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INVERTASE DARI Aspergillus niger DENGAN METODE SOLID STATE FERMENTATION DAN APLIKASI DI INDUSTRI: KAJIAN PUSTAKA [IN PRESS SEPTEMBER 2015] Indriani, Dwi Okta; Syamsudin, Luqvia Noer Islami; Wardhani, Agustin Krisna; Wardani, Agustin Krisna
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

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Enzim invertase merupakan salah satu jenis enzim hidrolase yang dapat menghidrolisis sukrosa menjadi glukosa dan fruktosa. Enzim invertase telah banyak digunakan dalam industri pangan untuk produksi gula invert. Gula invert dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk produk coklat, permen, selai, madu buatan, dan pembuatan sirup invert (HFS). Enzim invertase juga digunakan dalam fermentasi molase menjadi etanol. Enzim invertase dapat diproduksi dari tanaman ataupun mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme lebih dipilih karena biaya yang lebih murah, proses produksi cepat dan mudah dimodifikasi. Salah satu jenis mikroorganisme penghasil invertase yaitu Aspergillus niger. Enzim invertase memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda bergantung pada lingkungan mikroorganisme berasal. Aktivitas optimal enzim invertase berada pada kisaran suhu 25-600C dan pH 4.00-5.50 Metode fermentasi yang sering digunakan dalam memproduksi invertase ada dua macam, yaitu Submerged (SmF) dan Solid State Fermentation (SSF). Produksi invertase ekstraselullar dengan metode SSF lima kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan produksi invertase dengan metode SmF.   Kata Kunci: Aspergillus niger, Invertase, Submerged Fermentation, Solid State Fermentation
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

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Kecap merupakan produk cair yang diperoleh dari hasil fermentasi dan atau cara kimia dengan atau penambahan bahan makanan lain dan bahan tambahan yang diizinkan. Potensi ampas tahu di Indonesia cukup tinggi. Menurut data BPS pada tahun 2013 jumlah ampas tahu adalah sebanyak 731.501 ton/tahun. Pemanfaatan ampas tahu menjadi kecap dilakukan karena ketersediaannya yang cukup terjamin dan ampas tahu masih mengandung protein sekitar 5 %. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh lama fermentasi (4,5,6 dan 7 minggu) kecap ampas tahu terhadap kualitas fisik, kimia dan organoleptik.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu fermentasi berpengaruh terhadap kualitas fisik, kimia dan organoleptik. Kecap manis perlakuan terbaik memiliki kadar protein 6.83% (termasuk dalam mutu I), total gula 41.64%, total mikroba 1.5x101 cfu/ml, pH 5, Total padatan terlarut 48.80% serta viskositas 70.49 dP.   Kata kunci: Ampas Tahu, Kecap, Waktu Fermentasi
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

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Sosis merupakan produk olahan daging yang memiliki nilai gizi yang tinggi. Untuk itu diperlukan bahan baku dengan harga yang terjangkau dengan kandungan protein yang tinggi. Sehingga pada penelitian ini menggunakan ikan lele sebagai bahan baku sosis. Ikan lele (Clarias gariopinus) merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang memiliki kandungan protein sebesar 63.86%, mudah dicerna dan mempunyai kandungan asam amino esensial yang lengkap dan seimbang. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan gizi pada sosis, proses pengolahannya dilakukan dengan cara fermentasi. Proses fermentasi ini ditambahkan bakteri Lactobacillus plantarum yang merupakan bakteri homofermentatif dan tahan dalam kondisi asam. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada lama pengasapan 60 menit dan lama fermentasi 2 hari dengan karakteristik kadar pH 5.27, total asam 7.730%, total BAL 1.19 x 109 cfu/ml, protein 17.49%, lemak 10.39%, kadar air 57.24%, kadar abu 2.37%, organoleptik rasa 2.57 (suka), aroma 2.60 (suka), warna 2.57 (suka) dan tekstur 2.57 (suka).   Kata Kunci: Fermentasi, Ikan Lele, Lactobacillus plantarum, Sosis
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

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Iradiasi merupakan teknologi non termal yang dapat mereduksi bakteri pembusuk dan pathogen pada bahan pangan seperti Eschericia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Coliform dan Camphylobacter  jejuni pada daging ayam. Efektifitas iradiasi gamma dalam mereduksi bakteri dipengaruhi beberapa factor yaitu jenis bakteri, dosis iradiasi serta kondisi sebelum dan setelah iradiasi. Selain efektifitasnya dalam membunuh bakteri pathogen dan pembusuk teknologi iradiasi gamma dapat menjaga nutrisi, tekstur dan warna yang biasa ditimbulkan oleh pengawetan pangan konvensional (menggunakan panas).   Kata kunci: Bakteri Patogen, Daging Ayam, Iradiasi, Pasar Modern, Pasar Tradisional
PRODUKSI PROTEIN SEL TUNGGAL DARI BIOMASA MIKROORGANISME : KAJIAN PUSTAKA Putri, Silvy Novita Antrisna; Wardani, Agustin Krisna; Sriherfyna, Feronika Heppy
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri Vol 4, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

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Modifikasi Tepung Jali (Coix Lacryma-Jobi L.) Secara Fermentasi Menggunakan Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Yeast Terhadap Karakteristik Sifat Fisiko Kimia Tepung Jali (Kajian Pustaka) Ulfa, Marisa Zakiya; Wardani, Agustin Krisna; Widyastuti, Endrika
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri Vol 4, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

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Isolation and Identification of Microorganism in Brown Sorghum Tempeh (Sorghum bicolor) and Its Potency for Degrading Starch and Protein. Andayani, Pratidina; Wardani, Agustin Krisna; Murtini, Erni Sofia
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 9, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Brown sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is rarely used for food product due to lower digestibility level of starch and protein compared to other cereal. Fermentation is one of the method for increasing the cereal digestibility. The fermentation can be optimized when the condition are under controlled. To achieve such kind of condition, the contribution of a certain microorganism should be identified. Thus, the aim of this research was to isolate and to identify the microorganism during sorghum fermentation. Furthermore, the potency of isolates for degrading the starch and protein was also investigated. The isolation and identification of microorganism in sorghum tempeh resulted 25 isolates of lactic acid bacteria from genus Lactococcus sp, Enterococcus sp or Streptococcus sp, 10 isolates of yeast from genus Saccharomyces sp, and 1 isolate of mold from genus Rhizopus sp. Three isolates showed the potency for degrading starch i.e. two isolates of lactic acid bacteria and one isolate of mold. The potency for degrading protein was shown by mold isolate. It was found that the amylolytic activity of two bacteria isolates were 0.401 U/ml and 0.343 U/ml, whereas mold isolate was 2.406 U/ml. Mold isolate showed proteolytic activity of 1.007 U/ml.Keywords: sorghum, isolation, identification, microorganism, starch, protein
Purification of Phage Cocktail and its Inhibition Spectrum to Foodborne Disease Bacteria Nindita, Lia Oriana; Wardani, Agustin Krisna
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 14, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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The aim of this research is to purify a phage cocktail to obtain a single phage and evaluate the broad host range of a single phage. The obtained single phage (ФLA-1), was found to attack strains of Shigella flexneri, Shigella dysentri, Eschericia coli, Salmonella thypi, and Listeria monocytogenes, but not members of the strains Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Lactobacillus plantarum. The data showed that ФLA-1 is more  effective to attack the Shigella flexneri than other strain with the burst size of 1.37.108 PFU/ml. It  can reduced the cell numbers of their positive bacteria targets after 8 hr. The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome 21226 basepairs of фLA-1 was determined. Keywords: purification, phage cocktail, plaque, pathogen bacteria, foofdborne disease
Viability and Sublethal Detection of Probiotic Bacteria on Instant Freeze-Dried Fermented Soy Milk (Study on Isolate Type and Sucrose Concentration as Cryoprotectant) Nisa, Fithri Choirun; Wardani, Agustin Krisna; Chrisnasari, Ruth
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 9, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Fermented soy milk is one of probiotic beverage, contain high protein and isoflavon that ha healthy effect. However, the usage of soy milk as fermented product is not effective because needs low temperature. To overcome this problem is by converting the fermented soy milk into instant dried product.  However, freeze drying can reduce the viability of probiotic.   The aim of this research was to determine the isolate and sucrose concentration to obtain high viability of probiotic. This research was conducted in randomized block design with two factors. The first factor was type of isolate that consist of L. acidophilus, L. casei, and L. plantarum. The second factor was sucrose concentration (5% and 10%). Each treatment was done in four replications.The result showed significant difference of kind isolate treatment on reducing sugar, protein, total acid, pH, and total LAB during fermentation with total LAB and sub lethal on dried product, but no significant difference on total sugar and N-amino. Sucrose concentration treatment showed significant difference on total LAB, sub lethal, water content, and reserve ability water vapor, but no significant difference on solubility. Interaction of both treatments gave significant difference on total LAB and sub lethal.  The best treatment resulted from the combination of 5% sucrose concentration and isolate L. acidophilus.Keywords: probiotic, cryoprotectant, freeze drying, instant fermented soy milk
Extraction and Characterization of Protease Enzyme from Moringa Leaves (Moringa oliefera Lamk.) Fathimah, Azmy Nahdhiyati; Wardani, Agustin Krisna
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 15, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Proteases in moringa leaves have the potentials in industrial applications. This study was conducted to extract and characterize the proteolytic enzyme from moringa leaves (Moringa oliefera Lamk.). Protease was extracted from moringa leaves by homogenization with 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.0 containing 10 ml 0.3% ascorbic acid and 10 ml 15 mM EDTA which were found to be the most effective extraction buffer and stabilizers. After centrifugation at 10.000 rpm,  protein  in  the  crude  extract  was  precipitated  using  60%  ammonium  sulfate following which the precipitate was redissolved in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.0 for dialyzed. The protease enzyme from Moringa leaves showed highest activity (2.45 U/mg) with the addition of 0.3% ascorbic acid and 15 mM EDTA. This result was selected for further precipitation with ammonium sulphate at 60% and then dialyzed against phosphate buffer. The level of purity of the enzyme increased to 3.21 fold. Protease enzyme A3E3 had optimal activity at pH 6 and temperature of 60 oC. The enzyme had good stability at temperatures 40-60 oC and pH 4–7. Enzyme showed highest specificity on casein substrate followed by whey, gelatin, BSA, egg albumin, and soy protein. This enzyme had a KM value 0,042 mg.mL-1 and Vmax 2.33 mg.mL-1.min-1. Enzyme activity increased with the addition of metal ions ZnCl2, FeCl2 and MgCl2. This enzyme is inhibited by the HgCl2 so can be categorized as a cysteine ​​protease. Protease band detected in the zymogram were estimated at 156.23 kDa.Keywords: characterization, extraction, moringa leaves, protease enzymes, stabilizers
Co-Authors - Fadlurrahman, - Adi Syamsuri Agustin Krisna Wardhani Ajeng Astrini Brahmanti AJI SUTRISNO Aji Sutrisno Aji Sutrisno Ana Fauziah Anita Fitri Astuti Anita Fitri Astuti Anita Kusuma Finalissari Annisa Alirsyah Annisa Fadlilah Koos Cahyani Annisa Fadlilah Koos Cahyani arianty, Devi Asma' Khoirun Nisa Atmiral Ernes Azmi Nahdhiyati Fathimah Azmy Nahdhiyati Fathimah, Azmy Nahdhiyati BAMBANG SUSILO Budiasih Wahyuntari Christina Ekawati Halim Dadang Suhendar Deden Eris Dian Widya Ningtyas Dwi Arinda Syahputri Dwi Arinda Syahputri Dwi Okta Indriani Dwi Okta Indriani Efendi Oulan Gustav Hakim Nata Buana Eko Sutrisno Hawusiwa Eko Sutrisno Hawusiwa Ekwan Nofa Wiratno ekwan nofa wiratno Ekwan Nofa Wiratno Elok Puji Kurnia Sari Endrika Widyastuti Erni D.Sofia Murtini Erryana Martati Fabryana Noor Anggita Putri Fabryana Noor Anggita Putri Fadeli Muhammad Habibie Fadeli Muhammad Habibie Faula Libna Nabela Fenty Nurtyastuti Eka Pertiwi Feronika Heppy Sriherfyna Fithri Choirun Nisa Grace Wijaya Halimatus Sa'diyah Hardanti, Sri Harijono Harijono Harsojo Harsojo Harsojo Harsojo Harsojo Harsojo Helmy Aditya Prabowo, Helmy Aditya Husna, Afifa Ika Rachmawati Wardani Ika Rachmawati Wardani Ika Yuli Andarti Ika Yuli Andarti Indah Kusumawardini Indria Purwantiningrum Is Helianti IS HELIANTI Jamhari Jamhari Joni Kusnadi Kafidul Ulum Kezia Abib Yerah Tjandra Kharisma Nafia Safitri Laili One Januarista Lauren Chrisya Wiguna Lia Oriana Nindita Lia Ratnawati Luqvia Noer Islami Syamsudin Maria Ulfah Marisa Zakiya Ulfa Marisa Zakiya Ulfa, Marisa Zakiya Mochamad Nurcholis Mochamad Nurcholis Muhamad Taufiqul Naufal Muhamad Tommy Adrian Muhamad Tommy Adrian Muhammad Nur Sigit Harianto Muhammad Nur Sigit Harianto Niknik Nurhayati NIKNIK NURHAYATI Nur Ida Panca Nugrahini Pratidina Andayani Prestasia Budi Lestari Reno Nasrudin Salas Retno Dwi Yustina Rhytia Ayu C. Putri Riris Wahyuhapsari Riris Wahyuhapsari Risqia Adinda Putri RUTH CHRISNASARI RUTH CHRISNASARI Silvy Novita Antrisna Putri Silvy Novita Antrisna Putri, Silvy Novita Antrisna Sindy Hamadi Suharjono Suharjono Suminar Diyah Nugraheni TATI NURHAYATI Tri Ardyati UNTUNG MURDIYATMO Untung Murdiyatmo Venisa Yosephi Vicha Vitalaya Masduki Vindy Irmanita Vindy Irmanita, Vindy Widya Dwi Rukmi Putri Windra Prayoga Yuliandri, Rahmat