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Yekti Widodo
Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Balitbangkes, Kemenkes RI, Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 29 Jakarta 10560

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GIZI INDONESIA Vol 34, No 2 (2011): September 2011

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v34i2.106


Akurasi  dan  interpretasi cakupan  data  pemberian  air susu  ibu  (ASI)  eksklusif  atau  menyusui  eksklusif sangat penting diketahui untuk memberikan gambaran tentang status menyusui eksklusif di suatu negara. Di  Indonesia  data  cakupan  praktik  menyusui  eksklusif  pada  bayi  di  bawah  usia  6  bulan  berbeda-beda tergantung  pada  definisi  dan  metode  pengumpulan  data  yang  digunakan.  Cakupan  praktik  menyusui eksklusif  pada  bayi  di  bawah  usia  6  bulan  berkisar  antara  15,3  sampai  74,2  persen.  Akurasi  dan interpretasi  data  cakupan  tersebut  sangat  penting  untuk  diketahui.  Data  cakupan  tersebut  menjadi berbahaya karena dapat menyebabkan kesalahan interpretasi dan menimbulkan asumsi bahwa cakupan praktik menyusui eksklusif di Indonesia sudah mencapai angka yang tinggi, dan jika hal tersebut diyakini oleh para petugas kesehatan maka upaya untuk meningkatkan cakupan praktik menyusui eksklusif akan semakin  melemah.  Hal  ini  menjadi  sangat  berbahaya  terhadap  upaya  meningkatkan  cakupan  praktik menyusui  eksklusif.  Perbedaan  interpretasi  data  survei  dan  definisi  tentang  menyusui  eksklusif  perlu dibahas berdasarkan sumber pustaka yang relevan. Rekomendasi berdasarkan interpretasi data cakupan praktik menyusui eksklusif hanya dapat dilakukan setelah dievaluasi secara hati-hati dan cermat terhadap definisi dan metode survey yang digunakan,Kata kunci: ASI ekslusif, akurasi, interpretasi
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 36, No 2 (2013): September 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v36i2.142


Prevalensi gangguan gizi pada anak di Indonesia terutama stunting masih cukup tinggi dan menempati posisi kelima terbesar di dunia. Penyebab multi sektoral gangguan gizi termasuk makanan, kesehatan dan pola asuh. Di tingkat individu, penyebab langsung gangguan gizi tersebut adalah masih rendahnya kuantitas konsumsi makanan dan rendahnya kualitas bahan makanan yang dikonsumsi,  serta adanya penyakit infeksi. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsumsi makanan anak di Indonesia. Studi SEANUTS dilakukan di 48 kabupaten di wilayah perkotaan dan perdesaan. Data tingkat kecukupan konsumsi zat gizi anak Indonesia umur 6 bulan-12 tahun diperoleh dengan metode recall 1x24 jam yang meliputi 3600 anak. Konversi bahan makanan yang dikonsumi ke dalam zat gizi dilakukan berdasarkan daftar komposisi bahan makanan Indonesia dan tingkat kecukupan konsumsi zat gizi dihitung berdasarkan AKG Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan rata-rata tingkat  kecukupan konsumsi energi, vitamin A, asam folat, vitamin C, kalsium, dan besi masih di bawah AKG (44-77%), sedangkan rata-rata tingkat kecukupan konsumsi protein dan fosfor sudah di atas AKG (106-114%). Rata-rata tingkat kecukupan konsumsi zat gizi tertinggi adalah kelompok umur 6-11 bulan dan terendah kelompok umur 9-12 tahun. Proporsi anak dengan tingkat konsumsi zat gizi di bawah AKG tertinggi pada kelompok umur 9-12 tahun dan terendah umur 6-11 bulan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak-anak pada kelompok umur lebih tua, dengan ibu berpendidikan rendah, kuintil sosial ekonomi rendah, dan tinggal di perdesaan, mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi mengonsumsi zat gizi di bawah AKGABSTRACTDIETARY INTAKE OF INDONESIAN CHILDREN 6 MONTH - 12 YEAR OF AGEThe prevalence of undernutrition in Indonesia is still high. Stunting, one type of undernutrition with the highest prevalence is rank number five in the world. The multisectoral causes of undernutrition include food, health, and caring practices. At individual level, the immediate causes are inadequate and low quality of dietary intake and infectious disease. This SEANUTS study aimed to assess dietary intake among children in Indonesia. The study was conducted in 48 districts covering urban and rural areas of 3,600 children 6 month-12 years of age. Dietary intake was assessed by 1x24 hour dietary recall by trained nutritionists. Indonesian food composition tables were used to calculate nutrient contents and then compared the nutrient intakes to Indonesian recommended dietary allowances (RDA) to assess their adequacy. The overall results showed that the average intakes of energy, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron, and calsium and phosphor were still below the RDA (44-77%), while protein and phosphor were above the RDA (106-114%). The inadequacy varies among age group, the older the children the more deficit of nutrient intake. The highest average intake was among  children 6-11 month of age groups and lowest is among children 9-12 year of age. By using cut-off point of Indonesian RDA, there were still high proportion of children deficit in nutrient intakes. It is concluded that children of older age group, living with low maternal education, low socioeconomic status, and in rural area were significantly higher risk of deficit in nutrient intake below RDA. Keywords: nutrient consumption, RDA, Indonesian children
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 38, No 2 (2015): September 2015

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v38i2.182


ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months after birth and continued breastfeeding for up to 2 years is a very beneficial. The objectives of the study were to get better insight on the proportion of breastfeeding and its associated factors among Indonesian children to support breastfeeding awareness program. SEANUTS was a multi-centered nutrition study conducted in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. A subsample of 2.391 Indonesian children 6-23 months of age was analyzed using ANCOVA and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that 4.5 percent of the children were never breastfed. The study showed that factors significantly associated with never being breastfed were child not lived with his/her mother (OR = 5,0), mother’s education was junior high school or less (OR = 2,7), and child caregiver was not his/her mother (OR = 3,27). Delivery helped by private health practitioner or at home was significantly protective against not being breasfed (OR = 0,37). The overall proportion of children 6-23 months of age still being breastfed was 73.3 percent. Factors significantly associated with weaning were early weaned (OR = 1,13), working mother (OR = 2,0), child caregiver not his/her mother (OR = 1,62), and not lived with his/her mother (OR = 9,35). Factors associated with longer breastfeeding were living in rural areas (OR = 0,69), older age of mother 30-39 years (OR = 0,67), delivery at home (OR = 0,45) or health practitioner (OR = 0,65). In conclusion, the research indicated that not all babies get breastfeed in an optimal level. Health promotion program to increase breastfeeding awareness should be targeted more for health profesionals in hospital and maternity clinics, mother’s education was at junior high school or less, young mother, and in the urban area. Keywords: breastfeeding, weaning, Indonesian children ABSTRAK Menyusui eksklusif selama 6 bulan dan dilanjutkan pemberian ASI sampai anak usia 2 tahun, terbukti sangat bermanfaat. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan pola menyusui guna mendukung program menyusui di Indonesia. Data merupakan subsampel penelitian SEANUTS Indonesia yaitu anak 6-23 bulan berjumlah 2391. SEANUTS merupakan multi-centered study yang dilakukan di Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Vietnam pada tahun 2011. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan diuji statistik dengan ANCOVA dan multiple logistic regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi anak yang tidak pernah mendapat ASI adalah 4,5 persen. Hasil analisis menunjukkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku tidak menyusui yaitu tidak tinggal dengan ibu (OR = 5,0), pendidikan ibu SMP ke bawah (OR = 2,7), tidak diasuh oleh ibu kandung (OR = 3,27). Persalinan di klinik bidan atau di rumah bersifat protektif terhadap perilaku tidak menyusui (OR = 0,37). Proporsi anak usia 6-23 bulan yang masih disusui adalah 73,3 persen. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan disapih lebih awal adalah (OR = 1,13), ibu bekerja (OR = 2,0), pengasuh bukan ibu (OR = 1,62), dan anak tidak tinggal dengan ibu (OR = 9,35). Faktor yang berhubungan dengan durasi menyusui lebih lama adalah tinggal di perdesaan (OR = 0,69), umur ibu 30-39 tahun (OR = 0,67), persalinan di rumah (OR = 0,45), di klinik bidan (OR = 0,65). Penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak semua bayi mendapat ASI secara optimal. Target program promosi kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pemberian ASI sampai usia 2 tahun adalah petugas kesehatan di rumah sakit, orang tua bayi berpendidikan SMP ke bawah, ibu usia muda, dan di daerah perkotaan.
POLA KONSUMSI ANAK UMUR 6 BULAN – 12 TAHUN DI INDONESIA Sumedi, Edith; Widodo, Yekti; Sandjaja, nFN
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 36, No 2 (2013): September 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v36i2.141


Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak berada dalam pengaruh dan pengasuhan orang tuanya, dan gizi merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan, kesehatan dan perkembangan anak. Salah satu penyebab tingginya prevalensi kurang gizi di Indonesia adalah kurang baiknya pola asuh anak, pola konsumsi anak, dan ketersediaan makan keluarga. South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (SEANUTS) di Indonesia dilaksanakan di 48 kabupaten mencakup 7211 anak 6 bulan - 12 tahun. Pola konsumsi anak menggunakan Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) melalui wawancara pola kebiasaan makan satu bulan terakhir meliputi frekuensi jenis makanan sehari, seminggu atau sebulan, cara pengolahan dan cara penyajian, merek (jika ada) berdasarkan kelompok sumber zat gizi yaitu makanan pokok, protein hewani dan nabati, sayur, buah, jajanan, minuman dan susu. Analisis data deskriptif yang menurut daerah dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok umur 6-11 bulan, 1-2 tahun, 3-5 tahun, 6-8 tahun dan 9-12 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola konsumsi anak umur 6-11 bulan hampir sama di kota maupun di desa. Variasi bahan makanan lebih banyak dijumpai pada kelompok umur yang lebih tua dan terdapat perbedaan pola makan antara perkotaan dan perdesaan. Konsumsi makanan pokok tidak berbeda antara perkotaan dan perdesaan. Frekuensi makan sayur dan buah masih rendah di kedua daerah. Anak di perkotaan lebih sering mengonsumsi daging unggas, daging sapi, telur, tahu, bayam, wortel, susu/produk susu, minuman gelas/serbuk, sedangkan di perdesaan lebih sering mengonsumsi ikan laut, tempe, kangkung, jajanan ‘chiki’ dan sejenisnya. Masih diperlukan peningkatan perilaku hidup sehat dengan memperbaiki pola makan gizi seimbang.ABSTRACT FOOD PATTERN OF INDONESIAN CHILDREN 6 MONTH - 12 YEAR OF AGE Child growth and development under the nurture and care of their parents, and nutrition as a factor in growth, health and development of children. Many factors associated with high prevalence of malnutrition are caring pattern of children, inadequate food consumptions and food patterns, and household food availability. The South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS) in Indonesia conducted in 48 districts collected data on food consumption pattern of 7,211 children 6 month - 12 year of age. Food consumption pattern was collected by using food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) to describe food habits based on daily, weekly, and monthly frequency of food items by interviewing mothers. Food items collected from all food groups such as foods source of carbohydrates, animal and plant proteins, vitamin and mineral source from vegetables and fruits, milk and milk products, snacks, and beverages. Descriptive analysis was used to describe food consumption pattern by residence and 5 age groups 6-11 month, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 year of age. Result showed similarity of food consumption pattern in urban and rural area in youngest age group. The variety of food items consumed by older age groups is more than those in younger ones, and as also found in urban than rural areas. There was similarity in staple food and less consumption of vegetable and fruit in urban than rural areas across age groups. The frequency of white meat, red meat, egg, tofu, spinach, carrot, dairy products, and beverages was higher in urban than rural areas. The frequency of salty fish, tempeh, swamp cabbage, “chiki’ snack was higher in rural than urban areas. Healthy living and balance diet (Gizi Seimbang) promotion of all food groups particularly vegetable and fruit should be revitalized.  Keywords: food pattern, food frequency, Indonesian children
DESAIN PENELITIAN SOUTH-EAST ASIAN NUTRITION SURVEY (SEANUTS) DI INDONESIA Sandjaja, nFN; Budiman, Basuki; Harahap, Heryudarini; Ernawati, Fitrah; Soekatri, Moesijanti; Widodo, Yekti; Sumedi, Edith; Sofia, Gustina; Effendi, Rustan; Syarief, Hidayat; Minarto, nFN
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 36, No 2 (2013): September 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v36i2.136


South-East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS) merupakan multi-center study yang dilakukan di Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand dan Vietnam yang diprakarsai oleh FrieslandCampina Belanda tahun 2011 untuk mengetahui besaran masalah gizi utama di masing-masing negara. SEANUTS merupakan studi komprehensif gizi yang mengumpulkan data antropometri gizi (berat, tinggi badan, tinggi duduk, lapisan lemak bawah kulit, lingkaran lengan atas, lebar lengan tangan, siku, lutut), biokimia gizi (vitamin A, D, Hb, ferritin, DHA), iodium urine, perkembangan mental/ kognitif dan motorik, aktivitas fisik, kualitas tulang, konsumsi makanan, dan morbiditas. Tulisan ini menjelaskan desain umum SEANUTS. Desain SEANUTS adalah studi potong lintang (cross-sectional). Sampel adalah anak umur 0,5-12,9 tahun sebanyak 7211 anak yang dipilih dengan metode two-stage randomized cluster sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pengamatan, pengukuran, dan pemeriksaan sesuai dengan data yang dikumpulkan. Enumerator terlatih mengumpulkan data morbiditas, antropometri, aktivitas fisik, kualitas tulang, perkembangan mental dan kognisi, konsumsi makanan, urin. Pemeriksaan klinis oleh tenaga medis setempat, pengambilan darah oleh plebotomis. Tulisan-tulisan dalam nomor majalah ini berisi hasil deskriptif tentang besaran masalah gizi makro dan mikro di Indonesia, konsumsi makanan, aktivitas fisik, dan perkembangan mental, sedangkan tulisan ini menjelaskan desain umum SEANUTS
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 28, No 2 (2005): September 2005

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DETERMINING CUT-OFF POINTS OF BODY MASS INDEX FOR OBESITY ASSOCIATED WITH DEGENERATIVE DISEASES IN INDONESIAObesity now is recognized as a public health problem. Changing diets and decreasing physical activity explain the increasing prevalence of obesity. Method that is commonly used for indentifying obesity is Body Mass Index (BMI). At present, there has been a growing debate on different BMI cut-off points for different ethnic groups, in particular for Asian population. A different cut-off point is needed due to evidence associated with BMI, percentage of body fat, and body fat distribution that differ across population. Therefore, health risks may incrase even below the cutoff point of 25 kg/m2 that now categorized as overweight. The objective of the study was to determine BMI cut-off points and their relationship with degenerative diseases. Data was originally taken from Health National Household Health Survei (SKRT) in 2004. The population were those who were aged 25 to 65 years old. The variable analysed statistically were age, sex, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The analysis used in this study was univariate and bivariate tables to answer the objective. Based on WHO cut-off point, obesity was in BMI =25 kg/m2, and the prevalence of being hypertension, DM and hyperkolestrolemia as risks were 52.3%, 12,7% and 1,6% respectively. However, based on International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) cut-off in which pre obesity was started on BMI 23 kg/m2, the prevalence of each risk was consecutively 40,1%; 11,4% and 0,6%. Respectively cut-off used by Ministry of Health in obesity was 25 kg/m2 with prevalence for each risk was 50.2%, 11.8% and 1.5% respectively. Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp) were around 22.0-23.0 for all subjects based on sex, age, and education. The highest Se and Sp was found on hypercholesterol. Logistic regresion analysis showed that the increasing of BMI cut-off of 23 to 25 would be followed by the increase of the risk of hypercholesterol up to 0.6 points. On the other hand, decreasing BMI from > 25 to < 25 in USA may reduce 13% co-morbidity disease associated to obesity. In conclusion this study showed that on BMI =23.5 was related to degenerative diseases. However, the cut-off point still need to be examined in relation to the incidence of degenative diseases.Key Word: body mass index, cut-off point, degenerative diseases
PENCAPAIAN PERTUMBUHAN ANAK INDONESIA UMUR 0,5–12,9 TAHUN Soekatri, Moesijanti; Sandjaja, nFN; Widodo, Yekti
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 36, No 2 (2013): September 2013

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SEANUTS adalah studi gizi lengkap yang mencakup pengukuran antropometri, pemeriksaan biokimia darah dan urin, konsumsi makanan dan pola makan anak, informasi mengenai sosial ekonomi keluarga, kesehatan anak, aktivitas fisik, dan perkembangan anak. Dalam makalah ini akan dibahas pertumbuhan anak berdasarkan pengukuran antropometri dengan menggunakan standar WHO 2006 untuk anak balita dan 2007 untuk anak 5,0 sampai 12,9 tahun, yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok umur yaitu 0,5-0,9; 1,0-2,9; 3-5,9; 6,0-5,9; and 9,0-12,9 tahun. Penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional pada 48 Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia, dan pengambilan sample dilakukan dengan two-stage randomized cluster sampling dengan stratifikasi berdasarkan area geografi, untuk menetapkan lokasi, gender dan umur. (Metodologi lengkap ditulis dalam tulisan lain di jurnal ini) yang mencakup 7211 anak terdiri dari 50,6 persen anak laki-laki dan 49,4 persen perempuan. Indeks yang digunakan adalah PB/U atau TB/U; BB/U; BB/PB atau BB/TB; dan IMT/U. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa secara nasional prevalensi anak yang pendek dan sangat pendek adalah adalah 31,4 persen, yang mana prevalensi di kota (24,4%) lebih rendah dari pada di desa (38,3%). Untuk anak dengan berat badan kurang dan sangat kurang adalah 23,2 persen; yang mana di desa (27,9%) lebih tinggi dari pada di kota (18,5%); dan prevalensi anak kurus dan sangat kurus (7,8%), di kota (7,6%) tidak jauh berbeda dengan anak yang di desa (7,9%). Masalah gizi yang juga perlu mendapat perhatian adalah gemuk dan sangat gemuk karena kecenderungan jumlahnya semakin banyak dengan prevalensi 7,9 persen. Sebanyak 10,7 persen di kota dan 5,0 persen anak di desa menderita gemuk dan sangat gemuk. Karena masalah pendek terkait kekurangan makro dan mikro, disarankan agar program kesehatan untuk 1000 hari kehidupan anak dilanjutkan yaitu pemberian tabur gizi (Multi Micromineral Powder =MNP) untuk anak gizi kurang termasuk pendek.ABSTRACT GROWTH ACHIEVEMENT OF INDONESIAN CHILDREN AGED 0.5-12.9 YEARS OLD SEANUTS is a comprehensive study conducted in 48 districts in Indonesia. The study covers assessments on antrophometry, biochemical, physical activity, morbidity, dietary consumption and psychology development. Detailed methodology of the study is presented in previous paper in this journal. In this article, only antrophometry is discussed and children are devided in 5 groups according to the age, 0.5-0.9; 1.0-2.9; 3.0-5.9; 6.0-5.9; and 9.0-12.9 years old. In this cross sectional, two-stage randomized cluster sampling was applied using stratification based on geography area for deciding the location of residence, sex and age. A total of 7211 children were recruited, consisting of 50.6 percent boys and 49.4 percent girls. Indices used were HAZ; WAZ; WHZ; and BAZ. The results showed that 31.4 percent of children were stunted and severe stunted. The prevalence was lower in urban children (24.4%) compared to rural children (38.3%). The overall prevalence of underweight (moderate and severe) was 23.2 percent which was higher in rural areas (27.9%) than in urban areas (18.5%). The overall prevalence of wasting (moderate and severe) was 7.8 percent, which was higher in rural areas (8.0%) compared to urban areas (7.6 %). An emerging problem was overweight and obesity, 7.8% of the children were overweight/obese. The prevalence was higher in urban areas (10.6%) versus rural areas (5.0%). Because stunting has closely related to macro and micro nutrients, it is recommended that nutrition intervention programs should be addressed to the first 1000 days of children’ life like MNP (Micro Nutrient Powder) for those who had undernutrition including stunting
PENGEMBANGAN ALAT SKRINING UNTUK HIPERTENSI Harahap, Heryudarini; Widodo, Yekti; Muljati, Sri; Triwinarto, Agus; Effendi, Imam
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 33, No 2 (2010): September 2010

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THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCREENING TOOL FOR HYPERTENSIONThe increasing prevalence of hypertension is an important public health problem contributing to significant excess disease and mortality. The risk factors of high blood pressure were smoking, sex, age, consumption, activity, obesity, and heredity. Studies showed that subjects didn’t aware about their blood pressure as well as subjects’ knowledge about risk and symptom of hypertension was not good. Hypertension prevention can be done by giving screening tools to detect the blood pressure as well asgiving information about risk and symptom of hypertension. The objective of the study was to develop screening tool to detect hypertension. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Bogor, North Jakarta and Tangerang district. Blood pressure was collected using spyhgmanometer. The JNC 7 was used to classify of hypertension. Screening tool and leaflet was developed based on the result of Basic Health Research data set as well as literature study. The study had three activities that were focus group discussion, validity and reliability, as well as screening tool trial. Results: Validity test showed that over 17 questions only 6 questions were valid (p<0,05, r = 0,176). After re-construction of screening tool questions then validity test was done again. Over 15 questions, 12 was valid (p<0,05, r = 0,07).Eventhough 3 questions were not valid that questions were still included in that screening tools. Reliabilty of screening tool was realiable (α Cronbach’s = 0.586). The sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp) of subjects that had been have 7 scores or higher was had Se 61.6 and 64.1 Sp respectively. Conclusion: This study implies that hypertension screening tool can be used as screening tool to detect hypertension.Keywords: hypertension, obesity, sensitivity, screening tool, specificity
PERANAN PEMBERIAN MAKANAN TAMBAHAN PADA ANAK UMUR 6 – 23 BULAN PADA SAAT KRISIS EKONOMI -, Sandjaja; Mulyati, Sri; Saidin, M.; -, Suhartato; Widodo, Yekti
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 28, No 1 (2005): Maret 2005

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THE IMPACT OF FOOD SUPPLEMENTATION FOR CHILDREN AGED 6-23 MONTHS DURING ECONOMIC CRISISSupplementary feeding program (PMT) for children aged 6-23 months of poor families (Gakin) is a sub-component of Social Safety Net – Health Sector (SSN-HS) following economic crisis that hit Indonesia the end of 1997. It is intended to provide additional food and prevent deteriorating impact of nutritional status of the target. The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of PMT for children on malnutrition and growth as compared with that for children not receiving PMT. The design of the study is case control. Case was children of poor family who had or ever had received PMT for three months provided by SSN-HS in the last six months. Control was children of near poor families but who had never received PMT. Matching criteria for case and control were age, sex, and residence of the family. The study was conducted in West Java, Central Java, South Kalimantan covering 1014 cases and 1014 controls and their families. Data on child collected were current weight and height, and retrospective weight in the last 10 months. Other data collected were characteristics of chlidren and therir families including socioeconomic status, clinical examination, dietary intake including food suplement. Program implementation of PMT varied among study areas on selection criteria for child beneficiaries in addition to poor families, duration of PMT, method of distribution, type of food. There were similar characteristics between case and control in age, sex, breastfeeding, morbidity except for socioeconomic status of the family, age of father, educational attainment of parents. Foods distributed for 6-11 month old samples included supplementary food, foodstuff, cooked (rice/flour porridge+egg). Foods for 12-23 month old samples more varied than food suplement for 6-11 months old children. Nutrient content of food distributed was 268 Kcal for energy and 9.2 grams protein, below the recommended nutrient content of PMT 360-430 Kcal and 9-15 grams protein. Dietary intake were similar in both groups consisting of energy around 46% RDA and protein 67-73% RDA (excluding breast milk). This finding shows that part of PMT became substitute rather than supplement. Cases had significantly lower nutritional status in W/A and H/A anthropometric indices than control except for W/H. Growth pattern as analyzed using retrospective data found that there was faltering growth pattern in both groups. Period between three months prior to PMT to the baseline showed that more decreasing Z-score was significantly (repeated measures of ANOVA) greater in case than in control group. Three months during PMT, there was still further decreasing mean Z-score in both groups although it was not as great as three months before. This finding showed that PMT was able to prevent deteriorating nutritional status among child beneficiaries of poor families but was not able to improve their nutritional status.Keywords: food suplementation, economic crisis
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 34, No 2 (2011): September 2011

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Tingkat  pendapatan masyarakat  diperberat  oleh  pengeluaran  rokok  rumah  tangga  yang  secara  tidak langsung  akan  mempengaruhi  status  gizi  balita.  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  mengetahui  hubungan pengeluaran rokok rumah tangga dengan status gizi balita. Penelitian menggunakan data Riskesdas 2010. Populasi  penelitian  meliputi  semua  rumah  tangga  Riskesdas  2010.  Sedangkan  sampel  adalah  semua rumah tangga Riskesdas 2010 yang memiliki balita (0-59 bulan) dengan kriteria inklusi balita (0-59 bulan) termuda di rumah tangga. Variabel penelitian meliputi: status gizi balita, pengeluaran rokok rumah tangga, pendidikan KK, pekerjaan KK, tinggi badan ibu, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, dan status sosial ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rumah tangga dengan pengeluaran rokok pada kuintil 4 dan 5 memiliki odds rasio  1,21  kali  untuk  memiliki  balita  dengan  status gizi  (BB/TB)  kurus  dan  sangat  kurus  dibandingkan rumah  tangga  dengan  pengeluaran  rokok  pada  kuintil  1,  2,  dan  3  setelah  dikontrol  oleh  variabel pendidikan ibu, pendidikan KK, dan pekerjaan KK. Kata kunci: pengeluaran rokok, rumah tangga, statusgizi balita