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EKSPANSI Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

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Abstract: This research aims to test the factors that influencing turnaround success of financial distress companies. Sample that used in this research was manufacturing companies that listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2011-2014. Factors that influencing the turnaround success of financial distress companies are company size, profitability ratio, liquidity ratio, severity, assets retrenchments, free assets and growth opportunity. The sample that used on this research are 22 companies for four years period of research, as of that 88 data acquired. Those sample selected using the method of purposive sampling. Test of analysis used logistic regression with SPSS 17.0. Based on the result of research and analysis that has been done, the acquired results of profitability ratio, liquidity ratio and growth opportunity are influence turnaround success of financial distress companies, while the company size, severity, assets retrenchments and free assets are not influence turnaround success of financial distress companies. Keywords: Turnaround, Financial Distress and Logistic Regression
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan 2017: PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL FKPT-TPI 2017

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Penghilangan residu gliserol MDAG dengan metode creaming demulsification technique (CDT) telah terbukti berhasil dengan baik, metode ini hampir sama efektifnya dengan pemurnian menggunakan alat separasi short path distilation (SPD). CDT adalah metode penghilangan gliserol dari MDAG dengan prinsip merusak sistem emulsi w/o (gliserol/MDAG) baik secara fisik (penerapan panas dan pengadukan) maupun secara kimia (penambahan larutan elektrolit). Larutan elektrolit yang digunakan dapat berasal dari asam, garam, atau campuran keduanya. Penelitian ini mempelajari efektivitas penggunaan larutan NaCl dan CaCl2 5% sebagai larutan elektrolit dalam sistem CDT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CaCl2 lebih efektif daripada NaCl dalam memisahkan gliserol dari sistem emulsi MDAG. Pemurnian dengan larutan elektrolit CaCl2 dan NaCl 5% masing-masing menghasilkan MDAG murni dengan kandungan gliserol 1,64 dan 0,70% dari kandungan asalnya sebesar 14.99%. Kata kunci: CaCl2, CDT, demulsifikasi, elektrolit, MDAG, NaCl, purifikasi 
Diponegoro Journal of Management Volume 2, Nomor 3, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University

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This study aims to determine how big the influence of product quality, service quality, andlocation to consumer satisfaction on KOPIKITA. The problem that facing by KOPIKITA isconsumer’s satisfaction which decreasing, as seen from a lot of complain received from customer.And this research also aims to analyze the most dominant factors that influence on consumersatisfaction of KOPIKITA.Population of this research are consumers of KOPIKITA. Samples were taken of 100respondents by using non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling approach. Datawas collected by using a survery method through quetionnaires which were filled out byconsumers. Then, the obtained data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Thisanalysis includes: validity test,reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis,hypothesis testing through the t test and F test, and coefficient of determination analysis (R²).From the analysis result, the indicators in this study are valid and reliables. The mostdominant factor that influence on consumer satisfaction is product quality follow the servicequality, and the last is location. Then though the F Test can be seen that the independent variablesfeasible to test the dependent variable. The result of Adjusted R Square is 55%, it means thatindependent variable can explain about 45% of dependent variable.
SINTESIS DAN POTENSI APLIKASI LIPIDA TERSTUKTUR BERBASIS MINYAK KELAPA DAN MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT UNTUK INDUSTRI PANGAN FUNGSIONAL /Synthesis and Potential Applications of Coconut and Palm Oils Based Structured Lipid for Functional Food Industry Nurhasanah, Siti; Hariyadi, Purwiyatno; Wulandari, Nur; Munarso, Joni
Perspektif Vol 16, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (695.798 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/psp.v16n2.2017.111-121


Berkembangnya teknologi proses pengolahan pangan berdampak pada kebutuhan lipida dengan sifat khusus untuk diaplikasikan pada produk tertentu. Sifat lipida alami belum tentu sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri, baik dari segi sifat fisikokimia, gizi, maupun sifat fungsional lain yang diinginkan.  Karena itu, perlu dilakukan modifikasi untuk membentuk lipida dengan nilai tambah tertentu. Salah satunya melalui modifikasi stuktur molekuler lipida; yaitu untuk menghasilkan lipida terstruktur (structured lipids, SL). Lipida terstrukturadalah lipida yang termodifikasi, dengan penambahan dan/atau pengaturan posisi asam-asam lemak pada kerangka gliserolnya untuk tujuan menghasilkan lipida dengan nilai tambah sesuai aplikasinya.  Perbedaan jenis dan posisi asam-asam lemak pada kerangka gliserol akan menentukan sifat kimia, fisika, biokimia lipida dan fungsionalnya yang berpotensi memberikan nilai tambah tertentu. Sintesis SL dengan interesterifikasi secara kimia maupun enzimatis memungkinkan potensi aplikasi yang lebih luas, khususnya untuk industri pangan fungsional. Saat ini telah beredar di pasaran produk SL dengan nilai tambah tertentu; misalnya mudah diserap tubuh, kandungan kalori lebih rendah, dan mempunyai komposisi asam lemak mirip dengan lemak ASI untuk formulasi makanan bayi.  Minyak kelapa dan kelapa sawit sebagai hasil perkebunan, yang masing-masing memiliki keunggulan kaya asam lemak rantai menengah dan kaya asam lemak tak-jenuh merupakan bahan bakupotensial untuk pengembangan SL dengan nilai tambah khas.Pembuatan SL sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri pangan fungsional ini dapat meningkatkan daya saing produk perkebunan dalam pasar dunia. Hilirisasi riset perlu dikembangkan agarmampu menghasilkan inovasiyang dapat diaplikasikan di industri, yang melibatkan komitmen pemerintah maupun pelaku usaha.  ABSTRACTThe growth of process technology in food processing affecting the needs of lipid with special characteristics for specific products. The characteristic of natural lipid is not always suitable with industry requirement, either from its physicochemical characteristic, nutrition, or from other desirable functional characteristics. Therefore it is necessary to develop modification technique to produce lipid with desirable added value, such as generating structured lipids (SL). Structured lipids is modified lipid, with the addition and/or arrangement of the fatty acid position on its glycerol backbone.The difference of types and positions of fatty acids on glycerol backbone will determine the chemical, physical, biochemical characteristic and the functionality of the lipid. Structured lipids synthesed by chemical or enzymatic interesterification will potentially have broader potential of applications, especially for functional food industry. Currently, SL products with several added values, such as more easily absorbed, lower calorie content, or having fatty acid composition similar to that of breastmilk lipid for baby food formulation, have been introduced in the market. Coconut oil and palm oil are, respectively, known to be rich in medium saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acids. Both oil are potential to be used for development of SL. Structured lipids production suitable for functional food industry could increase the competitiveness of coconut and palm oil as plantation comodities in world market. Downstream policy research by promoting research and development toward industrial application is needed, involving commitment from government and private sectors. 
Parents Collaborative Approach to Handle Slow Learners in The Inclusive Elementary Schoo Zakiah, Linda; Supena, Asep; Wulandari, Nur
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar Vol 6, No 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jisd.v6i1.41429


Slow learners are children who have limited learning abilities, so they experience delays in mental development and adjustment so that they take longer and repeatedly to complete academic and non-academic tasks. This study aims to analyze the collaborative approach of parents for handling slow learners in inclusive elementary schools. This type of research is qualitative research. The research approach used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach. The study's data collection techniques were participant observation, in-depth interviews, documentation studies, and combination/triangulation. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative analysis. The research results, namely the collaboration carried out by the teacher, can be said to have succeeded in making changes to students in two aspects, namely cognitive aspects and affective aspects. The cognitive aspect is that students can understand the lesson, carry out their academic tasks, and get better learning outcomes. The affective aspect is seen from the increased self-confidence. Learning done repeatedly by teachers and parents can become a habit for slow learners. Parental collaboration is a form of responsibility towards their children. Parents have responsibility for the development of their children and hope that their children will be prosperous like other normal children.
PEMBUATAN BAHAN BAKU SPREADS KAYA KAROTEN DARI MINYAK SAWIT MERAH MELALUI INTERESTERIFIKASI ENZIMATIK MENGGUNAKAN REAKTOR BATCH [Preparation of Red Palm Oil Based-Spreads Stock Rich in Carotene Through Enzymatic Interesterification in Batch-type Reactor] . Sugiyono; Mario Wibowo; Soenar Soekopitojo; Nur Wulandari
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 23 No. 2 (2012): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.864 KB) | DOI: 10.6066/jtip.2012.23.2.117


Enzymatic interesterification of red palm oil (a mixture of red palm olein/RPO and red palm stearin/RPS in 1:1 weight ratio) and coconut oil (CNO) blends of varying proportions using a non-specific immobilized Candida antartica lipase (Novozyme 435) was studied for the preparation of spread stock. The interesterification reaction was held in a batch-type reactor. Two substrate blends were chosen for the production of spread stock i.e. 77.5:22,5 and 82.5:17.5 (RPO/RPS:CNO, by weight) through enzymatic interesterification in three different reaction times (2, 4, and 6 hours). The interesterification reactions were conducted at 60°C, 200 rpm agitation speed and 10% of Novozyme 435. The interesterified products were evaluated for their physical characteristics (slip melting point or SMP and solid fat content or SFC) and chemical characteristics (carotene retention, moisture content, and free fatty acid/FFA content). All of the interesterified products had lower SFC and SMP as compared to the initial blends. The SMP and SFC increased in longer reaction times. The SMP ranged from 30.8°C to 34.9°C. The carotene retention ranged from 74.80% to 81.08%, while the moisture content and FFA content increased in longer reaction times. The interesterified products had desirable physical properties for possible use as a spread stock rich in carotene.