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E-Journal Widya Yustisia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Yustisia

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Pretension of Money laundring in Indonesia has started since the act no. 15, 2002 about pretension of money laundry changes into the act no. 15, 2003 and it shown a positive impact. Meanwhile, the act does not seem optimal. Therefore, the Indonesin parliament constructs another act which is act no.8, 2010 about prevention and pretension of money. The objective of this study is to discuss about how far the act no.8, 2010 about prevention and pretension of money laundry can be implemented effectively. The method used library study with descriptive, explorative and analytic approaching. It can be concluded that: 1. Occurs some criminal offense as it is limited implemented in the second clause of act no. 8, 2010 towards money laundry presumption, does not need pre verification as long as the money came from corruption with the record of 2 proof as the initial proof. 2. Money laundry in criminology is qualified as white collar criminalization, therefore using inverse method is relevant, but in the implementation it is depended on the judge’s will. The suggestion that, all the element of law enforcement and the criminal justice system should have well integration and dedication in this kind of cases meanwhile special skills regarding the financial system and the support from financial expert are needed.
Pengendalian Sosial Kejahatan (Suatu Tinjauan Terhadap Masalah Penghukuman Dalam Perspektif Sosiologi) Mas Ahmad Yani
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v2i1.1842


Abstract: Social Control of Crimes. Embodiments may include criminalization of social control, compensation, treatment or conciliation. The standard punishment is a ban which, if violated, will result in suffering for those who violate the provision of criminal sanctions against the perpetrators. On compensation, standard or benchmark is an obligation, where the initiative for the process is on the injured party / victim, where the injured party will request compensation (in the civil suit), because the opponent did injury appointment or committed an unlawful act ( on rechtmategedaad). Here there are losers and winners, so as with punishment, nature is akuisator (forced). Unlike the process of punishment and compensation, then the therapeutic or remedial nature means conciliation aims to restore the situation to its original state as recapitalization, debt restructuring, reskeduling can be included in this category. The default is the normality and harmony or harmony. In the form of therapy, the victim took the initiative to improve himself with the help of certain parties, for example assistance consulting services.  Abstrak: Perwujudan pengendalian sosial dapat berupa pemidanaan, kompensasi, terapi atau konsiliasi. Standar atau patokan pemidanaan adalah suatu larangan yang apabila dilanggar, akan mengakibatkan penderitaan bagi pelanggarnya berupa pemberian sanksi pidana terhadap pelakunya. Pada kompensasi, standar atau patokannya adalah kewajiban, di mana inisiatif untuk memprosesnya ada pada pihak yang dirugikan/korban, di mana pihak yang dirugikan akan meminta ganti rugi (dalam proses gugatan perdata), karena pihak lawan melakukan cedera janji atau melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum (on rechtmategedaad). Di sini ada pihak yang kalah dan yang menang, sehingga seperti halnya dengan pemidanaan, sifatnya adalah akuisator (dipaksa). Berbeda dengan proses pemidanaan dan kompensasi, maka terapi maupun konsiliasi sifatnya remedial artinya bertujuan mengembalikan situasi pada keadaan semula seperti rekapitalisasi, restrukturisasi utang, reskeduling dapat dimasukkan dalam katagori ini. Standarnya adalah normalitas dan keserasian atau harmoni. Pada bentuk terapi, korban mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk memperbaiki dirinya dengan bantuan pihak-pihak tertentu, misalnya bantuan jasa konsultan.  Kata Kunci: Pengendalian Sosial, Kejahatan, Penghukuman.DOI: 10.15408/jch.v2i1.1842
Corruption Crimes in Indonesia in Criminology Review Mas Ahmad Yani
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.6708


Based on the origin of the word (etymology), it can be stated that the meaning of corruption is something that expresses a condition that was once whole, good, and true, became unkind, not whole, and unrighteous as a result of such deeds; bribing, deceiving, faking, deforming, and such. The culprit is called a corruptor. What is considered a deterioration can be imposed on what concerns physical wholeness and moral integrity? Jeremy Bentham wrote that the term corruption used to be used in the physical sense, from there it was then used in the moral sense. Meanwhile, informal control can be carried out through preventive measures carried out independently by the wider community, both individual individuals and groups or institutional organizations outside the criminal justice system. Prevention can be done by, among others, developing a culture of shame and fear of doing wrong (moral sensibility), so that it can be created collectively self-policing attitudes in the midst of society, that committing acts of corruption is a despicable and evil act.