Agustinus Widanarto
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CosmoGov Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.76 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/cosmogov.v3i2.14728


The title of this research was A Study of the Creation of a Database for an Arrangement of Localities in Bandung District. Its background was a study of local potentials in attempt to measure and evaluate the variables or criteria of the local potentials required to know a possible arrangement of localities in Bandung District. The research results were expectedly useful as a material in determining the best choice for the Regional Development and Arrangement in Bandung District. The objective of the research was to obtain a description on the capacity of localities in implementing regional autonomy, and to know the possibility of development and arranging the whole localities in Bandung District to perform development and arrangement in kecamatan (sub district) level. The research was an application of measurement and evaluation models to the capacity of the potentials that describe and explain the strength level or effect of the observed variables on the success of governmental implementation, in order to enhance the implementation of public services, development, and democratization. By the approach, it could be found out objectively and deeply the capacity of the potensials that the sub-distric possess in implementing governance by measuring the indicators and sub-indicators of some variables, namely: demography,orbitation, health education, religious facility, sport facility, transportation, communication, public lighting, political awareness, security and social order, agriculture, fishoing, husbandry, labor, social-cultural, community economy, social community, and administrative aspects. Both primary and secondary data were obtained from 31 (thirty one) sub- districs in Bandung  District, in form of qualitative and quantitative data. A sub- district might be split if it owns potentials at a high interval (1.008< TS<1.680). It might be split on condition that its potentials were at an interval of (644< TS< 1.008), and decided as fail or rejected to be split if a sub-district achieved a total score of less than 644. The evaluation and measurement results of the potentials of sub-district in Bandung District could be explained as follows: The scoring of village monographic secondary data on the 31 sub-districs to be split produced a result that there were 14 (fourteen) sub-districts falling into a category of being feasible to split, namely: Rancabali, Pangalengan, Pacet, Cicalengka, Nagreg, Rancaekek, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Margaasih, Margahayu, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, and Cilaunyi.
CosmoGov Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (520.04 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/cosmogov.v2i2.10017


            Penelitian ini berjudul “Transformasi Manajemen Pemerintahan Dari Aspek Lingkungan di Kota Bandung”. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh baik pemerintah maupun masyarakat belum memahami kondisi dan permasalahan Kota Bandung, baik dari aspek geografis, kependudukan, pemerintahan, perekonomian dan kondisi sosial kemasyarakatannya.            Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana transformasi manajemen pemerintahan dari dimensi: reframing (menata ulang), restructuring (menstruktur ulang),  revitalization (menyusun ulang), dan renewal (perbaharuan) di Kota Bandung.            Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.  Informan dalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik purposive, yaitu terdiri dari: Wakil Ketua DPRD, Kepala Bappeda, Ketua Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup, dan Direktur Utama PD Kebersihan Kota Bandung.            Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi reframing telah terjadi perubahan, yaitu telah ada penambahan visi daerah pada tahun 2003 dengan telah terjadinya pergantian Wali Kota Bandung. Dimensi kedua yaitu restructuring di PD Kebersihan berlangsung cukup dinamis sesuai dengan perkembangan Kota Bandung saat ini, tetapi dalam menyediakan Ruang Hijau Terbuka di Kota Bandung tidak bisa mencapai target karena lahan yang tersedia sudah dipenuhi bangunan. Pada dimensi ketiga yaitu revitalization ada sedikit dilakukan namun tidak dibarengi dengan perubahan regulasi yang memadai. Sedangkan pada dimensi keempat yaitu renewal, berkaitan dengan keadaan fisik yang secara keseluruhan belum semuanya baik. Dalam bidang sosial masih kurang ada edukasi bagi pembangunan SDM yaitu pelayanan kepada masyarakat.          Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa  dalam penelitian ini, yaitu transformasi manajemen dari aspek : reframing, restructuring, revilalization, dan renewal di Kota Bandung ini sudah dilakukan, tetapi belum semaksimal mungkin terutama dalam hal menyediakan Ruang Hijau Terbuka, karena ketersediaan lahan yang sudah dipenuhi bangunan.
CosmoGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Governmental Science FISIP UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.76 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/cosmogov.v3i2.14728


The title of this research was A Study of the Creation of a Database for an Arrangement of Localities in Bandung District. Its background was a study of local potentials in attempt to measure and evaluate the variables or criteria of the local potentials required to know a possible arrangement of localities in Bandung District. The research results were expectedly useful as a material in determining the best choice for the Regional Development and Arrangement in Bandung District. The objective of the research was to obtain a description on the capacity of localities in implementing regional autonomy, and to know the possibility of development and arranging the whole localities in Bandung District to perform development and arrangement in kecamatan (sub district) level. The research was an application of measurement and evaluation models to the capacity of the potentials that describe and explain the strength level or effect of the observed variables on the success of governmental implementation, in order to enhance the implementation of public services, development, and democratization. By the approach, it could be found out objectively and deeply the capacity of the potensials that the sub-distric possess in implementing governance by measuring the indicators and sub-indicators of some variables, namely: demography,orbitation, health education, religious facility, sport facility, transportation, communication, public lighting, political awareness, security and social order, agriculture, fishoing, husbandry, labor, social-cultural, community economy, social community, and administrative aspects. Both primary and secondary data were obtained from 31 (thirty one) sub- districs in Bandung  District, in form of qualitative and quantitative data. A sub- district might be split if it owns potentials at a high interval (1.008< TS<1.680). It might be split on condition that its potentials were at an interval of (644< TS< 1.008), and decided as fail or rejected to be split if a sub-district achieved a total score of less than 644. The evaluation and measurement results of the potentials of sub-district in Bandung District could be explained as follows: The scoring of village monographic secondary data on the 31 sub-districs to be split produced a result that there were 14 (fourteen) sub-districts falling into a category of being feasible to split, namely: Rancabali, Pangalengan, Pacet, Cicalengka, Nagreg, Rancaekek, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Margaasih, Margahayu, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, and Cilaunyi.
Aspek Pembinaan Dalam Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Di Karang Taruna Desa Sukajaya Kecamatan Sukabumi Kabupaten Sukabumi Samugyo Ibnu Redjo; Agustinus Widanarto; Muradi Muradi; Rita Myrna
Jurnal Agregasi : Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.533 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/agregasi.v6i2.1139


Kegiatan ini merupakan hibah pengabdian kepada masyarakat internal Universitas Padjadjaran batch 2 tahun anggaran 2018. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di Desa Sukajaya, karena kegiatan dan keanggotaan Karang Taruna di Desa Sukajaya masih jauh dari ketentuan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode ceramah tentang pembinaan karang taruna, dengan khalayak sasaran yaitu para ketua RW, ketua RT, pengurus dan anggota karang taruna di Desa Sukajaya.Hasil kegiatan menunjukan bahwa bahwa para peserta belum memahami tentang apa itu Karang Taruna. Mereka kebanyakan pernah mendengar tentang apa itu Karang Taruna, tetapi apa saja kegiatan yang harus dilakukan baik oleh pengurus maupun anggota Karang Taruna, termasuk apa saja hak dan kewajiban termasuk tujuan diadakan Karang Taruna. Hal ini menjnjukan bahwa masyarakat  Desa Sukajaya belum memahami tentang apa itu Karang Taruna dan kegiatan yang sekarang dilakukan oleh Karang Taruna, belum fokus pada kegiatan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Sosial No. 23 Tahun 2013 tentang Pembinaan Karang Taruna.Â