Personality Competence Educator and Students Interest in Learning
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa;
Zubairi Zubairi
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo
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DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i1.1289
The purpose of this research is to find the relevance of the personality competence of educators with students' interest in learning. The method used in this study is the library method, where the researcher collects data based on library sources relevant to the research. The study results are that the personality competence of Islamic religious education teachers is an essential part of the learning process for students because the educator's personality is all the attitudes and actions of a teacher who shows good traits and personalities that can affect the achievement of learning objectives. As for the personal competence of teachers in the learning process, among others; Be pious and have faith in Allah SWT, believe in yourself, be wise and tolerant, be open and democratic, be patient in carrying out the teaching profession, develop yourself for professional progress, understand the purpose of education, be able to establish relationships between humans, understand your strengths and weaknesses, Be creative and innovative in the workplace. So, a good personality possessed by educators will also have a good impact on increasing student interest in learning, in other words, the better the personality competence of PAI teachers, the better interest in student learning will be.
Motivasi Belajar dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an
Ahmad Zain Sarnoto;
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo
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DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i2.1609
Al-Quran motivates students to understand and observe their environment in learning, so the purpose of this study is to find and prove the concept of learning motivation according to the perspective of Al-Quran. The approach in this research is a descriptive-interpretative qualitative approach. The type of research used is library research. While the data obtained is a descriptive narrative of motivation in learning the Koran perspective. The Quranic perspective is related to the principles of learning motivation, including the principles: 1. The principles of learning motivation from within the learner or intrinsic include the principles of curiosity, asking, caring, confidence, relevance, and hope. 2. The principles from outside the learner or external, namely: the principle of fun, appreciation, self-actualization, and achievement.
Leadership Dalam Pendidikan
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah Vol. 17 No. 1 (2016): Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah
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DOI: 10.36769/asy.v17i1.61
Discussing leadership is essentially to discuss the intricacies of human society. Humans are social creatures, instinctively need to get along and needing another human in the process they form groups, communities, nations and state, which in turn needs a leader. A joint community leaders work together to organize, build, promote and defend the community. Leadership is understood as all efforts together to mobilize all the resources and tools available within an organization. Resources can be classified into two major parts, namely: human resources and non-human resources. In educational institutions, especially the educational institutions of Islam consists of various elements or sources, and humans are the most important element, so the success or failure of an organization to achieve its intended purpose is highly dependent on the ability of its leaders to foster a climate of cooperation easily and can mobilize resources existing power, so it can be run effectively and efficiently. Thus, the life of an organization is determined by the role of a leader. Effective leadership is the leadership that is able to grow and develop business cooperation and maintain a favorable climate in organizational life. Good leadership is leadership that can integrate with the task orientation of human relations orientation.
Konsep Pendidik dan Peserta Didik Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah Vol. 18 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah
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DOI: 10.36769/asy.v18i1.72
Understanding educators or teachers are limited as one individual figure who is in front of the class. In a broad sense is a person who has the duty of responsibility to educate learners in developing their personality, both take place in school or outside school. According UUSPN 1989, teachers include educational staff, especially educators who are tasked with guiding, teaching and training students. In modern educational terminology, educators are called people who give lessons to their students by holding one discipline in school. Generally the educator is the person who has the responsibility to educate. While in particular, educators in the perspective of Islamic education are those who are responsible for the development of learners by seeking the development of all potential learners, both affective potential, cognitive, and psychomotor in accordance with the values of Islamic religious teachings. Students themselves in Islamic education are individuals who are growing and developing, both physically, psychologically social, and religious in the world through the life and the hereafter. Imam Ghazali points out that the primary task of the educator is to perfect, cleanse, purify, and bring the human heart to taqarrub ila Allah.
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah Vol. 21 No. 02 (2020): Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah
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DOI: 10.36769/asy.v21i02.114
Abstraction Learning motivation is one of the factors that can determine the learning outcomes of students. The existence of learning motivation can provide energy that drives all potential, raises high desire, and increases togetherness which will have an effect on arousing, directing and maintaining student behavior towards the learning environment. Thus the goal of achieving the expected material will be achieved. Therefore learning motivation plays an important role in learning because of several factors: First, learning motivation gives enthusiasm to students in learning activities. Second, learning motivation is a determinant of the kinds of activities that students want to carry out. Third, learning motivation provides instructions for students to behave.
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa
el-Moona: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): el-Moona: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islamm (STAI) Fatahillah Serpong, Tangerang Selatan-Banten, Indonesia
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Learning as a process is designed by educators to create a variety of innovative students so as to increase expertise in knowledge, and build good mastery of learning materials. Implementation in learning as the basis for formal learning in which there is communication between the various components of learning. The various components are divided into several categories including the following: the presence of educators, learning materials, and the presence of students. These components will require others such as the existence of media, methods, facilities and infrastructure, the management of the learning implementation environment, thus the conditions for the implementation of learning can be formed so as to achieve the target of learning. Learning is the key for each individual to produce knowledge.
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Daarus Sa’adah Cipondoh Tangerang
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa;
Zubairi Zubairi
EDUKASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Edukasia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Ma'arif NU Janggan Magetan
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This study aims to determine the effect of learning media on student learning outcomes in class VII MTs Daarus Sa'adah Cipondoh Tangerang subject of Islamic Religious Education. The hypothesis being tested is that there is a significant effect of learning media on the learning outcomes of class VII students of MTs Daarus Sa'adah Cipondoh Tangerang. This research was conducted using survey and quantitative descriptive methods. The research population was an affordable population, namely class VII students of MTs Daarus Sa'adah Cipondoh Tangerang, totaling 101 students. While the sample was taken by random sampling technique, namely 40 students, taken 39% of the reachable population. The data collected was analyzed using statistical techniques such as regression tests to identify the relationship between the use of instructional media and student learning outcomes. The research instrument for measuring learning media uses a questionnaire (questionnaire). Validity is calculated using the product moment correlation technique. Reliability is calculated by Alpha Cronbach formula. The test results show that 24 items are declared valid, and the reliability of r count = 0.9. The analysis requirements test is the normality test using the Liliefors test and the homogeneity test using the Fisher test. Inferential Analysis (Hypothesis Test) with simple regression and correlation analysis. The results of the study concluded that learning media had a significant effect on student learning outcomes in class VII SMP MTs Daarus Sa'adah Cipondoh Tangerang, with a correlation coefficient = 0.94 at a significance level of 0.05. From these results it is hoped that it will be useful for a teacher to improve the quality of his learning by using the latest and most interesting media so that he can deliver better learning outcomes and better achievement.
Influence of Learning PAI on Ramadan Fasting Experience of SMPN 176 Students Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat
Zubairi Zubairi;
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa
Didaktika Religia Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri, Indonesia
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DOI: 10.30762/didaktika.v11i1.3392
The study entitled "The Influence of Learning Islamic Religious Education on the Practice of Ramadhan Fasting for Class VIII Students of SMPN 176 Jakarta", discusses the effect of learning Islamic Religious Education, which is the X variable, on the practice of Ramadhan Fasting for Class VIII students of SMPN 176, which is the Y variable. With a population of 216 and an error rate of 10% using the Slovin formula, the number of samples can be determined to be as many as 68. By using the descriptive method and by conducting several tests using the product moment formula, the results showed that there was an effect of learning Islamic religious education on the practice of Ramadan fasting for class VIII students of SMPN 176 Jakarta, because the positive tcount value was 148,843 greater than the ttable of 1,997, and the value of the correlation coefficient, which is classified as very good, is equal to 0.99 with an influence level of 1%. The remaining 99% is influenced by other factors. The results of this study indicate that learning PAI has a significant positive effect on the students' Ramadan fasting practices at SMPN 176 Cengkareng. Students who get good and quality PAI learning tend to be more active and committed to carrying out Ramadan fasting. Factors such as understanding religious concepts, moral values, and social support from PAI teachers have an important role in increasing students' fasting practices. This research provides practical implications for Islamic education institutions and teachers. It is hoped that this research can provide a better understanding of the importance of effective PAI learning in improving students' Ramadan fasting practices. Thus, steps can be taken to improve the quality of PAI learning and provide better support to students in carrying out the Ramadan fast.
The Influence of Professional Competence Of Islamic Education Teachers On Behavioral Changes In Al-Husna High School Students, Tangerang City
Almaydza Pratama Abnisa;
Zubairi Zubairi
Edukasi Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 12, No 04 (2023): Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah
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DOI: 10.30868/ei.v12i04.5392
This study aims to determine the effect of professional competency of Islamic education Teachers on changes in the behavior of SMA Al-Husna Tangerang City students. The hypothesis tested states that there is a significant influence of teacher professional competence on changes in the behavior of SMA Al-Husna Tangerang City students. This research was conducted using survey and quantitative descriptive methods. The population in the study were all students of SMA Al-Husna Tangerang City as the target population, totaling 105 students, while the reachable population consisted of 44 students. The research instrument for measuring teacher professional competence uses a questionnaire (questionnaire). Validity is calculated using the product moment correlation technique. Reliability is calculated by Alpha Cronbach formula. The test results show that 39 statement items are declared valid, and the reliability of r count = 0.96. The analysis requirements test is the normality test using the Lilie Fors test and the homogeneity test using the Fisher test. Inferential analysis (Hypothesis Test) with simple regression and correlation analysis. The results of the study concluded as follows: there is a significant influence of teacher professional competence on changes in the behavior of Al-Husna High School students in Tangerang City, with a correlation coefficient = 0.96 at a significance level of 0.05. This means that the hypothesis which states that there is a significant influence between the professional competence of teachers on changes in student behavior is accepted. So that the teacher's professional competency variable (X) makes a contribution (contribution) to the variable changes in student behavior (Y) of 0.96%. This means that the interpretation of the correlation coefficient or the influence of the teacher's professional competence on changes in student behavior is very strong. This research is expected to be useful for improving the quality of student behavior so that they have noble morals. Research shows that the professional competence of teachers has a significant effect on changes in student behavior at SMA Al-Husna Tangerang City. Teachers who have high professional competence are able to inspire and motivate students to behave better in various aspects of life, both at school and outside of school. professional competency of Islamic education Teachers which includes material knowledge, teaching methods, interpersonal skills, class management, and objective assessment plays an important role in shaping student behavior. This research has important implications for the development of education at SMA Al-Husna Tangerang City. Teachers need to continue to improve their professional competence in order to have a positive impact on changes in student behavior. Schools may also consider continuing training and development for teachers to strengthen their professional competency of Islamic education Teachers. It is hoped that the results of this study can contribute to an understanding of the importance of teacher professional competence in achieving positive behavior change in high school students.
Almaydza Pratama Abnis
Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (JRPP) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Volume 7 No 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai
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DOI: 10.31004/jrpp.v7i1.25340
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas pengembangan profesi keguruan dalam kurikulum merdeka belajar. Pengembangan Profesi Keguruan adalah upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan taraf atau derajat profesi seorang guru yang menyangkut kemampuan guru, baik penguasaan materi ajar atau penguasaan metodologi pengajaran, serta sikap keprofesionalan guru menyangkut motivasi dan komitmen guru dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai guru. Guru harus pengembangan profesinya sesuai dengan kurikulum merdeka yang memberikan keleluasaan bagi guru untuk dapat secara bebas memilih, membuat, menggunakan, dan mengembangkan pembelajarannya.