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Strategi Pemerintah Kabupaten Wonogiri Dalam Mengembangkan Sentra Agroindustri Brem Putih Harisudin, Mohd.; Wijianto, Arip; Widiyanto, Widiyanto
Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 27, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

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Strategi  Pemerintah  Kabupaten  Wonogiri  dalam  Mengembangkan Sentra Agroindustri Brem Putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan Menganalisis keragaan sentra agroindustri  brem  putih  di  Kabupaten  Wonogiri,  Mengidentifikasi  kondisi  lingkungan internal dan eksternal, Menentukan alternatif strategi dan Menentukan prioritas strategi yang paling tepat diterapkan Pemerintah Kabupaten Wonogiri    dalam mengembangkan sentra  agroindustri  brem  putih.  Penelitian  ini  merupakan  penelitian  deskriptif  analitik dengan menggunakan data primer dan skunder. Data primer untuk menjelaskan keragaan agroindustri brem putih, faktor strategis dan alternative strategi dan penetapan strategi melalui  survey,  observasi  dan  focus  group  discussion.  Data  sekunder  berupa  data monografi dan potensi perekonomian Kabupaten Wonogiri. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah matriks SWOT dan Matriks QSP.  Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Keragaan sentra agroindustri brem putih di Kabupaten Wonogiri adalah rata-rata penerimaan setiap  pengusaha  brem  putih  pada  bulan  mei  2011  sebesar  Rp  17.634.375,-;  biaya  yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp 16.103.678,- dan pendapatannya sebesar Rp 1.530.697,-. Faktor- faktor strategis Kekuatan  adalah Mudahnya melakukan pertukaran informasi, Mudahnya melakukan penjualan produk, Pengalaman berusaha yang lama dan Keterampilan tenaga kerja. Faktor Strategis kelemahan adalah: Para pengusaha kurang inovatif, upaya promosi kurang,  kepingan  brem  putih  tidak  menarik,  kemasan  kurang  menarik,  sentra  belum dikelola  dengan  baik,  Faktor  strategis  peluang  adalah  permintaan  pasar  yang  tinggi, berkembangnya   layanan   pemasok   bahan   baku,   terdapatnya   komunitas   agen/bakul, keberpihakan kebijakan pemerintah, perkembangan teknologi pengolahan pangan, perkembangan teknologi informasi. Faktor strategis ancaman adalah fluktuasi harga bahan baku, inovasi produk pesaing sejenis, hadirnya produk substitusi, kebijakan pemerintah yang kurang  terintegrasi, cerahnya sinar    matahari/cuaca. Prioritas strategi yang direkomendasikan  agar  pengembangan  sentra  agroindustri  brem  putih  di  Kabupaten Wonogiri  dapat  berjalan  efektif  adalah  Memperbaiki  kebersamaan  diantara  pengusaha untuk meningkatkan inovasi guna meningkatkan keuntungan.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 12, No 1 (2011): JEP Juni 2011
Publisher : Universitas Muhammdaiyah Surakarta

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This research aimed to analyze the model of empowering dry land farmers in Central Java, the actors involved, the constraints faced, the impact and level of effectiveness. The study used two approaches: qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative approach, data were analyzed by using an interactive model. While the quantitative approach carried out by using the cost and benefit analysis. In the qualitative approach, data were analyzed by using an interactive model. While the quantitative approach conducted by using the cost and benefit analysis. The results showed that CSR was done through the assistance of technical consultants by applying concept "one product one village"; institutions involved include SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises), the Provincial Government, Local Government, Village Government, Private Companies and Community. The external constraints that happen came from cultural differences of government and private organizations as well as the existence of unpredictable extreme weather. Meanwhile the internal constraints derived from the knowledge level of farmers; ROI calculation result showed that the planting of horticulture commodities was profitable.
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2012): Juni 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study was to find a model in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers’ English skills in Central Java. This study used research and development(R &D) design developed by Borg & Galland. It was a qualitative research; data were collected by interviews, questionnaires and observations to get the primary and secondary data. The study was located in Central Java focusing on RSBI Teachers’ English Skills. The benefit of the research was to provide an alternative in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers’ English skills. The result was a model product in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers’ English skills in Central Java. Thus, it is suggested for RSBI vocational teachers to improve their English skills by using this model. 
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 5, No 2 (2010): December 2010
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Complaints of workplaces about graduates’ competencies of vocational schools were still going on. Workplaces need competent and efficient workers; therefore, vocational schools have to fulfill these needs. The graduates’ competencies are based on the curriculum, so the vocational schools must develop a strategy to improve the curriculum for achieving the competency needs of workplaces. The objective of this research is to provide the strategy in developing the curriculum based on workplace competencies. This study used qualitative approach and interaction methods to construct a strategy to develop the curriculum based on workplace competency. The conclusions are, first vocational schools need to identify the need of workplace competency, and secondly, those competencies identified are needed to make the competencies strategy based on workplace. The implication of this research supports Spencer & Spencer (1993) and Judissuseno (2008) theories.
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Desember 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this research was to describe and analyze the strategy of production, marketing, human resources (labor) and capital. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires and triangulation. The technique of sampling was done deliberately (purposive sampling). The results of this research showed that the strategy of production by means of the best raw materials came from the area of Kebumen through raw material suppliers, the addition of flour to address scarce raw materials, traditional means of production and use of appropriate technology, production place are located near the house of the manufacturer, the use of the workforce that has the skills, packaging innovation products and adding product type. Marketing strategies by way of increased order coupled with the trademark shows as well as various flavors of innovation development, adjustment of the selling price with the price of raw materials production, the cooperation of manufacturers and suppliers in the distribution of lanting, promotional activities by means of cooperation with the agency and related service trade off products online. The strategy of human resources with the formation groups of industry in the village of lemahduwur (but not running smoothly), follow and avail the opportunity of education and training from the government, division of labor, the addition of a number of labor, granting additional wages for labor remains. Strategy capital  with the initial capital came from his capital  own and profit as capital accumulation, additional capital when many party and by feast day; increased access to capital, financial administration and against accounting in a simple and routine. The advice given is the government and manufacturers improve HR, technology development, marketing and capital. Manufacturer improves collaboration with suppliers of raw materials, maintaining the typical features and making a trademark.The Government and manufacturers more cooperation and mutual exchange of information more closely and thoroughly in education and training.
SUPERVISI KLINIS HUMANISTIK UNTUK GURU SOSIOLOGI SMA Tuti, Santy Indrias; Sugiyo, Sugiyo; Widiyanto, Widiyanto
Educational Management Vol 4 No 2 (2015): December 2015
Publisher : Educational Management

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis supervisi klinis pada guru sosiologi SMA, menghasilkan model supervisi klinis berbasis pendekatan humanistik di Kab.  Jepara dan mengetahui keefektifan model. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development, yang dibagi dalam tiga tahap yaitu tahap studi pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan dan tahap validasi. Studi pendahuluan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, angket dan observasi. Tahap pengembangan melibatkan ahli dan praktisi,  sehingga menghasilkan model yang siap diuji coba. Tahap validasi dengan uji coba terbatas pretest–postest design dan uji statistik menggunakan uji willcoxon. Hasil uji coba menunjukan keefektifan supervisi, dalam mengajar sebelum perlakuan (pretest) dan setelah perlakuan (postest) atau tingkat efektifitas termasuk kategori baik dan secara statistik menunjukkan keefektifan supervisi. Nilai presentase pre-test 62,33 dan post-test 83,83 sehingga terjadi kenaikan sebesar 21,5 %.
Educational Management Vol 3 No 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : Educational Management

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Peningkatan kualitas kinerja pengawas sekolah dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan kompetensi pengawas sekolah, budaya organisasi dan motivasi pengawas sekolah. Oleh karena itu masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah seberapa besar pengaruh kompetensi pengawas sekolah, budaya organisasi dan motivasi pengawas sekolah terhadap kinerja pengawas. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survey dan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi, yaitu dilakukan terhadap pengawas sekolah SMP/SMA/SMK di Kabupaten Demak dan Grobogan sebanyak 34 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket skala lima kategori Likert. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi sederhana dan ganda.Peningkatan kualitas kinerja pengawas sekolah dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan kompetensi pengawas sekolah, budaya organisasi dan motivasi pengawas sekolah. Oleh karena itu masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah seberapa besar pengaruh kompetensi pengawas sekolah, budaya organisasi dan motivasi pengawas sekolah terhadap kinerja pengawas. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi pengawas sekolah, budaya organisasi dan motivasi pengawas sekolah terhadap kinerja pengawas sekolah.Improving the quality of supervisor’s performance can be done by improving the competence of the supervisor, organizational culture and motivation of supervisor. Therefore, the central issue in this study is how much influence the school supervisor competencies, organizational culture and motivation towards instructional supervision conducted by supervisor. This study belongs to the kind of quantitative research using the survey method and descriptive analytic approach. This research is the study population, which made the school superintendent SMP / SMA / SMK Demak and Grobogan in as many as 34 people. The result of research description showed that for the data of supervision by supervisor has high category and tend to be very high category and so does supervisor’s competence, organization culture and supervisor’s motivation. The result of the research has also been able to confirm the precious theories and findings that there is significant relationship among supervisor’s competence, organization culture, and supervisor’s motivation toward supervisor’s performance. Furthermore, these findings support the theories and the previous research findings.
Iodine Mineral Status of Etawah Crossbred Goat at Different Physiological Stages Fed Elephant Grass and Tofu Byproduct Widiyanto, Widiyanto; Sumarsono, Sumarsono; Sudjatmogo, Sudjatmogo; Prasetiyono, Bambang W.H.E; Setiadi, A; Surahmanto, Surahmanto
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 17, No 1 (2015): January
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.382 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.anprod.2015.17.1.477


Abstract. The objective of the study was to determine the iodine status and to map the thyroxin hormone concentration in etawah crossbred goat (ECG) at different physiological stages and its interrelation to the nutrition and performance. Fifteen female ECG was allotted in three physiolgical stage groups:  female kid, young female goat and lactating goat, fed elephant grass and tofu byproduct. The study was conducted  in Tossa Shakti Agro Company (TSA), Central Java, Indonesia. Analysis of variance in completely randomized design was used to determine the effect of physiological stages on soil and feed iodine content, blood serum thyroxin hormone concentration, nutrient and feed dry matter consumption, average daily gain and milk production. Result showed that soil iodine content was adequate to stimulate plant growth (3.109 mg/kg). Consumed feed iodine content  was adequate to all physiological stages, female kid, young female and lactating goat (1.003; 0.940 and 0.820 mg/kg, respectively). Thyroxin hormone concentration in blood serum of female kid and young female goat was  in normal range (8.23 and 10.05 µg/dl) but the concentration of thyroxin hormone in blood serum of lactating goat was  marginal ( 6.17 µg/dl).  Iodine supplementation was required for  lactating etawa crossbred goat  if tofu byproduct was included in its ration.Key words : nutrient, iodine, thyroxin hormone, etawah crossbred goat Abstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji status iodine dan memetakan konsentrasi hormone tiroksin kambing peranakan etawah (PE) pada berbagai status fisiologis dan interelasinya dengan status nutrisi serta performans ternak.  Sebanyak 15 ekor kambing PE betina digunakan dalam penelitian yang terbagi atas tiga kelompok status fisiologis, yakni: cempe betina, kambing dara dan kambing laktasi.  Sebagai pakan, digunakan rumput gajah dan ampas tahu.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Tossa Shakti Agro (TSA) Kendal, Jawa Tengah.  Variabel yang diukur meliputi kandungan iodin tanah dan pakan, kadar hormon tiroksin serum darah, konsumsi bahan kering pakan dan nutrien, pertambahan bobot badan serta produksi susu. Data yang terkumpul diolah secara statistik dengan analisis variansi dalam rancangan acak lengkap guna mengetahui pengaruh status fisiologis terhadap variable-variabel tersebut.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan iodine tanah memadai untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhan tanaman (3,109 mg/kg).  Kandungn iodin pakan terkonsumsi memadai untuk semua status fisiologis, dalam hal ini cempe betina, kambing dara dan kambing laktasi (masing-masing: 1,003; 0,940 dan 0,820 mg/kg).  Konsentrasi hormon tiroksin serum darah cempe betina dan kambing dara dalam kisaran normal (8,23 dan 10,05 ug/dl), tetapi konsentrasi hormon tiroksin serum darah kambing laktasi berada pada batas normal (borderline), yakni 6,17 ug/dl.  Suplementasi iodin diperlukan bagi kambing peranakan etawa yang sedang laktasi, jika ampas tahu digunakan sebagai bagian dari ransum.Kata kunci:  nutrien, iodin, hormone , kambing peranakan etawah
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2012): June 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/dp.v7i1.4915


The purpose of this study was to find a model in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers’ English skills in Central Java. This study used research and development(R &D) design developed by Borg & Galland. It was a qualitative research; data were collected by interviews, questionnaires and observations to get the primary and secondary data. The study was located in Central Java focusing on RSBI Teachers’ English Skills. The benefit of the research was to provide an alternative in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers’ English skills. The result was a model product in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers’ English skills in Central Java. Thus, it is suggested for RSBI vocational teachers to improve their English skills by using this model. 
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 5, No 2 (2010): December 2010
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/dp.v5i2.4920


Complaints of workplaces about graduates’ competencies of vocational schools were still going on. Workplaces need competent and efficient workers; therefore, vocational schools have to fulfill these needs. The graduates’ competencies are based on the curriculum, so the vocational schools must develop a strategy to improve the curriculum for achieving the competency needs of workplaces. The objective of this research is to provide the strategy in developing the curriculum based on workplace competencies. This study used qualitative approach and interaction methods to construct a strategy to develop the curriculum based on workplace competency. The conclusions are, first vocational schools need to identify the need of workplace competency, and secondly, those competencies identified are needed to make the competencies strategy based on workplace. The implication of this research supports Spencer & Spencer (1993) and Judissuseno (2008) theories.
Co-Authors A Setiadi, A Achmad Faidhani, Achmad Agung Subrata Agung Wibowo Ahmadtullah, Lina Anis Muktiani Annisa, Tiara Apriliani, Miftahul Fatwa Aprinthasari, Mutiara Nabila Ardiyanto, Hysa Arief Yulianto Ariestika, Elsa Arip Wijianto Aristuti, Mila Arsinta, Yuan Ashari, Teguh Ashari, Teguh Atika Tri Puspitasari, Atika Tri Baginda Iskandar Moeda Tampoebolon Bambang Sulistiyanto Bambang W.H.E Prasetiyono, Bambang W.H.E Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono Baskoro Hidayatullah, Agung Cahya Setya Utama Cahyani, Farikha Indah Carolina Lita Permatasari Desi Marintan, Desi Dian Wahyu Harjanti Djoko Widodo Durotun Nafisah Dyah Rini Indriyanti Eko Pangestu Emi Lestari Endang Kusumanti Etty Soesilowati Fahrudin, Imam Fanki Nugroho Fardana, Dearestantrianto Hadits Fauziyah, Khofiya Nur Harjanti, Dian Wahju Heri yanto Holidi Holidi Iis Nurhasanah Ismail, Khafid Istinganah, Nur Fajar Jarot Tri Bowo Santoso Ketut Sudarma Kholipatun, Ratna Dewi Kholipatun, Ratna Dewi Khomsun Nurhalim, Khomsun Kristi Puspa Wardani, Kristi Puspa Kusfiyani, Kusfiyani Kusuma, Yonna Esty Kuswanti, Eko Maghfiroh Maghfiroh Marinda, Aryanti Martitah Martitah Masfufati Azizah, Masfufati Melisa Arisanty Meyanasari, Sayidah Mohd. Harisudin Mulyani, Rinna Mulyani, Rinna Mulyono Mulyono Mustikaningrum, Galih Mutholiah, Furiha Nanda, Fitri Agung Nani Medianti Nathaniel, Gilbert Neneng Nurhalimah, Neneng Nina Oktarina Ninda Fitriasari Utami, Ninda Fitriasari Ningsih, Rahayu Setya Ningsih, Rahayu Setya Nugroho, Mahir Dwi NURUL ARIFAH Pariyem, Pariyem Partono Thomas Payitno, Suryohadi Pratama, Dicky Setia Pratiwi, Dian Wahyu Pratiwi, Rikha Jannah Ayu Pravitasari, Erlin Dara Priyono Priyono Purwidyantini, Setyo Herlina Purwidyantini, Setyo Herlina Puspitasari, Atika Tri Retno Iswarin Pujaningsih Ristina Yudhanti Rusdarti - Santy Indrias Tuti, Santy Indrias Sanusi, Rahmat SATRIYAS ILYAS Septiana, Luluk Septiani, Dwi Heni Sheilla Az Zahra, Sheilla Az Slamet Sumarto Sri Maulidia Permatasari Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Sudjatmogo Sudjatmogo Sugiyo Sugiyo, Sugiyo Sumarsono Sumarsono Sumini Sumini, Sumini Surahmanto Surahmanto Suryono Suryono Suwito Eko Pramono Tri Hartati, Tri Ulum, Muhammad Rosikhul Ulum, Muhammad Rosikhul Wali, Carles Nyoman Wibowo, Herlambang Fajar Wibowo, Rizal Eko Widodo, Hermawan Setyo Wijang Sakitri Wiradharma, Gunawan Yayi Suryo Prabandari Yon Soepri Ondho