki error steady state 0,99 % dan dengan settling time 3,7 detik pada rise time 2,00 detik dan nilai peak terletak pada 0,99. Kecepatan awal yang dihasilkan mendekati set point yang diinginkan pada detik ke 6 dan kecepatannya tidak ada penurunan atau tetap konstan sampai dengan detik ke 100. Kata kunci : Motor DC, PID, Heuristik, Steady State, Rise Time   ABSTRACT DC motors are widely used in small and large industries. Their speeds are often unstable due to interference from outside or change the parameters and load torque, so that it was necessary to design a controller. The controller was designed using a PIDconsists of three types of arrangements, which are mutually combined way, namely the control P (Proportional), control I (Integral) and control D (Derivative). The controllers were designed using software for simulation. The simulation results showed the PID controller for DC motor speed control produced robust conditionswhen the value of Kp, Ti and Tdwere 1.1,  0.1 and 3.7 respectively. The results of the control parameters had error steady state 0.99 % and the settling time of 3.7 seconds at 2.0 sec rise time and the peak value was 0,99. The resulted initial velocity was very fast to approach the desired set point in the sixth second and its speed was remain constant until 100thsecond. Keywords: Motor DC, PID, Heuristic, Steady State, Rise Time
Perancangan dan Realisasi Generator Ozon menggunakan Metoda Pembangkitan Tegangan Tinggi Bolak – Balik (AC) WALUYO, WALUYO; PERMANA, DERIL ALVIAN; SAODAH, SITI
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Elkomika
Publisher : Jurnal Elkomika

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ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan teknologi ozon pada berbagai sektor telah menunjukkan kegunaan dan keunggulan dari pemanfaatan ozon.Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan ozon melalui peluahan muatan listrik dengan korona discharge. Metoda perancangan generator ozonmenggunakan pembangkitan tegangan tinggi dari trafo dengan variasi tegangan ±3000V & ±4000V, laju alir oksigen (1 dan 3 liter/menit), dan waktu ozonasi (5; 10; 15; 20; 25 dan 30 menit) dan mengatur jarak antar batang konduktor 0,3 cm. Produk ozon dialirkan pada air bersih dan dihitung konsentrasi sisa ozonnya menggunakan larutan indigo kolorimetri. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa semakin menurunnya laju alir oksigen, konsentrasi ozon meningkat. Peningkatan tegangan output akan menambah besar medan listrik yang dihasilkan, sehingga konsentrasi ozon meningkat. Besar tegangan yang berhasil dibangkitkan sebesar 3370 V dan 4324 V. Konsentrasi maksimum ozon yang terbentuk adalah 0.088 mgO3/liter pada voltase 4324 V dan laju alir oksigen 1 liter/menit. Konsentrasi minimum ozon yang terbentuk adalah 0,012 mgO3/L pada voltase 3370 dan laju alir oksigen 3 liter/menit. Kata Kunci : indigo kolorimetri, korona discharge,medan listrik, ozon, ozon generator ABSTRACT Using of ozone technology at various sectors have shown excellence and usefulness of ozone. One of the way to produce ozone is by electric discharge with corona discharge. The design method of ozone generator by generating high voltage from the transformer with voltage variation ± 3000 V and ± 4000 V , the oxygen flow rate ( 1 and 3 liters / min ) , and the time of ozonation ( 5 ; 10 ; 15 ; 20 ; 25 and 30 min) and adjust the distance between the conductor rod 0.3 cm.Product ozone water flowed in and calculated the concentration of residual ozon use solution indigocolorimetri. Result indicated that the decreasing of oxygen flowrate leads ozon concentration increase. By increasing of voltage variation, the electric field increasingly large, the more the results of ozone is formed. Large voltage successfully raised at 3370 V and 4324 V. The maximum concentration of ozone is formed is 0.088 mgO3 / liter at 4324 volts voltage and oxygen flow rate of 1 liter / min . The minimum concentration of ozone is formed is 0.012 mgO3 / L at 3370 voltage and oxygen flow rate of 3 liters / min. Key word : indigo kolorimetri, korona discharge,electric field, ozon, ozon generator
Robust Canonical Correlation Analysis on Leakage Current Behaviors of Geothermal Polluted Porcelain Insulators Waluyo, Waluyo; Sinisuka, Ngapuli Irmea; Suwarno, Suwarno
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 12, No 2 (2009): NOVEMBER 2009
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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This study presents the leakage current measurements results of three natural geothermal polluted porcelain insulators. The insulators consisted of one new-clean insulator, as reference, and three polluted insulators. The carried out measurements were leakage current and applied high voltage waveforms, used a two-channel storage digital oscilloscope, in a hermetically sealed chamber, where temperature, humidity, pressure and applied voltage amplitude could be adjusted and measured simultaneously. The leakage current waveforms were analyzed using the FFT and the statistical concerns were analyzed by the Fast-Minimum Covariance Determinant (FMCD) of robust multivariate statistical tools, and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The result indicated that after the fundament, the second highest of harmonics leakage current were fifth harmonics. The leakage current waveforms were significantly influenced by humidity, besides pollution. The dependent or output variables are linear functions of independent or input variables. Based on CCA, the dependent parameters depended on input parameters tightly, with the canonical correlations were more than 0.99. The leakage current  amplitudes were still predominantly influenced by applied voltage amplitudes, where the phase angles and THD were slightly influenced by relative humidity. On these experimental measurements, the insulators were still in normal operation. 
Analisis Penalaan Kontrol PID pada Simulasi Kendali Kecepatan Putaran Motor DC Berbeban menggunakan Metode Heuristik WALUYO, WALUYO; FITRIANSYAH, ADITYA; SYAHRIAL, SYAHRIAL
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 1, No 2 (2013): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v1i2.79


ABSTRAKMotor DC banyak digunakan di industri kecil dan besar.Kecepatan motor DC sering tidak stabil akibat gangguan dari luar maupun perubahan parameter dan torsi beban sehingga perlu dilakukan rancangan kontroler.Kontroler yang dirancang menggunakan PID yang terdiri dari tiga jenis cara pengaturan yang dikombinasikan, yaitu kontrol P (Proportional), kontrol I (Integral) dan kontrol D (Derivatif).Kontroler yang dirancang disimulasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak. Hasil simulasi menunjukan kontroler PID untuk kendali kecepatan motor DC ini menghasilkan kondisi robust (kokoh) saat nilai Kp = 1,1, Ti = 0,1, Td = 3,7. Hasil dari parameter kendali yang dirancang memiliki error steady state 0,99 % dan dengan settling time 3,7 detik pada rise time 2,00 detik dan nilai peak terletak pada 0,99. Kecepatan awal yang dihasilkan mendekati set point yang diinginkan pada detik ke 6 dan kecepatannya tidak ada penurunan atau tetap konstan sampai dengan detik ke 100.Kata kunci: Motor DC, PID, Heuristik, Steady State, Rise Time ABSTRACT DC motors are widely used in small and large industries. Their speeds are often unstable due to interference from outside or change the parameters and load torque, so that it was necessary to design a controller. The controller was designed using a PIDconsists of three types of arrangements, which are mutually combined way, namely the control P (Proportional), control I (Integral) and control D (Derivative). The controllers were designed using software for simulation. The simulation results showed the PID controller for DC motor speed control produced robust conditionswhen the value of Kp, Ti and Tdwere 1.1,  0.1 and 3.7 respectively. The results of the control parameters had error steady state 0.99 % and the settling time of 3.7 seconds at 2.0 sec rise time and the peak value was 0,99. The resulted initial velocity was very fast to approach the desired set point in the sixth second and its speed was remain constant until 100thsecond.Keywords: Motor DC, PID, Heuristic, Steady State, Rise Time
Studi Kapasitas Daya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hibrida Angin dan Surya Berkapasitas 6 kW berdasarkan Skenario Cuaca SYAHRIAL, SYAHRIAL; WALUYO, WALUYO; FAKHRULLAH, AHMAD FARID
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 6, No 1 (2018): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v6i1.61


ABSTRAKPembangkit listrik tenaga hibrida angin dan surya adalah suatu pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan gabungan antara tenaga angin dan tenaga sinar matahari. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode probabilitas distribusi normal terhadap kecepatan angin dan radiasi matahari yaitu terjadinya kecepatan angin lebih dari 3,73 m/s adalah berpeluang sebesar 78,81% dan terjadinya radiasi matahari lebih dari 0,397 kW/m2 berpeluang sebesar 92,79%. Kemudian dirancang dua desain pembangkit listrik tenaga angin dan surya berdasarkan nilai investasi dan keandalan, yaitu desain pertama terdiri dari satu unit turbin angin horizontal berkapasitas 3 kW dengan panel surya berkapasitas 3 kW sedangkan desain kedua terdiri dari satu unit turbin angin horizontal berkapasitas 4 kW dengan panel surya berkapasitas 2 kW, selanjutnya dilakukan beberapa skenario cuaca antara lain saat radiasi matahari 0,439 kW/m2 dengan probabilitas 78,23% dan saat panel surya tidak dapat menghasilkan daya dikarenakan tidak adanya sinar matahari. Desain pembangkit kedua memiliki keandalan dan nilai investasi lebih kecil yaitu Rp 119.591.000 dibandingkan desain pertama.Kata kunci: hibrida, metode probabilitas, investasi, keandalan, skenario cuacaABSTRACTA wind and solar hybrid power plant is a power plant that uses a combination of wind power and solar. The research was done by probability method of normal distribution to wind speed and solar radiation that was wind velocity more than 3.73 m/s as a probability equal to 78.81% and the occurrence of solar radiation more than 0.397 kW/m2 had a chance equal to 92.79%. Further more, design of the two wind and solar power plant based on the investment and reliability, the first design consisted of 3 kW horizontal axis wind turbine unit with 3 kW solar panel while the second design consisted of 4 kW horizontal axis wind turbine unit with the solar panel 2 kW capacity. Further more, it was conducted some weather scenarios when the occurrence of solar radiation more than 0.439 kW/m2 had a chance equal to 78.23% and the solar panel could not produced power because of the absence of sun ray. The second design had reliability and lower investation value that is Rp 119.591.000 compared to the first design.Keywords: hybrid, probability method, investation, reliability, weather scenario
Perancangan dan Realisasi Generator Ozon menggunakan Metoda Pembangkitan Tegangan Tinggi Bolak – Balik (AC) WALUYO, WALUYO; PERMANA, DERIL ALVIAN; SAODAH, SITI
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 3, No 1 (2015): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v3i1.38


ABSTRAKPemanfaatan teknologi ozon pada berbagai sektor telah menunjukkan kegunaan dan keunggulan dari pemanfaatan ozon.Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan ozon melalui peluahan muatan listrik dengan korona discharge. Metoda perancangan generator ozonmenggunakan pembangkitan tegangan tinggi dari trafo dengan variasi tegangan ±3000V & ±4000V, laju alir oksigen (1 dan 3 liter/menit), dan waktu ozonasi (5; 10; 15; 20; 25 dan 30 menit) dan mengatur jarak antar batang konduktor 0,3 cm. Produk ozon dialirkan pada air bersih dan dihitung konsentrasi sisa ozonnya menggunakan larutan indigo kolorimetri. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa semakin menurunnya laju alir oksigen, konsentrasi ozon meningkat. Peningkatan tegangan output akan menambah besar medan listrik yang dihasilkan, sehingga konsentrasi ozon meningkat. Besar tegangan yang berhasil dibangkitkan sebesar 3370 V dan 4324 V. Konsentrasi maksimum ozon yang terbentuk adalah 0.088 mgO3/liter pada voltase 4324 V dan laju alir oksigen 1 liter/menit. Konsentrasi minimum ozon yang terbentuk adalah 0,012 mgO3/L pada voltase 3370 dan laju alir oksigen 3 liter/menit.Kata Kunci: indigo kolorimetri, korona discharge,medan listrik, ozon, ozon generator ABSTRACTUsing of ozone technology at various sectors have shown excellence and usefulness of ozone. One of the way to produce ozone is by electric discharge with corona discharge. The design method of ozone generator by generating high voltage from the transformer with voltage variation ± 3000 V and ± 4000 V , the oxygen flow rate ( 1 and 3 liters / min ) , and the time of ozonation ( 5 ; 10 ; 15 ; 20 ; 25 and 30 min) and adjust the distance between the conductor rod 0.3 cm.Product ozone water flowed in and calculated the concentration of residual ozon use solution indigocolorimetri. Result indicated that the decreasing of oxygen flowrate leads ozon concentration increase. By increasing of voltage variation, the electric field increasingly large, the more the results of ozone is formed. Large voltage successfully raised at 3370 V and 4324 V. The maximum concentration of ozone is formed is 0.088 mgO3 / liter at 4324 volts voltage and oxygen flow rate of 1 liter / min . The minimum concentration of ozone is formed is 0.012 mgO3 / L at 3370 voltage and oxygen flow rate of 3 liters / min. Keyword: indigo kolorimetri, korona discharge,electric field, ozon, ozon generator
Kajian Empat Varietas Unggul Padi dengan Sistem Tanam Jarwo 2 : 1 di Lahan Rawa Lebak Desa Sukarame Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan Suparwoto, Suparwoto; Harnisah, Harnisah; Waluyo, Waluyo
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ?Smart Farming yang Berwawasan Lingkungan untuk Ke
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal

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Suparwoto S, Harnisah H, Waluyo W. 2019. Assesment four varieties superior rice with plant system jarwo 2:1 at Sukarame village, Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 53-61.  Palembang: Unsri Press.One of the technologies that is environmentally friendly, safe and low-cost includes high-yielding varieties that can boost the increase in rice production. This activity was carried out in Sukarame Village, Tanjung Lubuk Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, in April-August 2018. The aim was to obtain high-yielding varieties that could adapt and produce high using planting system jarwo 2:1 in swampy lands. Materials needed include: Inpari 30, Inpari 33, Inpari 43 and Inpari 30 (SS class), urea, SP-36, KCl, pesticides, herbicides and tarps. In addition, the tools needed include: hand tractor, meter, scales, machetes, hoes, sprayers. The varieties studied were 4 varieties consisting of Inpari 30, Inpari 33, Inpari 43 and Inpara 8. The method used was direct observation in the field, the study area was 3 hectares. Fertilizers used are 150 kg Urea, 100 kg SP-36 and 100 kg KCl/ha. Fertilization is done twice, namely at the age of 1 week after planting with a dose of 75 kg urea, 100 kg SP-36 and 100 kg KCl/ha and at 4 weeks after planting  at a dose of 75 kg urea/ha. The planting system used is Legowo 2: 1 (50 cm x 25 cm x 12.5 cm). Data collected included: crop height at harvest, number of productive tillers/clumps, panicle length, number of grains per panicle, number of filled grains per panicle, and production of conversion grain per hectare. The method used is direct observation in the field of superior varieties exhibited. The data obtained were arranged in tabulation and analyzed by statistical tests, namely the test of the mean value (test-t). Data analysis was carried out with the SPSS 11 program. The results showed that Inpari 30, Inpari 33, Inpari 43 and Inpara 8 were grown with jajar legowo 2: 1 planting system that could adapt to swampy lands with production ranging from 4.3 to 5.5 tons GKP/ha, where the production of Inpara 8 is higher than other varieties which is 5.5 tons GKP/ha, followed by Inpari 43 which is 5.3 tons GKP / ha. Keywords: assesment, jarwo 2:1, swampy lands, superior varieties rice
Leakage Current Assessment Using Correlation Coefficient and Principal Component Analysis on The Eight-Month Naturally Coastal Contaminated Outdoor Porcelain Insulator Waluyo, Waluyo; Pakpahan, Parouli M.; Suwarno, Suwarno; Djauhari, Maman A.
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 8, No 1 (2008): MARET 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

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This manuscript presents the experimental results of eight months naturally coastal contaminated outdoor porcelain insulator. The conducted experiments were leakage current and applied high voltage measurements, in the hermetically sealed chamber, where temperature, humidity, pressure and applied voltage could be adjusted and measured simultaneously. The leakage current waveforms were analyzed using FFT and the relation to other parameters were analyzed using correlation coefficient and principal component analysis. On high humidity, the leakage current waveforms tended to approach pure sinusoides, and the amplitudes tended to rise. Based on the correlation coefficient, the relative humidity influenced to leakage current amplitudes and phase angle as 0.60 and -0.68 respectively. Whereas, using PCA, the humidity close to power factor, and the phase angle close to THD and applied voltage. However, the phase angle opposites to the humidity. The extracted for 2 and 3 components are 74.5% and 85.3% respectively.
Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor DC pada Konveyor untuk Sistem Pemisah Produk Cacat, Pengepakan dan Penyortiran Barang Di-monitoring Menggunakan SCADA Berbasis Wireless YUANDHITRA, YUDA; WALUYO, WALUYO; TARYANA, NANDANG
REKA ELKOMIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016)

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ABSTRAK Pemisah produk cacat merupakan suatu kegiatan penting di industri yang diperlukan untuk menjaga agar hasil produksi terjamin mutunya sebelum dipasarkan. Melalui penelitian ini, model sistem pemisah produk cacat, pengepakan dan penyortiran barang yang berbasis PLC, akan dimonitoring oleh SCADA menggunakan komunikasi wireless dan pergerakan konveyor dikendalikan menggunakan PWM sehingga dapat di monitoring. Sistem monitoring ini menggunakan sofware Twido suite v2.30 untuk mengendalikan PLC dan software Vijeo Citect v7.20 untuk menvisualisasikan model sistem pemisah produk cacat, pengepakan dan penyortiran barang. Dilakukan pengujian kecepatan konveyor dadu dan box yang dimonitoring oleh SCADA, pengujian dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali untuk setiap kenaikan kecepatan sebesar 10% yang dilakukan pada konveyor dadu dan konveyor box. Pengujian kecepatan konveyor tersebut memiliki simpangan terhadap referensi untuk konveyor dadu tidak lebih dari 25% dengan kecepatan konveyor sebesar 34,75 m/min untuk konveyor pembawa dadu dan 10% dengan kecepatan konveyor 5,31 m/min untuk konveyor pembawa box. Melihat simpangan terhadap referensi relatif kecil kecepatan motor DC pada sistem SCADA ini memiliki kesalahan atau error yang kecil. Pengaturan jarak antara PC/laptop dengan plan  pada jarak 5m (Ruang Komponen dan Istrumentasi Lab ELKA), 15m (Lab ELKA) dan 20m (Lab Otomasi) tidak mempengaruhi kecepatan konveyor dan kecepatan pengiriman data tidah lebih dari 4 ms. Kata Kunci  : Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), SCADA, PWM, wireless, kecepatan motor DC  ABSTRACT Separation of defective products is an important activity in the industry is needed to keep the production quality assured before it is marketed. Through this study, the model system separator defective products, packing and sorting of goods based PLC, will be monitored by SCADA using wireless communication and movement of the conveyor is controlled using a PWM that can be in monitoring. This monitoring system using Twido software suite to control PLCs v2.30 and v7.20 software Vijeo Citect to visualize models separator system defective products, packing and sorting goods. Testing the dice and box conveyor speed are monitored by SCADA, testing performed 10 times for each increase speed by 10% carried on a conveyor and conveyor dice box. The conveyor speed testing have junctions against a reference to conveyor dice no more than 25% with the conveyor speed of 34.75 m / min for the carrier conveyor dice and 10% with 5.31 m/min conveyor speed for the conveyor carrier box. See relatively small deviation to the reference speed DC motor in this SCADA system has a fault or error is small. Setting the distance between your PC / laptop with lan at a distance of 5m (Space Lab Components and Istrumentasi ELKA), 15m (Lab Elka) and 20m (Lab Automation) does not affect the speed of the conveyor and the speed of data transmission tidah more than 4 ms.   Keywords: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), SCADA, PWM, wireless, DC motor speed
Perancangan Dan Realisasi Alat Penatas Telur Dengan Catu Daya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Berbasis Arduino Uno R3 AR, TAUFIK ISMAIL; HARIYANTO, NASRUN; WALUYO, WALUYO
REKA ELKOMIKA Vol 3, No 1 (2015)

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Abstrak Seiring dengan perkembangan industri-industri kecil yang tersebar di seluruh pelosok nusantara ini khususnya industri peternakan unggas, maka industri ini dituntut untuk menghasilkan unggas yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah alat penetas telur untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas dari anak unggas tersebut. Alat penetas telur ini bekerja secara otomatis mengendalikan suhu dengan sensor DHT11 sesuai dengan suhu penetasan yaitu 38-39˚C dan membolak-balikan telur dengan Motor Servo selama 3 jam sekali sebesar 60 derajat. Semua dikendalikan dengan Arduino Uno R3. Pada saat ini, lebih dari 10 persen energi listrik dikonsumsi dalam bentuk DC dan diperkirakan dimasa yang akan datang banyak peralatan elektronik menggunakan sumber arus DC. Maka dipilihlah Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya sebagai catu dayanya. Alat penetas ini membutuhkan daya sebesar 493,23 Wh per-hari , sehingga diperlukan panel surya berkapasitas 120 Wp dan kapasitas baterai yang dibutuhkan adalah 51,378 Ah. Solar Charge Controller harus memiliki kapasitas minimal 14,4 A. Kata kunci: Alat Penetas Telur, DHT11, Motor Servo, Arduino Uno R3, PLTS   Abstract The development of small industries scatter across the archipelago is especially poultry industry. The industry is required to produce a good quality poultry, for it makes ​​egg incubator tools to improve quality and quantity of the poultry child. Designed an egg incubator tool worked automatically to control the temperature by DHT11 sensor according to the hatchery temperature was 38-39˚C flipping back the egg with Servo Motors three hours once as much as 60 degrees. All parameters was controlled by Arduino Uno R3. At this time, more than 10 percent of the electrical energy consumed in the form of DC and expected future many electronic devices use DC current source. Then, the addition Solar Power Plant as that source of power supply was selected. The Egg incubator tool required a power of 493,23 Wh, so that necessary solar panel was 120Wp capacity and battery capacity was required as 51,378 Ah. The Solar Charge Controller had to a  minimum capacity of 14, 4 A Keywords: Tool Egg Incubator, DHT11, Servo Motors, Arduino Uno R3 , Solar Power Plant
Co-Authors Abdul Rasyid ADITYA FITRIANSYAH ADITYA FITRIANSYAH Agus Mukholid AHMAD FARID FAKHRULLAH AHMAD ZAKKY ZAKKY RI’AYATULLAH1 Aisah Aisah Al Ayubi, Aji Ilham Al-Mahya, Yaafi’ah Qothrunnada Elysia ALINDA NOVITA SARI, ALINDA NOVITA Amien, Mohammad Miqdad Hasfhi Andre Widura Annisa Novita Sari Ar Rasyid, Robby Ikhsan ARDHIANS ABDILLAH WIJAYA, ARDHIANS ABDILLAH ARIEF, JAUZIE Arifin, Zaki Zainal ARIO AMRI IHSAN, ARIO AMRI Armando, Eric ARSYAD RAMADHAN DARLIS ARSYAD RAMADHAN DARLIS ASHADI AMIR NURHAKIM Astuti, Santika Dewi Aulia Maris Syahputri Azril, Muh BAMBANG ANGGORO Benazir, Dyas Mulyani DERI MUHAMAD NURENDI, DERI MUHAMAD DERIL ALVIAN PERMANA, DERIL ALVIAN DESI NATALIA, DESI DINI FAUZIAH Djoko Nugroho DWI ARYANTA Dwi Aryanta Dzulqarnain, Muammar Efendy, Ninda Aina Fahri Ali Ahzar, Fahri Ali FAKHRULLAH, AHMAD FARID Fauziah, Dini FEBRIAN HADIATNA Fiddin, Faril Aditya GARY ANDRI SEPGIANTO, GARY ANDRI Hanik Liskustyawati, Hanik Harjoyo, Harjoyo Harnisah, Harnisah Herari, Noprita Hermawan, Sapto Hudiono Hudiono, Hudiono IHFAZH NURDIN EKA NUGRAHA IKA MUTIARA AGUSTIN, IKA MUTIARA Imran Al Hafiz ISMAIL CUMENTAS JAUHAN BUDIWAN, JAUHAN Kania Sawitri Karin Febri Absari Khaidir, Ismail Muhammad Lego Karjoko M IQBALLY, M Maman A. Djauhari Mas’Udia, Putri Elfa Mochammad Junus Moechammad Sarosa MUHAMAD WAHYUDIN Muji, Muji Mujtahidah, Tholibah Murtadho, Riski Zaki Nana Subarna Nana Subarna, Nana NANDANG TARYANA NASRUN HARIYANTO NATHALIS TIMBIRI Ngapuli Irmea Sinisuka, Ngapuli Irmea Niken Syafitri Niken Syafitri Nikmah, Wafiyatun Nurhakim, Ashadi Amir Nurohman, Yulfan Arif Oktarini, Riri Parouli M. Pakpahan Patmawati, Efi Tri Prabowo, Handy Widianto Pramono, Pradipta Bayuaji Pramudia, Dhimas Andriano Putra, Mohamad Farda Rizqi Putri Indah Nazareta Putro, Baskoro Nugroho R. Manik, Rusman RAMDHANI RAMDHANI RENDI VERIYANDI RHAMANDITA SUDRAJAT RIKI ARNANDO, RIKI Rina Sari Qurniawati, Rina Sari Rizmauliana, Fadila ROBBY IKHSAN AR RASYID Romadlon, Akhmad Romadlon, Shofiyul Irchami Rony Syaifullah ROZI NURJAMAN, RIZAL FACHRUL Rubiyanto Rubiyanto RUSTAMAJI RUSTAMAJI Rustamaji Rustamaji Sabarini, Sri Santoso Samuki, Khairul Sari, Annisa Novita Sari, Reggina Eriyanti Zealanandia Aura Setiawan, Firandika Silmi Qori Tartila, Shobrina Siswanto, Tri Agus SITI SAODAH Siti Zubaidah Sri Hidayati Sri Hidayati Sugiyarto Sugiyarto Sukatiman Sukatiman Suparwoto Suparwoto Suwandi Suwandi Suwarno Suwarno SYAHRIAL SYAHRIAL SYAHRIAL SYAHRIAL SYAHRIAL SYAHRIAL Syahrial Syahrial Syirat, Nisrina Mumtaz SYLVIA OKTOBELLA PUSPITASARI, SYLVIA OKTOBELLA Tahaanii, Aanisah Nida Tartila, Shobrina Silmi Qori TAUFIK ISMAIL AR, TAUFIK ISMAIL Taufik, Mochammad TEGUH ARFIANTO TEGUH ARFIANTO TRIWAHYU RUBIANTO W, Tri Sumarni Waluyo, Alif Wibowo, Riyadi Saputra Widura, Andre Yosan Ageng Nugroho YUDA YUANDHITRA, YUDA YUONO YUONO Yusuf, Krisna Bhayangkara Zainullah, Zainullah