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Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian (e-ISSN: 2338-8331) Vol 1, No 2: NOVEMBER
Publisher : Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian (e-ISSN: 2338-8331)

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[ENGLISH] The experiment was conducted in the Field Research, in Kumendung village, Muncar, Banyuwangi from November 2012 until February 2013. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the effect of NPK fertilizer in some accession of maize on it’s growth and production. It’s also evaluate the protein content of the accession under different fertilizer treatment. The experiment was set up as a split plot design with three replications. Main plot were NPK aplication rates (200, 300, 400 kg NPK ha-1) and the sub-plots were accesion number ( V1 = Srikandi Kuning x Manado Merah ; V2 = Bisma x Srikandi Kuning ; V3 = Srikandi Kuning x Bisma ; and V4 = Bisma x Manado Merah). An split plot statistical analysis of varience (ANOVA) and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5 % level of probability according to Hanafiah, (2005) was realized using the excel program. Growth and yield parameters recorded at different stages of crop growth and development. There were plant height, leaves number above the ear, leaves number under the ear, tassel emergence, silk emergence, physiologically ripe age, ear lenghth, ear weight, ear circumference, ear weight per plot, kernel weight, kernel weight per plot, 100-grain weight, and protein content. The result showed that no significant different affected by the defferent NPK application rates on these accession. Base on the character selection, the yielding of all accession were higher than Bisma variety. Content of the accession were 11,14 ; 10,25 ; 10,95 ; and 10,10 mg g-1 for V1, V2, V3, and V4, respectively. Keywords: NPK Fertilizer; Maize accession; Production [INDONESIAN] Penelitian dilakukan di lahan Desa Kumendung Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi pada bulan November 2012 hingga Febuari 2013. Tujuan dari percobaan ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi beberapa Aksesi jagung, dan mengevaluasi kadar protein yang terkandung didalamnya. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Split Plot dengan tiga ulangan. Petak utama adalah Pupuk NPK (200, 300, 400 kg NPK ha-1) dan sub-plot adalah aksesi jagung (V1 = Srikandi Kuning x Manado Merah, V2 = Bisma x Srikandi Kuning, V3 = Srikandi Kuning x Bisma, dan V4 = Bisma x Manado Merah). Hasil percobaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis varian (ANOVA) dan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf α 5% (Hanafiah, 2005) dengan menggunakan program excel. Parameter pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun atas dan dibawah tongkol jagung, umur berbunga jantan, umur berbungan betina, umur masak fisiologis, berat tongkol per petak (kg), berat pipilan per petak (kg), berat tongkol per tanaman (g), panjang tongkol isi (cm), lingkar tongkol (cm), berat 100 biji per tanaman (g), dan kandungan protein biji jagung (mg g-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata antar perlakuan yang dicobakan pada parameter yang diamati. Perlakuan penambahan pupuk NPK tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata pada semua parameter. Berdasarkan pemilihan karakter, semua aksesi terpilih lebih tinggi dibanding varietas Bisma. Kandungan protein rata-rata aksesi yang diuji yaitu 11,14 ; 10,25 ; 10,95 ; dan 10,10 mg g-1 masing-masing untuk V1, V2, V3, dan V4. Kata Kunci: Pupuk NPK; Aksesi Jagung; Produksi How to citate: Pratikta D, S Hartatik, KA Wijaya. 2013. Pengaruh penambahan pupuk NPK terhadap produksi beberapa aksesi tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.). Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian 1(2): 19-21.
Mineral Nitrogen in Soil of Sugarcane Plantation of PG Jatiroto Wijaya, Ketut Anom
UNEJ e-Proceeding Indonesian Protein Society (IPS), International Seminar and Workshop 2014
Publisher : UNEJ e-Proceeding

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The objective of research was to study mineral N content in soil of PG Jatiroto sugarcane plantation, Lumajang, East Jawa. Mineral N of soil is very important data in utilizing the precise N fertilization method. Rate based fertilization had been discontinuedly utilized by some advanced countries since 1980s because it was considered to be environmentally unfriendly, not appropriate for precision agriculture which oriented toward inner quality.  In the future, Indonesia is also expected to implement the method of accurate N supply on sugarcane to replace the rate based method. Nitrate and ammonium content in soil analized using Cataldo method and  Conway Dish method. Soil samples were taken on two kind of soil texture (sandy soil and loamy soil). Result: content of mineral nitrogen in soil of sugarcane plantation was unexpected extrimly high (2.000-10.000 kg/ha) compare to nitrogen need of sugarcane for yielding highest sugar content (around 350 kg N/ha), nitrate-Nitrogen in general, was very much lower (20-150 kg/ha) than ammonium-Nitrogen (2.500-9.800 kg/ha). Conclusion: mineral N in soil of sugarcane plantation of PG Jatiroto extrimly high and much higher than need of N of sugarcane to produce high sugar content, ammonium-N was the majority of mineral N form in both of soil types.. Keywords: sugar plantation, soil, nitrogen-mineral, nitrate, ammonium
AGRITROP Vol 12, No 2 (2014): Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.568 KB) | DOI: 10.32528/agr.v12i2.712


Impor gula terus dilakukan setiap tahun oleh Pemerintah Indonesia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri yang mencapai angka 3,5 juta ton/tahun, sedangkan produksi gula nasional hanya sekitar 1,5 juta ton. Penyebab dari masalah ini antara lain adalah rendahnya produktivitas lahan dan rendemen gula rata -rata nasional yaitu di bawah angka 6% (Ditjed Industri Agro dan Kimia, 2009). Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gula  nasional, pemerintah menargetkan menaikkan rendemen tebu rakyat menjadi 8,4% di tahun 2014 dan menaikkan produksi gula  konsumsi menjadi 3,57 juta ton tahun 2014.  Salahsatu penyebab rendahnya rendemen/kadar gula adalah pemenuhan nutrisi tanaman  yang  tidak  akurat, terutama  pemenuhan unsur N.  Secara  fisiologis, tanaman tebu membutuhkan suplai N dalam jumlah yang tepat untuk dapat menghasilkan rendemen tinggi. Sampai hari ini cara pemupukan tebu masih menggunakan paket dosis anjuran yang dikeluarkan oleh pabrik gula (PG). Cara ini tidak memperhitungkan N yang terkandung di dalam tanah, padahal tanah mengandung N yang sangat bervariasi. Tanah di daerah Semboro, sebagai contoh, mengandung N mulai dari 217 sampai 532 kg/ha. Penelitian berupa percobaan lapang yang  menggunakan varietas Bululawang yang memiliki potensi rendemen 15% dan varietas ini mendominasi areal tebu di Jawa Timur.  Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RCBD) dengan 6 taraf suplai N yang masing-masing diulang 4 kali. Taraf suplai N yang diperlakukan adalah:   231; 252; 273; 294; 315; dan 336 kg N/ha. Pengertian suplai adalah pemenuhan kebutuhan nitrogen yang bersumber dari N tanah dan N pupuk, sehingga untuk menetapkan besar suplai, N tanah dianalisis terlebih dulu dan kekurangannya ditambahkan dalam bentu pupuk. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan angka kebutuhan nitrogen tanaman tebu bahan baku industri gula berkadar gula tinggi. Berdasarkan data yang dihasilkan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa, untuk mencapai kadar gula tinggi tanaman tebu membutuhkan nitrogen sebanyak 315 kg/ha. Kata kunci: suplai Nitrogen, kebutuhan Nitrogen, kadar gula, bululawang.
AGRITROP Vol 11, No 1 (2013): Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.586 KB) | DOI: 10.32528/agr.v11i1.674


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan frekuensi aplikasi pupuk organic cair (POC) yang memberihasil kalian paling baik dibandingkan dengan pupuk anorganik standar bermerek dagang (sebagai kontrol) lewat daun. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan lima perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: pemberian POC 2 hari sekali (F1) memberikan hasil berat segar kailan paling baik dan lebih baik dari yang dihasil perlakuan control yaitu mencapai berat segar 126,23 gram/tanaman dengan beratkering 9,68 gram/tanaman. Perlakuan pemberian pupuk Gandasil D (F0, sebagai kontrol) memberikan hasil 124,63 g/tanaman. Aplikasi POC yang lain yaitu F2, F3 dan F4 menghasilkan berat segar yang berbeda tidak nyata dengan F0 dan F1. Dapat disimpulkan, bahwa POC konsentrasi 50% yang disemprotkan setiap 2 hari mampu menghasilkan kailan lebih baik dari perlakuan kontrol. Kata kunci: kailan, pemupukan lewat daun,  pupuk organic cair, frekuensi, hasil.
THE ROLE OF POTASSIUM AND CALSIUM IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND SHELF LIFE OF TOMATO (Lycopersicum esculentum var. servo) Wicaksana, Puguh Catur; Wijaya, Ketut Anom; Soeparjono, Sigit
El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2019): EL-HAYAH (VOL 7, NO 2 Maret 2019)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v7i2.8430


Tomato has the characteristics natural to damage. Damage fruits are caused by destitute of fruit quality and sensory attributes. The loss of tomato production on harvest in developing countries reached 50% due to the long duration of tomato distribution. Servo varieties of tomatoes are in demand by farmers because of their genetic advantages, high productivity, and abundant fruit weights. The shortage of servo varieties of tomatoes is the short shelf life of fruit, which is seven days after harvest. Short shelf life is influenced by fruit thickness and fruit hardness. In improving the quality and shelf life of tomatoes, potassium (K) nutrition plays a role in photosynthetic translocation, strengthens the cell wall, and involved in the lignification process of sclerenchyma tissue. Tomatoes, as climacteric fruits have a high respiration rate influenced by ethylene. Ethylene production can be inhibited by calcium chloride (CaCl2) application by strengthening the cell wall mechanism, cross-link with pectin, and increase the cell wall regeneration can change the texture of the fruit become harder, and it reduces sensitivity to physiological damage. Based on the treatment of this research, the quality and shelf life of servo varieties of tomato is increased.
Kajian Agronomis dan Kualitas Tepung Berbahan Ubi Kayu Lokal Lucky Hartanti; Anang Syamsunihar; Ketut Anom Wijaya
Pro Food Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): Pro Food
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.718 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/profood.v3i2.57


Cassava flour has a good potential to substitute wheat flour for various food products and have a good opportunity to developed. The farmers prefer to cultivate local types of cassava compared to superior varieties national. Fresh cassavas contain cyanide acid (HCN), which is harmful to health. Knowledge and skills in processing of cassava is needed to produce fresh cassava become safety product. The aimed of this research was to conducted to: 1) Examine the agronomic potential of local cassava as raw material for cassava flour industry , 2) Study quality cassava flour produced from three different types of local cassava. Cassava used in this study was a local type i.e.: “ketan”, “Pb”, “Sambung”. The method of processing cassava flour was dried cassava method “gaplek”, wet method “tapioka fermentation method “mocaf”. In general all types of local cassava had a good agronomic potential and safe to be processed into cassava flour. Mocaf from “Pb” type gave the best result. The best tapioca was produced from “ketan” type of cassava. Key Words: Cassava Flour, HCN, Local Types of Cassava ABSTRAK Tepung ubi kayu mampu menggantikan tepung terigu untuk berbagai produk pangan dan berpeluang bagus untuk dikembangkan. Petani lebih suka membudidayakan ubi kayu jenis lokal dibandingkan dengan varietas unggul nasional. Ubi kayu segar mengandung HCN yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Diperlukan teknik yang baik untuk mengolah ubi kayu menjadi produk yang aman dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mengkaji potensi agronomis ubi kayu jenis lokal sebagai bahan baku industri tepung ubi kayu.2) Mengkaji kualitas tepung ubi kayu yang dihasilkandari tiga jenis ubi kayu lokal yang berbeda Ubi kayu yang dipakai dalam penelitian adalah ubi kayu lokal jenis ketan, Pb dan ubi sambung. Metode pengolahan tepung ubi kayu yang dilakukan adalah metode kering gaplek, metode basah tapioca dan metode fermentasi mocaf. Secara umum semua ubi kayu jenis lokal berpotensi agronomis dan aman untuk diolah menjadi tepung ubi kayu. Mocaf dari ubi jenis Pb memberikan hasil terbaik. Tapioka terbaik dihasilkan dari ubi kayu jenis ketan. Kata Kunci :HCN, Tepung ubi kayu, Ubi kayu lokal
Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 1 No 2 (2013): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Jember University Press

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[ENGLISH] The experiment was conducted in the Field Research, in Kumendung village, Muncar, Banyuwangi from November 2012 until February 2013. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the effect of NPK fertilizer in some accession of maize on it’s growth and production. It’s also evaluate the protein content of the accession under different fertilizer treatment. The experiment was set up as a split plot design with three replications. Main plot were NPK aplication rates (200, 300, 400 kg NPK ha-1) and the sub-plots were accesion number ( V1 = Srikandi Kuning x Manado Merah ; V2 = Bisma x Srikandi Kuning ; V3 = Srikandi Kuning x Bisma ; and V4 = Bisma x Manado Merah). An split plot statistical analysis of varience (ANOVA) and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5 % level of probability according to Hanafiah, (2005) was realized using the excel program. Growth and yield parameters recorded at different stages of crop growth and development. There were plant height, leaves number above the ear, leaves number under the ear, tassel emergence, silk emergence, physiologically ripe age, ear lenghth, ear weight, ear circumference, ear weight per plot, kernel weight, kernel weight per plot, 100-grain weight, and protein content. The result showed that no significant different affected by the defferent NPK application rates on these accession. Base on the character selection, the yielding of all accession were higher than Bisma variety. Content of the accession were 11,14 ; 10,25 ; 10,95 ; and 10,10 mg g-1 for V1, V2, V3, and V4, respectively. Keywords: NPK Fertilizer; Maize accession; Production [INDONESIAN] Penelitian dilakukan di lahan Desa Kumendung Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi pada bulan November 2012 hingga Febuari 2013. Tujuan dari percobaan ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi beberapa Aksesi jagung, dan mengevaluasi kadar protein yang terkandung didalamnya. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Split Plot dengan tiga ulangan. Petak utama adalah Pupuk NPK (200, 300, 400 kg NPK ha-1) dan sub-plot adalah aksesi jagung (V1 = Srikandi Kuning x Manado Merah, V2 = Bisma x Srikandi Kuning, V3 = Srikandi Kuning x Bisma, dan V4 = Bisma x Manado Merah). Hasil percobaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis varian (ANOVA) dan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf α 5% (Hanafiah, 2005) dengan menggunakan program excel. Parameter pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun atas dan dibawah tongkol jagung, umur berbunga jantan, umur berbungan betina, umur masak fisiologis, berat tongkol per petak (kg), berat pipilan per petak (kg), berat tongkol per tanaman (g), panjang tongkol isi (cm), lingkar tongkol (cm), berat 100 biji per tanaman (g), dan kandungan protein biji jagung (mg g-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata antar perlakuan yang dicobakan pada parameter yang diamati. Perlakuan penambahan pupuk NPK tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata pada semua parameter. Berdasarkan pemilihan karakter, semua aksesi terpilih lebih tinggi dibanding varietas Bisma. Kandungan protein rata-rata aksesi yang diuji yaitu 11,14 ; 10,25 ; 10,95 ; dan 10,10 mg g-1 masing-masing untuk V1, V2, V3, dan V4. Kata Kunci: Pupuk NPK; Aksesi Jagung; Produksi How to citate: Pratikta D, S Hartatik, KA Wijaya. 2013. Pengaruh penambahan pupuk NPK terhadap produksi beberapa aksesi tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.). Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian 1(2): 19-21.
UNEJ e-Proceeding International Conference on Agribusiness Marketing (ICAM) 2012, Faculty of Agriculture, University o
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Vegetable quality is determined by the physical properties, chemistry, color, and taste. Since increased public awareness of health, their demand on food quality has alsoincreased. Chemical properties of vegetables include: level of nitrate, pesticide residue andheavy metal content. The purpose of this paper is to provide information to Indonesianvegetables stakeholder, the European markets impose strict conditions on levels of nitratevegetables. The method used is the study of literature from a variety of credible sources. Inthe human’s stomach is reduced nitrate to nitrite, then nitrite reacts with amines to formnitrosamine compound. Nitrosamine is known as a very potential carcinogenic compound,with risk of 90%. Statistically, 72.4% of daily nitrate intake originated from vegetables,equal to 35.7 mg/day. Besides forms nitrosamine, nitrite couse methemoglobinamie (babyblue syndrome). Nitrate is very serious threat to human health, so that the WHO limit the maximum daily nitrate intake do not exceed 220 mg (Scharpf and Wehrmann, 1991). To protect their citizen against nitrate hazard, European government are agreed to limit themaximum nitrate content in vegetables. Each species of vegetable and Country has differentnitrate limit. Indonesian’s vegetable contain high nitrate level and difficult to reducebecause there is no technology have been developed to quantify N supply to achieve lownitrate content. Growers in developed countries (Europe, USA, Japan, and Canada) applyN-mineral Metode to maintain nitrogen supply and nitrate content. Wijaya (2012) haveanalyzed 5 species of vegetables (spinach, pachoy, cabage, lettuce and chinakol) resfectivlycontain 6.427, 3.915, 1.847, 1.553, and 704 mg/kg FS). Acording to these nitrate contentand nitrate limiting role of European Countries, very hard for Indonesia to exportIndonesian vegetables to Europe.
Mineral Nitrogen in Soil of Sugarcane Plantation of PG Jatiroto Ketut Anom Wijaya
UNEJ e-Proceeding Indonesian Protein Society (IPS), International Seminar and Workshop 2014
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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The objective of research was to study mineral N content in soil of PG Jatiroto sugarcane plantation, Lumajang, East Jawa. Mineral N of soil is very important data in utilizing the precise N fertilization method. Rate based fertilization had been discontinuedly utilized by some advanced countries since 1980s because it was considered to be environmentally unfriendly, not appropriate for precision agriculture which oriented toward inner quality.  In the future, Indonesia is also expected to implement the method of accurate N supply on sugarcane to replace the rate based method. Nitrate and ammonium content in soil analized using Cataldo method and  Conway Dish method. Soil samples were taken on two kind of soil texture (sandy soil and loamy soil). Result: content of mineral nitrogen in soil of sugarcane plantation was unexpected extrimly high (2.000-10.000 kg/ha) compare to nitrogen need of sugarcane for yielding highest sugar content (around 350 kg N/ha), nitrate-Nitrogen in general, was very much lower (20-150 kg/ha) than ammonium-Nitrogen (2.500-9.800 kg/ha). Conclusion: mineral N in soil of sugarcane plantation of PG Jatiroto extrimly high and much higher than need of N of sugarcane to produce high sugar content, ammonium-N was the majority of mineral N form in both of soil types.. Keywords: sugar plantation, soil, nitrogen-mineral, nitrate, ammonium
UNEJ e-Proceeding International Conference on Agribusiness Marketing (ICAM) 2012, Faculty of Agriculture, University o
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Intensive nutrient managements for crop production are one of agriculture management strategies that are not yet widely adopted in most third world countries.Precise N Fertilization as a part of intensive nutrient managements is a great way tomanage input efficiency; yet, the technology is feasible enough for farmers to apply, inorder to increase the farm product quality while improve access in modern market.Nitrogen (N) required for plant growth and development in large numbers, but the plant isonly capable of absorbing an average of less than 50% N provided through conventionalfertilization. Greenhouse gases emissions are increasing mostly because of expanding useof N fertilizers, while the carcinogenic effect of N residue on farm products is a dangerousrisk for human health. By increasing the awareness on health and environmental effects forfarm products especially concerning precise N fertilization, consumer will get healthbenefit while producer will get an added value for their products. Thus, by applying betterinput efficiency farmers could simultaneously increase the price while meeting the higherconsumer demands even with gradually stricter standards in term of farm product qualityand market requirements.