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Teknik Kompresi Citra Medis dengan Transformasi Diskrit Wavelet dan Pengkodean Entropy I Dewa Gede Hardi Rastama; I Made Oka Widyantara; Linawati
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Februari 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (746.553 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v4i1.1487


Medical imaging is a presentment of human organ parts. Medical imaging is saved on a film; therefore, it needs a big saving quota. Compressing is a process to remove redundancy from a piece of information without reducing its quality. This study recommended compressed medical image with DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) with adaptive threshold added and entropy copying with the Run Length Encoding (RLE) coding. This study is comparing several parameters, such as compressed ratio and compressed image file size, and PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) for analyzing the quality of reconstructive image. The study showed that the comparison of rate, compressed ratio, and PSNR tracing of Haar and Daubechies doesn’t have a significant difference. Comparison of rate, compressed ratio, and PSNR tracing on the hard and soft threshold is the rate of the sold threshold is lower than the hard threshold. The optimal outcome of this study is to use a soft threshold.
Efficient Motion Field Interpolation Method for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding I Made Oka Widyantara; Wirawan Wirawan; Gamantyo Hendrantoro
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 9, No 1: April 2011
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v9i1.687


Wyner-Ziv video coding has the capability to reduce video encoding complexity by shifting motion estimation procedure from encoder to decoder. Amongst many motion estimation methods, expectation maximization algorithm is the most effective one. Unfortunately, the implementation of block-based motion estimation in this algorithm causes motion field profile bounded by granularity of block size. Nearest-neighbor and bilinear interpolation methods have already applied in multiview image coding to handle similar problem. This paper aims to evaluate performance of both interpolation methods in transform-domain Wyner-Ziv video codec. Results showed that bilinear interpolation effective only for high motion video sequences. In this scenario, it has bitrate saving up to 3.29 %, 0.2 dB higher PSNR, and 12.30 % higher decoding complexity compared to nearest-neighbor. In low motion video content, bitrate saving only gained up to 0.82%, with almost the same PSNR, while decoding complexity increase up to 10.32%.   
Implementasi Aplikasi Mobile Augmented Reality Untuk Pengenalan Materi Bangun Ruang I Made Oka Widyantara; Dewa Made Wiharta; Putu Widiadnyana
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9, No 2: April 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022925032


Proses interaksi pembelajaran yang awalnya tatap muka sekarang beralih ke daring karena adanya pandemi COVID-19. Selama proses pembelajaran daring, siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konsep dan mengembangkan konsep sampai refleksi. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu mengembangkan dan menerapkan media pembelajaran yang dapat menarik minat siswa dan membantu pemahaman materi bangun ruang. Pengembangan media pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi augmented reality sebagai aplikasi mobile untuk memvisualisasikan materi bangun ruang dalam bentuk 3D yang diproyeksikan pada smartphone. Model waterfall dipilih sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan aplikasi. Penerapan aplikasi augmented reality dalam pembelajaran daring menggunakan strategi REACT untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan aplikasi. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu aplikasi berbasis Android dengan menggunakan model waterfall dengan hasil valid melalui uji black box, hasil penilaian kuesioner untuk penggunaan aplikasi mendapatkan rata-rata 82.44% dengan indikator kategori ”Baik”. AbstractThe learning interaction process that was originally face-to-face is now turning online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the online learning process, students have difficulty in understanding concepts and developing concepts until reflection. This research aims to develop and implement learning media that can attract students and help them understand the material of solid figures. The development of learning media uses augmented reality technology as a mobile application to visualize solid figure materials in 3D projected on smartphones. The waterfall model was chosen as a reference in application development. The adoption of augmented reality applications in online learning uses REACT strategies to maximize application usage. The results of this study are Android-based applications using waterfall models with valid results through black-box tests, questionnaire assessment results for application usage get an average of 82.44% with the category indicator "Good" 
Usage analysis of SVD, DWT and JPEG compression methods for image compression Dewa Ayu Indah Cahya Dewi; I Made Oka Widyantara
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer
Publisher : Informatics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JIK.2021.v14.i02.p04


Through image compression, can save bandwidth usage on telecommunication networks, accelerate image file sending time and can save memory in image file storage. Technique to reduce image size through compression techniques is needed. Image compression is one of the image processing techniques performed on digital images with the aim of reducing the redundancy of the data contained in the image so that it can be stored or transmitted efficiently. This research analyzed the results of image compression and measure the error level of the image compression results. The analysis to be carried out is in the form of an analysis of JPEG compression techniques with various types of images. The method of measuring the compression results uses the MSE and PSNR methods. Meanwhile, to determine the percentage level of compression using the compression ratio calculation. The average ratio for JPEG compression was 0.08605, the compression rate was 91.39%. The average compression ratio for the DWT method was 0.133090833, the compression rate was 86.69%. The average compression ratio of the SVD method was 0.101938833 and the compression rate was 89.80%.
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 9 No 2: September 2016
Publisher : Informatics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.082 KB)


Algoritma enkripsi adalah pertahanan pertama terhadap serangan jaringan. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) dan Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) digunakan untuk mengamankan jaringan pada standar 802.11, akan tetapi enkripsi ini memiliki banyak kelemahan. Aplikasi-aplikasi penetrasi berbasis linux seperti aircrack, airodump, aireplay mampu memanfaatkan kelemahan tersebut untuk dapat terkoneksi ke dalam jaringan dan bahkan mencuri data. Sayangnya aplikasi penetrasi berbasis text mengakibatkan kesulitan tersendiri bagi pengguna umum karena harus mengingat format perintah pada setiap aplikasi. Penelitian ini berhasil menyederhanakan penggunaan aplikasi penetrasi berbasis text dengan cara membangun sebuah antarmuka menggunakan QTdesigner serta memberikan review proses penetrasi terhadap keamanan WEP dan WPA menggunakan antar muka yang diusulkan.
Strategi Pengembangan Website sebagai Media Informasi Desa di Kabupaten Klungkung I M. Oka Widyantara; L Linawati; I P. A. Mertasana; W. Setiawan
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.737 KB)


Our research was develop web applications as media information for villages in Klungkung Regency, implementation strategy involves participation of village’s councilor, IT volunteer, Udayana University community services team, and Klungkung Government. The research focused on the realization of village website based on Content Management System (CMS), and strategy training for website administrators. Main target, the website was built to inform the potential competitive, like menus: village profile, village potential, administration, statistics, regulations, budget transparency, services and village news. In the implementation phase, the study used a model of collaborative strategies, namely the construction of CMS and training conducted by Unud community services team, domain and hosting was prepared by Klungkung regency, and assistance administrator by IT volunteers. The website content training aimed at the entire councilor and IT volunteers. Research showed that used CMS website for entire village can accelerate and simplify for continue development other village website in Klungkung Regency. Development model village website with collaborative strategy generate patterns based on implementation assistance, where a website administrator would be helped by IT volunteers to fill website content. This strategy would be able to help build website for entire village in Klungkung and would be managed independently by village administrator.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 16 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.49 KB)


Penelitian ini bermaksud menerapkan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Desa dan Kawasan (SIDeKa) di Kabupaten Klungkung, untuk menginformasikan data-data profil potensi desa dan kawasan, serta karakteristik penduduk desa secara global via internet. Sasarannya adalah menyediakan database potensi desa untuk perencanaan pembangunan berbasis perdesaaan. Penerapan aplikasi SIDeKa dilakukan dengan model strategi kolaborasi, yaitu melibatkan tim pengabdian Universitas Udayana, Pemerintah Kabupaten Klungkung, dan relawan Teknologi Informasi (TIK) Agen Perubahan Informatika Perdesaan (API Desa). Kegiatan pengabdian ditujukan untuk pemberdayaan relawan TIK API Desa dengan memberikan pelatihan aplikasi SIDeKa. Selanjutnya, relawan akan melanjutkan kegiatan pendampingan ke administrator desa tempat aplikasi SIDeKa diterapkan. Secara umum, pelatihan aplikasi SIDeKa kepada relawan TIK API Desa, mampu mendukung penerapan aplikasi SIDeKa untuk diseminasi informasi statistik potensi setiap desa di Kabupaten Klungkung.
PEMBERDAYAAN UMKM PEREMPUAN KOTA DENPASAR DIBIDANG E-COMMERCE Linawati Linawati; N.M.A.E.D. Wirastutia; I.M.O. Widyantara; D.M. Wiharta; P.A. Mertasana
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 17 No 1 (2018): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.239 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2018.v17.i01.p09


Micro, Small, Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Indonesia, especially MSME business women in Denpasar – Balineeds innovation using information communicaton technology to expand their business. Then the enterprise canbe transformed to be e-commerce. Thus, e-commerce workshop has been designet and implemented for MSMEbusiness women in Denpasar City in collaboration with Department of Women and Children empowerment,Denpasar City. From the workshop evaluation results, most of participants were satisfied and theirunderstanding with e-commerce was increased. As a result, the workshop increases their capacity building as aMSME business woman in term of e-commerce. This is shown by their statements that more than 70% of totalparticipant approved the workshop was very effective, and they eager to implement it in their business.
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Jurnal SPEKTRUM
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro UNUD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.647 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/SPEKTRUM.2021.v08.i01.p19


The COVID-19 pandemic results in activities that are actually being carried out oreliminated. The government has made efforts to keep activities running, one of which is bylimiting the number of congregations attending to a maximum of 20% (twenty percent) of theroom capacity and no more than 30 people. To be able to find out the number of congregantspresent in a building, a HIKVision People Counting Camera is used which is able to calculatethe rate of people entering a building. The use of the People Counting Camera is expected to beable to control the number of congregants who attend. The ability of this camera is expected tobe able to control the number of congregants who attend places of worship so that worship cancomply with proper health protocols.
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Jurnal SPEKTRUM
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro UNUD

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Ukuran aktivitas gerak video dapat digambarkan dengan nilai rata-rata Normalized Frame Difference (NFD) berdasarkan parameter frame difference. Pengukuran aktivitas gerak video dilakukan pada video dengan tingkat aktivitas gerak yang berbeda pada frame rate 25 fps, 12,5 fps, 6,25 fps dan 3,125 fps. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa untuk tingkat aktivitas gerak yang meningkat maka, didapat nilai rata-rata NFD yang meningkat pula, sementara penurunan frame rate pada video yang sama, juga mengakibatkan meningkatnya nilai rata-rata NFD. Sehingga nilai rata-rata NFD dapat dipakai untuk mengkategorikan suatu video untuk proses lebih lanjut.
Co-Authors A. T. A Prawira Kusuma A.A. Made Agung Istri Iswari Aditya Dwipayana Agus Anwar Eka Wahyudi Anak Agung Ayu Putri Ardyanti Anang Kusnadi Aniek Laksmidewi Asana, I Made Dwi Putra Ayuni Harianti Bagus D. Cahyono Cokis Ratih Kumbara Derry Suia Pathentantama Dewa Ayu Indah Cahya Dewi Dewa Made Wiharta Edo Halim Saputra Fajar Purnama Gamantyo Hendrantoro Gede Sukadarmika Haris Chandra Agustina I Dewa Gede Hardi Rastama I G. A. K. Diafari Djuni Hartawan I G.A.K. Warmayana I Gede Sudiantara I Gusti Ayu Garnita Darma Putri I Gusti Nyoman Dharmayana I Gusti Rai Agung Sugiartha I Kadek Adi Wiguna Sanjaya I Kadek Noppi Adi Jaya I Komang Adi Bayu Adnyana I Made Aditya Virgiawan I Made Arsa Suyadnya I Made Bayu Dibawan I Made Dhanan Pradipta I Made Rai Putera Yasa I Made Sukarsa I Made Yudi Candra Putra I Nyoman Angga Prabawa I Putu Ardana I Putu Gd Sukenada Andisana I Wayan Kayun Wardana I Wayan Shandyasa I.A Laksmi IBGD. Dhyaksa Ida Bagus A. Swamardika Ida Bagus Putu Adnyana Indra Dwi Cahya Setyawan Janice Jessica Indrayani Ketut Bagus Bayu Sanjaya Komang Ery Rusdiana Komang Gede Widi Adnyana Komang Kompyang Agus Subrata Komang Oka Saputra Komang Tri Wahyuni . L Linawati L.D. Purnamasari Linawati Linawati Linawati linawati linawati Linawati Linawati M Acarya Mordekhai Karang M Zatiar Erwan Kalam M. Azman Maricar made andyka Made Arya Putra Kusuma Made Sudarma Made Sudarma Muhammad Audy Bazly N Utami Wedanti N. Indra Erawan Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti Ni Putu Widya Yuniari Nyoman Pramaita Nyoman Putra Sastra P. A. Satya Prabhawa Putri Alit Widyastuti Santiary Putu Agus Pradnyana Jaya Putu Arya Mertasana Putu Prima Winangun Putu Sintia Susiani Pande Putu Widiadnyana ., Putu Widiadnyana R. Sapto Hendri Boedi Soesatyo Rukmi Sari Hartati Tri Febriana Handayani W. Setiawan Widiadnyana, Putu Widyadi Setiawan Wirawan Wirawan