Finna Fitriana
Department Of Civil Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, INDONESIA

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The Use of Drop-Structures to Increase the Dissolved Oxygen Level along the Cibarani Channel Jonathan Wijaya; Doddi Yudianto; Finna Fitriana
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 8 No. 1 (January 2022)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.974 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.3603


The Cikapundung river basin community uses the Cibarani channel as a drainage system and water source for fishing. However, the test result released on 9th November 2020 revealed that the channel’s water quality failed to reach the class II raw water standards due to various domestic waste discharges. This led to the performance of various studies to identify pollution control techniques by limiting the wastewater discharge and quality, controlling the intake discharge, and using baffles. The Cibarani channel has a drop-structure that can improve the water quality, though the effect has not been previously detailed. Therefore, this study was intended to comprehensively examine the effect of the drop-structure along the Cibarani channel to improve water quality conditions, specifically the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) parameter. This study employed the one-dimensional HEC-RAS software to simulate the hydrodynamic and water quality conditions along the Cibarani channel, and the drop-structure was modelled using two alternatives consisting of a vertical wall and a steep riverbed. Subsequently, the drop-structure fitted with a vertical wall gave a more plausible reaeration rate of 125 day-1 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value of 0.50. The placement of a similar configuration before the first housing of the channel increased the DO concentrations by an average of 4.37 mg/L. This was followed by the modelling of another drop-structure after the first housing to increase the DO levels at the downstream part. Eventually, the combination of the two new drop-structures succeeded in increasing the DO concentrations along the Cibarani channel to 3.3 - 6.9 mg/L.
Studi Pemanfaatan Curah Hujan Bulanan Satelit GPM di Kawasan Bandung Raya dengan Validasi Silang Monte-Carlo S Sanjaya; Doddi Yudianto; Wanny Adidarma; Finna Fitriana
Jurnal Rekayasa Konstruksi Mekanika Sipil Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Volume 5 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54367/jrkms.v5i1.1804


Keterbatasan sebaran dan jumlah pos penakar hujan dapat diatasi pengukuran hujan berbasis satelit. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, pengukuran hujan berbasis satelit, seperti GPM menunjukkan akurasi dan cakupan yang semakin membaik. Tentunya penggunaan hujan satelit ini juga perlu disertai dengan proses validasi berupa koreksi yang semakin mampu meningkatkan performanya. Banyak studi evaluasi dan koreksi data satelit telah dilakukan, hanya ada studi terbatas yang telah dilakukan di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, studi ini bermaksud untuk mengevaluasi performa data hujan berbasis satelit (GPM IMERG) dan melakukan koreksi dengan metode validasi silang Monte-Carlo di Bandung Raya. Secara spesifik, studi ini menitikberatkan pada perbandingan antara data GPM dan pos hujan melalui analisis statistik untuk hujan bulanan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa, data GPM mampu mendeteksi pola hujan bulanan dengan baik. Data bulanan tersebut dikelompokkan berdasarkan musimnya dan menghasilkan korelasi hujan musim kering yang lebih baik pada musim basah. Koreksi dengan MCCV dengan simulasi 1.000 kali berdasarkan musim tersebut menunjukkan peningkatan performa rata-rata sebesar 70% untuk bias relatif, dan 30% untuk RMSE, di kawasan Bandung Raya.