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Actuators, IoT and IP Address as Training in Actuators, IoT and IP Address for Senior High School Teachers and StudentsBasic Industrial Instrumentation Waluyo Waluyo; Andre Widura; Dwi Aryanta; Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis; Nana Subarna; Rustamaji Rustamaji; Kania Sawitri; Dini Fauziah; Syahrial Syahrial; Niken Syafitri; Febrian Hadiatna
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2020): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v1i1.10-24


The third mission of a university is a community service. Based on this mission, this paper presents the activity of community service. The activity was training for senior high school students and teachers. The subjects of the training are actuators, IoT, and IP address. These components or subsystems are very important basic industrial instrumentation for further automation. These subsystems are very correlated with each other. Some actuators are electric, hydraulic, and pneumatic types. There are many applications of IoT and IP addresses, such as smart grids and communications.
PLTS Hybrid Power Plant Design – 3000 VA Fuel Generator in the Tourism Village of Cilintung Garut Village Imran Al Hafiz; Teguh Arfianto; Waluyo Waluyo
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2 (2022): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v3i2.70-79


This study discusses the design of a 3000 VA PLTS-BBM hybrid power generation system in the tourist village of Kampung Cilintung Situgede Karangpawitan Garut. This is necessary because an energy tourism area will be built there, and it requires an adequate supply of electricity. PLTS is the main electricity supplier combined with the uses of fuel generators to harnest solar radiation in the area. The determination of the initial power energy requirement is 3000 VA or 2550 watts for 18 hours of use so that the energy required is 45900 Wh. The rating of the device used is 48 V. The number of solar panels are 14 panels connected in series-parallel, using 24 units of battery. The generator used is a gasoline generator with a four-stroke engine having a capacity of 3000 W with an electrical output of 220 V AC. The design process also makes use of the PVSyst application. The design of this solar module will be realized in form of a powerhouse to supply the entire tourist village area.
Simulasi Berbasis MEH untuk Pemodelan Distribusi Potensial Listrik dan Medan Listrik pada Isolator Porselen 20 kV ASHADI AMIR NURHAKIM; ROBBY IKHSAN AR RASYID; WALUYO WALUYO
MIND (Multimedia Artificial Intelligent Networking Database) Journal Vol 6, No 2 (2021): MIND Journal
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/mindjournal.v6i2.132-143


AbstrakIsolator adalah suatu perlengkapan yang cukup berarti dalam saluran udara tegangan menengah. Distribusi potensial serta medan listrik di sekitar isolator ialah wilayah yang masih mendapat pengaruh sifat kelistrikan dari suatu muatan. Riset ini mengulas simulasi distribusi potensial serta medan listrik pada isolator tegangan menengah berjenis porselen berbasis metode elemen hingga (MEH). Metode ini digunakan agar memudahkan dalam mengukur pendistribusian potensial listrik dan medan listrik pada isolator karena merupakan salah satu metode numerik yang lebih praktis untuk memecahkan masalah elektrostatik. Dari hasil simulasi 3D diperoleh pola distribusi potensial listrik selalu mengikuti kontur dari isolator sedangkan untuk distribusi medan listriknya mencapai nilai tertinggi sebesar 5,3 kV/cm. Sedangkan dari grafik distribusi medan listrik terlihat lebih jelas bahwa stress medan listrik yang besar terdapat pada daerah koneksi antara isolator dengan konduktor serta  isolator dengan ground.Kata kunci: Isolator Porselen, Medan Listrik, Metoda Elemen Hingga (MEH), Potensial Listrik.AbstractAn insulator is a fairly significant piece of equipment in a medium-voltage overhead line. The distribution of potential and electric field around an insulator is an area that is still affected by the electrical properties of a charge. This research reviews the distribution of potential and electric field simulations on porcelain-type medium-voltage insulators based on the finite element method (FEM). This method is used to make it easier to measure the distribution of electric potential and electric field on an insulator because it is one of the more practical numerical methods for solving electrostatic problems. From the 3D simulation results, the distribution pattern of the electric potential always follows the contours of the insulator, while the electric field distribution reaches the highest value of 5.3 kV/cm. Meanwhile, from the electric field distribution charts, it is clearer that the large electric field stress is found in the area around the insulator with conductors and insulators with ground.Keywords: Porcelain Insulator, Electric Field, Finite Element Method (FEM), Electric Potential.