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POTENSI EKSTRAK BAWANG DAYAK (Eleutherine sp) SEBAGAI OBAT HERBAL TERSTANDAR (OHT) PADA PENGOBATAN MEDIS Poerwosusanta, Hery; Ali, Mulyohadi; Noor, Zairin; Mintaroem, Karyono; Widjajanto, Edi
Jurnal Ilmiah Ibnu Sina (JIIS): Ilmu Farmasi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi ISFI Banjarmasin

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Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine sp) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang tumbuh liar di hutan Kalimantan yang berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi Obat Herbal Terstandard. Berdasarkan studi etnofarmakologi, tanaman ini dimanfaatkan masyarakat suku Dayak sebagai obat diabetes, stroke, kanker payudara, antihipertensi, mempercepat penutupan luka, dan pengobatan jantung. Meski sudah digunakan turun temurun dan riset yang berkelanjutan, bawang Dayak belum dimanfaatkan dokter formal untuk pengobatan klinis. Hal ini disebabkan belum adanya uji y akurat dan terstandar yang dapat digunakan sebagai bukti ilmiah. Pada sisi lain, masyarakat berpendapat bahwa penggunaan bawang Dayak sebagai jamu dapat berbahaya karena komplikasi akibat bercampur dengan Bahan Kimia Obat (BKO). Dengan demikian, bawang Dayak perlu diupayakan dalam Program Saintifikasi Jamu untuk mewujudkan jamu, obat herbal terstandar, dan fitofarmaka yang berkualitas, bermutu serta aman. Oleh karena itu, pada artikel ini akan dibahas beberapa riset tentang bioaktifitas bawang Dayak mulai fitokimia hingga tahapan uji praklinik
Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES RS Baptis Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.352 KB) | DOI: 10.32660/jurnal.v3i2.212


Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES RS Baptis Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.352 KB) | DOI: 10.32660/jurnal.v3i2.212


Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Vol 3 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES RS Baptis Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.352 KB) | DOI: 10.32660/jurnal.v3i2.212


Date Fruit Extract (Phoenix dactylifera, Ajwa) Modulates NK Cells and TNF- Alpha in DMBA-Induced Mammary Cancer Sprague-Dawley Rats Elhemeidy, Rehab Mohammed Mustofa; Lyrawati, Diana; Widjajanto, Edi
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 8, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.08.03.04


Cellular immune system is one of anti-tumor target development. NK cells, one of major components of antitumor innate immune responses, are frequently decreased functionally during breast cancer progression, whereas TNF-alpha changes from anti-tumor into pro-tumorigenesis and its level increases with advancing cancer. In this study, we investigated the immunomodulatory effects of Ajwa date fruit extract to determine whether it stops the progression of breast cancer. Using rats induced with single dose 20 mg DMBA subcutaneously, we examined whether administration of Ajwa date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera) extract (at 400, 800 mg/kg body weight/d) post-DMBA induction for 30 days modulate NK cells, TNF-alpha, and development of breast cancer. ELISA, FACS, immunohistochemistry, and histologic observation were employed. Compared to positive control group (DMBA-induced only), we showed that the Ajwa date fruit extract normalize the level of circulatory CD161 NK cells and breast tissue TNF-alpha, cell size and proliferation, and improve overall survival rates. Ajwa date fruit extract may be used to modulate NK cells and TNF-alpha against progression of breast cancer. Further studies are required to develop date fruit extract as anti-cancer in human, whether as single or adjunct therapy to standard management of breast-cancer.
Levels of 25(OH)D3, IL-2, and C-peptide in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) Receiving Vitamin D3 Supplementation Suryanto, Tjahyo; Tjahjono, Harjoedi Adji; Widjajanto, Edi
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 8, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.08.01.06


Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) has become a health problem in many countries. T1DM is the consequence of autoimmune destruction process of β cells. There was relationship between vitamin D deficiency with T1DM. The destruction process was caused by an imbalance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. One of the pro-inflammatory cytokines is IL-2. C-peptide examination to see the function of beta cells due to destruction of pancreatic beta cell. Administration of vitamin D3 supplementation still cause controversy and give varying results. This randomized clinical trial was conducted to determine the levels of 25(OH)D3, IL-2, and C-peptide in people with T1DM who received vitamin D3 supplementation. The subjects were 26 children with T1DM, divided into K1 group (received vitamin D3 supplementation) and K2 group (received placebo). The results showed higher levels of 25(OH)D3 in the K1 group and statistically found a significant difference (p = 0.00). Higher levels of IL-2 and lower C-peptide were obtained in the K1 group and no statistically significant differences were found (p = 0.76 and p= 0.26). The insignificant relationship and the negative correlation were found between 25(OH)D3 and IL-2 (p = 0.71; r = - 0.12), 25(OH)D3 and C-peptide (p = 0.59; r = -0.16), also levels of IL-2 and C-peptide (p = 0.13; r = -0.44) in children with type 1 diabetes who received vitamin D3 supplementation. From this study can be concluded that administration vitamin D3 supplementation in patients with T1DM can increase levels 25(OH)D3 significantly. This increase has not significantly lowered levels of IL-2 and increased levels of C-peptide. However, there was an absolute decrease in the rate of slower C-peptide in the supplemented group than in the placebo group.
The Effect of Low Power Ultrasonic Wave Exposure to Suppress Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) In Vitro Mansyur, Mas; Yudaningtyas, Erni; Prawiro, Sumarno Reto; Widjajanto, Edi
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 8, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.08.02.07


The incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection keeps increasing in every part of the world. Currently, the infection prevalence of MRSA has reached 70% in Asia. In Indonesia in 2006 the prevalence was 23.5%; the infection prevalence of MRSA in RS Atmajaya Jakarta reached 47%, in RSUP Dr. Moh. Husin Palembang reached 46%, and RSUD Abdul Moeloek Lampung in 2013 reached 38.4%. MRSA is multiresistant to antibiotics and is hard to kill compared to most other negative gram bacteria. The purpose of this research is to find the lethal power and exposure of ultrasonic waves to kill MRSA, monitoring its ef-fects via changes in shape, size, structure and Gram staining as indicators. The observations were done mac-roscopically by culturing the MRSA in a petri dish filled with Chromagar MRSA medium, while the morpho-logical observations of MRSA were done by SEM, changes in the structure using TEM, and changes in the color of MRSA cells using Gram staining. Ultrasonic wave exposure, at a lethal power = 8.432 watt, killed a significant percentage of MRSA over the control (p = 0.000). The death indicators of the MRSA due to expo-sure to ultrasonic waves of various power were: changes in shape of MRSA affected by ultrasonic power (p = 0.005), changes in size is not affected by ultrasonic power (p= 0.470), the stain of MRSA cell staining from purple to pink affected by ultrasonic power (p = 0.000), all compared with the control. MRSA died due to ne-crosis, with physical evidence of the MRSA death such as mechanical stress marked by swollen MRSA cell, shift cell wall, crack and tears, cavitation marked by pieces of MRSA cell in the field of view due to explosions inside the cell, change to an irregular cell shape, and changes in color from black to transparent.
Moringa oleifera Meningkatkan Fungsi Memori pada Tikus Model Kurang Energi Protein Illiandri, Oski; Widjajanto, Edi; Mintaroem, Karyono
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 26, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.827 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2010.026.01.3


ABSTRAKMalnutrisi mempunyai pengaruh negatif  terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan  janin,  khususnya pertumbuhan otak. Gangguan pertumbuhan otak serta perkembangannya dapat menyebabkan disfungsi pada penyimpanan informasi dan proses recalling, sehingga konsekuensinya akan terjadi gangguan memori. Kerusakan oksidatif merupakan salah satu jalur penyebab yang baru dikemukakan sebagai hipotesis penyebab kerusakan otak akibat malnutrisi pada tikus. Asupan nutrisi  yang  rendah  dapat menurunkan  kadar  antioksidan  pada  tikus  otak,  kemudian  akan menyebabkan  gangguan memori  yang progresif. Moringa oleifera merupakan  sebuah  tanaman  yang populer akhir-akhir  ini untuk digunakan sebagai tambahan makanan yang mengandung antioksidan di beberapa negara miskin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan pengaruh   bubuk ekstrak Moringa oleifera terhadap perbaikan fungsi memori pada tikus dengan kekurangan energi protein. Pada penelitian ini digunakan tikus wistar sebanyak 20 ekor, yang dibagi kedalam 5 kelompok yang terdiri dari kelompok kontrol diet malnutrisi, kelompok diet normal, kelompok diet malnutrisi yang mendapatkan tambahan  diet  bubuk  daun Moringa  oleifera  dengan  dosis  180 mg,  kelompok  diet  malnutrisi  yang  mendapatkan tambahan diet bubuk daun Moringa oleifera dengan dosis 360 mg, dan kelompok diet malnutrisi yang mendapatkan tambahan diet bubuk daun Moringa oleifera dengan dosis 720 mg. Uji Morris watermaze digunakan untuk mengukur perbaikan memori, sedangkan metode xanthin oxidase digunakan untuk mengukur kadar antioksidan otak. Potongan hipokampus diambil sepanjang 5 s.d. 6 mm pada rostral sulcus cerebrocerebelaris. Penelitian  ini dapat membuktikan bahwa bubuk ekstrak daun Moringa oleifera mampu meningkatkan kadar antioksidan SOD pada otak tikus dan mampu memperbaiki  fungsi memori pada kekurangan energi protein. Kata Kunci: Kelor, malnutrisi, M. Oleifera, morris watermaze  test, superoxide dismutase
DISTRIBUSI MAST CELL PADA MESENTERIUM TIKUS N Ibrahim, Mohamad; Widjajanto, Edi; Rosita, Rita
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 24, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.153 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2008.024.02.2


Mast cell are derived from haematopoietic progenitors in the bonemarrow. Developing mast cell subsequently migrate to peripheral tissues, such as the skin, mucosa and air way, where they terminate their differentiation under  the  influence  of  factors  in  the  tissue  micro-enviroment.  This  study  aimed  to  know  distribution  and strucutre of mast cell on rat mesentery. The mesentery was stained with a 1 % safranine solution or toluidine blue  on  the  a  pepared  slide.  The  prepared  slides  were  immediately  viewed  by  a  observer  through  a microscope.  The  result  showed  that  mast  cells  stained  with  safranine  or  toluidine  blue  were  closely associated with postcapillary in the rat mesentery. Keywords : mast cell, mesentery
Apoptosis dan Nekrosis pada Berbagai Selularitas Sumsum Tulang Widjajanto, Edi
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 19, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

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Selularitas sumsum tulang ditentukan oleh keseimbangan prolferasi, diferensiasi dan kematian sel (apoptosis dan nekrosis) dari sel hematopoitik. Keganasan sistem hematopoisis berkaitan dengan hiperproliferasi dan gangguan diferensiasi sel hematopoitik serta sumsum tulang hiperseluler, sedangkan anemia aplastik berkaitan dengan hiperapoptosis dan sumsum tulang hiposeluler. Studi ini meneliti distribusi apoptosis dan nkrosis dari sel hematopoitik pada berbagai derajat selularitas sumsung tulang, dari berbagai penderita dengan hematopoisis yang terganggu (n=60). Secara mikroskopik, dari sediaan (marrow imprint) aspirat sumsum tulang dengan pewarnaan Toluidin blue dan Wright ditentukan selularitas sumsum tulang serta jumlah sel hematopoitik yang mengalami apoptosis dan nekrosis. Analisa statistik secara Anova menunjukkan bahwa jumlah apoptosis pada sumsum tulang hiposeluler (n=9), normoseluler (n=27) dan hiperseluler (n=24) masing-masing adalah 3,63±1,77; 1,71±1,97 dan 0,65±0,72% (p=0,001), sedangkan sel nekrotik jmlahnya sama (p=0,728), tetapi rasio apoptosis/nekrosisnya 3, 80±3,93; 1,19±1,65; dan 1,06±2,15 (p=0,05). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa apoptosis dari sel hematopoitik lebih banyak terjadi pada sumsum tulang hiposeluler dibanding dengan sumsum tulang normoseluler dan hiperseluler.