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Coaxyl-mask: Masker Ramah Lingkungan dari Sabut Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) dan Acetobacter xylinum Sinta Setyaningrum; Zahra Nur Salsabila; Aisyah Auliya Rahmawati; Anindya Indrita Putri; Dhea Nurul Amalia; Syakira Athiya Tsany
Fluida Vol 15 No 1 (2022): FLUIDA
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/fluida.v15i1.3481


Penggunaan masker bagi setiap orang dinilai efektif untuk membatasi penyebaran Covid-19. Namun, permasalahan lingkungan muncul akibat dari banyaknya penggunaan masker karena masker sekali pakai sulit untuk terurai secara alami. Maka dari itu, Coaxyl-mask merupakan inovasi masker sekali pakai yang terbuat dari bioselulosa hasil fermentasi Acetobacter xylinum dan sabut Cocos nucifera. Masker ini terdiri dari 3 lapisan yaitu film bioselulosa yang memiliki sifat water repellent, filter sabut kelapa, dan film bioselulosa sehingga mampu terdekomposisi dengan cepat jika dibandingkan dengan masker sekali pakai pada umumnya. Pada gagasan yang diusulkan ini, perancangan teknik implementasi Coaxyl-mask yaitu dengan melibatkan banyak pihak seperti, pedagang kelapa, produsen masker, tim riset perusahaan medis, dan pabrik independen. Diprediksi masker ini akan memiliki manfaat yang panjang sebagai alat pelindung pada saat pandemi dan mampu menjadi solusi dalam menangani pencemaran atau penimbunan masker seiring dengan jumlah pemakai yang banyak. Wearing masks has been proven to be the most effective in preventing and minimising the spread of Covid-19. However, there is an environmental risk along with the growing demand of single-use masks. This is caused as the single use mask waste cannot be degraded naturally. Therefore, Coaxyl-mask is a green innovation of masks that is made from biocellulose produced by fermentation of glucose using Acetobacter xylinum and coconut husk waste. This mask is made of three layers of water repellent biocellulose film, a filter made from coconut husk, and another biocellulose film that is non-irritative to the skin. As the materials were made of natural materials, this mask can degrade naturally faster compared to conventional single use masks, so it is environmentally friendly. To implement this idea, there need to be a lot of party involved such as coconut seller, mask producers, medical equipment research team, and independent factories. Because its biodegradable materials, this mask will be a revolutionary invention in medical industry and will be very useful in preventing diseases while saving the environment.
Coaxyl-mask: Masker Ramah Lingkungan dari Sabut Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) dan Acetobacter xylinum Sinta Setyaningrum; Zahra Nur Salsabila; Aisyah Auliya Rahmawati; Anindya Indrita Putri; Dhea Nurul Amalia; Syakira Athiya Tsany
Fluida Vol 15 No 1 (2022): FLUIDA
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/fluida.v15i1.3481


Penggunaan masker bagi setiap orang dinilai efektif untuk membatasi penyebaran Covid-19. Namun, permasalahan lingkungan muncul akibat dari banyaknya penggunaan masker karena masker sekali pakai sulit untuk terurai secara alami. Maka dari itu, Coaxyl-mask merupakan inovasi masker sekali pakai yang terbuat dari bioselulosa hasil fermentasi Acetobacter xylinum dan sabut Cocos nucifera. Masker ini terdiri dari 3 lapisan yaitu film bioselulosa yang memiliki sifat water repellent, filter sabut kelapa, dan film bioselulosa sehingga mampu terdekomposisi dengan cepat jika dibandingkan dengan masker sekali pakai pada umumnya. Pada gagasan yang diusulkan ini, perancangan teknik implementasi Coaxyl-mask yaitu dengan melibatkan banyak pihak seperti, pedagang kelapa, produsen masker, tim riset perusahaan medis, dan pabrik independen. Diprediksi masker ini akan memiliki manfaat yang panjang sebagai alat pelindung pada saat pandemi dan mampu menjadi solusi dalam menangani pencemaran atau penimbunan masker seiring dengan jumlah pemakai yang banyak. Wearing masks has been proven to be the most effective in preventing and minimising the spread of Covid-19. However, there is an environmental risk along with the growing demand of single-use masks. This is caused as the single use mask waste cannot be degraded naturally. Therefore, Coaxyl-mask is a green innovation of masks that is made from biocellulose produced by fermentation of glucose using Acetobacter xylinum and coconut husk waste. This mask is made of three layers of water repellent biocellulose film, a filter made from coconut husk, and another biocellulose film that is non-irritative to the skin. As the materials were made of natural materials, this mask can degrade naturally faster compared to conventional single use masks, so it is environmentally friendly. To implement this idea, there need to be a lot of party involved such as coconut seller, mask producers, medical equipment research team, and independent factories. Because its biodegradable materials, this mask will be a revolutionary invention in medical industry and will be very useful in preventing diseases while saving the environment.
Biogasoline Production from Shallot Skin Waste with KOH-Clay Catalyst to Create Clean Energy Keryanti Keryanti; Dhea Nurul Amalia; Anindya Indrita Putri; Della Agustia Marhani; Putri Vina Amalia; Anwar Muhamad Rizki
Fluida Vol 16 No 2 (2023): FLUIDA
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/fluida.v16i2.4591


Finding alternative fuels to replace fossil fuels has been made easier by the rise in the consumption of fuels like petrol and the fall in the production of national petroleum exploration activities. This research has been prompted using biomass as an alternative fuel. The primary raw material is shallot skin waste because it has enough lignocellulosic content to be used, one of which is to manufacture biogasoline by using the characteristics of petrol E10. A KOH-Clay catalyst is employed in a thermal and catalytic reaction to influence the reaction's pace. Starting with raw material preparation, conversion procedure, purification, and investigation of the physical properties of biogasoline at specific temperature fluctuations for an hour, the KOH-Clay catalyst is pretreated and characterised. It was discovered through this research that the montmorillonite KOH-Clay content was 5.73, indicating that the catalyst is hygroscopic and absorbs non-polar molecules, making it suitable for use as a catalyst with a pH of 6. As a result, at 60°C temperature circumstances, the best%yield results were attained of 35.025%. While the density value (0.950 gr/cm3) and colour (specific gravity, brownish yellow, and clear/bright) of the experimental results do not meet predetermined standards, they do when viewed from the viewpoint of physical parameters such as specific gravity (0.8358), oAPI biogasoline (37.794), and calorific value (18807.65 Btu/Ib). However, leftover shallot peels generally have the potential to be utilised as clean renewable energy.
Efektivitas Katalis Heterogen Fly Ash (FA-SO3H) pada Sintesis Biodiesel dari Palm Fatty Acid Distillate Sudrajat Harris Abdulloh; Eko Andrijanto; Anindya Indrita Putri; Dhea Nurul; Lidya Elizabeth
Fluida Vol 17 No 1 (2024): FLUIDA
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/fluida.v17i1.5286


The increase in fuel use along with the decline in production of petroleum exploration activities encourages efforts to find alternative fuels, one of which is biodiesel from PFAD (Palm Fatty Acid Distillate) with production reaching 6,000,000 tons while its utilization is still low. Biodiesel production from PFAD using Fly ash (FA)-SO3H catalyst which is a heterogeneous catalyst through esterification method. FA used in this study was wet impregnated using 6M sulfuric acid (H2SO4) for 24 hours, so that the highest acid concentration was obtained at a calcination temperature of 500 ⁰C of 1.1654 mmol/gram. The research was conducted with Response Surface Method (RSM) with Box Behnken Design model in Design Expert 13 software and 13 runs were obtained. The resulting model from RSM was obtained as optimum conditions at catalyst loading (%-w) 5-10, methanol:PFAD molar ratio (n/n) 10:1-30:1, reaction time 3-5 hours and temperature 60 ⁰C. Based on the experimental results and ANOVA, the high conversion is influenced by the high catalyst loading and methanol:PFAD ratio (n/n), with the conversion obtained of 72.89% at catalyst loading of 10%-w, methanol:PFAD molar ratio of 20 (n/n) and time for 5 hours.