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STUDI TATA RUANG RUMAH TINGGAL SUKU TALANG MAMAK (Spatial Study Talang Mamak Tribe House) Faisal, Gun; Wihardyanto, Dimas
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 12, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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The Talang Mamak tribe, one of Indonesian tribe, still practices the hunting and gathering of natural produce despite the fact that among them have chosen to settle permanently and doing farming activities. The aim of this research is to study the characteristics of the Talang Mamak house. The method used in this research is grounded theory method, based on the open coding, axial coding as well selective coding techniques. The method used to find the variation layout of the houses and then evaluate the characters and concept of the layouts. The conclusion of this study is that the core of the Talang Mamak house is based on the connectivity of four rooms namely: Ruang Haluan, Ruang Tangah, Ruang Tampuan and Pandapuran. The house has an open layout where all daily household activities are done without barriers. The social status of the owner is identified by house’s furniture and staf
Indonesian Journal of Conservation Vol 4, No 1 (2015): IJC
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Conservation

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Sagan is a residential estate ambtenaar (government officials) Dutch working in the governors office (resident wooningen) and has a high historical value for the Indonesian people because during the United Republic of Indonesia became the area housing the home office ministers and high state officials. The purpose of this study is to assess aspects of form (form) as part of the overall aspects of the existing architecture in colonial housing in Sagan, so the idea of the architecture of the colonial housing in Sagan can be more complete to support the preservation of residential buildings of the colonial. This research uses the interpretative approach to historical research in which researchers used to reconstruct the shape of the initial interpretation of residential buildings colonial. Results researchers found that the principle of form in residential buildings in the colonial housing Sagan did not differ with the principle of spatial residential buildings in Sagan colonial and colonial residential buildings in general. It was seen from the separation of the owner with a housekeeper who is realized by division of residential buildings into the building core (hoofdgebouw), service building (bijgebouw) and breezeway that connects the two. Besides the principles of different structures on each part of the colonial residential buildings in Sagan believed to be the most essential thing to know the characteristics of the colonial forms of residential buildings in Sagan. Sagan merupakan kawasan rumah tinggal amtenaar (pegawai pemerintahan) Belanda yang bekerja di kantor gubernur (residenwooningen) dan memiliki nilai historis yang tinggi bagi Bangsa Indonesia karena pada masa Republik Indonesia Serikat perumahan ini menjadi kawasan rumah dinas menteri dan pejabat tinggi negara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji aspek bentuk (form) sebagai bagian dari keseluruhan aspek arsitektur yang ada pada perumahan kolonial di Sagan, sehingga ide arsitektur dari perumahan kolonial di Sagan dapat semakin lengkap guna mendukung pelestarian bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretativehistoricalresearch dimana peneliti menggunakan interpretasinya untuk merekonstruksi bentuk awal bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial. Hasil peneliti menemukan bahwa prinsip bentuk pada bangunan rumah tinggal di perumahan kolonial Sagan tidak berbeda dengan prinsip tata ruang bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial di Sagan maupun bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial pada umumnya. Hal itu terlihat dari pemisahan pemilik dengan pembantu rumah tangga yang diwujudkan dengan pembagian bangunan rumah tinggal menjadi bangunan inti (hoofdgebouw), bangunan servis (bijgebouw) dan selasar yang menghubungkan keduanya. Selain itu prinsip-prinsip struktur yang berbeda pada tiap-tiap bagian bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial di Sagan diduga menjadi hal yang paling pokok untuk mengetahui karakteristik bentuk bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial di Sagan. Sagan merupakan kawasan rumah tinggal amtenaar (pegawai pemerintahan) Belanda yang bekerja di kantor gubernur (residenwooningen) dan memiliki nilai historis yang tinggi bagi Bangsa Indonesia karena pada masa Republik Indonesia Serikat perumahan ini menjadi kawasan rumah dinas menteri dan pejabat tinggi negara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji aspek bentuk (form) sebagai bagian dari keseluruhan aspek arsitektur yang ada pada perumahan kolonial di Sagan, sehingga ide arsitektur dari perumahan kolonial di Sagan dapat semakin lengkap guna mendukung pelestarian bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretativehistoricalresearch dimana peneliti menggunakan interpretasinya untuk merekonstruksi bentuk awal bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial. Hasil peneliti menemukan bahwa prinsip bentuk pada bangunan rumah tinggal di perumahan kolonial Sagan tidak berbeda dengan prinsip tata ruang bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial di Sagan maupun bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial pada umumnya. Hal itu terlihat dari pemisahan pemilik dengan pembantu rumah tangga yang diwujudkan dengan pembagian bangunan rumah tinggal menjadi bangunan inti (hoofdgebouw), bangunan servis (bijgebouw) dan selasar yang menghubungkan keduanya. Selain itu prinsip-prinsip struktur yang berbeda pada tiap-tiap bagian bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial di Sagan diduga menjadi hal yang paling pokok untuk mengetahui karakteristik bentuk bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial di Sagan. 
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.419 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/lantang.v5i1.25445


Kepulauan Karimunjawa merupakan salah satu Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN) di Indonesia yang sedang dikembangkan. Keunggulan dari pariwisata di Karimunjawa adalah daya tarik wisata alamnya yang berupa wisata bahari, ekowisata, dan wisata petualangan. Potensi kekayaan bahari di Karimunjawa yang tidak kalah menarik salah satunya berupa peninggalan budaya bawah air. Tempat tenggelamnya kapal dan peninggalan bawah air yang berada di Karimunjawa membuat situs-situs ini berpotensi menjadi alternatif tujuan wisata bawah air khususnya daya tarik wisata minat khusus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan profil produk wisata situs-situs bawah air di Karimunjawa. Secara administratif penelitian ini akan difokuskan berdasarkan batas geografis dari situs-situs bawah air yang berada di Perairan Pulau Karimunjawa (Situs Kapal Genteng dan Kapal Indonoor) dan Perairan Pulau Genting (Situs Seruni dan Situs Genting). Penelitian ini akan mengunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengamatan fisik akan dilakukan pada produk wisata (atraksi, aksesibilitas, akomodasi, fasilitas, service) serta lingkungan pada kawasan situs-situs peninggalan bawah air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa situs-situs bawah air di Perairan Karimunjawa yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai daya tarik wisata minat khusus adalah Situs Kapal Indonoor dan Situs  Kapal Genteng. Sedangkan untuk Situs Seruni dan Situs Genting masih harus dilakukan studi lebih lanjut karena dengan kondisi produk wisata saat ini kedua situs tersebut belum memungkinkan untuk dijadikan obyek wisata minat khusus.Kata-Kata Kunci: produk wisata, wisata minat khusus, situs bawah air, ANALYSIS OF TOURISM PRODUCTS OF UNDERWATER SITES AS ONE OF SPECIAL INTEREST TOURISM IN KARIMUNJAWA NATIONAL PARKKarimunjawa Islands are one of the National Tourism Strategic Areas in Indonesia and development of these areas are already underway. Sinking ships and underwater heritage in Karimunjawa make the sites in these areas a potential alternative to underwater tourist destinations, especially for special interest tourism. The purpose of this research is to explain the profile of tourism products underwater sites in Karimunjawa. The research focus was divided based on the geographical boundaries of the underwater sites in the waters of Karimunjawa Island (Genteng and Indonoor Shipwreck Sites) and the waters of Genting Island (Seruni and Genting Sites). This research used a qualitative descriptive method grounded in relevant theories. The physical observation was made on tourism products (attractions, accessibility, accommodation, facilities, and service) and the environment around the sites of underwater relics. Findings of the research suggest that underwater sites which are potential for development as special interest tourism objects are Genteng and Indonoor Shipwreck Sites. As for Seruni and Genting Sites, further research needs to be undertaken because considering the current condition of the tourism products; it does not seem feasible to make both of these sites special interest tourism objectsKeywords: tourism products, special interest tourism, underwater sites, Karimunjawa REFERENCESAdhityatama, S. (2012) Pemodelan Jalur Aktivitas Penyelaman Di Situs USAT Liberty, Tulamben, Bali : Studi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Arkeologi. Skripsi Sarjana. Departemen Arkeologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.Anonim. (2006). Pedoman Pengelolaan Peninggalan Bawah Air. Direktorat Peninggalan Bawah Air. Jakarta.Dillenia, I, (2010). Sumberdaya Arkeologi Laut Untuk Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari di Indonesia : Tinjauan Konsep dan Studi Kasus. Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan VI ISOI 2009. Jakarta.Helmi, S. (2009). Potensi Peninggalan Arkeologi Bawah Air di Perairan Pulau Sumatera. Buletin Arkeologi Amoghapasa Edisi 13 Thn. XV/Juni 2009. Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala (BP3). Batusangkar.Jaksic, S, (2013). Impacts of Artificial Reefs and Diving Tourism. Turizam Journal Vol. 7, Issue 4, 155-165. Department of Geography, Tourism, and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad. Serbia.Laporan Penelitian Arkeologi. (2009). Melacak Budaya Bahari di Kepulauan Karimunjawa Tahap II. Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta.Noviandra, G, P. (2014). Strategi Pelestarian Situs Kapal Tenggelam Indonor di Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Skripsi Sarjana. Departemen Arkeologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.Rahmat, K, D. (2015). Potensi Aktivitas Arkeologi Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Minat Khusus Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengalaman Wisatawan di Kawasan Prambanan. Tesis, MPAR, Universitas Gadjah Mada : Yogyakarta.Ramadhan, Ahmad Surya. (2011). Dokumentasi Pribadi. Yogyakarta.Tanudirjo, D, A. (2001). Wisata Arkeologi, antara Ilmu dan Hiburan. Jurnal Penelitian “Memediasi Masa Lalu : Spektrum Arkeologi dan Pariwisata”. Lephasi. Makassar.Yoeti, O, A. (1997). Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Pariwisata. Pradnya Paramita : Jakarta.Yussubrasta, D, (2012). Himpunan Data Cagar Budaya Bawah Air Indonesia. Direktorat Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Permuseuman. Jakarta.
WATER RESISTANCE OF RECYCLED PAPER PANEL Rani Suryandono, Alexander; Wihardyanto, Dimas
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.923 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/lantang.v4i1.20392


Recycled paper has many benefits, from saving woods to reducing carbon footprints. Industrialized recycled paper were mainly made in developed countries. These processes are using high technology and utilize chemical reactions and materials that can only be done in large factories. Meanwhile, paper are also used in developing countries. Newspaper is one of the mass medias that use a high number of paper. Printed newspaper are still used by the majority of people which they prefer rather than the digital newspaper version. This paper focuses in newspaper recycling that can be done in a home industry without high technology involved so that the people of developing countries could easily do it. The paper is broken into cellulose and then glued using tapioca starch. The recycled paper is formed as a panel for partition in a house. The recycled panel paper is put into the water to measure the resistance level. This experiment will help to understand the recycled panel paper strength against water. Recycling process in a home industry can be a part of green solution, especially in paper use. Through this experiment method research, it can be seen that recycled paper panel has a certain resistance level from water and may be used for partition panel. Keywords: recycled paper, panel, partition, environmental friendly, building materials  KETAHANAN AIR PANEL KERTAS DAUR ULANGKertas daur ulang memiliki banyak manfaat, mulai dari mengurangi penggunaan kayu sampai karbon. Industri kertas daur ulang banyak terdapat di Negara maju. Proses ini membutuhkan teknologi tinggi dan menggunakan reaksi dan bahan kimia yang hanya mungkin dilakukan di pabrik besar. Sementara itu, kertas juga digunakan di Negara berkembang. Koran adalah satu dari media massa yang menggunakan banyak kertas. Koran cetak masih lebih banyak digunakan daripada media online. Paper ini membahas daur ulang kertas koran yang dapat dilakukan pada skala rumah tangga tanpa teknologu tinggi sehingga dapat dilakukan oleh orang awam di negara berkembang. Kertas koran dihancurkan menjadi selulosa dan menggunakan tepung tapioca sebagai perekat. Kertas daur ulang dibentuk menjadi panel untuk digunakan sebagai dinding partisi. Panel kertas daur ulang ini dimasukkan kedalam air untuk mengetahui ketahan terhadap air. Percobaan ini memperlihatkan tingkat ketahanan panel kertas daur ulang terhadap air. Proses daur ulang yang dapat dilakukan pada rumah tangga dapat menjadi bagian dari solusi hijau, khususnya pada penggunaan kertas. Melalui riset berbasis eksperimen ini, dapat dilihat bahwa panel kertas daur ulang memiliki ketahanan terhadap air dan dapat digunakan sebagai dinding partisi. Kata-kata kunci: kertas daur ulang, panel, partisi, ramah lingkungan, bahan bangunan REFERENCESAlice Wisler (2015) Facts about Recycling Paper. Accessed 2 April 2016 Clay Miller (2011) 5 Benefits of Recycling Paper. Accessed 10 May 2016 Hari Goyal (2015) Grades of Paper. Accessed 2 April 2016 Hari Goyal (2015) Properties of Paper. Accessed 2 April 2016 Kathryn Sukalich (2016) Everything You Need to Know about Paper Recycling. Accessed 15 July 2016 [U1] Larry West (2015) Why Recycle Paper. Accesed 15 June 2016 Marie-Luise Blue (2008) The Advantages of Recycling Paper. Accessed 15 June 2016 Nina Spitzer (2009) Accessed 15 June 2016 Radio New Zealand (2010) Iwi not Giving Up Fight against Tasman Mill Discharges. Accessed 15 July 2016 Rick LeBlanc (2016) Paper Recycling Facts, Figures and Information Sources. Accesed 2 April 2016 Robinson Meyer (2016) Will More Newspapers Go Nonprofit? Accessed 3 August 2016 School of Engineering at Darthmouth (2010) Forest and Paper Industry. Accessed 2 April 2016 T. Subramani, V. Angappan. (2015). Experimental Investigation of Papercrete Concrete. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management. Volume 4 Issue 5 page 134-143
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.675 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/lantang.v4i2.23272


Salah satu target utama dalam rekonstruksi paska bencana ialah tersedianya hunian bagi korban bencana yang kehilangan tempat tinggalnya. Dalam pengadaan hunian paska bencana terdapat berbagai macam strategi rekonstruksi. Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai kemungkinan menggunakan penilaian kualitas hunian sebagai alat untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap strategi rekonstruksi. Metode penilaian kualitas hunian baik secara faktual maupun perseptual dipaparkan sebagai pengantar, kemudian disajikan perbandingan dari beberapa penelitian terdahulu mengenai kualitas hunian paska bencana. Dari penelitian ini, disimpulkan bahwa penilaian kualitas hunian paska bencana merupakan cara yang efektif untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap strategi rekonstruksi. Penilaian kualitas hunian paska bencana itu sendiri dapat menggunakan pendekatan faktual, perseptional, maupun perpaduan keduanya, sesuai dengan obyek pengamatan yang dipilih.Kata-kata Kunci: kualitas hunian, paska bencana, analisis faktual, analisis perseptual SCORING METHOD OF THE QUALITY OF POST DISASTER HOUSING AS RECONSTRUCTION STRATEGY’S EVALUATION : FACTUAL AND PERCEPTUAL ANALYSIS APPROACHOne of post disaster recontruction’s main targets is providing proper housing for the victims who lost their homes. In post-disaster housing procurement there are various reconstruction strategies. This research discusses about ability to rate the quality of housing in evaluating the reconstruction strategy. Scoring method of the quality of housing, factually or perceptually, both are explained as preface. And then comparation of previous study about the quality of post disaster housing is discussed. From this research it learned that scoring of the quality of post disaster housing is an effective way to evaluate the reconstruction strategy. The scoring method of the quality of post disaster housing itself, can be seen from different approaches, the factual analysis approach, the perceptual analysis approach, or both, depends on the chosen study object.Keywords: quality of housing, post disaster, factual analysis, perceptual analysisREFERENCESAl-Hussaini, T. M., Seraj, S. M., Islam, M. K., Safiullah, A. M. M., Choudhury, J. R. (1999). A Methodology For Selection Of Post Disaster Shelter. H&H Dhaka99Batchelor, Victoria. (2011). Tarpaulins, transitional shelter or permanent houses : how does the shelter assistance provide affect the recovery of communities after disaster? Dissertation on Oxford Brookes UniversityCollins, Sam. Corsellis, Tom. Vitale, Antonella. (2010).Transitional Shelter: Understanding Shelter from The Emergency Through Reconstruction and Beyond. ALNAP. Diakses melalui www.sheltercenter.orgDola, K. and Parva, M. (2012). Transformation Of Earthquake Disaster Victims’ Shelter Into Sustainable Home: The Case Of Lar City, Iran. ALAM CIPTA, International Journal of Sustainable Tropical Design Research and Practice. Universiti Putra Malaysia. Volume 5 (2) December 2012Kamel, Nabil M. O. and Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia (2003). Residential Assistance and Recovery Following the Northridge Earthquake. Urban Studies, Vol. 41, No. 3, 533–562, March 2004.Kwanda, T., Rahardjo, J., Wardhani, M.K. (2001). Analisis Kepuasan Penghuni Perumahan Sederhana di Denpasar Berdasarkan Faktor Lokasi, Prasarana, Sarana, Kualitas Bangunan, Desain dan Harga. Dimensi Teknik Arsitektur Vol. 29, No. 2, Desember 2001: 117 – 125.Leon, E., Kelman, I., Kennedy, J., and Ashmore,J. (2009). Capacity Building Lessons From A Decade Of Transitional Settlement And Shelter. International Journal Of Strategic Property Management (2009) 13, 247–265Önder, D. E., Köseoğlu, E., Bġlen, Ö. (2010). The Effect Of User Participation In Satisfaction: Beyciler After-Earthquake Houses In Düzce. Itu A|ZPamungkas, H.B.E, Harianto, F. (2012). Analisis Kualitas Perumahan Mutiara Regency Sidoarjo. Jurnal IPTEK Vol 16 No.1 Mei 2012Ratnayake R.M.G.D., Rameezdeen, Raufdeen. (2008).Post Disaster Housing Reconstruction: Comparative Study Of Donor Driven Vs. Owner Driven Approach. International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR)Rini, Johanita Anggia. (2012). Evaluasi Penerapan Prinsip Tahan Gempa pada Renovasi atau Rekonstruksi Rumah Pasca Gempa 2006 di Yogyakarta. Tesis Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung.Saleh, Sakhrul Dachlan. (2010). Kajian Kualitas Bangunan Rumah Pondokan Terhadap Kenyamanan Huni Berdasarkan Persepsi Penghuni di Permukiman Sekitar Kampus Universitas Hasanuddin. Masters Thesis, Universitas Diponegoro.Samaddar, S., Okada, N. (2006). Participatory Approach for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in the Villages of Kachchh, India. Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., No. 49 B, 2006
Potential Development of Brayut Cultural Village, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Ariadi, Adyanti Putri; Wihardyanto, Dimas; Roychansyah, Muhammad Sani
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 20, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v20i1.11568


Brayut Tourism Village is an agricultural and culture - based tourism village located in Sleman Regency. Thepotential of nature and culture is very interesting to be developed further. However, during its development, there aresome emerging issues which damage the environment and the life of Brayut Tourism Village society. The purpose of thisresearch is to maintain and preserve the potential for sustainable tourism of Brayut Village. This research used aqualitative descriptive method, including explaining development strategy covering various aspects, which are theenvironmental, sociocultural, and economic direction of physical and non-physical development. For the sake of thecontinuity of the uniqueness of nature and culture, Brayut Tourism Village that grows in the middle of Sleman Regencydevelopment area requires sustainable tourism management. The important element in the development of villagetourism is the involvement of villagers in every aspect of tourism activities in the village.
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.433 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/lantang.v7i1.35500


Arsitektur merupakan salah satu produk budaya hasil pemikiran manusia yang mampu menggambarkan secara komprehensif bagaimana hubungan dirinya dengan konteks sosial maupun seting lingkungan yang ada. Tidak terkecuali arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia. Kolonialisasi di Indonesia terutama yang dilakukan oleh Belanda merupakan salah satu babak sejarah penting di Indonesia karena mampu merubah cara berfikir arsitektur di Hindia Belanda semakin modern mendekati yang terjadi di Barat. Pengaruh modernisme dalam arsitektur tersebut tentunya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perkembangan cara berfikir masyarakat barat yang bertitik tolak dari cara memandang alam dan manusia melalui pendekatan kategorisasi dan analogi. Setelah melalui kurun waktu yang cukup panjang arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia akhirnya tidak dapat memaksakan penggunaan arsitektur barat secara penuh. Konteks sosial budaya serta seting lingkungan dan iklim yang berbeda akhirnya mampu mengajak para arsitek untuk mengedepankan cara berfikir yang bertitik tolak pada alam melalui pendekatan analogi alih-alih menonjolkan arsitektur barat sebagai simbol manusia modern melalui pendekatan kategorisasi. Kemunculan arsitektur Indis adalah salah satu buktinya. Selanjutnya melalui metode kajian literatur terhadap sejarah perkembangan filsafat barat, metodologi penelitian arsitektur, dan teori-teori mengenai arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia peneliti mencoba merunut dan merumuskan bagaimana Posisi keilmuan arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia dalam konteks sejarah filsafat dan filsafat ilmu. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwasanya perkembangan arsitektur kolonial di Indonesia berawal dari cara berfikir dualisme dengan mengambil alam sebagai tidak tolak, kemudian beralih menjadi cara berfikir monisme dengan revolusi industri sebagai latar belakang, dan kemudian kembali ke cara berfikir dualisme dengan menempatkan alam sebagai titik tolak pada abad ke 20.DUTCH COLONIAL ARCHITECTURE IN INDONESIA IN THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF PHILOSOPHY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Architecture is one of the cultural products of human thought that can to comprehensively describe how its relationship with the social context and the existing environmental settings. Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia is no exception. Colonialism in Indonesia, especially those carried out by the Dutch, is one of the important historical phases in Indonesia because it can change the way of thinking architecture in the Dutch East Indies increasingly modern that is happening in the West. The influence of modernism in architecture indeed cannot be separated from the development of western society's way of thinking, which starts from the way of looking at nature and humans through a categorization and analogy approach. After a long period of time, Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia finally could not force the full use of western architecture. The socio-cultural context and the different environmental and climatic settings were finally able to invite the architects to put forward the way of thinking that starts with nature through an analogy approach instead of highlighting western architecture as a symbol of modern humans through the categorization approach. The emergence of Indis architecture is one of the proofs. Furthermore, through the method of studying literature on the history of the development of western philosophy, architectural research methodology, and theories about Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia researchers try to trace and formulate the scientific position of Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia in the context of the history of philosophy and philosophy of science. The results obtained from this study are that the development of colonial architecture in Indonesia started from the way of thinking of dualism by taking nature as not rejecting, then turning into monism with the industrial revolution as a background, and then returning to the way of thinking of dualism by placing nature as a point starting in the 20th century.
Potential Development of Brayut Cultural Village, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Ariadi, Adyanti Putri; Wihardyanto, Dimas; Roychansyah, Muhammad Sani
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 20, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v20i1.11568


Brayut Tourism Village is an agricultural and culture - based tourism village located in Sleman Regency. Thepotential of nature and culture is very interesting to be developed further. However, during its development, there aresome emerging issues which damage the environment and the life of Brayut Tourism Village society. The purpose of thisresearch is to maintain and preserve the potential for sustainable tourism of Brayut Village. This research used aqualitative descriptive method, including explaining development strategy covering various aspects, which are theenvironmental, sociocultural, and economic direction of physical and non-physical development. For the sake of thecontinuity of the uniqueness of nature and culture, Brayut Tourism Village that grows in the middle of Sleman Regencydevelopment area requires sustainable tourism management. The important element in the development of villagetourism is the involvement of villagers in every aspect of tourism activities in the village.
Perkembangan Konsep Regionalisme Kritis Kenneth Frampton (1985-2005) Dimas Wihardyanto; . Sherlia
JURNAL ARSITEKTUR Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.916 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jaubl.v2i1.298


This paper outlines the development of Critical Regionalism Concept, introduced by Kenneth Frampton, whom a professor in history and architecture. His most influential achievement was a book titled "Toward A Critical Regionalism", that introduced critical regionalism theory/thought as a response of globalization and universalization impact. His thought was based on the worry of excessive impact of modernism and globalism, and political situation at that time, causing buildings of western classic architecture style replaced by modern architecture style as symbols of industrialism. Critical Regionalism theory tried to put back architecture and buildings to the context and the development of its surrounding, as an effort to strengthen local identity by seeing its potency and noticing every details in buildings. Now, this theory is widespread and developed by world architects. These architects succeed in making modern architecture more tactile and tectonic, creating creative and tectonic structures forms, which able to counter universalism in architecture by placing back technology as instrument in architecture
Tipologi Ventilasi Bangunan Vernakular Indonesia Gun Faisal; Nindyo Suwarno; Dimas Wihardyanto
JURNAL ARSITEKTUR Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1885.741 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jaubl.v3i1.312


Buildings are the world's largest energy absorbers. They absorb 48 percents of energy, transportation absorbs 21 percent of it, while the rest of the energy is used by other sectors. The use of Air Conditioner that takes up a lot of energy is replaced by natural ventilation to reduce energy consumption. This paper discusses how the ventilation system and the model on the vernacular buildings in Indonesia, and aims to determine and identify the type of ventilation system. Ventilation is one way of vernacular buildings to cope with climate conditions. This study is applies qualitative method. It study is conducted to observe the subject and compare it to related literature and analyze the result based on related theories. This paper explore  the type of ventilation system in some vernacular buildings in Indonesia. In the end, the author found out that there are four types of ventilaton sytem of vernacular building in Sumatera, Java, Bali, Lombok, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua.